Financial Expert Witnesses in Maryland

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of financial expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on financial and related issues. Financial expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these financial expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Annuity Valuation, Damage Awards, Damaged Employment Prospects, Divorce Financial Analysis, Loss Of Employee Benefits, Loss Of Household Services, Lost Profits, Lost Wages, Marital Property Division, and Pension Valuation.

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Joseph I. Rosenberg, MBA, MA, CFA

Joseph I. Rosenberg, CFA, LLC

Kensington, Maryland
Economics, Financial - Damage Awards, Lost Profits, Loss of Earnings, Loss of Earning Capacity, Loss of Household Services, Divorce Financial Analysis, Annuity Valuation Analysis, Marital Property Division, Pension Valuation, Loss of Employee Benefits, Damaged Employment Prospects
As a Forensic Economist, Mr. Rosenberg provides litigation support both plaintiff and defense, in cases of personal injury (PI); wrongful death (WD); wrongful termination (WT); commercial damages/business interruption/lost profits; professional/medical malpractice; mortgage fraud; damaged credit; and other torts in many state and federal jurisdictions throughout the country. For PI, WD, and WT cases, this includes calculating the present value of damage awards for losses of earning capacity, various employee benefits, household services, and life care plan valuations as appropriate, for past and future time periods. Mr. Rosenberg is a widely recognized expert in various topics. These include discount rate methodologies to calculate damage awards, methodologies applied to medical price inflation forecasting, and pension treatment under the collateral source rule. He has been published seven times in peer-reviewed journals on topics related to this important issue, twice in the Jo...
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