School Safety Expert Witnesses
School safety expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on school safety. The school safety expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Education & Schools, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures, Premises Liability, School Safety, and Security.
Elisa Mula
Security, Premises Liability
schools, school safety, foreseeability, facial recognition, alarms, access control, surveillance, parking lots, bars, hotels, concerts, sporting events, apartments, retail, guards, lighting, risk assessments, security adequacy
Security consultant and expert witness. Masters degree in protection management, physical security. Diverse experience with security technology such as access control, facial recognition, and video surveillance. Significant teaching/training experience. Special experience in school security.
Elisa Mula
Westport, Connecticut
Security, Premises Liability
schools, school safety, foreseeability, facial recognition, alarms, access control, surveillance, parking lots, bars, hotels, concerts, sporting events, apartments, retail, guards, lighting, risk assessments, security adequacy
Security consultant and expert witness. Masters degree in protection management, physical security. Diverse experience with security technology such as access control, facial recognition, and video surveillance. Significant teaching/training experience. Special experience in school security.
William L. Bainbridge, PhD, FACFE
William L. Bainbridge, PhD, FACFE & Associates, LLC
Jacksonville, Florida
Education & Schools, School Safety
school evaluation, sexual abuse, child custody school evaluation, school standards of care, school safety, education standards of care, school related accidents, education, higher education, secondary education, elementary education, playground accidents, athletics and recreation
William L. Bainbridge, Ph.D., FACFE, is a forensic education expert with extensive experience in school, college and preschool related accidents, incidents & sexual abuse/sexual assault and educational evaluation for child custody. He has been court qualified as a schooling and education standards/policy expert in over 30 states. President and CEO of the SchoolMatch® Institute and Distinguished Research Professor at The University of Dayton, he is the former superintendent of three school districts in Ohio and Virginia and served on the executive staff of the Ohio Department of Education.
Brent E Morgan
American Priority Project
Hickory , North Carolina
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Use of Force, Chase, Traffic, Collision Investigation, School Safety, Active Shooter, Commercial Motor Vehicle, CVSA, Speed Measuring Instruments, Radar, Lidar
I have more than 27 years experience in law enforcement serving in both local city police and state law enforcement. I retired in April of 2024 as a Lieutenant with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol.
I have been a certified law enforcement instructor for more than 17 years and continue to teach Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) classes at local police academies. I also have specialized law enforcement instructor certification for speed measuring instruments (Radar/Lidar) and continue to teach, certify and re-certify NC law enforcement officers for their certification to operate these instruments. I have previously been certified to conduct commercial motor vehicle inspections under the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and served as a Trooper as well a supervisor in the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) with additional certifications to inspect hazardous materials loads, cargo tanks, hazardous materials bulk packages, and motor coaches (bus...
Virginia L. Rhodes, Ed.D.
School cases need a witness with eyes wide open.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Education & Schools, School Safety
schools, education, K-12, high school, middle school, school negligence, duty & standard of care, sexual abuse , supervision, principal, student injury, wrongful termination, standard of care, discipline, school culture, school injury, administration, teacher training, school safety, discrimination
35+ years in public education administration, teaching & policy: testifies on training & supervision of school personnel, abuse, discipline, discrimination, school accidents
Dr. Rhodes offers extensive experience on multiple aspects of school-related liability, both elementary and secondary for both plaintiffs and defense.
Dr. Rhodes is an exceptional analytical thinker and writer with keen insight, timely reports and compelling testimony.
Founding Principal of the largest public U.S. urban STEM high school (2008).
Founding Principal of the 1st environmental public high school in Ohio.
Policy--former elected School Board member in large urban district.
Skilled in school transformation, collaborative school design, leadership, experiential education, program design, school culture, discipline & multicultural education
Developer of a unique innovative "T2" teacher hiring process.
Articulate and engaging speaker on school policy, practice, and transformation.
Rhodes has tr...
Kenneth S. Trump, Ed.D.
National School Safety and Security Services
Cleveland, Ohio
School Safety, Education & Schools
school security, school safety, school shootings, school wrongful death, school assaults, school sexual assaults, school rapes, school violence, school bullying, school crisis, school emergency, school police, security guards, security officers, student supervision, school bus, school gangs, crime
Ken provides experienced, accessible, timely and quality expert services to plaintiff and defense attorneys on preK-12 school safety and security cases. He is an experienced speaker, teacher, news commentator and personal communicator on school safety.
Ken served as an officer, investigator and gang unit supervisor for the Cleveland City Schools' safety division, and as a suburban school security director and assistant gang task force director. During his 30 years in school safety he trained and consulted with school and public safety officials from 50 states and internationally.
Ken is the author, co-author and/or editor of three books, five book chapters and 450 articles on school safety. He appears regularly in national and international news.
Ken is a four-time invited Congressional witness on school safety and emergency preparedness, and testified on bullying to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He presented to the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, Education Commission o...
Michael Salitore, Ed.D.
Gresham, Oregon
Education & Schools, School Safety
School Standards of Practice, Special Education, School Safety, Child Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Behavior and Discipline, School Mental Health, Title IX and Staff Sexual Misconduct, District and School Administration, Restraint and Seclusion, Evaluation, Assessment, Disability, and Risk Management
Dr. Michael Salitore is an experienced educator serving in public education since 2003. I currently work at the Oregon Department of Education as a coordinator of an investigation unit responding to complaints of sexual misconduct of school staff. I have worked as a school psychologist, assistant principal, special education administrator, director of student services for rural and urban school districts, and adjunct faculty at Clackamas Community College and Portland State University.
My background and expertise allow evaluation of and opinions regarding school and district:
-Policies, procedures, guidelines, and implementation of standards and practices;
-Recruitment, qualifications, hiring, and retention of teachers, specialists, and staff;
-Training programs and requirements of teachers, specialists, and staff;
-Duty for schools and school districts to provide a safe learning environment;
-School administration, including governance, curriculum, interventions and instructiona...
Jeffrey Bonner
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice, Police Policies, Domestic Violence, Crowd Control, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Surveillance, School Safety, Crisis Intervention, Baton, Taser, Firearm, Electronic Control Device
Award-Winning Police Officer. 25+ Years Experience including undercover operations, SWAT Team, and School Resource Officer. Certified Firearms Trainer. Graduate of the FBI National Academy, 272th Session.
Law Enforcement Highlights
• Trained and deployed multiple times in "Mobile Field Force / Civil Disturbances"
• Undercover operations, drug buys, surveillance and preparation of over 400 search warrants
• Specialized training in Barricaded gunman situation resolution
• Member of D.P.D. Pistol Team
• Executive Protection, and advanced driving techniques.
• Served on Multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team
• Patrol Rifle Operator / Designated Marksman Certification
• Certified Firearms Trainer
• Field Training Officer and Supervisor
• Police Honor Guard 2004 through 2015
• Additional command capacities:
• New World Reporting System Build Team / Training of supervisors and Officers, Mobile Field Force Unit Commander
Career Accolades
With Sterling Heights Police Department
• (6) Merit Ci...
School Security - Critical Infrastructure Security
Tier One Strategies, LLC
Little River, South Carolina
Security, School Safety
Terrorism, School Security/Safety, Religious Facilities Security/Safety, Active Shooter Prep, Parking Lots/Garages, Entertainment Venues, Sports Arenas, Transportation Security, Hotel Security, Security Management, Inadequate/Negligent Security, Special Event Security, Workplace Violence
Joseph Tadrick, MBA, MS, CCAP is a premises liability and security consultant. Joseph provides consultation regarding security and safety aspects of commercial property management and conducts security audits for various types of commercial premises, including but not limited to multi-family housing, resorts, hotels, retail and office space, entertainment venues, and sport arenas.
He holds an MBA in Management/Marketing, an MS in Protection Management, and a BA in Psychology. In addition, Joseph was board certified in security management, having earned the prestigious designation of Certified Protection Professional (CPP) (expired 12/19) from ASIS International. As a vetted member of and speaker at InfraGard events, Joseph contributed to and developed a partnership between the FBI and the private sector by providing industry specific insights.
Joseph’s training in physical security, force protection, and Intelligence began when he as a Naval Reserve Intelligence Officer supporte...