Economics Expert Witnesses in Wisconsin

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of economics expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on economics and related issues. Economics expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these economics expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Agricultural Economics, Bankruptcy And Turnarounds, Business Analysis, Chapter 11 Reorganization, Dairy, Debt And Equity Financing, Economic Damages, Farming, Financial Analysis, International Agriculture, and Statistical Analysis.

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Thomas M Roney

Thomas Roney LLC Economic Consulting

Economics, Intellectual Property - Personal Injury Damages, Economic Damages, Business Damages, Life-care Plan Present Value Assessments, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Termination, Employment, Patents, Trademark, Copyright, Jones Act, FELA, Intellectual Property, Commercial Damages, Lost Profits, Business Valuation, Forensic Accounting
I have more than 35 years experience preparing, researching and analyzing financial and economic data and providing economic damages calculations, consulting services and expert reports in support of litigation. Expert testimony provided in hundreds of depositions, Federal and State court trials, arbitration, and before the Special Master in Victims Compensation matters. I prepared quantitative and qualitative analyses, memos and expert reports on tort cases involving personal injury, care costs and life-care plans, wrongful-death, wrongful termination, Jones Act, FELA, intellectual property, and commercial damages. Developed financial models for firms in a variety of markets, including the telecommunications, retail, casino gambling, insurance, manufacturing, tire wholesaler, oil services, residential real estate, merchant service provider, fire suppression, financial services, courier services, trade schools and hotel industries. Vice-President of the National Association of Fore...

Terry R. Smith, PhD

Dairy Strategies, LLC

Bruce, Wisconsin
Agriculture, Economics - Dairy, Farming, Business Analysis, Financial Analysis, Economic Damages Analysis, Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Reorganization, International Agriculture, Debt and Equity Financing, Agricultural Economics, Statistical Analysis
Dairy Strategies, LLC has provided economic and damage analyses to a broad range of plaintiffs and defendants across agricultural enterprises, with a focus on the dairy sector. We have non-litigation and litigation-related clients in more than 20 states in the US and also in a number of foreign countries.

Philip J. Cross, Ph.D.

Class action, antitrust & economic damages expert

Kenyon Consulting LLC

Economics, Statistics - Lost wages, Antitrust, Class action, Lost profits, Breach of contract, Damages, Liability, Survey design, Conjoint analysis, Insurance, Health care, Economic damages, Discrimination, Wrongful termination, Wrongful death, Industrial espionage, Fraud detection, Employment discrimination, Equal pay act
Dr. Cross has over 20 years of experience as an economist and statistician in academia, government, and consulting. His consulting experience includes testifying as an expert in class-action litigations, antitrust matters, lost profits matters, and employment discrimination matters. Dr. Cross holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He previously taught in the Economics Department at Georgetown University, and has held visiting positions at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Melbourne. Dr. Cross’s experience includes: Being retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, class action, employment discrimination, breach of contract, health care and regulatory matters. Working on litigation matters involving antitrust issues, class certification, statistical sampling, survey design, conjoint analysis, health-care reimbursement, health insurance, wage and hour cases, p...
You can also find Economics Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin