Maritime Expert Witnesses
Maritime expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on maritime. The maritime expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Engineering, Failure Analysis, Human Factors, Maritime, Metallurgy, and Meteorology.
Capt. David G. Bacon
Maritime, Slip Trip & Fall
marina safety, boating accidents, collisions/allisions, investigation, ship, yachts, seaworthiness, captain responsibilities, crew, passenger safety, Rules of the Road, equipment failure, sinking, drowning, vessel operation, safety, sport fishing, charter boat, jet ski, kayak
Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues of responsibilities and liabilities aboard vessels and on gangways and docks and piers, drowning and vessel grounding or sinking. I am available to travel for investigations and inspections.
Passenger/crew interaction, training and safety orientation are areas where many liabilities are created due to negligent actions, and I have experience opining on those issues based on Rules of the Road and other regulations, standard duty of care and safety protocols.
I have served as a vessel charter captain for 30+ years, specializing in; crew training, safety procedures, crew drills and practice, passenger safety orientation. During that lengthy career I have had no accident or injury claims because I am a diligent seafaring professional and I know what dangers to look for and remedy befor...
Joseph Quinn, M.S., P.E.
Materials FACT
Los Angeles, California
Failure Analysis, Metallurgy
Automobile, Aviation & Aerospace, Motorcycle, Appliance, Engineering, Construction, Construction Defects, Corrosion, Maritime, Equipment & Machinery, Mining, Bicycles, Transportation, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Plumbing, Products Liability, Fire, Electricity, Pipe
Joseph Quinn, MS, PE, is a Forensic Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering consultant. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Metallurgical Engineering and is registered in 7 states (CA, PA, UT, NV, AZ, CO, WA). He has provided over 1,000 Failure Analysis investigations on metallic and non-metallic (glass, plastic, rubber, and composite) materials or products.
Mr. Quinn provides metallurgical and materials consultation, expert witness testimony, and forensic failure analysis for civil litigation with retentions by defendants and plaintiffs. He has received awards in the International Metallographic Contest and has conducted several presentations on metallurgical engineering and failure analysis subjects at universities, ASM meetings, and industry events. He is President of the National Society of Professional Engineers in California (NSPE-CA) and is active in several technical societies.
He has taught metallurgical engineering course topics in Principals and Applications of ...
Kevin A Rider, PhD, PE, CPE
Forensic Human Factors, LLC
Columbus, Ohio
Human Factors, Engineering
Distracted driving, Driving behavior, Reconstruction, Biomechanics, Maritime, Manufacturing, Mining, OSHA, Premises Liability, Products Liability, Safety, Slips, Trips, Falls, Transportation, Warnings, Conspicuity, Cell phones, Texting, Lighting
Dr. Kevin Rider is a human factors expert and owner of Forensic Human Factors, LLC, providing investigations, reports and expert testimony for personal injury cases – plaintiff and defense. His expertise involves investigating how people interact with other people, products and environments in predictable ways, and applying this understanding to effective, efficient and safe products, services and systems. He has been retained as an expert in more than 40 states (+ Puerto Rico).
Dr. Rider’s expertise includes:
• MVAs and pedestrian collisions, incl. trucks, trains, buses, motor/bicycles
• Illumination, nighttime visibility, and conspicuity
• DUI/DWIs, where intoxication was not a proximate cause of crash
• Adequacy of product designs and warnings
• The design and maintenance of safe civil and occupational environments
• Premises liability, and slips, trips and falls
• Workplace and construction safety
Dr. Rider is a Professional Engineer (PE), a Certified Professional Ergonomi...
Richard A Shema, CCM, LLP
Lakeville, Pennsylvania
Meteorology, Maritime
Weather reconstruction, forensic meteorology, weather, marine meteorology, maritime, admirality law, weather routing, ship accidents, boating accidents, consulting meteorologists, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, tropical meteorology, extreme waves, oceanography, waves, marine insurance, insurance
• Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) by the American Meteorological
• Over 30 years experience in meteorology and physical oceanography
• I am a U.S. Navy veteran with sea duty and therefore have firsthand
experience in the effects of weather on operations
• Past AMS board member that certifies CCM’s for technical knowledge,
communication skills, and ethics
• I provide quality testimony using the scientific method
• My testimony is clear, concise, and technically complicated subjects are
plainly described
• Sound communication skills describing complex atmospheric processes
are put into easily understandable words and presentations
• My written testimony is quality controlled and peer reviewed to produce
an error free report that stands up to scrutiny of cross examination
• I keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in meteorology and
physical oceanography by attending conferences, re...