Wage Loss Expert Witnesses
Wage loss expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on wage loss. The wage loss expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accounting, Employment, Forensic Psychology, Fraud, Human Resources, Legal, Life Care Planning, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Robert Wegman, MRC, CRC, CEAS
Vocational Loss of Earnings Expert
Lakeland, Florida
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment
Vocational evaluation, loss of earning capacity, personal injury, employability, vocational testing, wage earning capacity, economic damages, job analysis, vocational, transferable skills, amputation, traumatic brain injury, catastrophic, non-catastrophic, vocational forensics, wage loss
Mr. Wegman serves as a vocational rehabilitation subject matter expert, providing opinions to attorneys working on cases including but not limited to personal injury, medical malpractice, and workers’ compensation. Using evidence-based practices and methodologies, he can determine if a loss of earnings occurred due to injury. With a sound understanding of the impact disability has on earning capacity, Mr. Wegman utilizes his expertise to provide vocational counseling and guidance and conduct vocational assessments and transferrable skills analyses. Additionally, he performs labor market analyses, with wage loss assessments, and provides court testimony.
As a Bowling Green State University Rehabilitation Counseling Program graduate with a medical background, Mr. Wegman has worked for over 20 years as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He has extensive experience providing vocational rehabilitation counseling services in the public and private sectors within multiple states. This...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Jeffrey R. Ketchum, CRA
Executive Recruiting & Compensation
Lordstone Corporation
Gladstone, Michigan
Employment, Human Resources
executive recruiter, executive compensation, recruiter, recruitment, executive recruiting, executive search consulting, headhunter, compensation, executive earning capacity, wage loss, executive employability, executive marketability, job search analysis, executive assessment, vocational
Jeffrey Ketchum is an executive recruiting and executive compensation expert witness with 30 years of executive level (C-level, VP & Director) experience with small businesses, middle market and Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Ketchum has personally completed over 200 engagements focused on executive recruiting, executive compensation, executive marketability, management appraisal and executive assessment. He is the President of several executive search & executive compensation consulting firms, including Lordstone Corporation and Dieck Executive Search, Inc.
Mr. Ketchum is a graduate of Cornell University's Advanced Program for Executive Search & Leadership Consulting and Wharton's Executive Compensation: Strategies & Frameworks program. He is an AESC Certified Researcher/Associate (CRA) through the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants, the official representative of the industry to the US Government and European Commission. Mr. Ketchum has global experience i...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
St. Louis, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.
Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology
Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters.
American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker
Current practice includes:
•Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams.
•Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury.
•Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...
Luke Fischer, CPA, MBA
Veritas Forensic Accounting & Economics
Sammamish, Washington
Accounting, Fraud
Economic Damages, Wage Loss, Loss of Income, Wrongful Death, Fraud Examination, Breach of Contract, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Business Interruption, Class Actions, Construction Defect, Builder’s Risk, Employee Dishonesty, Receivership, Bankruptcy, Property Damage, Intellectual Property
Mr. Fischer has been with the Veritas team since June 2012. Mr. Fischer has amassed thousands of hours of experience in investigative accounting, financial analysis, and economic research. He has worked on economic loss, valuation, and investigative engagements in Alaska, across North America, in Mexico, and throughout the Gulf. He is also an accomplished leader and academic scholar. Additionally, Mr. Fischer is a guest speaker and lecturer on investigative accounting, internal control, and review practices.
Gordon A. Kamisar, Esq.
Kamisar Legal Search, Inc.
Seattle, Washington
Legal, Employment
attorney employability, executive employability, attorney compensation, executive and attorney marketability, executive earning capacity, career assessment, job search analysis, job placement, executive recruiter, search consultant, wage loss, mitigation of damages, executive compensation
Mr. Kamisar has been a search consultant for attorneys for over 25 years and has served as an expert witness on the subjects of attorney compensation, attorney marketability, attorney employability, attorney earning capacity, attorney job search analysis, mitigation of damages. He has been deemed qualified as an expert in trial court, and was found in a court opinion to be a “credible and knowledgeable” expert on the subject of attorney compensation and attorney placements. Mr. Kamisar has experience testifying in depositions and at trial.
Served as expert witness for plaintiff on the subject of attorney job search analysis and mitigation of damages in the federal district court in San Francisco case of Wadler v. Bio-Rad where plaintiff was awarded approximately $11 million in damages plus attorneys fees when jury found violations of Whistleblower protections in retaliatory firing of company’s General Counsel. In 2022-2023 Kamisar recently served as an expert witness on similar sub...