Failure Analysis Expert Witnesses in New York

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of failure analysis expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on failure analysis and related issues. Failure analysis expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these failure analysis expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Failure Analysis, Construction, Mechanical Engineering, Building Defects, Forensic Engineering, 3 D Mapping, Appliances, Arson, Automotive, Biomechanics, Brazing And Soldering, Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents, Concrete, Construction Site Safety, and Construction Weld Failures.

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Robert A Durham, PhD, PE


Failure Analysis, Engineering - Fire, Engineering Mechanical, Engineering Electrical, Building Inspection, Construction, Electricity, Electronics, Laboratories & Testing, Investigation, Products Liability, Plumbing, Forensic Science
Dr. Durham has been providing forensic and failure analysis services to clients for over 20 years. He has testified as an expert witness in multiple states, in federal jurisdictions, before FERC and state utility commissions. He is a certified fire and explosion investigator. He has been involved in over 2,500 failure analysis projects including: power systems, lightning, electrocutions, oil & gas, tank batteries, industrial, commercial, residential, lighting appliances, utility systems, utility regulation, fire, equipment damage, switchgear, construction equipment, electronics, overhead lines, underground lines and fire protection equipment. Licensed PE in 11 States; BS EE, ME, PhD

Robert Bennett

Accident Reconstruction Expert - ACTAR #2897

Evidence Solutions, Inc.

Endwell, New York
Accident Reconstruction, Motorcycle - Crash Data Retrieval, Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents, Motorcycle Crashes, 3D Mapping, Damage Profile Analysis, Crash Diagramming, Pedestrian/Bicycle Crash Investigation, Forensic Mapping, Failure Analysis, WinCrash, Expert Witness Testimony, Expert Witness Reports
Robert Bennett is an ACTAR-accredited accident reconstruction expert with over 26 years of experience in traffic collision investigations. He specializes in Passenger Vehicle, Pedestrian & Bicycle Crash investigations, Crash Data Retrieval, Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Accidents, Forensic Mapping, Motorcycle Crashes, 3D Mapping, and more. With over 23 years of law enforcement experience with the New York State Police and the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office, Robert brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his work as an expert witness. His background includes 18 years as an accident reconstructionist, serving as the Unit Coordinator for the New York State Police, Troop C Collision Reconstruction Unit for 10 years. He has investigated thousands of cases and has testified numerous times as an expert witness in both civil and criminal cases. Robert has completed over 2000 hours of additional training in Accident Reconstruction.

Brian K Bramel, SE, PE, Ph.D.

Bramel Engineering

New York
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Construction, construction site safety, concrete, open web joist, light gage steel, underpinning, mechanical engineering, product defects, failure analysis, finite elements, design build
Dr. Bramel has over 30 years of broad Engineering experience in all aspects of the construction process: from design through construction and service. Dr. Bramel has effectively served as an Expert Witness and a litigation advisor on hundreds of cases in the past 10 years. He has advised in Construction Defect, Building and Material Failures, Product Liability, Personal Injury, Construction Work Site Injuries, Multi-Employer Worksite Matters, as well as building code compliance and insurance claims throughout the mid-Atlantic region. His expertise in Civil, Mechanical, and Structural Engineering allows a broad perspective of potential matters beyond the traditional Engineering solutions. Dr. Bramel is a practicing Licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and Delaware, a practicing Licensed Structural Engineer in Washington, D.C., and a Model PE NCEES record holder. He is a current member of the New York City Building Code R...

Barry Formisano

Formisano & Associates, Inc.

Gardiner, New York
Failure Analysis, Metallurgy - Weld Failures, Welding Safety, Welding Processes, Weld Inspection and testing, Weld Engineering, Weld Metallurgy, Brazing and soldering, Manufacturing Weld Defects, Weld Structural Fabrication, Pipeline Weld Failures, Welding Codes Compliance, Construction Weld Failures, Welding Consulting
I have been an independent welding consultant since 1992, with 30+ years experience in the welding industry involving research and development and industrial applications of welding procedure qualifications of record, welding procedure specifications, welding fabrication, welder performance qualifications, nondestructive and destructive inspection and testing of welds, and weld failure analysis. As a consulting and testifying expert witness I have been qualified by Courts in several states; and have been retained by both plaintiffs and defendants for lawsuits involving product liability, manufacturing defects, personal injury and code compliance. I hold degrees in Welding Technology, Mathematics and Science; in addition to college level teaching credentials in the field of welding. Previous employment includes positions with the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Laboratory; these positions required a high level security "Q" clearance. I ha...

Daniel . Gottuk, PhD

Gottuk Engineering

New York
Fire, Engineering - Fire Protection Engineering, Arson, Smoke Detection, Fire Alarm, Fire detection, Smoke and CO alarms, Forensic engineering, Fire spread analysis, Fire recreation, Origin and cause investigation, Consumer products, Failure Analysis, Modeling
Dr. Dan Gottuk is the President of Gottuk Engineering after a 30 year career with Jensen Hughes, with which he still maintains a relationship with a team of over 100 experts providing expert witness and failure analysis services for a range of specialties associated with fires and explosions, mechanical, electrical, construction, codes and standards, materials, chemical, metallurgical, process safety and concrete. Other specific service areas include: Arson Investigation, Origin & Cause Investigations; Fire Spread Analysis; Fire Modeling; Fire Testing; Sprinkler Systems; Inadvertent Discharge; Corrosion; Fire Alarm Systems; Smoke Alarms; Carbon Monoxide; Kitchen Hood Suppression; Battery Fires (including Lithium and Lithium Ion); Building Insulation Fires; Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRM); Structural Fire Protection; Combustible Dust Hazards; Dust Explosions; Laboratory & Evidence Examination. Dr. Gottuk is a recognized expert in fire detection, fire dynamics and fo...

Steven Pietropaolo, MS, P.E., CFEI

LGI Forensic Engineering, PC

North White Plains, New York
Engineering, Forensic Science - Forensic Engineering, Explosions, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Product Liability, Fires, Fire Protection, Appliances, Construction, Building Defects, Failure Analysis, Laboratories & Testing, Plumbing
Steven Pietropaolo has a Bachelor Degree of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Manhattan College. Mr. Pietropaolo is a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the State of New York, amongst many others. He is a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, a Certified Fire Investigator Instructor, a Certified Forensic Consultant and Certified Forensic Professional Engineer. He is a Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute. He is Board Certified in Forensic Engineering by the National Academy of Forensic Engineers. He has 30+ years of hands on engineering experience including electrical, mechanical, materials, safety, human factors, fire protection, and construction. He has knowledge of codes and standards used in construction and industry including building codes and safety codes. He is an expert in investigating and opining on New York State Labor Law cases (§200, §240(1) and §241(6)) involving ...

Kristopher J. Seluga, M.S., PE

Technology Associates, LLC

New York
Accident Reconstruction, Products Liability - Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics, Automotive, Construction, Engineering, Failure Analysis, Forensic Science, Golf Carts, Human Factors, Motorcycle, Premises Liability, Safety, Slip Trip & Fall
Our staff of experienced engineers are ready to apply established scientific and engineering knowledge and techniques to your case. Our staff has published hundreds of papers, served on national ANSI standards committees and assisted over 2,600 attorneys and insurance agents settle or try their cases. Because the laws of physics and principles of engineering are universal, we are able to investigate and opine on a wide range of topics including motor vehicle crashes, heavy machinery, consumer products, construction sites, falls and biomechanical analyses. In each case, we assist our clients by determining, in as much detail as possible, how and why an accident occurred and communicating those finding in a clear and concise manner.
You can also find Failure Analysis Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin