Guardianship/Conservatorship Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of guardianship/conservatorship expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on guardianship/conservatorship and related issues. Guardianship/conservatorship expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these guardianship/conservatorship expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Assessments, Assisted Living, Care Management, Case Management, Cognitive Impairment, Conservator, Dementia, Disability, Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse/Predatory Behavior, Elder Financial Abuse, Elder Fraud, Exploitation, Financial Guardianship, and Guardian.

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Patricia A Maisano, RN, DHs, CCM, FAACM, PCGM, NCG, ABDA

Nationally known expert - Geriatrics

Varna LLC.

Geriatrics, Guardianship/Conservatorship - Standard of Care, Elder Financial Abuse, Medical management, Elder abuse/predatory behavior, Undue Influence, Nursing home standards, Memory impairment treatment, Hospice, Responsibility as a Guardian/ Conservator, Financial Guardianship, Guardian of the Person
I have a history of more than 50 years in nursing, and more than 23 years of those years has been as an expert witness, in numerous states throughout the country. I have done every aspect of case work, between meditations, arbitration, closed hearings and hearings / trials with and without a jury. The nature of these cases has been med malpractice, standards of care (both medical and psychological), abuse of the elderly (financial and physical) and the life needs of these groups. I have done both plaintiff and defense I am also a board-certified National Guardian (NCG). I have been made guardian of person and Finance of Adults and Children for 20+ years. These cases have been very basic to very ligated, with and without family members I was on the forefront of case management development in the very early 80's and one of the first providers of advocacy for the elderly and disabled. I have been recognized as a matter expert in nursing, life care, and issues of disability. I creat...

Jennifer T. Szakaly, MA, CMC, NMG

Charlotte, North Carolina
Geriatrics, Guardianship/Conservatorship - Elder abuse, disability, senior, healthcare power of attorney, healthcare advocate, social work, care management, case management, long-term care, assisted living, memory care, guardian, nursing home, assessments, cognitive impairment, dementia, conservator, exploitation, elder fraud
I opened up a care management company in Charlotte, NC in 2005 following the completion of my Master of Arts degree in Gerontology. I lead a team of nurses, social workers, gerontologists, and counselors to advocate for older adults and their family caregivers. For the past 15 years, I have served as a private guardian for older individuals who have been adjudicated in our court system. I serve as a Board Member of the North Carolina Guardianship Association and am a member of the National Guardianship Association. I became certified as a guardian in 2017 and am currently one of only 52 National Master Guardians in the country. This is the highest professional designation that can be attained by guardians and it requires extensive demonstration of competencies in a variety of areas, a comprehensive exam, and at least 15 years of experience in the field of guardianship. In our routine work as both care managers and guardians, we conduct clinical assessments of older adults and person...

Patricia A Maisano, RN, DHs, CCM, FAACM, PCGM, NCG, ABDA

Nationally known expert - Geriatrics

Varna LLC.

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Geriatrics, Guardianship/Conservatorship - Standard of Care, Elder Financial Abuse, Medical management, Elder abuse/predatory behavior, Undue Influence, Nursing home standards, Memory impairment treatment, Hospice, Responsibility as a Guardian/ Conservator, Financial Guardianship, Guardian of the Person
I have a history of more than 50 years in nursing, and more than 23 years of those years has been as an expert witness, in numerous states throughout the country. I have done every aspect of case work, between meditations, arbitration, closed hearings and hearings / trials with and without a jury. The nature of these cases has been med malpractice, standards of care (both medical and psychological), abuse of the elderly (financial and physical) and the life needs of these groups. I have done both plaintiff and defense I am also a board-certified National Guardian (NCG). I have been made guardian of person and Finance of Adults and Children for 20+ years. These cases have been very basic to very ligated, with and without family members I was on the forefront of case management development in the very early 80's and one of the first providers of advocacy for the elderly and disabled. I have been recognized as a matter expert in nursing, life care, and issues of disability. I creat...
You can also find Guardianship/Conservatorship Expert Witnesses in:
North Carolina and Pennsylvania