Jails & Prisons Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of jails & prisons expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on jails & prisons and related issues. Jails & prisons expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these jails & prisons expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Use Of Force, Conditions Of Confinement, In Custody Death, Jail, Jail Suicide, Prison, Security, Suicide, Aca, Admin Investigations, Assault, Bars/Night Clubs, Cell Phone Analysis, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional, and Chronic Disease Management In Prison.

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Lisa Boesky, PhD

Jail Suicide Expert

San Diego, California
Jails & Prisons, Correctional Healthcare - jail suicide, suicide in jails, juvenile detention suicide, correctional suicide, jail suicide standard of care, correctional suicide standard of care, suicide risk assessment, suicide, jail/prison/correctional facility suicide
Dr. Lisa Boesky is a Jail Suicide expert. Dr. Lisa takes complex clinical information grounded in research and communicates it in a practical, engaging and user-friendly manner via: --Expert Witness testimony on legal cases involving individuals who have died by Suicide while incarcerated (plaintiff and defense) --Correctional Suicide presentations at national conferences --Audits/Reviews of Jail Suicide Prevention Programs --Litigation Consultant on legal cases involving individuals who have died by Suicide while incarcerated (plaintiff and defense) --Training Programs for correctional, mental health, substance abuse, and law enforcement professionals --Authoring books, book chapters, and other publications related to correctional mental health and Suicide If you need additional information about Dr. Lisa, her services, or a copy of her Curriculum Vitae, please contact her.

Tony Turnbull

Police & Investigative Practices Expert-Nationwide

Turnbull Consulting

Cameron Park, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Civil Rights, Interrogations, Police Practices, Search & Seizure, Laws of Arrest, Wrongful Conviction, Wrongful Arrest, Officer Involved Shootings, Homicide, Crime Scenes, In-Custody Deaths, Criminal Investigations, Jails & Prisons, Admin Investigations, Cell Phone Analysis, RICO, Violent Crimes
I am a retired Sergeant with the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office. I have over 30 years of law enforcement experience. I am a Police Practices Expert with a wide range of expertise, including but not limited to, Major Crime Scene Management, Homicide Investigations, Criminal Investigative Practices, Cellular Phone Forensic Analysis, Officer Involved Shooting Investigations, In-Custody Deaths, Interview & Interrogation Techniques (both Reid and Science Based), and other in-depth investigations, including Conspiracy, Robbery, Missing Persons, Kidnapping, Murder for Hire, Gang Related Crimes, and Narcotics. I provide consulting and expert witness services specializing in extensive and in-depth case reviews, analysis, and independent and objective opinion development for thorough Rule 26 reports and testimony. I am an instructor with California POST Robert Presley's Institute of Criminal Investigations including Investigators Core, Homicide Investigations, Officer Involved Shooting ...

Benjamin O. Warren, Jr.

Hot Pursuit, Inc.

Huntington Beach, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Jails & Prisons - Pursuit Policy, Use-of-Force, Crime Foreseeability, Lethal Use-of-Force, Excessive Force, In-Custody Death, Firearms, Less-Than-Lethal, Reasonable Suspicion, Probable Cause, Searches, Internal Affairs, Crime & Arrest, Jail Policy, Jail Custody, Jail Suicide, Bars/Night Clubs, Security
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD): April 21,1980 to November 30, 2013 - Honorably retired at the rank of Sergeant. Peace Officer Standardized Training (P.O.S.T.) certified peace officer with Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Supervisory certifications. Patrol and field functions for a total of 18 years. Responded to tens of thousands of emergency calls for service. Assigned as Delegate and Defense Representative on behalf police officers of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Assigned as a detective trainee, Southeast Division, Major Assault Crimes (MAC). Filed cases with the Los Angeles County District Attorney and Los Angeles City Attorney. Prepared and presented criminal cases for preliminary hearing and trial. Testified approximately 150+ times at preliminary hearings and criminal trials and Municipal Court as an investigator and fact witness. Testified at preliminary hearing under California, Proposition 115, Peace Officer Hearsay Testimony, pursuant to the Cr...

Emil A. Dameff, M.D., CCHP

Correctional Medicine (Prison & Jail) Expert

Punta Gorda, Florida
Correctional Healthcare, Jails & Prisons - Correctional Medicine, Corrections, Prison, Jail, Deliberate indifference, chronic disease management in prison, Consent decree in corrections, inmate healthcare, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional, Experienced Physician, Prison Medicine, Cruel/Unusual Punishment in Prisons, ACA, NCCHC
I have over 32 years of experience in correctional medicine. This includes all aspects of correctional medicine including serving as on-site physician providing direct patient services at jails and prisons. Physician at prison hospital providing direct patient care. I have acted as a onsite medical director responsible for all aspects of healthcare provision at both prisons and jails. I have worked directly for state government run prison healthcare along with private prison and jail healthcare. I have been in Regional and Corporate Medical Director positions where I was responsible for reviewing, enforcing, and creating national healthcare standards for corrections, I was responsible for orienting and training correctional physicians and nurses in county jails, state prisons, and correctional psychiatric facilities. I have been sought out by multiple attorneys over the last 3 decades to provide in-depth review of correctional legal cases including consulting and expert witness for ...

Joseph E. Gunja, CEO

Leading Jail, Prison and Corrections Expert

Simco Correctional Consulting LLC

Springfield, Missouri
Jails & Prisons, Correctional Healthcare - Prisons, Jails, Use of Force and Deadly Force, Special Housing Unit/Segregation Management, Inmate/Gang Management, Suicide Prevention and Response, Crisis Response, Escape, Staff Training, Health Care Management, Wrongful Death, Staff Misconduct, Operations Security, Policy Compliance, PREA
➢ More than 28 years of corrections experience in a variety of challenging locations and positions with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. ➢ Over 16 years as CEO/President of SIMCO Correctional Consulting, LLC, where I personally provide correctional and jail consulting, advocacy, and expert witness expertise for a variety of clients, in both the private and government sector. Have been regarded as a leading expert in the field of jail and prison management for over 1 ½ decades. ➢ Six months as Assistant Director of the West Central Community Action Agency, a contract agency for the US Department of Health and Human Resources. ➢ Over one year as Warden at the Correctional Corporation of America’s Northeast Ohio Correctional Center in Youngstown, Ohio. ➢ Nine (9) months as Warden at the Cornell Companies’ and GEO Group Great Plains Correctional Facility in Hinton, Oklahoma. ➢ Twenty-one (21) years of experience in correctional supervisory and management ➢ Thirteen (13) years of exp...

Marcello R. Kettrles, PSP, CPD, CCE

Adult Correctional Expert / Inadequate Security

Preventive Security Assessment Services, LLC

New York, New York
Jails & Prisons, Security - Correction Officer Policies & Procedures, Premises Liability, Use of Force, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Standards of Care, Security, Security Management, Conditions of Confinement, Physical Security, Security Guard Negligence, Jail & Prison Practices, Negligent Security
Marcello is the founder of Preventive Security Assessment Services, LLC in New York City; a firm specializing in consulting, physical security and security training. He founded Preventive Security Assessment Services in 2021 following a long and successful law enforcement and security operations career that spanned over 30 years. Marcello was employed by the New York City Department of Corrections (NYCDOC) for over 20 years, retiring in good standing as a frontline Corrections Officer on Rikers Island in July 2011. During his tenure, he was responsible for managing risk in jail settings. His responsibilities included, preventing and managing hazards with conditions of confinement, search and seizure protocols, inmate classification / threat assessments, inmate safety, suicide prevention, exterior perimeters, video surveillance, access control, gathering and sharing intel, report writing, security assessments of physical jails and jail connected facilities. His work with the NYCDO...

Mitch Lucas

Jail Operations Expert - Retired Assistant Sheriff

Beaufort, South Carolina
Jails & Prisons - Jail Operations, Jail policies and procedures, Jail staffing, Jail in-custody deaths, Jail suicides, Use of force in jails, Inmate discipline, Conditions of confinement, Inmate classification, Jail medical contracts, Inmate grievance procedures, Inmate transportation
Mitch Lucas is a retired Assistant Sheriff of the Charleston County (SC) Sheriff's Office, where he oversaw all law enforcement, jail, and courthouse operations. Prior to his promotion to Assistant Sheriff, he was Chief Deputy/Jail Administrator of the Charleston County Detention Center, it being the largest jail in South Carolina. Mitch was responsible for all jail operations of the 2,100 bed facility, a juvenile detention facility and a holding facility at the county courthouse. The jail housed locally arrested individuals, as well as federal inmates and detainees for the Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Marshals Service, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He managed the jail on a daily basis, reviewing all incident reports, use of force reports, internal affairs investigations and performance evaluations. He also led the jail to be accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). Mitch became involved with the American Jail Association (AJA), teaching jail operation ...

Donald L. Leach, II

Jail and Prison Expert Only

Donald L. Leach & Associates, Ltd.

Sandy, Utah
Jails & Prisons, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Jail, Prison, In-custody Death, Operations, Suicide, Medical, Use of Force, Training, Policy & Procedures, Assault, Strip Searches, Unlawful Detention, Over-detention, Immigration, Media Contact
• Began corrections work as a Deputy Jailer in 1984 • Retired Administrative Officer, Senior (Deputy Director) for Division of Community Corrections, Lexington, Kentucky-2008 • Served in the Marine Corps • Bachelors-University of Kentucky (Psychology, Sociology & Political Science Majors) • Masters(A)-University of Kentucky (Theory of Geography) • Doctorate-Kennedy-Western University (Public Administration) • Designed, developed, and supervised the pre-service and in-service training programs, management information systems, and offender classification systems • Certified FBI firearms instructions, BOP defensive tactics instructor, NIC instructor on jail multiple jail management topics (staffing analysis, classification, operations) • Developed contracts for a variety of privatized jail services • Served as a jail management consultant for various agencies such as the National Institute of Corrections (NIC); American Jail Association (AJA): Voorhis-Robertson Justice Services; U.S. D...
You can also find Jails & Prisons Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, Missouri, New York, South Carolina, and Utah