Agriculture Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of agriculture expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on agriculture and related issues. Agriculture expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these agriculture expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Agriculture, Construction, Livestock, Accidents, Accounting, Acquisitions, Adjuvant, Agri Business, Agricultural Economics, Agrochemical, Animal Agriculture, Appraisal & Valuation, Asset Based And Secured Financing, Auto Adas, and Automotive.

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John A. Harris, MS, BS, AAS, MBA

Landscape Economics Inc.

Hollywood, Florida
Agriculture, Environmental - Tree and landscape appraisals, damages or values, forest damages, Land Economist, landscape claims
Mr. Harris works internationally, mostly across the United States and Canada, as an independent expert and has consulted with clients including municipalities, developers, homeowner associations, insurance companies, law firms, and golf courses. Mr. Harris is a Landscape Economist and has worked in the environmental, landscape, arboriculture, forestry, and horticultural fields for over 30 years. He is the Principal of LANDSCAPE ECONOMICS, LLC, a firm providing expertise in damage assessments, economic valuations, work audits, and expert testimony regarding landscapes and land improvements that is increasing the recognition of "Green Assets™" for properties. Areas of Expertise include: * Tree, Landscape, and/or Natural Areas Values * Tree, Landscape, and/or Natural Areas Damages * Arboriculture, Urban Forestry, and Landscape Standards and Practices * Health and Condition of Landscape Plants * Utility Line Clearance Practices and Standards * Landscape and Tree Damage Appraisals * Sto...

James M. Miller, PE, PhD

Engineering Safety, Agricultural, Batteries, Nano

J.M. Miller Engineering, Inc.

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Safety, Agriculture Engineering - Accidents, Auto ADAS, Agriculture, Battery Fires, Cannabis Processing, Chemical Exposure, Child Safety, Construction, Electrocution, Ergonomics, Fitness Equipment, Fires/Explosions, HazCom, Human Factors, HVAC, Mechatronics/Nano, Medical Devices, OSHA, Recalls, RV/ATV
There are four PhD and registered Professional Engineers at Miller Engineering who are celebrating 40 years of Professorships at three universities along with providing services to Government, Insurance, and Industry—through research, publications, presentations, and expert testimony. These co-founders and associates are James M. Miller, PE, PhD; Mark R. Lehto, PhD; David R. Clark, PE, PhD; Adam M. Olshove, PE, MSE; and Jeffrey D. Rupp, MSE. Miller Engineering has a dedicated office with a full-time staff of engineers, researchers, and technical writers. The span of our collective academic and experiential expertise includes the Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Agricultural, Industrial, Human Factors, Ergonomic and Safety fields of engineering. Miller Engineering’s principle engineers wrote the original books on warnings and instructions, have published in several other areas, have participated in product designs and patents, and have analyzed, reconstructed and/or animated numerou...

John D. Zeirke, P.E.

Mechanical Engineer - Accident Reconstructionist

JZ Engineering, LLC

Blaine, Minnesota
Mechanical Engineering, Accident Reconstruction - Mechanical, Automotive, Powersports, Equipment, Fire, EDR, Drone, Design, Forensic, Powertrain, Caterpillar, Gears, Driveline, Gearbox, Agriculture, Failure, Bearing, Liability, Recall, Defect
B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2005). First licensed as P.E. in Illinois in 2012. Licensed in six states (IL, MN, WI, SD, ND, IA). Experienced in product design in the mining and powersports industries, including root cause analysis and product defect investigations. Forensic investigations of product failures, fire causation, and accident reconstruction for insurance and legal clients.

Bart Sutherland, D.V.M.

Oxford, Mississippi
Veterinarian, Agriculture - Horses, Cattle, Livestock, Research, Dog, Cat
I am an accomplished veterinarian, with diverse experience that includes private practice, work with professional organizations on regulatory compliance, and collaborations with the federal government in regulatory and policy aspects involving laboratory research and veterinary issues. Testified in administrative and court proceedings, including serving as a supporting witness for the American Veterinary Medical Association Professional Liability Trust with a favorable outcome. Employed as a veterinary medical officer with the United States Department of Agriculture and contributed to the enforcement of federal laws in cases under the jurisdiction of the USDA. Specialties: Veterinary Standards of Care, Investigative Interviewing, Equine Regulatory Investigations, Expert Witness Testimony, Civil and Criminal Matters, Nationwide Program Management, Field Audits, Work with Equine Associations, Expert on the Horse Protection Act

Gary Stoley

Credit Risk and Lending

Gary Stoley Credit Risk Advisory Services

Trafford, Pennsylvania
Banking - Credit Risk, underwriting, forensic loan fraud, lending policy/procedures, commercial real estate, working capital line of credit, asset based and secured financing, indirect auto, home equity, mortgage, agriculture, farm, foreclosure, collections, regulator enforcement actions, board governance
My background includes 33 years as a federal regulator, five additional years as a contractor with that regulator,eight years of consulting with banks and credit unions and six years as an expert witness. I specialize in evaluation of credit risk and credit related functions. I have extensive experience in community banks and credit unions, mid size banks, and considerable experience in the largest banks in the country. I am available for credit/lending related expert witness work in the menu of items listed above. This includes the cradle to grave life cycle of credit: Policy, procedures, staffing/expertise, underwriting, credit administration, risk management, reporting/MIS, problem loan management/collections, foreclosure/repossession, mortgage assistance programs and collateral/appraisal management. I am experienced in forensic credit related fraud identification, investigation/documentation, referrals to FBI/DOJ/OCC authorities and depositions. I have extensively evaluated int...

Bob Kingsbery

Fence Expert for Livestock/Auto Collisions

Tioga, Texas
Animals, Agriculture - fence expert, livestock expert, horse collision, cattle collision, escaped livestock, livestock/vehicle collision, ranch management, equine facilities, riding, escaped cattle, escaped horses, livestock fence, livestock fencing, cattle fencing, horse fencing, pasture management, rodeo, fence failure
Bob Kingsbery is recognized as an international authority on livestock fencing, behavior and management, and ranch and pasture management. He has written more than 100 articles on the subject, including “Stop That Loose Horse” for EQUUS (July 2006); “How to Install a Safe Electric Fence” for PRACTICAL HORSEMAN (March 2004); “Prevent Fence Failure” for EQUUS (April 1999); "What's New in Livestock Fencing" for THE CATTLEMAN (June 1992); "What's New in Horse Fencing" for THE WESTERN HORSE (July 1993); “The Danger Zone: Between a Cow and a Trailer” (October 2016)” and “On the Road With Your Horses” (November 2017) for THE CATTLEMAN. He was interviewed for “Bull-Proof Fences” (March 2010) and “Livestock Fence & The Law” (June 2010) for the ANGUS JOURNAL. Bob Kingsbery has provided expert consultation and testimony in 46 US states, Canada and Australia, for more than 450 cases involving livestock related accidents, livestock fencing, animal behavior, and livestock management and handl...

Lindy (Buddy) M. Pilgrim

Integrity Management Services, Inc.

Parker, TX, Texas
Agriculture, Management - Poultry, Chicken, Turkey, Commodity Markets, Protein Markets, Sales, Market Prices, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Trading, Food Processing, Meat Processing, Agri-business, Further Processed Foods, Food Manufacturing, Live Production, Animal Agriculture, Contract Farming, Rendering - By Products
I have over 45 years of experience in all aspects the meat/poultry and food processing industry, including serving in every level of management from production line worker to supervisor, to general manager, Vice President, Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, President, Chief Executive Officer, Board Member, Board Vice Chairman, Board Chairman and owner. My direct functional experience is exceptionally broad spanning live operations, grain purchasing, feed milling, basic and further processing operations, facility maintenance, packaging, sales, marketing, distribution, transportation, logistics, advertising, accounting, and finance. I have overseen production operations and sales feeding into virtually every marketing channel including wholesale clubs, retail grocery chains, institutional distributors, foodservice for casual dining and fast food restaurants, export markets and commodity trading. I have overseen national brand name product lines...

Matthew P Shipp, M.S.

Shipp Research, LLC

Montgomery, Texas
Agriculture, Chemistry & Chemicals - Pesticide, Fertilizer, Adjuvant, Surfactant, Turfgrass, Ornamentals, Fungicide, Insecticide, Drift, Crops, Herbicide, Agrochemical, Vegetables, EPA, Organic, Biological, Lawn, Garden, PGR, Biostimulant
Agriculture Forensics Expert - pesticides, fertilizers, adjuvants/surfactants, crop damage, pesticide drift/chemical trespass, agrochemical misapplication, product nonperformance, EPA label violation, attorney advisor and interrogative preparation.

Joseph Phelon, ASA-M&E, CBA, CVA, BCA, MBA

Hyde Valuations, Inc.

Cottonwood Heights, Utah
Business Valuation, Machinery & Technical Appraiser - Appraisal & Valuation, Marital Dissolution, Divorce, Family Law, Business Operations, Personal Property, Tangible Assets, Dental, Agriculture, Construction, Medical, Transportation, Equipment Appraiser, Acquisitions, Dispute Resolution, Party & Event Rental, Equipment Rental, Truck Rental, Reviewer
Joseph has 19 years of experience appraising businesses and professional practices for marital dissolution, shareholder disputes, SBA loans, ownership transfer, merger & acquisition, estate planning, estate tax, and regulatory compliance. He is also an accredited senior appraiser in machinery and technical specialties. He has performed machinery and equipment appraisals for marital dissolution and financing purposes. He owned and operated an equipment rental company with a party and event division and a truck rental company for 22 years. He was the Chairman of the Board for the American Fork, Utah Chamber of Commerce from 2017-2018 and the Chairman of the Accreditation Board for the Institute of Business Appraisers from 2011- 2012.

Terry R. Smith, PhD

Dairy Strategies, LLC

Bruce, Wisconsin
Agriculture, Economics - Dairy, Farming, Business Analysis, Financial Analysis, Economic Damages Analysis, Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Reorganization, International Agriculture, Debt and Equity Financing, Agricultural Economics, Statistical Analysis
Dairy Strategies, LLC has provided economic and damage analyses to a broad range of plaintiffs and defendants across agricultural enterprises, with a focus on the dairy sector. We have non-litigation and litigation-related clients in more than 20 states in the US and also in a number of foreign countries.
You can also find Agriculture Expert Witnesses in:
Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin