Responsibility As A Guardian/ Conservator Expert Witnesses

Responsibility as a guardian/ conservator expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on responsibility as a guardian/ conservator. The responsibility as a guardian/ conservator expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Geriatrics and Guardianship/Conservatorship.

Patricia A Maisano, RN, DHs, CCM, FAACM, PCGM, NCG, ABDA

Nationally known expert - Geriatrics

Varna LLC.

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Geriatrics, Guardianship/Conservatorship - Standard of Care, Elder Financial Abuse, Medical management, Elder abuse/predatory behavior, Undue Influence, Nursing home standards, Memory impairment treatment, Hospice, Responsibility as a Guardian/ Conservator, Financial Guardianship, Guardian of the Person
I have a history of more than 50 years in nursing, and more than 23 years of those years has been as an expert witness, in numerous states throughout the country. I have done every aspect of case work, between meditations, arbitration, closed hearings and hearings / trials with and without a jury. The nature of these cases has been med malpractice, standards of care (both medical and psychological), abuse of the elderly (financial and physical) and the life needs of these groups. I have done both plaintiff and defense I am also a board-certified National Guardian (NCG). I have been made guardian of person and Finance of Adults and Children for 20+ years. These cases have been very basic to very ligated, with and without family members I was on the forefront of case management development in the very early 80's and one of the first providers of advocacy for the elderly and disabled. I have been recognized as a matter expert in nursing, life care, and issues of disability. I creat...