Workers' Compensation Expert Witnesses

Workers' compensation expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on workers' compensation. The workers' compensation expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Addiction Medicine, Anesthesiology, Chiropractic, Employment, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Insurance, Neurology, Neuropsychology, Occupational Medicine, Pain Management - Medicine, Pediatric Neurology, Physical Medicine & Rehab, Physical Therapy, and Psychiatry.


Taft Vocational Experts LLC

Scottsdale, Arizona
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - Human Resources, Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Labor Market, Employability, Wrongful Termination, Divorce, Job Search Effectiveness, Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Workers' Compensation
Brad Taft has over 35 years experience in the recruiting, outplacement, career transition, and organizational development fields. He has provided expert consulting, reports, and/or testimony in over 200 cases involving wrongful termination, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, and workers compensation. Brad is also the Chief Career Strategist of Taft Career Group, a career management consulting firm that supports individuals in planning and implementing effective job search campaigns. Prior experience includes recruiting and consulting with firms such as Korn/Ferry International, Lee Hecht Harrison, Right Management Consultants, and Spherion. He has provided recruitment, talent management, and organizational development services for companies in a large number of service and manufacturing industries; and he has provided career consulting to individuals in all functions and all levels of organizations. Brad holds certifications in the human resources, career consulting, and lit...

Nelhs Betancourt, MD, MPH, DABT, CHCQM, CIME

Nelhs Betancourt, M.D ., Inc.

Irvine, California
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology - Independent Medical Examiner, IME, Internal Medicine, Lung, Cancer, Sleep Apnea, Solvents, Chemical Exposures, Workers' Compensation, Bauxite, Toxicology, Diabetes, Stroke, Rheumatological Disorders, Osteoarthritis, Pulmonary Disease, Fit-For-Duty, Chronic Pain, Gastrointestinal Issues
Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of Toxicology, American Board of Independent Medical Evaluators, American Board of Quality Assurance Utilization Review Physicians, Board Certified Physician Advisor, Medical Review Officer, Certified Department of Transportation Medical Examiner, and certified in the use of the AMA Guides, for impairment determinations. Dr. Betancourt has numerous years of experience performing Independent Medical Evaluations (IME) within the scope of his credentials. His in-depth knowledge of Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Biochemistry and Toxicology, provide a solid framework to thoroughly investigate and determine causation and/or formulate recommendations, for return to work, FMLA issues, or long/short term disability benefits. Dr. Betancourt has performed IMEs addressing Ehlers-Danlos, heart disease (chronic and acute), diabetes with complications, pulmonary disease, gastrointestinal disease, cancer, strok...

Howard J. Goldfarb, MA, CRC

Goldfarb & Assoc.

S. Pasadena, California
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Forensic Employability Evaluations, Long Term Disability, Long Term Disability Denials, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Termination, Earning Capacity Evaluations, ERISA, FEHA, Divorce, Job Placement, Job Analysis, Human Resources, Marriage Dissolution
Owner of vocational rehabilitation consulting firm. Interviews and evaluates clients to determine feasibility of services. Performs One-on-One Vocational Counseling and Planning utilizing transferable skills. Performs Direct Job Seeking Skills as well as Vocational Placement. Administers and interprets vocational aptitude, interest and achievement testing. Provides Job Analyses, Labor Market Surveys and Job Seeking Skills Training. Independent Vocational Evaluator State of CA Rehab Unit, Division of Industrial Accidents. Provides Testimony as a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employability Consultant in Personal Injury, Third Party Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Abuse, ERISA as well as Federal Railroad matters. Performs Earning Capacity Evaluations. Vocational Consultant involved in Employability Assessments for Marriage Dissolution matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.

Barbara J. Justice, MD

Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist

Equity Evals

Long Beach, California
Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry - Psychiatric Disease, Pharmacological Clinical, Competency to Stand Trial, Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Serve Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disability, Emotional Harm, Emotional Distress, Workers' Compensation, Mental Health, Malpractice, Capacity, Sexual Harassment Sexual Abuse and Victimization
Dr. Justice began her career in medicine as a surgeon in New York City. After 20 years as a practicing surgeon, she entered the field of Psychiatry and received training in a Fellowship program at UCLA. She is a Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist with training in all aspects of psychiatry and the law. Dr. Justice has broad experience testifying in criminal and civil cases and has been deposed extensively upwards of 400 times. She has also testified frequently as mental health expert witness for the state of California. Her unique background in physical medicine, trauma, psychopharmacology and surgery, combined with her psychiatric expertise, gives her an in-depth understanding of the multitude of factors at issue in civil litigation cases. Dr. Justice is currently Attending Forensic Psychiatrist, Director of Psychiatric Training at the Department of State Hospital in Norwalk California and CEO and Medical Director of the Glaser Forensic Group. Dr. Justice received her MD and co...

Paul J. Marsh, DC, QME

Chiro Expert: Standard of Care & Malpractice

Paul J. Marsh Chiropractic Corporation

San Diego, California
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy - Chiropractic Fraud, Standard of Care, Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Malpractice, Medical Record Review, Forensic Chiropractic, Peer Review, Independent Medical Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluator, Regulatory Issues, Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury
WORK EXPERIENCE -  Arrowhead Evaluation Services QME, AME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Fresno Counties  Exam Works- QME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles  Align Networks / One Call Care Management - Lead peer review physician for entire US  President / CFO- S.T.A.R. Centers - Physical Therapy Corporation: 2002 -2005  Private practice - Chiropractic & physical rehabilitation 1997 to present California Chiropractic Association- Workers' Compensation Committee Chairman 2023 -present UTILZATION & PEER REVIEW –  Align Networks  Broadspire  Geico  Medical Claims Evaluators  Medical Consultants Network  Medical Evaluation Specialists  MedView  North American Consultants  USAA  EXAM WORKS PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS & ACHIEVEMENTS -  Rehabilitation Nurse Coordinators Network - Executive Board of Directors  R.I.M.S.(SD Chapter Risk Mgmt Society) –Member / volunteer  San Diego Down Town Breakfast Rotary Club - 2006 to Present  San Die...

Jordan L. Newmark, MD, QME

Nationally recognized and experienced expert.

E&S Newmark Consulting | Stanford University School of Medicine

Redwood City , California
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Chronic pain, acute pain, opioids, workers' compensation, disability, addiction, surgery, perioperative, Nerve injury, interventional pain, trauma, Headache facial pain, Neuropathy, medical education, RSD, QME, independent medical evaluation, IME, CRPS, Spine
Dr. Newmark is an ABA, double board certified, Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Physician. He is President & CEO of E&S Newmark Consulting focused on the practice of medicine, qualified medical evaluation, expert witnessing, career and academic development, & medical-leadership consulting. He remains as an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University. He has authored multiple journal articles, book chapters, and maintains an active simulation based pain and research program at Stanford University. Dr. Newmark has over 10 years of expert witness and medicolegal experience. Dr. Newmark won numerous awards from the American Academy of Pain Medicine, Stanford University and Alameda Health System. Dr. Newmark is the former Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology of Alameda Health System, as well as the former Medical Director for Pain Management and Functional Restoration at Highland Hospital in Oakland, California. The overall focus of Dr. Newmark's ...

Diane J Weiss, MD, MPH

Expert Witness/Psychiatry IME (40 years)

Beverly Hills , California
Psychiatry - Sexual Harassment & Discrimination, PTSD, Employment Law, Harassment, Emotional Distress, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Injury, Personality Disorders, Litigation Support, Psychological Trauma, Psychotherapy, IME, Eggshell Plaintiff, Workers' Compensation, Pain & Suffering, Psychopharmacology
With over 40 years' experience in psychiatry, including decades providing expert witness litigation support, IMEs regarding psychiatric aspects of harassment (sexual/gender-based/racial), employment law, and/or injuries/accidents related to Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation issues, Dr. Weiss is well known for her comprehensive, fact-based, persuasive reports. Dr. Weiss' unique ability to establish exceptional rapport with clients allows for thoughtful, thorough examinations, leaving no stone unturned. As everything affects the psyche, her keen attention to detail with complex medical-legal records enables her to integrate highly complex psychiatric histories and concepts, coming to evidence-based opinions, and providing high-caliber, usable medical-legal reporting and testimony. Dr. Weiss has decades of diverse experience. Able to view a case through multiple lenses, she must consider what has happened prior to, since, and outside of an accident/incident, as well as uncov...

Laszlo J Mate, M.D.

Adult and Child Neurology

Laszlo J. Mate, M.D., P.A.

North Palm Beach, Florida
Neurology, Pediatric Neurology - Traumatic head injury, Back pain, Stroke, Epilepsy, Child Neurology, Alzheimer's, Neuropathy, Headache, Workers' Compensation
Board certified in adult and pediatric neurology. In private practice in Palm Beach County for 34 years. Ex president of Florida Society of Neurology. Extensive research experience in all areas of neurology. Fluent in Spanish and Hungarian.

Richard S Goldberg, MD

Forest Park, Illinois
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine - Hospital, liability, dual diagnosis, involuntary, psychosis, suicide, workers comp, fitness for duty, malingering, sexual contact, disability, diagnosis, psychotropic medication, detox, inpatient, guardianship, violence
I am a board-certified psychiatrist with 33 years experience working in psychiatric hospitals, chemical dependency treatment facilities, nursing homes, community mental health centers, and office-based private practice of adolescents and adults with a wide range of psychiatric illnesses and addiction issues. I am currently in active practice. I have a unique ability to perform completely private evaluations in security-sensitive circumstances. I am routinely contacted directly to arrange and coordinate independent evaluations, meet with clients without involving others, and can perform evaluations in anonymous locations when necessary. Reports are completed offline without involving any third party in the process (without answering services, recording devices, third party testing, EMR, secretarial/support staff or coordinators, transcriptionists, etc.) ensuring complete privacy throughout the IME process. Board Certified Psychiatrist Certified in Addiction Medicine Hospital Clin...

Ray S. Kim, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychology Expert Witness

Patrick J. Kennelly, Ph.D. and Associates

Schaumburg, Illinois
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Pre-Sentencing Evaluations, Sex Offenders, Violence Risk, Fitness for Duty, Competency, Substance Abuse, Independent Medical Examinations, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, Disability, Malpractice, Malingering
Dr. Kim has the education, experience, knowledge, and skill to meet your forensic psychological needs. He is an experienced Clinical and Forensic Psychologist who has testified in numerous cases in both criminal and civil court proceedings. Dr. Kim is sensitive to the nature of legal matters, and provides comprehensive, timely, and professional services. His credentials include: Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Professional , Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association, Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Specialties, Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, and Fellow of the American College of Advanced Practice Psychologists.

Timothy D. McManus, Psy.D., ABN, ABPP-RP

Palos Heights, Illinois
Neuropsychology, Psychology - Neuropsychology. Psychology. IME's. Fitness for Duty. Return to Work. Concussion. Chronic pain. Civil/Occupational Disablity. CRPS. PTSD. Workman's compensation. Decision-making capacity evaluations. Dementia. Cancer. CVA
I am Board Certified in both Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology. I conduct Neuropsychological Evaluations, Psychological Pain Assessments, Psychological, and ADHD/LD Evaluations from ages 6 though geriatric. The neurocognitive and emotional symptoms associated with varied neurological and medical conditions, chronic pain, PTSD, mild head injury, and concussion are representative of the conditions regularly assessed. Conditions arising form Workman's Compensation, FFDE, RTW, and personal injury characterize referrals. I also conduct evaluations for dementia and decision-making capacity. Medical records reviews and consultations are also provided.

Raymond W Wills, AIC

Claim Auditing and Premium Analysis Services Company (CAAPASCO)

Woodridge, Illinois
Insurance - workers' compensation, premium disputes, Best Practices, policy/contract/collateral analysis, retrospective rated policies, deductible policies, experience modification factor, claim evaluations, policy side agreements, reserving, return to work, payroll audit, classification codes
Raymond Wills began his insurance career in 1976. He is an insurance professional with a vast knowledge base and extensive command of the insurance industry that has included workers’ compensation, general liability, product liability, professional liability and run-off claims. He was formerly a member of a risk management and consulting firm that provided third party administration for a self-insured workers’ compensation pool which was able to obtain an A.M. Best rating of (A-) that may have been the only pooling arrangement in the United States with such a rating. As a Risk Manager, Consultant and Expert Witness, Mr. Wills has performed extensive insurance program reviews and claim audits on a national basis, with testimony provided when required, for clients pertaining to various issues that have included, but were not limited to: • Premium disputes and monetary damages sustained by the insured/employer related to retrospective, deductible and guaranteed cost insurance program...

Paul F Amoruso, CPCU

Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Insurance - Insurance Casualty, Insurance Operations, Bad Faith, Insurance Agencies, Claims Handling, Case Value, Insurance Personal, Pre and Post Litigation Management, Workers' Compensation, State Government Reviews of Insurance, Reserves, Insurance Ethics, Casualty Insurance
Mr. Amoruso has given expert witness testimony to identify issues related to bad and good faith claims procedures, providing guidance for pre and post litigation management. In addition, he offers client orientated assistance in relation to accepted claims practices, and provides insight on claim issues to law firms. He also offers evaluations related to workers compensation case management, insurance company procedures, guidance for proper claims handling practices, reviews for State government on insurance company conduct, and advice on issues concerning insurance companies and insurance agents.

Ronald D Karnaugh, MD

JFK Neuroscience Institute

Edison, New Jersey
Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Interventional Spine & Pain Management, Medical Malpractice, Independent Medical Examination IME, Motor Vehicle Injuries, Workers' Compensation, Expert Witness, AffIdavits, Depositions, Testimony, Medical File Review, Comprehensive Medical & Rehabilitation Evaluations, Life Care Plan recommendatIons

Sandip Buch, MD

Prison Expert-Former Bellevue Forensic Psychiatry

Skypiatrist Psychiatry PLLC

Brooklyn, New York
Psychiatry - Prison psychiatry, suicide, Severe mental illness, Workers' compensation
Sandip Buch, MD is a board-certified psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience treating psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He is a native english speaker and owns a psychiatric practice overseeing over 20 psychiatrists and therapists, and provides guidance to the psychiatrists regarding appropriate psychiatric treatment and documentation. He also cares for adult patients in the New York area. Dr. Buch has vast and varied experience caring for patients with psychiatric conditions both hospitalized (inpatients) and patients outside of the hospital (outpatients), treating inmates at Rikers Island prison (New York, NY), working in the forensic psychiatry unit of Bellevue hospital (New York, NY), and treating the chronically severely mentally ill for an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team (Brooklyn, NY). He has expertise treating adults, adolescents, and c...

Ronald D Karnaugh, MD

JFK Neuroscience Institute

New York
Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Interventional Spine & Pain Management, Medical Malpractice, Independent Medical Examination IME, Motor Vehicle Injuries, Workers' Compensation, Expert Witness, AffIdavits, Depositions, Testimony, Medical File Review, Comprehensive Medical & Rehabilitation Evaluations, Life Care Plan recommendatIons

Richard M Sobel, MD

Sidney Kimmel Medical School, Thomas Jefferson University

Media, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry, Pain Management - Medicine - Psychopharmacology, Worker's Compensation, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Sleep, Depression, Anxiety, Compex Regional Pain Syndrome, Neuropathic Pain, Trauma, Opioids, Addiction, Medication
Specialty focus: Pain Medicine, Psychotherapy, and Psychopharmacology. Academics: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical School. Recipient of two resident teaching awards. Leadership: President of Greater Philadelphia Pain Society (local chapter of the American Pain Society) 2013-2015 Special skills: (1) Communication: I have lectured extensively on the management of depression and chronic pain to both large and small audiences. (2) Organization: I manage a large solo practice using a computer-based practice management system which I wrote and have updated for over 30 years.

Marco Britton, MD, MPH

Occupational & Disability Injury Expert Witness

Insight Expert Solutions

Arlington, Texas
Occupational Medicine, Public Health - work comp, workers' compensation, workers' comp, workman's comp, workman's compensation, work injury, injury, accident, disability, impairment rating, designated doctor, IME, expert witness, independent medical evaluation, medical opinion, records review, peer review, deposition, physician expert
Marco Britton, MD, MPH is an expert physician who is board-certified in Occupational & Environmental medicine. He has evaluated and opined numerous workers' compensation, disability and other types of cases. He provides precise yet thorough reports in a quick and timely manner. He has been praised by attorneys, adjusters, case managers, etc. for the quality of his work. Below are testimonials from a few of his clients. “The adjusters that we work with adore Dr. Britton for his thorough reports and expert opinions.” Nurse Case Manager H.L. (Dallas, Texas) “This is a good report.” “Seen some really good DD reports from you!” Attorney W.M.M. (Fort Worth, Texas) “You handled his questions very well” [In reference to the opposing counsel]. Attorney K.J. (Austin, Texas)