Workman's Comp Expert Witnesses
Workman's comp expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on workman's comp. The workman's comp expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine, Life Care Planning, Occupational Medicine, Physical Therapy, and Public Health.
Dr. Kelly S. Harvey, MS, PT, DPT, TPS, CLCP, CFCE
Forensic Analyst, Damages Expert, Life Care Plans
Harvey Medical Legal Consulting
Los Angeles, California
Life Care Planning, Physical Therapy
Trauma, Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputation, Burns, Pain Management, Defense Medical Exam, Functional Capacity Eval, Workman's Comp, Product Liability, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Life Care Planner, Catastrophic Case Management
Dr. Harvey is internationally respected as a pediatric, adult, and geriatric rehabilitation expert. She specializes in the treatment of complex orthopedic trauma, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, and burns. She draws from her 30 years of evidenced based practice expertise, utilizing a clinically driven research approach, with the support of a dynamic network of multidisciplinary experts, to serve and deliver on each case.
Harvey Medical Legal Consulting provides Life Care Planning, A Day in the Life Video Presentations, Expert Witness Reports and Testimony, Damage Assessment, Medical Record Review, and Life Expectancy Services.
Dr. Harvey routinely provides expert opinions addressing the following diagnoses:
Orthopedic Trauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, Anoxic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputation, Burn Injury, Birth Injury, Neurologic Injury, Chronic Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Chronic Illness, Dental Injuries, Psychiatric, Psychological Tr...
Anne Schmitt, MD
Venice, California
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Malpractice, EMS, personal injury, medical chart record review, written report, pediatric emergency, head trauma, domestic violence/abuse, Ethics, Peer review, Urgent care, workman's comp, occupational medicine
I am a board certified Emergency Medicine physician with 11 years experience in clinical practice at many different types of hospitals in california, mainly in the Los Angeles area. I have worked at Government hospitals, HMOs (kaiser) as well as community hospitals, and have experience with adults, geriatrics and pediatrics. I was an EMT, ED technician and emergency medicine scribe prior to medical school. I also supervise training resident physicians at the Veterans Hospital as well as nurse practicioners and physician assistants in the community. I have been on the LA Superior Court's panel of Expert Witnesses since 2018, I have been retained in over 25 cases and testified at trial on three occasions, most recently in June 2022. I have worked on cases for Defense as well as civil cases and am comfortable working with plaintiff and defense.
Marco Britton, MD, MPH
Occupational & Disability Injury Expert Witness
Insight Expert Solutions
Arlington, Texas
Occupational Medicine, Public Health
work comp, workers' compensation, workers' comp, workman's comp, workman's compensation, work injury, injury, accident, disability, impairment rating, designated doctor, IME, expert witness, independent medical evaluation, medical opinion, records review, peer review, deposition, physician expert
Marco Britton, MD, MPH is an expert physician who is board-certified in Occupational & Environmental medicine. He has evaluated and opined numerous workers' compensation, disability and other types of cases. He provides precise yet thorough reports in a quick and timely manner. He has been praised by attorneys, adjusters, case managers, etc. for the quality of his work. Below are testimonials from a few of his clients.
“The adjusters that we work with adore Dr. Britton for his thorough reports and expert opinions.” Nurse Case Manager H.L. (Dallas, Texas)
“This is a good report.” “Seen some really good DD reports from you!” Attorney W.M.M. (Fort Worth, Texas)
“You handled his questions very well” [In reference to the opposing counsel]. Attorney K.J. (Austin, Texas)