Weather Expert Witnesses
Weather expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on weather. The weather expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Environmental, Maritime, Meteorology, Premises Liability, and Slip Trip & Fall.
Thomas R. Piazza, CCM
Weather Command/Murray & Trettel, Inc.
Past weather reconstruction, all weather related accidents, certified weather records and reports, weather graphics, expert testimony, slip and fall
Certified Consulting Meteorologist. President and Chief Meteorologist, over 40 years experience providing warnings, general forecasts, weather analysis, reports, and studies to commercial users.
Tom, an Aurora, IL native is a degreed meteorologist and has been with Murray and Trettel and Weather Command since 1975. Tom has more than 45 years of experience in the field of meteorology with more than 30 years in positions of management. In 1987, he was named President of the Operational Forecast Division. In 1991, he was named Executive Vice President of the Company and in 2001 he became the President and CEO. In addition to his administrative responsibilities as President, Tom earned the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) designation, earning CCM # 661 in 2010.
He provides expert testimony and reports for a variety of legal cases. Tom is also the CIO of the company handling all aspects of information technology, computer systems and appl...
Timothy A Coleman, PhD
Coleman Knupp & DIce, LLC
Birmingham, Alabama
Meteorology, Environmental
Weather, Rainfall, Flood, Hurricane, Tornado, Wind, Fog, Visibility, Atmosphere, Insurance, Slip and Fall, Accident Reconstruction
Dr. Tim Coleman is the founding partner of the meteorological consulting firm of Coleman Knupp & Dice, LLC. He has been working in forensic weather analysis and consulting since 2008, and has 32 years of experience in meteorology. He holds a PhD and MS in Atmospheric Science from The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and a BS in Physics and Mathematics from Samford University. Tim has performed meteorological consulting services in over 200 cases in 19 states and Europe. His work in these cases has been widely varied, including but not limited to: rainfall and flood analysis; building collapse (due to wind or water); wind damage (including hurricanes, straight-line winds, and tornadoes), slip and fall (due to water, ice, and wind), lightning, hail damage, highway accidents, aircraft accidents, fog and visibility, and sun angle. Many of these cases have involved expert testimony. Dr. Coleman’s clients have complimented his ability to locate and analyze complex information, ...
Jeremy Swenson, CSP
Swenson Consulting
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Slip Trip & Fall, Premises Liability
Snow Removal, Snow Removal Accident, Snow Slip And Fall, Ice Slip And Fall, Black Ice, Snow, Weather
Certified Snow Professional (CSP)
* Satisfied requirements by SIMA (nationally recognized trade organization-Snow
& Ice Management Association) to become a Certified Snow Professional. Black Ice Expert
Requirements included proficient knowledge of business, snow & ice science,
sub-contractors, and snow & ice operations & techniques of the snow removal
industry. There are less than 250 CSP’s in the United State of America.
* Government Facilities: Security Clearanced and trained for onsite snow
operations at IRS Regional Headquarters, FBI Headquarters, Department Of
Treasury Buildings, and many types of government facilities.
* Airport: Security Clearanced, Badged, and trained in snow operations at Kansas
City MKC Airport.
* Railroad: Trained in snow operations at 24/7 railroad facilities.
* Medical Facilities: Trained in snow operations at 24/7 hospitals, organ transplant
centers, dialysis clinics, and many types of medical facilities. Snow Expert, Black Ice Expert, Weather Exp...
H. Michael Mogil, CCM, CBM, NWA Digital Media Seal
How The Weatherworks
Naples, Florida
Meteorology, Slip Trip & Fall
forensic meteorology, weather, weather event reconstruction, property damage, roof damage, water intrusion, personal injury, insurance claims, roof collapse, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, snow, hail, high winds, rain, floods, lightning, highway accidents, weather-related events
H. Michael Mogil (AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist, AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, and NWA Digital Seal) is a seasoned meteorologist with nearly five decades of experience, three of which were within NOAA (NWS and NESDIS). This included severe thunderstorm and winter weather forecasting, warning, and preparedness. He has worked as a forensic meteorologist since the mid-1990's, handling a wide array of civil and criminal cases. Mike has honed his skills in local and regional meteorological data analysis, locating and using numerous weather data sets (both governmental and non-governmental), and crafting easy-to-understand, scientifically accurate, expert reports. Mike has the computer skills to create effective courtroom graphics, the speaking skills to testify clearly and understandably in courtroom and deposition settings, and the ability to determine a meteorologically-appropriate date of loss, when such date is unclear. He has even offered weather demonstration...
Captain Gregory M Tylawsky, MBA, CMMar, FNI
Maritime Expert Group, Inc.
Carson City, Nevada
Maritime, Accident Reconstruction
Piloting, Ship handling, Ship routing, Weather, anchoring, heavy weather, anchor, allision, collision, ship, Captain, tug, STCW, USCG, IMO, Standard of care, COLREGS, VTS, Harbor, Pilot ladder
Chartered Master Mariner
Master Of Self-Propelled Vessels Not Including Auxiliary Sail of Unlimited Tonnage Upon Oceans.
First Class Pilot of Vessels of Unlimited Tonnage Upon the Waters Of San Francisco Bay From Sea to and Between the Dumbarton Bridge, Stockton, And Sacramento.
Radar Observer -Unlimited
Able Seaman - Unlimited
Steward’s Department (F.H.)
The lawful holder of this Credential as endorsed below, is entitled under Title 46 (Shipping) U. S. Code to serve in the capacity or capacities specified, subject to any limitations indicated.
The Government of the United States of America certifies:
GREGORY MICHAEL TYLAWSKY has been duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation(s)
III/1; II/2; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4; VI/5; VI/6
Of the above Convention, as amended, and has been found competent to perform the ...
Paul Heppner, M.S., PMP
Paul Heppner LLC
Marlton, New Jersey
weather, storms, meteorology, slip and fall, precipitation, snow, ice, visibility, lighting, lightning, thunderstorms, wind damage, past weather, weather reconstruction, weather accidents, weather records, expert testimony
As a professional meteorologist nearly 40 years of experience, I conduct weather investigations, write expert meteorological reports and give expert testimony in Federal and Superior Courts. My reports go beyond a recital of the weather observations. I review the weather data, analyze critical details and apply my expert knowledge of meteorology specifically to the incident location. I help you understand the weather data so you can effectively develop your case for your client. Through my teaching, television and private sector experience, I know how to communicate clearly and concisely to the jury.
Alicia Wasula, PhD, CCM
STM Weather
Cropseyville, New York
Weather, Forensic Meteorology, Severe Weather, Weather Radar, Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Flooding, Weather Preparedness, Slip & Fall, Weather Related Accidents, Weather Reconstruction
Dr. Alicia Wasula, President of STM Weather, formerly Shade Tree Meteorology, earned her Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degrees in Meteorology at the University at Albany and recently earned her CCM as well. She developed a passion for severe weather and traveled to the Great Plains to study it in the field. She spent a summer in Norman, Oklahoma at the National Storm Prediction Center, doing research with Bob Johns, a prominent severe weather scientist.
In graduate school, Alicia developed a skill for making difficult meteorological concepts understandable in the classroom. Alicia taught a variety of courses from upper level science to entry level courses for non science majors, earning praise for her communication style.
During her post-graduate studies, Alicia continued to work closely with operational forecasters on research projects at the Albany National Weather Service Office and the the Storm Prediction Center on both her Master and Doctoral research projects.
Alicia cont...
Richard A Shema, CCM, LLP
Lakeville, Pennsylvania
Meteorology, Maritime
Weather reconstruction, forensic meteorology, weather, marine meteorology, maritime, admirality law, weather routing, ship accidents, boating accidents, consulting meteorologists, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, tropical meteorology, extreme waves, oceanography, waves, marine insurance, insurance
• Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) by the American Meteorological
• Over 30 years experience in meteorology and physical oceanography
• I am a U.S. Navy veteran with sea duty and therefore have firsthand
experience in the effects of weather on operations
• Past AMS board member that certifies CCM’s for technical knowledge,
communication skills, and ethics
• I provide quality testimony using the scientific method
• My testimony is clear, concise, and technically complicated subjects are
plainly described
• Sound communication skills describing complex atmospheric processes
are put into easily understandable words and presentations
• My written testimony is quality controlled and peer reviewed to produce
an error free report that stands up to scrutiny of cross examination
• I keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in meteorology and
physical oceanography by attending conferences, re...
Steve Wistar, CCM
AccuWeather for Business
State College, Pennsylvania
Meteorology, Slip Trip & Fall
Insurance, Construction, Wrongful Death, Slip and Fall, Accident Reconstruction, Wildfires, Hail, High Wind, Tornadoes, Fog, Visibility, Rainfall, Flooding, Roof Damage, Lightning, Insurance Claims, Snow, Ice, Weather
As a Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) and Expert Senior Forensic Meteorologist with 45 years of experience with AccuWeather, Steve has worked on numerous cases involving slip and falls, flooding, highway accidents, building and crane collapses, severe wind impacts, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. Steve uses his tremendous attention to detail and his excellent communication skills to explain meteorology to the non-scientist. At AccuWeather, Steve constructs impartial scientific reports for use in courts of law to support both plaintiff and defense. He has testified more than 150 times in courtrooms or at depositions in 18 states.
John Bryant, AMS, NWA, EPA Certified
Slip-N-Fall, Forensic Meteorologist, Wind Damage
Weather and Climate Consulting, LLC
MEMPHIS, Tennessee
Slip Trip & Fall, Meteorology
Meteorology, Wrongful Death, Slip and Fall, Wind Damage, Auto Accidents, Flood Damage, Hail Damage, Environmental Law, Lightning, Hurricanes, Building Collapse, Ice Storm, Insurance Claims, Climate, Weather, Agricultural Weather, Aviation Weather, Fire Weather, AI Weather Data
Triple-Certified Forensic Meteorologist | Advanced Weather Data Analysis for Litigation
John is one of the only meteorologists in the world to be triple-certified by the AMS (American Meteorological Society), the NWA (National Weather Association), and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). John reconstructs past weather events for high stakes legal disputes and insurance claims with cutting-edge technologies that are communicated and explained to a non-technical audience in an easy to understand manner.
Advanced Capabilities
- NEXRAD and Dual-Polarization Radar Analysis: Pinpoint storm intensity, hail presence, and localized severe weather that standard reports miss
- Satellite Imagery Expertise (GOES-R): Confirm storm evolution, cloud development, and weather patterns for accurate event timelines
- Lightning Strike Verification: Validate exact strike locations and timestamps through lightning detection networks
- EPA-Certified Environmental Compliance Integration: Combin...
David L Mitchell, PhD
MET Associates
Dayton, Texas
Meteorology, Environmental
weather event re-construction, air dispersion modeling, forensic meteorology, weather, air pollution, visibility, rainfall, hail, aviation accidents, marine accidents, severe storms, hurricane damage, wind analysis, tornado damage, wrongful death, property damage, personal injury
Dr. David L. Mitchell is an authority on the numerical modeling of geophysical and atmospheric data with a Doctorate in Meteorology from Purdue University. Dr. Mitchell has over 35 years of technical modeling experience in industry and consulting. Dr. Mitchell is a Court Qualified Expert in Air Modeling and Forensic Meteorology. His business experience includes various research, project management and technical consulting positions with Conoco, Getty Oil Company, Texaco, Tenneco, British Petroleum, Leviathan Gas Pipeline LLP and IBM Corporation. Dr. Mitchell has extensive knowledge of Forensic Meteorology and has published his research results on the numerical modeling of atmospheric stability and convection. Dr. Mitchell is an expert in the field of Air Pollution Meteorology with over 30 years of experience with the mathematical modeling of wave propagation in elastic media, atmospheric fluid dynamics and air dispersion modeling. He has extensive knowledge of air pollution m...