Suicide Expert Witnesses

Suicide expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on suicide. The suicide expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Addiction Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry, Anatomic Pathology, Assisted Living, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brain Injury Medicine, Child Abuse, Correctional Healthcare, Criminalist, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, and Hospital Administration.

John R Puls, LCSW, MCAP

Addiction Treatment Center and Suicide Expert

Puls Forensics

Substance Abuse, Mental Health - Addiction treatment center, Substance abuse, Addiction, Suicide, Family law, ASAM criteria, Alcoholism, PTSD, DUI, Marchman act, Medical malpractice, Baker act, Wrongful death, Suicide prevention, Dram shop
John Puls is a licensed psychotherapist, master's certified addiction professional, and qualified expert witness located in Florida. Mr. Puls specializes in substance abuse, mental health, addiction treatment centers, and mental health facilities. Mr. Puls has experience working in all levels of care in substance abuse treatment facilities, mental health facilities, and crisis stabilization units. Additionally, Mr. Puls has created new programming within addiction treatment and mental health facilities that model best practice and standard of care. Mr. Puls has served as an expert witness for marchman act cases for both the respondent and the petitioner in the state of Florida. Furthermore, Mr. Puls is well versed in ASAM (American Society for Addiction Medicine) criteria for determining levels of care in addiction treatment centers. ASAM is considered best practice when determining appropriateness for admission and discharge to specific levels of care in addiction treatment facili...

Paul Louis, MD

Medical Legal Consults

Emergency Medicine - Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack/MI, Stroke, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism/PE, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Sepsis, Head trauma, EMTALA, Rape, Pyelonephritis, Veteran disability evaluator, PACT ACT, allergic reaction, suicide, psychosis
Dr. Louis is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a full-time practitioner of emergency medicine at a community emergency department. He has had experience in a range of practice settings from urgent care facilities and free-standing emergency rooms to trauma centers. His patient population ranges from infants to elderly nursing home patients. He has experience diagnosing and treating multiple serious conditions and also has extensive experience working locum tenens in rural/critical access hospitals. In his career, he has supervised medical students, residents, PAs, and ARNPs. He is also a trained veteran disability evaluator. In his 23 years of practice, he has seen over 100,000 patients. Website: Email: Phone: (561) 445-6674 Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida, Magna Cum Laude, in Neurobiological Sciences Medical Degree: University of Miami. He is lic...

Adel Shaker, MD, LLB, FCAP

Board Certified Anatomic & Forensic Pathologist

International Medical Legal Forensic Experts, LLC

Huntsville, Alabama
Forensic Pathology, Anatomic Pathology - Autopsy, independent medical examiner, autopsy review, cause of death, manner of death, wrongful death, nursing home death, medical malpractice, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, body assault, motor vehicle accident, work accident, toxicology, suicide, homicide, custody police death, jail
The area of expertise in which Dr. Shaker will be tendered is pathology, including but not limited to general pathology, Anatomic pathology, Clinical pathology, & Forensic Pathology. Over 30 years of experience as practicing, fully licensed pathologist with extensive training in forensic pathology & testifying as an expert witness in many cases. Earned his law degree and was involved in national and international high profile cases. He's fluent multilingual. Cases review include but not limited to autopsy review, cause and manner of death, wrongful death, police intervention and custody death, nursing home death and elder abuse/ neglect, wounds evaluation, occupational and industrial accidents, suicide, domestic violence, child/elder abuse, toxicology,drug overdose, sexual crime, firearm injuries, variable injuries/trauma and self inflicted wounds. I am available for a no-charge initial consultation (free screening of case).

Amy E Du Beau, PhD, MS, BS

Matanuska Forensic Science LLC

Anchorage, Alaska
Neurophysiology, Forensic Science - Neuroscience, Psychoactive drugs, Traumatic brain injury, Violent behavior, Alcohol blackout, Consciousness, Altered states of consciousness, Memory, Criminality, Intentionality, Crime scene, Neuropsychology, Sleep, Victimology, Bloodstain pattern analysis, Homicide, Suicide, Violent crime
Dr A. E. Du Beau, PhD, MS, BS, is a neuroscientist with special expertise in forensics. Neuroscience investigates all aspects of the brain’s functionality, inclusive of neurochemical and anatomical processes that underlie behavior, perception, cognition, mentation and consciousness. Dr Du Beau’s neuroscientific expertise includes altered states of consciousness and sleep, alcohol blackout, psychoactive drugs, traumatic brain injury, memory processes, intentionality, violence and criminality. For contrast, psychologists and psychiatrists are clinicians who are principally focused on the mental state of any given patient, diagnostics and establishing a therapeutic relationship. Conversely, neuroscience uses an analytical approach to understanding how the brain works. Dr Du Beau’s doctoral research at the prestigious University of Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom) investigated the neurochemical properties of neural systems using an array of sophisticated laboratory, surgica...

Lisa Boesky, PhD

Jail Suicide Expert

San Diego, California
Jails & Prisons, Correctional Healthcare - jail suicide, suicide in jails, juvenile detention suicide, correctional suicide, jail suicide standard of care, correctional suicide standard of care, suicide risk assessment, suicide, jail/prison/correctional facility suicide
Dr. Lisa Boesky is a Jail Suicide expert. Dr. Lisa takes complex clinical information grounded in research and communicates it in a practical, engaging and user-friendly manner via: --Expert Witness testimony on legal cases involving individuals who have died by Suicide while incarcerated (plaintiff and defense) --Correctional Suicide presentations at national conferences --Audits/Reviews of Jail Suicide Prevention Programs --Litigation Consultant on legal cases involving individuals who have died by Suicide while incarcerated (plaintiff and defense) --Training Programs for correctional, mental health, substance abuse, and law enforcement professionals --Authoring books, book chapters, and other publications related to correctional mental health and Suicide If you need additional information about Dr. Lisa, her services, or a copy of her Curriculum Vitae, please contact her.

Sarah Burney, LCSW, CEDS-S

Burney Therapy Group

Newport Beach, California
Mental Health, Substance Abuse - eating disorder, trauma, PTSD, anorexia, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, substance abuse, substance use, overdose, treatment, social work, cognitive behavioral therapy, family based treatment, addiction, anxiety, depression, suicide, EMDR, psychology
With over a decade of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Supervisor, Sarah Burney is a leading expert in her field. She specializes in treating all types of eating disorders, acute & complex trauma, substance abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depressive / anxiety disorders. Her experience includes providing intensive therapy at inpatient & outpatient treatment centers for eating disorders, mental health, and substance abuse. She is also a former director of one of the nation's largest and leading adult eating disorder treatment center, giving her extensive experience with acute cases and working with a multi-disciplinary team. Sarah has also presented at international conferences and universities, and trained a variety of mental health professionals. Sarah utilizes humanistic and psychoanalytic therapeutic approach, and implements various evidence based therapeutic interventions, including, but not limited to: Cogniti...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

April Gould, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H

Expert Criminologist - terrorism, hate crimes, DV

Park Dietz & Associates | Threat Assessment Group

Newport Beach, California
Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse - terrorism, hate crimes, political violence, intimate partner violence, cults, forensic interviewing, bullying, radicalization, child sexual abuse, risk assessment, child abduction and murder, threat assessment, grievances, domestic violence, mass shootings, school violence, suicide
Dr. April Gould is an expert on radicalization, extremism, ideological- and hate-motivated violence, and collective violence. This expertise derives from both her academic research and her personal experience interviewing and analyzing hard-to-reach and violent criminal populations. She is qualified to testify as an expert in cases in which individuals have been radicalized online or through group involvement and have acted on behalf of personal or collective grievances. She would effectively investigate, locate, and interview people who prefer to remain off the grid. Dr. Gould’s experience includes forensic interviewing, qualitative and quantitative research, and academic publishing involving over 9,500 cases involved in criminal and civil litigation. Dr. Gould has interviewed current and former terrorists, AB109 parolees, members of law enforcement, gang members, and victims of child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. She has taught courses on violence risk assessment...

Salma S. Khan, M.D.

Salma S. Khan, M.D.

San Francisco, California
Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry - Jail, Suicide, Prison, Forensic, Malpractice, Medication error, IME
I am licensed in California and Texas

Tyler E Morrison, M.D., M.A.S.

Adult, Child Psychiatric IME; PTSD, Fire, Wildfire

Morrison MedLegal

San Diego, California
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD, Trauma, Fire, Wildfires, Adult & child, Independent medical exam IME, FDIA, MSBP, Case merit review, Natural disasters, Malpractice, Psychedelic therapy, Ketamine, MDMA, Suicide, Competency to stand trial, Testamentary capacity, Undue influence, Will contests
Adult and child psychiatrist, double board-certified. Trained at a top 4 psychiatry residency. Active clinical practice treating adults and children. Experienced educator. Leads forensic rotation and psychopathology course for UC San Diego child psychiatry fellows. Disaster & Trauma Psychiatry national committee for preparedness and response, elected liaison. Trusted expert witness with experience providing case merit reviews, independent medical evaluations (IMEs), and testimony at deposition and trial. Text or call 858-224-2537 or click the "Email this expert" button above to reach out. CV available upon request.

Joseph H. Obegi, PsyD, CCPH

Davis, California
Psychology, Correctional Healthcare - Suicide, suicide prevention, suicide risk assessment, standard of care, deliberate indifference, negligence, prison, corrections, correctional mental health
I am a licensed clinical psychologist with more than 15 years of experience in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. I am familiar with the clinical, administrative, and legal aspects of delivering mental healthcare in prison. I have delivered direct services in outpatient, inpatient, and segregated settings and supervised staff in outpatient and inpatient psychiatric programs. Mental healthcare in prison is frequently tied to judicial intervention. I am broadly familiar with the legal basis and remedial phases of such intervention. I am approved by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care as a Certified Correctional Health Professional. I have specific expertise in suicide in adult correctional settings (e.g., suicide risk assessment, treatment of suicidal persons, and suicide prevention policy). Currently, I monitor and support the suicide prevention programs for eight prisons in Northern California. I have previously coordinated the suicide prev...

Matthew J Steiner, M.D., Q.M.E.

Expedient Medicolegal Services

Encino, California
Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry - IME, testamentary capacity, fitness for duty, capacity to refuse treatment, medical malpractice, suicide, negligence, psychiatrist malpractice, PTSD, emotional distress, psychiatric disability, emotional harm, wrongful termination, stalking, malingering, threat assessment, security clearance, trauma
Dr. Steiner is dual-board certified in Adult Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and in Addiction Medicine by the American Board of Addiction Medicine. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Steiner is founder and director of Expedient Medicolegal Services (, where he mentors a group of 40+ physicians in multiple medical specialties in their own medicolegal practices. In his current position, Dr. Steiner has provided critical review on thousands of medicolegal cases and is versed in all aspects of how to be an optimal expert witness. Dr. Steiner is published in the fields of health psychology, immunological function and its effects on mental disorders and addiction. He accepts civil forensic and corporate/university threat assessment cases nationally, with focus on the following areas: Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs) Civil Capacities: Testamentary Capacity (Ability to Make a Legally-Enforceable Will) Capacity to Consent to (or R...

Gabor Vari, MD

Highly Experienced Psychiatry Expert Witness

Los Angeles, California
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, adderall, Ritalin, trauma, PTSD, suicide, addiction, substance abuse, IME, personal injury, fitness for duty, medical malpractice, disability evaluation, telepsychiatry
I am a double Ivy League trained and two-time Jeopardy champion general adult psychiatrist with over 15 years experience in the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of a broad spectrum of psychiatric illnesses. I have served as an expert in medical-legal matters over 100 times and have testified dozens of times. I maintain an active practice in Los Angeles. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Board Certification: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Residency: UCLA - Chief Resident of Bipolar Disorders Clinic Medical School: University of Pennsylvania - Appel Award for Most Outstanding Student Entering Field of Psychiatry Undergrad: Brown University - Bachelor of Science in Biology with Honors

Dean A. Beers, CLI, CFDI-Expert

Medicolegal Expert Consultant / Investigations

Associates in Forensic Investigations

Evans, Colorado
Investigation, Criminalist - Medicolegal, Autopsy, Interpleader, Insurance Denial, Insurance Appeal, Firearms, Trajectories, Death, Death Investigation, Gunshot Wounds, Stab Wounds, Knife Wounds, Negligence, Mechanism of Death, Cause of Death, Manner of Death, Homicide, Suicide, Accident, Bodily Injury
Board Certified Legal Investigator Certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations Co-Developer / Certified Forensic Death Investigator CDITC Certified Forensic Science Investigator CV - Dean A. Beers, CLI, CFDI-Expert, has been a legal investigator since October 1987 and a Medicolegal Death Investigator since 2002. His extensive experience in these areas is rare in the profession. Dean's clients benefit from a thorough methodology of reviewing official investigations conducted by law enforcement and coroner/medical examiner offices. This approach includes analyzing reports, records, and photographs to form detailed findings and opinions. As a deputy coroner investigator, Dean has personally investigated over 150 death scenes, assisted in over 400 autopsies, and participated in investigating nearly 600 non-autopsied cases. Primary Areas of Expertise: - Medicolegal Death (or Bodily Injury) - Catastrophic Injuries - including Accidental Death & Disme...

Kevin Cowperthwaite, MD

Kevin E. Cowperthwaite MD, PC

Denver, Colorado
Psychiatry - Standard of Care Issues, Malpractice, Suicide, Medication Injuries and Adverse Reactions, Involuntary Hospitalization, Hospital Admission/Discharge Issues, College Health and Psychiatry, Incorrect Diagnosis, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Psychosis
I am a board-certified psychiatrist with 26 years of experience treating adults and adolescents in hospital and office settings. I currently have a full-time practice, and I have taught for many years at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. After graduating from Harvard University with a degree in history, I worked for two years as a high-school teacher and then proceeded with my medical and psychiatric training in Denver. For 20 years, I have had a lot of fun teaching classes and seminars to doctors, medical students and counselors. Non-medical audiences say that my presentations are clear and engaging. I have experience doing record reviews, writing reports and giving depositions. Also, I have testified numerous times in hearings for involuntary treatment and disability determination. I am available to work on cases throughout the U.S.

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...


Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry

George P. Kelly, M D

Fairfield, Connecticut
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - psychiatric malpractice, inappropriate hospital discharge, involuntary hospital admission, wrongful death, suicide, standard of care, psychiatric disability, inadequate supervision, inpatient psychiatry, murder, dangerousness, failure to warn, mood disorders, psychosis, failure to diagnose
Board Certified Psychiatrist. Member of Impaired Physicians Committee of State of Connecticut, which expanded to involve ALL licensed medical professionals, and Dr. Kelly was its first Program Director. Expert in malpractice issues, standard of care issues, failure to protect, impaired practitioner issues. Principal psychiatrist and team leader of 17-bed, locked, in-patient Connecticut State Hospital unit for young adults. Expert in hospital liability, wrongful confinement, wrongful discharge, medical malpractice, failure to diagnose, failure to treat, standard of care issues. Private practice and teaching 30+ years Voted "Teacher of the Year" by Norwalk Hospital Resident Staff Please see Dr. Kelly's website for individual case discussions:

Brian E Ackerman, MD

Boca Raton, Florida
Emergency Medicine - Excited Delirium, Overdose, Ketamine, Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, Sepsis, Stroke, Ischemic Bowel, Torsion, Heart Attack, Compartment Syndrome, Open Fracture, Ectopic Pregnancy, Covid, Head Injury, Suicide, Psychiatric Clearance, Medical Clearance, Pulmonary Embolism, Dissection
I am an actively practicing full-time Emergency Medicine Physician since completing my residency in 2012. I have worked in a number of high acuity community emergency departments since getting board certified, and currently work primarily at Delray Medical Center, a top Florida hospital (recipient of the Healthgrades America’s 50 Best Hospitals Award, 2007-2020). I have extensive experience working at a hospital that serves multiple roles in my community including functioning as a Level I Trauma Center, Comprehensive Stroke Center, Nationally Ranked Heart Center, Psychiatric-Hold Receiving Facility. In addition to the above clinical work, I am also an affiliate assistant professor for the FAU Emergency Medicine Residency Program. I have received teaching awards for my involvement in the program, and am involved in the clinical competency committee, helping to determine if residents have developed the skills and knowledge to advance in their training. Lastly, I am...

Glenn M Bukata

Crime Scene Reconstruction Expert

Bukata Crime Scene Consulting, LLC

Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Investigation, Security - Death, Murder, Suicide, Homicide, Drowning, Accidental Death, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Ballistics, Negligent Security, False Arrest, False Confession, Overdose, Medicolegal Investigations, Blood Spatter, Video Analysis, Scene Staging, Human Smuggling, Scene Management, Case Management, Testimony
Glenn Bukata is a thirty-four-year law enforcement veteran with twenty-two years’ experience with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division Robbery and Homicide Units. Investigated over five hundred deaths relating to homicide, infanticide, suicide, murdered officers, self-defense, wrongful arrests, negligent security, police-involved shootings, drowning, family murder-suicides, workplace violence, dismemberment of human remains, traffic fatalities, human smuggling, drug overdoses, drug trafficking, consumer product failure, industrial workplace accidents and deaths involving public transportation. Skilled in interviews & interrogations, case review, crime scene management, crime scene reconstruction, processing, evidence collection, preservation, evaluating and interpreting crime scenes, videos, witness statements, confessions, false confessions, police policies, trace and biological evidence, wounds caused by gunshots, blunt objects, edged weapons, and ...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Palm Coast, Florida
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Charles F Lorbeer, PhD, LCSW, LICSW, DABFC

National Child Abuse Expert - On CBS & NBC News

Jacksonville, Florida
Child Abuse, Social Work - Child custody, child abuse & neglect, suicide, medical management, social work malpractice, child protective services, mandated reporters, abuse investigations, addictions counseling, substance abuse services, foster care, adoption, academic management, guardianships
● Call me now! (904) 287-8400! I am available to assist you immediately. You will love my genuine and empathetic style. I am able to present complex cases in a manner that is easy to understand and profound in their application to your case. ● NATIONAL EXPERT- Interviewed on CBS and NBC News. See: Work in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, WV, and WI. Child removals, adoption, foster care, suicide, child abuse, sex abuse, social work malpractice, psychotherapy, guardianships, elder abuse, psychiatric management, psych hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical administration and custody related cases. ●Additional Information Dr. Lorbeer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Counselors. He has been with The UF Health Academic Medical Center for 25 years; one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in the nation, where he evaluated 1000s of psychiatric cases in the eme...

Paul Louis, MD

Medical Legal Consults

Miami, Florida
Emergency Medicine - Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack/MI, Stroke, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism/PE, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Sepsis, Head trauma, EMTALA, Rape, Pyelonephritis, Veteran disability evaluator, PACT ACT, allergic reaction, suicide, psychosis
Dr. Louis is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a full-time practitioner of emergency medicine at a community emergency department. He has had experience in a range of practice settings from urgent care facilities and free-standing emergency rooms to trauma centers. His patient population ranges from infants to elderly nursing home patients. He has experience diagnosing and treating multiple serious conditions and also has extensive experience working locum tenens in rural/critical access hospitals. In his career, he has supervised medical students, residents, PAs, and ARNPs. He is also a trained veteran disability evaluator. In his 23 years of practice, he has seen over 100,000 patients. Website: Email: Phone: (561) 445-6674 Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida, Magna Cum Laude, in Neurobiological Sciences Medical Degree: University of Miami. He is lic...

John R Puls, LCSW, MCAP

Addiction Treatment Center and Suicide Expert

Puls Forensics

Boca Raton, Florida
Substance Abuse, Mental Health - Addiction treatment center, Substance abuse, Addiction, Suicide, Family law, ASAM criteria, Alcoholism, PTSD, DUI, Marchman act, Medical malpractice, Baker act, Wrongful death, Suicide prevention, Dram shop
John Puls is a licensed psychotherapist, master's certified addiction professional, and qualified expert witness located in Florida. Mr. Puls specializes in substance abuse, mental health, addiction treatment centers, and mental health facilities. Mr. Puls has experience working in all levels of care in substance abuse treatment facilities, mental health facilities, and crisis stabilization units. Additionally, Mr. Puls has created new programming within addiction treatment and mental health facilities that model best practice and standard of care. Mr. Puls has served as an expert witness for marchman act cases for both the respondent and the petitioner in the state of Florida. Furthermore, Mr. Puls is well versed in ASAM (American Society for Addiction Medicine) criteria for determining levels of care in addiction treatment centers. ASAM is considered best practice when determining appropriateness for admission and discharge to specific levels of care in addiction treatment facili...

Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum, Psy.D., ABPP

Rosenbaum Psychological Group, LLC

Jacksonville, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Behavioral Science, Emotional Trauma, Malingering, Military Mental Health, Psychology, Stress, Suicide
Johns Hopkins trained board certified clinical psychologist (top 4%) and former active duty U.S. Navy psychologist, serving as chief clinical and forensic psychologist for southeast region and head of largest military mental health clinic in the region with 50,000 patients enrolled to the clinic. He has performed over 1,000 mental health evaluations. Dr. Rosenbaum is an experienced expert witness in both civilian (civil and criminal) and military courts with a specialty in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Malingering. Dr. Rosenbaum routinely conducts Compulsory Medical Evaluations (CME) using objective psychological testing to form his opinions. He has published two books and conducted research on health, wellness and mental health treatment. He is currently the head of a thriving mental health evaluation and treatment private practice.

Roger Z Samuel, MD

Forensic Psychiatry expert for adults and children

Boca Raton Psychiatric Group

Boca Raton, Florida
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - PTSD, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry, TBI, Geriatric Psychiatry, Wills/Competency, Custody, Disability, Personal/emotional Injuries, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Suicide, Addictions, Dementia, Return-to-Work, IME, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Samuel, Medical Director of the Boca Raton Psychiatric Group, is board-certified in 4 psychiatric specialties: General, Forensic, Child/Adolescent, and Geriatric. His forensic psychiatric practice encompasses evaluations; expert testimony for both Plaintiff and Defense; and Independent Medical Examinations. He has testified, at both the State and Federal levels, regarding matters of Addiction, PTSD, Depression, Child Custody, legal competency, Disability, and psychiatric injuries. He has been trained for FAA/aviator evaluations and is on the FAA list for this. His written reports, based on the application of current medical knowledge to the known facts of each particular case, are exhaustive and precise with meticulous attention to detail. He is available to consult with plaintiff and defense attorneys in civil litigation, and with prosecution and defense attorneys in criminal litigation. Dr. Samuel has had articles published on topics concerning Forensic Psychiatry, Child ...

Henry M. Storper, MD

Henry Storper M.D.P.A.

Miami, Florida
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Inpatient Psychiatry, Suicide, Overdose, Wrongful Death, Psychiatric Inappropriate Hospital Admission, Psychiatric Inappropriate Hospital Discharge, Involuntary Hospitalization, Psychiatric Malpractice, Mood Disorders, Psychiatric Disability, Murder, Psychosis, Hospital Psychiatry
Board Certified Psychiatrist. Medical Director CMHC, Medical Director Crisis Stabilization Unit, Medical Director PHP, Medical Director Inpatient Psychiatric Unit, Chief of Staff Deering Hospital. Currently: Outpatient/inpatient private psychiatric practice. Expert in hospital liability, malpractice issues, standard of care issues, litigation, consultations.

Ryan C Wagoner, MD

University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Sanity, Competence, Suicide, Violence, Psychiatric Malpractice, Personal Injury, Testamentary Capacity, Disability, Fitness for Duty, Sexual Harassment, PTSD, IME
Dr. Wagoner is the Chief of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of South Florida and the program director of the forensic psychiatry fellowship. He is board certified in both general and forensic psychiatry and completed a fellowship in forensic psychiatry after his residency training. He is an assistant professor at the university and maintains an active clinical practice. He is actively engaged in teaching forensic psychiatry to fellows, psychiatry residents, and medical students at the university. Dr. Wagoner is experienced in both civil and criminal cases and has served as an expert in multiple arenas. He prides himself on preparing detailed forensic reports when requested and providing quality consultation to attorneys and businesses. Dr. Wagoner has presented educational lectures at the international, national, and local level. He is licensed to practice in Florida and Georgia.

Brian E Ackerman, MD

Emergency Medicine - Excited Delirium, Overdose, Ketamine, Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, Sepsis, Stroke, Ischemic Bowel, Torsion, Heart Attack, Compartment Syndrome, Open Fracture, Ectopic Pregnancy, Covid, Head Injury, Suicide, Psychiatric Clearance, Medical Clearance, Pulmonary Embolism, Dissection
I am an actively practicing full-time Emergency Medicine Physician since completing my residency in 2012. I have worked in a number of high acuity community emergency departments since getting board certified, and currently work primarily at Delray Medical Center, a top Florida hospital (recipient of the Healthgrades America’s 50 Best Hospitals Award, 2007-2020). I have extensive experience working at a hospital that serves multiple roles in my community including functioning as a Level I Trauma Center, Comprehensive Stroke Center, Nationally Ranked Heart Center, Psychiatric-Hold Receiving Facility. In addition to the above clinical work, I am also an affiliate assistant professor for the FAU Emergency Medicine Residency Program. I have received teaching awards for my involvement in the program, and am involved in the clinical competency committee, helping to determine if residents have developed the skills and knowledge to advance in their training. Lastly, I am...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Ryan C Wagoner, MD

University of South Florida

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Sanity, Competence, Suicide, Violence, Psychiatric Malpractice, Personal Injury, Testamentary Capacity, Disability, Fitness for Duty, Sexual Harassment, PTSD, IME
Dr. Wagoner is the Chief of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of South Florida and the program director of the forensic psychiatry fellowship. He is board certified in both general and forensic psychiatry and completed a fellowship in forensic psychiatry after his residency training. He is an assistant professor at the university and maintains an active clinical practice. He is actively engaged in teaching forensic psychiatry to fellows, psychiatry residents, and medical students at the university. Dr. Wagoner is experienced in both civil and criminal cases and has served as an expert in multiple arenas. He prides himself on preparing detailed forensic reports when requested and providing quality consultation to attorneys and businesses. Dr. Wagoner has presented educational lectures at the international, national, and local level. He is licensed to practice in Florida and Georgia.

Richard S Goldberg, MD

Forest Park, Illinois
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine - Hospital, liability, dual diagnosis, involuntary, psychosis, suicide, workers comp, fitness for duty, malingering, sexual contact, disability, diagnosis, psychotropic medication, detox, inpatient, guardianship, violence
I am a board-certified psychiatrist with 33 years experience working in psychiatric hospitals, chemical dependency treatment facilities, nursing homes, community mental health centers, and office-based private practice of adolescents and adults with a wide range of psychiatric illnesses and addiction issues. I am currently in active practice. I have a unique ability to perform completely private evaluations in security-sensitive circumstances. I am routinely contacted directly to arrange and coordinate independent evaluations, meet with clients without involving others, and can perform evaluations in anonymous locations when necessary. Reports are completed offline without involving any third party in the process (without answering services, recording devices, third party testing, EMR, secretarial/support staff or coordinators, transcriptionists, etc.) ensuring complete privacy throughout the IME process. Board Certified Psychiatrist Certified in Addiction Medicine Hospital Clin...

Paul Louis, MD

Medical Legal Consults

Emergency Medicine - Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack/MI, Stroke, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism/PE, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Sepsis, Head trauma, EMTALA, Rape, Pyelonephritis, Veteran disability evaluator, PACT ACT, allergic reaction, suicide, psychosis
Dr. Louis is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a full-time practitioner of emergency medicine at a community emergency department. He has had experience in a range of practice settings from urgent care facilities and free-standing emergency rooms to trauma centers. His patient population ranges from infants to elderly nursing home patients. He has experience diagnosing and treating multiple serious conditions and also has extensive experience working locum tenens in rural/critical access hospitals. In his career, he has supervised medical students, residents, PAs, and ARNPs. He is also a trained veteran disability evaluator. In his 23 years of practice, he has seen over 100,000 patients. Website: Email: Phone: (561) 445-6674 Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida, Magna Cum Laude, in Neurobiological Sciences Medical Degree: University of Miami. He is lic...

stephen pesanti

university of illinois at chicago

Forest Park, Illinois
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - civil, criminal, personal injury, wrongful death, insanity, competencies, fitness, suicide, medical director, PTSD, Bipolar, Depression, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Addiction
Dr. Pesanti did his psychiatry residency at the Cleveland Clinic after which he completed his forensic psychiatry fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has experience in treating a wide variety of pathologies. He has experience as the inpatient medical director at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he maintained a variety of roles, including running an inpatient team, maintaining and supervising multiple outpatient clinics, chairing the Ethics Committee, as well as sitting on multiple other mental health committees. He also has experience in various correctional settings. Dr. Pesanti has worked forensic cases in both the civil and criminal domains, including wrongful death, suicide, personal injury, malingering, malpractice, immigration asylum, fitness for duty, various competencies, and pre-sentencing mitigation, as well as a variety of other issues. He is experienced in deposition, testimony, and report preparation.

Eric Anderson, MD, MBA

Eric Anderson MD, LLC

Annapolis, Maryland
Psychiatry - Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Psychopharmacology, Medication Management, Psychosis, Women’s Mental Health, Pregnancy/Post Partum, Suicide, Emergency Psychiatry, Inpatient Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Recidivism
Board Certified Psychiatrist in active clinical practice. Johns Hopkins trained in general psychiatry. Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at George Washington University. 20+ years medical experience, 15+ years in psychiatry. Colonel in the United States Air Force and Chief of Aerospace Medicine. 20+ years of military service including combat deployment. Numerous awards, to include “Top Doc” for the Annapolis area, U.S. Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal with Combat Device, and U.S. Navy Commendation Medal. Well-experienced public speaker.

Jeffrey Garofano

Clinical Psychologist - Johns Hopkins SoM Faculty

Woodbine, Maryland
Psychology, Pediatric Psychiatry - Clinical Psychology, Pediatric Psychology, School Psychology, Depression, Pediatric Urology, ADHD, Behavior Disorders, Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology, Suicide, Child Psychology, pediatric obesity and hypertension, Bladder Exstrophy, Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations, Anxiety Disorders
Dr. Garofano is a highly credentialed clinical psychologist with deep expertise in pediatric psychology. He earned his Ph.D. in School Psychology with a specialization in Pediatric School Psychology from the University of South Florida and completed postdoctoral training through the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine - Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, specializing in Pediatric Psychology. He is now a faculty member of the JHU SoM - Pediatric Medical Psychology Program, credentialed at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he provides clinical services as a licensed clinical psychologist. His work focuses on psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and behavioral disorders, with a specialization in the intersection of complex medical conditions and psychological health. As the attending psychologist in the pediatric urology and pediatric obesity/hypertension clinics, he provides care for patients with rare and challenging medical conditions, including bladder ex...

Scott R Beach

Psychiatrist - Harvard Faculty

Harvard Medical School

Boston, Massachusetts
Psychiatry, Mental Health - Emergency Psychiatry, Schizophrenia, Catatonia, QT Prolongation, Depression, Suicide, Malingering, Factitious Disorder, Munchausen syndrome, COVID, Delirium, Residency Training, Neuropsychiatry, Bipolar disorder, Serotonin syndrome, Personality disorders, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
I am a consultation-liaison and emergency psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, specializing in the care of patients with co-morbid medical and psychiatric illness. I specialize in caring for patients with medical complications of psychiatric illness or psychiatric medications, as well as psychiatric complications of medical illness or medications. As an emergency psychiatrist, I regularly perform risk assessment for suicide and harm to others and make decisions about whether patients need to be hospitalized involuntarily. Each week, I see dozens of patients with the following conditions: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, personality disorders, PTSD, Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and TBI. I teach and supervise medical students, residents and fellows on a daily basis. I completed a psychiatry residency at University of Virginia and a fellowship in consultation-liaison psychiatry at Massachuse...

John A. Fromson, MD

Harvard Medical School

Boston, Massachusetts
Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry - Child and adolescent psychiatry, Physician impairment, Suicide, Effects of drugs and alcohol on behavior resulting in death, Mental healthcare systems and processes, Inpatient psychiatry, Partial psychiatric hospital programs, outpatient psychiatry
Certified by American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in adult, child, and addiction psychiatry Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School National expert witness for plaintiff/defense in physician impairment, patient suicide, effects of drugs and alcohol on behavior resulting in death, mental healthcare systems and processes.

Charles F Lorbeer, PhD, LCSW, LICSW, DABFC

National Child Abuse Expert - On CBS & NBC News

Child Abuse, Social Work - Child custody, child abuse & neglect, suicide, medical management, social work malpractice, child protective services, mandated reporters, abuse investigations, addictions counseling, substance abuse services, foster care, adoption, academic management, guardianships
● Call me now! (904) 287-8400! I am available to assist you immediately. You will love my genuine and empathetic style. I am able to present complex cases in a manner that is easy to understand and profound in their application to your case. ● NATIONAL EXPERT- Interviewed on CBS and NBC News. See: Work in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, WV, and WI. Child removals, adoption, foster care, suicide, child abuse, sex abuse, social work malpractice, psychotherapy, guardianships, elder abuse, psychiatric management, psych hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical administration and custody related cases. ●Additional Information Dr. Lorbeer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Counselors. He has been with The UF Health Academic Medical Center for 25 years; one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in the nation, where he evaluated 1000s of psychiatric cases in the eme...

Neal C. Buddensiek, MD, DNBPAS, HMDC, CMD, WCC

Long Term Care Expert

Post Acute Medical Expert

Roseville, Minnesota
Long Term Care, Assisted Living - Assisted Living, Long-Term Care, Choking, Dysphagia, Elopement, Falls, Geriatrics, Hospice Care, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility, Medical Malpractice, Motorized Mobility Scooter Collision, Nursing Homes, Post-Acute Care, Safety, Suicide, Pressure Injury, Pressure Ulcers, Wound Care, Wrongful Death
18+ years practicing Internal Medicine, 12+ years practicing as an attending physician in post-acute care. Expert in long-term care medical and administrative oversight (8 skilled nursing facility medical directorships; 1000+ resident chart reviews for safety and quality control). Expert in assisted living medical and administrative oversight (5 assisted living facility medical directorships; 500+ resident chart reviews for safety and quality control). Expert in hospice medical and administrative oversight (2 hospice agency medical directorships; average daily census 400+ hospice patients, 3 Midwestern states). Five years teaching Internal Medicine residents and nurse practitioners about nursing home and residential care. Medical consultant for one of the largest Catholic Long-Term Care/Senior Living companies in the United States (26 skilled nursing facilities comprising 2,100+ beds, 28 assisted living facilities comprising 2,100+ units, 5 Midwestern states). Holds active medical l...

Kevin M Passer, M.D. FAPA, FASAM

Specialized in treatment of Opiate Use Disorder

Kevin M. Passer, MD, PA

Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Addiction Medicine, Pediatric Psychiatry - General Adult Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Drug addiction, Alcoholism is, Standards of Care, Opiate Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suboxone buprenorphine, Schizophrenia Psychosis, Psychopharmacology, Suicide, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Disruptive Behavior Disorders
I am primarily a Clinician and am Board Certified in General/Adult Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Addictionology. I have been an Expert Witness for both the Plaintiff and Defendant. I have been deposed numeraous times. I served as an Expert Witness for the Mississippi Department of Medicaid in a case whereby I was responsible for over 6000 pages of medical records and during which I testified for over thirteen hours. I published an e-book titled: PARENTING THE KIDS According to a Child Psychiatrist. I produced a DVD available on AMAZON to hellp parents with children who have behavior problems called The 20 Minute Miracle. I have testified at over 50 commitment hearings and have been deposed many times. I am one of about 80 National Mentors for the Physician Clinical Support System and help to train Physicians on the proper use of buprenorphine/Suboxone for the treatment of Opiate Dependency.

Brian E Ackerman, MD

New York
Emergency Medicine - Excited Delirium, Overdose, Ketamine, Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, Sepsis, Stroke, Ischemic Bowel, Torsion, Heart Attack, Compartment Syndrome, Open Fracture, Ectopic Pregnancy, Covid, Head Injury, Suicide, Psychiatric Clearance, Medical Clearance, Pulmonary Embolism, Dissection
I am an actively practicing full-time Emergency Medicine Physician since completing my residency in 2012. I have worked in a number of high acuity community emergency departments since getting board certified, and currently work primarily at Delray Medical Center, a top Florida hospital (recipient of the Healthgrades America’s 50 Best Hospitals Award, 2007-2020). I have extensive experience working at a hospital that serves multiple roles in my community including functioning as a Level I Trauma Center, Comprehensive Stroke Center, Nationally Ranked Heart Center, Psychiatric-Hold Receiving Facility. In addition to the above clinical work, I am also an affiliate assistant professor for the FAU Emergency Medicine Residency Program. I have received teaching awards for my involvement in the program, and am involved in the clinical competency committee, helping to determine if residents have developed the skills and knowledge to advance in their training. Lastly, I am...

Adam Ash, DO, MBA

Emergency Medicine Physician

Centerport, New York
Emergency Medicine - Stroke, Infection, Alcohol intoxication, Assault, Vulnerable Patient, Heart attack, Motor vehicle collision, Poisoning, Suicide, Vulnerable Population, Trauma, Fall, Abdominal pain, Police, Sepsis, Overdose, Fever, Civil Rights
Adam Ash, DO, MBA, FACEP, is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician with extensive experience in clinical practice, administration, and telemedicine. With a robust educational background, including a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the University of New England and an MBA from Western Governors University, Dr. Ash has served in various leadership roles such as Vice Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Long Island Community Hospital. He is also a veteran of the United States Army, having served as an Emergency Physician and attained the rank of Major. Dr. Ash is licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and has been actively involved in physician utilization review. He is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and a member of multiple professional organizations. His extensive knowledge, training, and practical experience make him a valuable asset as an expert witness in legal matters pertaining to emergency medi...

Sandip Buch, MD

Prison Expert-Former Bellevue Forensic Psychiatry

Skypiatrist Psychiatry PLLC

Brooklyn, New York
Psychiatry - Prison psychiatry, suicide, Severe mental illness, Workers' compensation
Sandip Buch, MD is a board-certified psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience treating psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He is a native english speaker and owns a psychiatric practice overseeing over 20 psychiatrists and therapists, and provides guidance to the psychiatrists regarding appropriate psychiatric treatment and documentation. He also cares for adult patients in the New York area. Dr. Buch has vast and varied experience caring for patients with psychiatric conditions both hospitalized (inpatients) and patients outside of the hospital (outpatients), treating inmates at Rikers Island prison (New York, NY), working in the forensic psychiatry unit of Bellevue hospital (New York, NY), and treating the chronically severely mentally ill for an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team (Brooklyn, NY). He has expertise treating adults, adolescents, and c...

Mark Winther, MD, FACEP

Emergency Physician and ER Administrator

New York Physicians Medical Legal Consulting, LLC.

Albany, New York
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration - Sepsis, septic shock, alcohol related injuries, telemedicine, nurse practitioner and physician assistant supervision, decubitus ulcers, COVID-19, heart attack, TIA, stroke, airway management, necrotizing fasciitis, appendicitis, testicular torsion, ectopic pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, suicide
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Experienced Clinician and Expert Witness, Prior Department Chair and Hospital Medical Director, ED Director, Urgent Care Medical Director. Experience in over 80 cases Emergency Medicine Residency Trained; Columbia Medical School Faculty Developed physician assistant and nurse practitioner emergency medicine fellowship. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified X-License DEA Certification Trained EMT, EMS Medical Director Experience in Level II Trauma Center & Stroke Center, rural and critical access hospitals and urgent care centers. Interests: Sepsis/Septic Shock, necrotizing fasciitis, alcohol related injuries, Heart attack/MI care, resuscitation, airway management, telemedicine, quality oversite and training of physician assistants (PA-C), and nurse practitioners (NP) in emergency care. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. *Responsive and Easily...

LaRae M Copley, RPh, MD, PhD

Copley Medical Consulting LLC

Hilliard, Ohio
Psychiatry, Mental Health - Malpractice, Psychiatry, College Mental Health, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Suicide, Risk Assessment, Level of Care Assessment, Eating Disorders, Trauma, PTSD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Mood Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Personality Disorders, Pharmacology, Substance Disorders
Expert regarding standard of care, medical marijuana / THC, campus mental health, animal assisted therapy. Medical Director overseeing a multidisciplinary medical team within a large behavioral health practice. Over 14 years clinical experience practicing psychiatry. Served as Chief of Psychiatry for a College Counseling Center within a large public university for 8 years. Extensive experience collaborating with treatment team including psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurses, physician assistants, dieticians. Licensed Physician and Registered Pharmacist. Board Certified in General Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and Addiction Medicine.

Robert M. Davis, MD

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Bipolar, Addiction, Major Depression, Anxiety, IDD, Standard of Care, Injectable Medication (LAI), Policies and Procedures, Assertive Community Treatment, Suicide, Psychopharmacology, Competency Evaluations, NGRI, Medical Malpractice, Capacity for Trial, Habeas Corpus
Robert Davis, MD is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who has been in practice for over 20 years. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with Honors and High Distinction and received his medical degree from the Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine. He completed his psychiatric residency program from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia where he also served as Chief Resident. He has extensive clinical and administrative experience in providing patient care. He is currently the Medical Director for Wesley Family Services in Pittsburgh and has an active clinical practice. He also has extensive experience in forensic psychiatry and as an expert witness. He can be reached by phone (412) 295-6950 or email -

Francisco J. Diaz, MD, FCAP FASCP

Med Legal Pro, LLC

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Forensic Pathology, Anatomic Pathology - Cause of death, manner of death and mechanisms of death, wound interpretation, autopsy review, overdose, drugs, elder abuse, nursing home death, road traffic accidents, work accident, toxicology, suicide, homicide, conscious pain and suffering
Award-winning pathologist. Board-certified in both forensic and anatomic pathology. George Washington University Faculty. Former Michigan Faculty. Peer reviewer for the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. National and international speaking experience. Extensive Medical Examiner Experience – has conducted in excess of 9000 cause of death evaluations. More than 400 court appearances as an expert witness. Co-Author of Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death 5th Edition.

Paul Louis, MD

Medical Legal Consults

Emergency Medicine - Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack/MI, Stroke, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism/PE, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Sepsis, Head trauma, EMTALA, Rape, Pyelonephritis, Veteran disability evaluator, PACT ACT, allergic reaction, suicide, psychosis
Dr. Louis is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a full-time practitioner of emergency medicine at a community emergency department. He has had experience in a range of practice settings from urgent care facilities and free-standing emergency rooms to trauma centers. His patient population ranges from infants to elderly nursing home patients. He has experience diagnosing and treating multiple serious conditions and also has extensive experience working locum tenens in rural/critical access hospitals. In his career, he has supervised medical students, residents, PAs, and ARNPs. He is also a trained veteran disability evaluator. In his 23 years of practice, he has seen over 100,000 patients. Website: Email: Phone: (561) 445-6674 Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida, Magna Cum Laude, in Neurobiological Sciences Medical Degree: University of Miami. He is lic...

James C Ballenger, MD

Low Country Forensic Consultation

Charleston, South Carolina
Forensic Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry - Psychiatry, Bipolar Disorder, Alcohol Blood Levels, Addiction Medicine, Psychopharmacology, Panic Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress, Suicide, Depression, Traumatic Brain Injury, Malpractice (Psychiatry)

Sanjay Adhia, MD, MRO

Sanjay Adhia MD Professional Association

Sugar Land , Texas
Psychiatry, Brain Injury Medicine - Malpractice, Personal Injury, Disability, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, testamentary capacity, competency, will contest, undue influence, NGRI, correctional, rape, Fitness for Duty, Neuropsychiatry, prison, suicide, IME, jail, DUI, DWI
Dr. Adhia is triple-Board-Certified in Forensic Psychiatry, Brain Injury Medicine (BIM), and Psychiatry headquartered in the Houston, testifying nationally. He is one of a few Forensic Psychiatrists who are Board-Certified in BIM. In addition to forensic/expert witness practice, he works in a renowned neuro-rehabilitation center where his focus is treating the neuropsychiatric sequelae of brain injury, concussions, stroke, and spinal cord injury. Dr. Adhia's forensic practice focuses on the psychiatric impact of personal injury, abuse, competency, testamentary capacity, toxic torts (chemical exposure, oil spill), violence, and complicating mental illness. Dr. Adhia treats patients, as a psychiatrist, who suffer from spinal cord injuries, strokes, dementia and catastrophic injuries at nationally TIRR Hermann Research Center and hospital. Previously he served as Medical Director of private Clinic. He has treated Death Row and Ad-Seg patients in correctional facilities. He has ex...

Salma S. Khan, M.D.

Salma S. Khan, M.D.

Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry - Jail, Suicide, Prison, Forensic, Malpractice, Medication error, IME
I am licensed in California and Texas

Adel Shaker, MD, LLB, FCAP

Board Certified Anatomic & Forensic Pathologist

International Medical Legal Forensic Experts, LLC

Forensic Pathology, Anatomic Pathology - Autopsy, independent medical examiner, autopsy review, cause of death, manner of death, wrongful death, nursing home death, medical malpractice, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, body assault, motor vehicle accident, work accident, toxicology, suicide, homicide, custody police death, jail
The area of expertise in which Dr. Shaker will be tendered is pathology, including but not limited to general pathology, Anatomic pathology, Clinical pathology, & Forensic Pathology. Over 30 years of experience as practicing, fully licensed pathologist with extensive training in forensic pathology & testifying as an expert witness in many cases. Earned his law degree and was involved in national and international high profile cases. He's fluent multilingual. Cases review include but not limited to autopsy review, cause and manner of death, wrongful death, police intervention and custody death, nursing home death and elder abuse/ neglect, wounds evaluation, occupational and industrial accidents, suicide, domestic violence, child/elder abuse, toxicology,drug overdose, sexual crime, firearm injuries, variable injuries/trauma and self inflicted wounds. I am available for a no-charge initial consultation (free screening of case).

Donald L. Leach, II

Jail and Prison Expert Only

Donald L. Leach & Associates, Ltd.

Sandy, Utah
Jails & Prisons, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Jail, Prison, In-custody Death, Operations, Suicide, Medical, Use of Force, Training, Policy & Procedures, Assault, Strip Searches, Unlawful Detention, Over-detention, Immigration, Media Contact
• Began corrections work as a Deputy Jailer in 1984 • Retired Administrative Officer, Senior (Deputy Director) for Division of Community Corrections, Lexington, Kentucky-2008 • Served in the Marine Corps • Bachelors-University of Kentucky (Psychology, Sociology & Political Science Majors) • Masters(A)-University of Kentucky (Theory of Geography) • Doctorate-Kennedy-Western University (Public Administration) • Designed, developed, and supervised the pre-service and in-service training programs, management information systems, and offender classification systems • Certified FBI firearms instructions, BOP defensive tactics instructor, NIC instructor on jail multiple jail management topics (staffing analysis, classification, operations) • Developed contracts for a variety of privatized jail services • Served as a jail management consultant for various agencies such as the National Institute of Corrections (NIC); American Jail Association (AJA): Voorhis-Robertson Justice Services; U.S. D...

Ellika McGuire, MD

Child and Adult Psychiatry, Expert Witness

Ellika McGuire MD PLLC

Seattle, Washington
Pediatric Psychiatry, Psychiatry - Child, Adolescent, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide, Self Harm, PTSD, Trauma, Emotional Harm, LGBTQ+, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Parenting, Psychopharmacology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis
Double board-certified, child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, with seven years of full-time clinical experience evaluating and treating a broad range of psychiatric disorders in patients of all ages, from diverse backgrounds. Experience evaluating and consulting on family law, personal injury, emotional injury, causation, standard of care, medical malpractice, disability, and child abuse related litigation. Retained by prosecution and defense. Extensive clinical experience in the areas of self-harm, suicidality, parenting, and trauma. Unique expertise in work with LGBTQ+ youth and families, including work with transgender and gender non-conforming youth.


Psychiatric Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

MDM Psychiatric Associates, Inc

Gig Harbor, Washington
Psychiatry, Nurse Practitioner - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Suicide, Adult ADHD, Addictions, Psychopharmacology, Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, Outpatient treatment, Group therapy, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner education
I am an advanced registered nurse practitioner dually certified as a clinical specialist in adult psychiatric–mental health nursing and a psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner. I am Prof Emerita at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA where I developed and coordinated the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Doctor of Nursing Practice program. I am Director of Psychiatric Services at Northwest Integrated Health, a substance abuse treatment center, in Tacoma, WA where I practice 12 hours/week as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. In this capacity I conduct full psychiatric evaluations, document a differential diagnosis, prescribe psychotropic medications, and conduct both individual and group psychotherapy for complex patients that have both a substance use disorder and a major mental illness. From January 2009 to August 2014, I was Director of the Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurse Practitioner specialty at the Yale University School of Nursing. I was owner of the first i...

Dr. Richard J Stride, MBA, Psy.D., LPC, LMHC

Mental Health Expert-Over 20 Years of Experience

Dr. Stride Forensic Services

Olympia, Washington
Mental Health, Behavioral and Social Sciences - Developmental Disabilities, Accidental Death, Child Custody, Competency, Jury Selection, Child Abuse, Ethics, Licensure & Practice, Professional Conduct, Memory, Diminished Capacity, Stand of Care, Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Diagnosis, Law Enforcement, Fitness for duty, PTSD
I have been providing forensic mental health services to law enforcement, attorneys and courts since 1996. I have been an expert witness and/or consulted in numerous cases. I provide precise, factual, influential, and professionally articulated services. I have experience in working with jury's and in countering other expert witnesses testimonies. I have been an expert and or consulted on cases related to child custody, competency, criminal behavior, developmental disability and work place harassment. I can, and have, created custom reports, issue specific professional reviews, and case specific consultations. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado, Licensed Private Investigator, and a Licensed Mental health Counselor in Washington State I have been a Therapist, Clinical Operations Director, and Chief Executive Officer in Community Behavioral Health Agencies for over 25 years. I am a Specialist for Medicaid consultation with Children, Geriatric, and Developmental Di...