Aviation & Aerospace Expert Witnesses in Minnesota

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of aviation & aerospace expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on aviation & aerospace and related issues. Aviation & aerospace expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these aviation & aerospace expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Aerospace Medicine, Faa, Forensic Psychiatry, Malpractice, Occupational Medicine, Occupational Psychiatry, Preventive Medicine, Public Health, and Public Safety.

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Andrea Nelsen

Prior Lake, Minnesota
Psychiatry, Aviation & Aerospace - Public health, Occupational psychiatry, Preventive medicine, Public safety, Forensic psychiatry, FAA, Aerospace medicine, Malpractice, Occupational medicine

Michael R. Henderson

Legal Eagles Aviation: No Need to Look Further

Legal Eagles Aviation

Aviation & Aerospace, Engineering - Aircraft Accident, Aircraft Incident, Aircraft Crash, Plane Crash, Aviation Safety, General Aviation, GA, Aviation, Flight, FAA, NTSB, FSDO, AOPA, Pilot Training, Flight School, Aircraft Maintenance, Crash Forensics, Aircraft Safety, Cessna, Cirrus
Legal Eagles Aviation provides expert witness services to your aviation related legal cases. When aviation accidents occur, understanding the technical details is crucial to winning your case. Our experts bring decades of industry knowledge to support lawyers in navigating the complexities of aviation law and ensuring justice is served. We are your personal oracle, determining the cause of prior events relating to aerial crashes, with clarity. Save yourself time, frustration and money. We are the first and only stop you need to make for your aviation related legal battle. Most recent cases: Many.
You can also find Aviation & Aerospace Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas , Minnesota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas