Mental Health Expert Witnesses

Mental health expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on mental health. The mental health expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Addiction Psychiatry, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Geriatrics, Hospice and Palliative Care, Hospital Administration, Independent Medical Examinations, Internal Medicine, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Legal Nurse Consulting, and Mental Health.

Stephen M Taylor, MD, MPH

Stephen M. Taylor, MD, PC

Birmingham, Alabama
Addiction Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry - Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Sports Psychiatry
Dr. Stephen Taylor is board-certified in general psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, and addiction medicine. In more than 28 years of practice experience, and as an educator, presenter and advocate, Dr. Taylor’s life’s work has been to help adolescents and adults avoid or overcome addiction disorders and co-occurring general psychiatric disorders. The 2022-23 NBA season marks Dr. Taylor's 16th year as the Medical Director of the Player Assistance and Anti-Drug Program of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA). Dr. Taylor also serves as the Chief Medical Officer of Pathway Healthcare, a company that has opened and is operating 14 outpatient addiction and mental health treatment offices across Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas, and is preparing to open additional offices in Louisiana, Arkansas and Virginia. Dr. Taylor is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and ...

Leslie Dobson, BS, MS, MA, PsyD

Dr. Leslie Dobson

Huntington Beach, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Damage assessment, mental health, trauma, therapy, prognosis, diagnosis, evaluation, personality cognitive testing, first responders, sexual abuse, sexual offenders, severe mental illness, psychosis, schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, suicidal, homicidal, self-harm
The primary focus of my practice is to evaluate individuals who are struggling with negative emotions or cognitions after a traumatic incident (i.e., sexual assault, car accident, physician abuse, neglect). If appropriate, I will complete a report to include diagnosis, prognosis, and a monetary damage amount for future mental health care. I require a retainer prior to beginning documentation review, evaluation, report writing, deposition or trial. Prior Experience: Criminal: Expert Testimony Cases: 4; Mentally Disordered Offenders Consultation with attorneys: Over 65 cases from Department of State Hospitals Violence Risk Assessments: Over 1000 Short Term Risk Assessments, <50 Long Term Violence Risk Assessments, > 20 Sexual Violence Risk Assessments Main Disorders Assessed and/or Treated: Schizophrenia, Psychopathy, Bipolar, Depression, OCD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder Familiarity with Penal Codes: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, Incompe...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC

Psychology Expert

Lifetime Counseling and Consulting

Fair Oaks, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Domestic violence, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, correctional mental health, wrongful death, PTSD, sex abuse, sex offender, criminal offense, malingering, stalking, mental health, murder, mental health, victimization, trauma, shooting, sexual assault, discrimination, psych testing
Experience in criminal and civil proceedings. Private practice since 2014.Retained by both defense and plaintiffs. Experience in evaluations and testimony for adults. 16 years of combined field as a counselor, trainer, interviewer, report writer working with victims of abuse, sexual assault, and with perpetrators of violence, and Dept of Corrections. Licensed as licensed professional clinical counselor in California since 2014. Doctorate in clinical psychology in 2016. Became certified as a National Domestic Violence Counselor in 2010. Published dissertation study in 2016 that evaluated and summarized the effects of being psychologically abused by parents in childhood. 1) Domestic violence / coercive control /emotional abuse 2) Psych / Forensic evaluations 3) Mental health assessment 4) Sexual abuse / sexual assault evaluations 5) PTSD *CV available upon request

Barbara J. Justice, MD

Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist

Equity Evals

Long Beach, California
Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry - Psychiatric Disease, Pharmacological Clinical, Competency to Stand Trial, Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Serve Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disability, Emotional Harm, Emotional Distress, Workers' Compensation, Mental Health, Malpractice, Capacity, Sexual Harassment Sexual Abuse and Victimization
Dr. Justice began her career in medicine as a surgeon in New York City. After 20 years as a practicing surgeon, she entered the field of Psychiatry and received training in a Fellowship program at UCLA. She is a Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist with training in all aspects of psychiatry and the law. Dr. Justice has broad experience testifying in criminal and civil cases and has been deposed extensively upwards of 400 times. She has also testified frequently as mental health expert witness for the state of California. Her unique background in physical medicine, trauma, psychopharmacology and surgery, combined with her psychiatric expertise, gives her an in-depth understanding of the multitude of factors at issue in civil litigation cases. Dr. Justice is currently Attending Forensic Psychiatrist, Director of Psychiatric Training at the Department of State Hospital in Norwalk California and CEO and Medical Director of the Glaser Forensic Group. Dr. Justice received her MD and co...

Nicole E McCarthy, MSW, LCSW, PMH-C

Woodland Hills, California
Social Work, Mental Health - Mental Health, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Forensic Social Work, Adult Depression/Anxiety, Case Management, Standard of Care, Discharge Planning, Postpartum Depression, PTSD, Perinatal Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Work Place Sexual Harassment, Suicide Prevention, Institutional Abuse
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) expert in mental health, psychiatric issues and women's health. I have a masters degree in social work from the University of Southern California and licensed in the state of California with the Board of Behavioral Sciences. I have experience and expertise with residential treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, domestic violence shelters and outpatient mental health clinics. I was a leader for the Intensive Outpatient Program in an outpatient clinic. Supervised other therapist’s and coordinated treatment teams for patient care. I have collaborated with psychiatrists, primary care physicians, OBGYN's, medical social workers, RN's and nursing teams. I addition, I am a member of Postpartum Support International and helped create the positive motherhood transition program specializing and treating moms who struggle with postpartum depression/ anxiety. I have expertise with pregnancy loss, infertility and perinatal issues. I am also a member ...

Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc

Long Beach, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998. In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.

Sulagna Misra, MD

Physician Leader, Advocate Internist Civil Surgeon

Los Angeles, California
Independent Medical Examinations, Internal Medicine - Integrative Medicine, Medi Spa, Internal Medicine, Adult Medicine, Mental health, Men's Health, Internist, Civil Surgeon, Geriatric Medicine, Physical Health, Obesity medicine, Functional medicine, Immigration, Primary Care, DPC, Medical Weight Loss, Lifestyle Medicine, General Practitioner, Telemed
I am a Physician in Los Angeles dually Licensed in CA and NY with a Virtual Practice in both locations and a current physical office in Los Angeles with a Mobile Medical Unit (I also can go to the client). I practice Internal, integrative and Aesthetic Medicine. I specialize in Obesity Medicine | Medical Weight Loss and Men's Health. I am a USCIS Civil Surgeon for the DHS. I am a physician advocate and thought leader. I practice Direct Primary care (membership based care model) that does not accept insurance as payment (but may utilize insurance for bloodwork/imaging/meds) I have been a former Lab Director of a Moderate Complexity Lab (CLIA Certified). I informally Coach Physicians in opening DPC practices and through burnout. I have been in numerous media/press publications, a few podcasts and most recently was in Forbes as a consultant.

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Jessica Handelman, LCSW-BCD

Forensic Child Welfare and Child Custody Expert

Colorado Forensic Family Advocacy

Denver, Colorado
Child Abuse, Social Work - child custody, child development, child abuse, child neglect, Family separation, Trauma, Best interest, Mental health, Tpr, Forensic social work, Removal, Foster care, Reunification, Adoption, Attachment, PTSD, Kinship care, behavioral and social sciences, child protective services, child dependency
Jessica Handelman is a Board Certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado, Utah, Texas, and Florida with nearly 20 years of experience. Holding certifications in Forensic Social Work and Multicultural and International Social Work Practice, other specialized expertise includes Adoption Trauma, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Complex Trauma, the Harm of Removal, TPR, and Forensic Evaluations. Jessica's primary focus of work is centered around dependent and neglected children and domestic relations matters. She has also worked on juvenile delinquency and guardianship cases. Jessica's scope of work routinely involves legal advocacy, conducting mental health evaluations, child-focused trauma assessments, Parent-Child Interactional Evaluations, facilitating therapeutic out-of-home placement transitions, and serving as an expert witness throughout the country. Jessica is a certified Child & Family Investigator and Parental Responsibilities Evaluator. Jessica’s e...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Palm Coast, Florida
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Naren T. Vellanki, MD

Double Board Certified Psychiatrist

Orlando, Florida
Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Mental Health, Behavioral Health, Medical Malpractice, Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Autism Spectrum Disorder, PTSD, Inpatient Psychiatry, Baker Act, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Competency, Behavioral Health Hospital
Dr. Vellanki is a double board certified psychiatrist with nine years of clinical experience and specialized expertise in both inpatient and telehealth psychiatric care. Certifications: Board-certified in General Psychiatry Board-certified in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Expert Witness Services: Dr. Vellanki has experience serving as an expert witness in medical malpractice cases, providing critical insights into psychiatric care standards, diagnosis, and treatment, particularly for patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals. He offers comprehensive reviews, depositions, and testimony related to cases involving psychiatric care for both children and adults. Clinical Experience: Dr. Vellanki is a highly experienced psychiatrist delivering inpatient psychiatric care and tele-psychiatry services. His practice involves diagnosing and treating patients admitted to the psychiatric hospital on both voluntary and involuntary bases. He specializes in managing a wide range of severe menta...

Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...

Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc

Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998. In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.

Chief Chet Epperson (Ret.), M.B.A.

Police/Jail Practices Expert - Former Police Chief

AGR Police Practice Group, LLC

Rockford, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Police Shootings, Officer-Involved Shooting, Excessive Force, Wrongful Conviction, Risk Management, Police Complaint Investigation, Deadly Force, Internal Investigation, Police Policy Practices, Police Tactics, Arrest, Police Pursuits, Brady Issues, Mentoring, Author, Mental Health, T
Experienced 44-year police professional in areas of use of force, internal affairs, officer-involved shootings, supervision, wrongful convictions, practice, policy, discipline, mental health, auditing, staffing analysis, organizational assessments, investigations, and training. 34 years as an active law enforcement officer and ten of those years as chief of police of a 340 sworn/ non-sworn municipal police department. On-going experience for the past 9-years as a police practice consultant providing Federal Court-Appointed expertise in police Consent Decrees and a United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Police Consultant regarding police use of force. Expert in applying constitutional standards, state law, policy, practice, and training to police incidents. Retained in plaintiff and defense litigation incidents. Court approved expert in state and federal civil/ criminal trials. Court approved in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, and...

George C. Klein, PhD

Oakton Community College

Northbrook, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Behavioral and Social Sciences - Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Mentally Ill, Police, Police Apprehension of the Mentally Ill, Police Policies and Procedures, Crisis Intervention Teams, Jail Suicide
George C. Klein, Ph.D. works as an expert witness on the intersection of mental health and criminal justice. He specializes in the police apprehension of the mentally ill, police policies and procedures, police use of excessive force, and jail suicide. He was a part-time police officer for over eight years. He was a consultant and researcher for the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy for over 13 years. He is a trained hostage negotiator and served with a SWAT team. His book, entitled, Law And The Disordered: An Exploration in Mental Health, Law, and Politics, was published in 2009. The book is an examination of the mental health and criminal justice system in Illinois. It includes fieldwork on police apprehension of the mentally ill, hospital emergency rooms, the homeless mentally ill, and mental health screening in jails. His book, entitled, The Militarization of the Police? Ideology Versus Reality, was published in 2019. The book examines the police use of force, a...

Amelia Swanson, PhD

Health Psychology Associates of Illinois PLLC

Skokie, Illinois
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - PTSD, depression, anxiety, retaliation, employment, discrimination, termination, sexual harassment, medical malpractice, mental health, trauma, evaluation, fertility, embryo, IVF, sexual assault, wrongful death, whistleblower, foreseeability
Dr. Amelia Swanson is a forensic and licensed clinical psychologist who provides forensic evaluations, consultations to attorneys and expert testimony in civil cases, primarily in medical malpractice, sexual harassment, and wrongful death cases. Dr. Swanson also has a specialty in health psychology and impacts of trauma and has previously worked as faculty at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and University of Massachusetts, Chan Medical School. She has experience working in many medical and mental health settings including fertility, primary care, OB/GYN, transplant, oncology, diabetes in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and been invited to speak at national conferences on the psychological aspects of coping with medical issues including fertility, trauma-informed care, and other topics. She is licensed in Illinois, Massachusetts and Iowa and is psypact certified to practice in 39 states (see website for current l...

Naren T. Vellanki, MD

Double Board Certified Psychiatrist

Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Mental Health, Behavioral Health, Medical Malpractice, Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Autism Spectrum Disorder, PTSD, Inpatient Psychiatry, Baker Act, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Competency, Behavioral Health Hospital
Dr. Vellanki is a double board certified psychiatrist with nine years of clinical experience and specialized expertise in both inpatient and telehealth psychiatric care. Certifications: Board-certified in General Psychiatry Board-certified in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Expert Witness Services: Dr. Vellanki has experience serving as an expert witness in medical malpractice cases, providing critical insights into psychiatric care standards, diagnosis, and treatment, particularly for patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals. He offers comprehensive reviews, depositions, and testimony related to cases involving psychiatric care for both children and adults. Clinical Experience: Dr. Vellanki is a highly experienced psychiatrist delivering inpatient psychiatric care and tele-psychiatry services. His practice involves diagnosing and treating patients admitted to the psychiatric hospital on both voluntary and involuntary bases. He specializes in managing a wide range of severe menta...

Elizabeth A Lambeth, RN, BSN , MS

Louisiana Care Partners, LLC

Lafayette , Louisiana
Pediatrics, Psychology - Mental Health, Autism, Behavioral Issues, Trauma, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Counseling, Birth Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury

Eric Anderson, MD, MBA

Eric Anderson MD, LLC

Annapolis, Maryland
Psychiatry - Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Psychopharmacology, Medication Management, Psychosis, Women’s Mental Health, Pregnancy/Post Partum, Suicide, Emergency Psychiatry, Inpatient Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Recidivism
Board Certified Psychiatrist in active clinical practice. Johns Hopkins trained in general psychiatry. Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at George Washington University. 20+ years medical experience, 15+ years in psychiatry. Colonel in the United States Air Force and Chief of Aerospace Medicine. 20+ years of military service including combat deployment. Numerous awards, to include “Top Doc” for the Annapolis area, U.S. Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal with Combat Device, and U.S. Navy Commendation Medal. Well-experienced public speaker.

Vipul M Kella, MD, MBA FACEP

Emergency and Hospital Administration Expert

Vipul Kella

Potomac, Maryland
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration - COVID, overdose, anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fraud, hospital administration, mental health, aortic dissection, sexual assault, myocardial infarction, fractures, negligence, sepsis, wound care, trauma, cardiac arrest, brain hemorrhage, stroke, medical devices, aneurysm
Background: Dr. Kella is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who practices in the Washington D.C. area. In his twenty years of practice, he has worked both clinically and as a hospital executive in large hospital systems and has received awards for hospital safety and quality initiatives. He currently practices in the Washington, D.C. area and has been retained in high-profile civil and federal matters by firms across the country. Dr. Kella has both a clinical and executive background, with an MBA in hospital administration and 15 years of experience in hospital administrative and consulting roles. He is frequently retained for his expertise in corporate negligence matters. He is also a chief medical officer and experienced health tech expert retained for his experience with medical devices and products. Board-certified in Emergency Medicine, and highly experienced expert witness, having reviewed over 400 cases and having testified 15 times in the past 2 years. R...

Richard A Parker, MD

Hospital Corporate Negligence

Care Dimensions hospice

Newton Highlands, Massachusetts
Hospital Administration, Hospice and Palliative Care - Hospital Corporate Negligence, Hospital Liability, Hospital administration, Hospice care, Hospice fraud, healthcare fraud, Credentialing, Policies and procedures, Mental Health, Covid, sepsis, hemorrhage, medical billing, qui tam, medical necessity, DNR, end of life, hospital advertising
Highly experienced hospital corporate negligence, hospital credentialing and hospice expert witness. Reviewed over 800 cases and testified in 51 trials and depositions over 25 years. Trained at Dartmouth and Brown medical schools. Previous Assistant Professor appointment at Harvard Medical School. Practiced internal medicine for 24 years. Served as medical director and chief medical officer for Beth Israel Deaconess Physician Organization for 15 years in Boston. Former chief of medical services at Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, MA and New England Deaconess Psychiatric unit. Former editor for Journal of the American Medical Association. Served as chief medical officer for Arcadia -- a data aggregation and analytics company providing population health services to large healthcare organizations. Currently practice in hospice for Care Dimensions hospice in Lincoln and Danvers, Mass. Experienced speaker and presenter.

Christy Smith, RN, CCRN, CLNC

Med-Surg and Cardiovascular Critical Care Nursing

Northwest Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC

Lakeside, MT, Montana
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Critical Care, Cardiology, Cardiovascular ICU, Medical-Surgical ICU, Progressive Care, Emergency, Medical-Surgical, Mental Health, Pediatrics, Pediatric ICU, Post Anesthesia Recovery, Brain Injury, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Gastro-Intestinal, Urology, Geriatrics, Pressure Injuries, Falls, Neurology
I have been a critical care nurse for over 29 years. I was trained in Memphis and have practiced nursing in Tennessee, Mississippi, Washington, and currently have a multi-state license in Montana. I am presently a Shift Unit Supervisor in the Progressive Care Unit in an area hospital and certified in Critical Care. I also have been a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant since 2010. I am current in bedside nursing and lower management. I am very familiar with Standards of Nursing Care, Joint Commision, and CMS standards.

Stephen Conner, MD

Arcadia Medical Group

Edmond, Oklahoma
Orthopedic Surgery, Family Medicine - Total joint replacements, arthroscopy, fracture care, therapeutic injections, hand surgery, adult reconstructive surgery, orthopedic trauma surgery, sports injuries, Orthopedic IMEs, Peer Reviews, Record Reviews, Medical Malpractice, plaintiff, defense, Family Medicine, Mental Health
Dr. Conner has been and currently is in the active practice of Orthopedic Surgery in the Oklahoma City area for over 35 years. He is Board Certified in Orthopedic Surgery. Areas of practice include operative and non-operative treatment of Adult Degenerative and Arthritic conditions; Orthopedic Trauma,; Sports Injuries; soft tissue injuries; conditions of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles; hand injuries; spinal conditions and injuries (non-operative only). His surgical procedures include total joint replacements, arthroscopy, fracture care, therapeutic injections, hand surgery, adult reconstructive surgery, trauma surgery, sports injuries. Dr Conner is an OU Physician through the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, and regularly sees clinic patients, performs surgery, and takes emergency call in the practice of Orthopedic Surgery. He previously served as an Assistant Clinical Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery. His legal experience spans over 30 years of IME, Med Ma...

William A Parsons, PhD

Parsons Consulting

Franklin, Tennessee
Mental Health, Hospital Administration - Mental Health, Partial Hospitalization, Residential Treatment, Eating Disorders, Psychiatric Hospitals
Dr. Bill Parsons has almost 40 years of experience in behavioral health care administration. He has operated residential treatment programs, psychiatric hospitals and partial hospital treatment. His most recent experience was at Acadia Healthcare where he served as CEO of Timberline Knolls, a 165-bed residential treatment program for women with eating disorders and complex mental health and substance abuse issues in Chicago, IL. Also for Acadia, In 2015 he completed a one -year assignment to open a new 120 bed (now completing addition for a 200 bed) psychiatric hospital in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. As a joint venture between Acadia Healthcare and Southcoast Health, he was successful in partnering with Southcoast to open the new hospital and transition staff and patients from their 30-bed inpatient unit located at St. Luke’s hospital to the new facility. He was responsible for hiring the management team, recruiting physicians, developing the operating plan and preparing the hos...

Jessica Handelman, LCSW-BCD

Forensic Child Welfare and Child Custody Expert

Colorado Forensic Family Advocacy

Child Abuse, Social Work - child custody, child development, child abuse, child neglect, Family separation, Trauma, Best interest, Mental health, Tpr, Forensic social work, Removal, Foster care, Reunification, Adoption, Attachment, PTSD, Kinship care, behavioral and social sciences, child protective services, child dependency
Jessica Handelman is a Board Certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado, Utah, Texas, and Florida with nearly 20 years of experience. Holding certifications in Forensic Social Work and Multicultural and International Social Work Practice, other specialized expertise includes Adoption Trauma, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Complex Trauma, the Harm of Removal, TPR, and Forensic Evaluations. Jessica's primary focus of work is centered around dependent and neglected children and domestic relations matters. She has also worked on juvenile delinquency and guardianship cases. Jessica's scope of work routinely involves legal advocacy, conducting mental health evaluations, child-focused trauma assessments, Parent-Child Interactional Evaluations, facilitating therapeutic out-of-home placement transitions, and serving as an expert witness throughout the country. Jessica is a certified Child & Family Investigator and Parental Responsibilities Evaluator. Jessica’s e...

Nicholas Ladikos, PharmD, FASCP, BCPS, BCGP, BCIDP

Clinical Professor and Doctor of Pharmacy

Texas Tech University, MedOp Advisors, Optum Serve

Coppell, Texas
Pharmacist, Geriatrics - Medical Chart Review, Pharmacy, Infectious Diseases, Medicare/Medicaid, Drug Effects/Reaction, Geriatrics, Pain Management, Medical & Health, Pharmacology, Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacist, Health Insurance, Pulmonary Medicine, Claims Review, GERD, Mental Health, Antipsychotics, Prescriptions, Asthma
I develop and lead clinical programs that help stakeholders use and advance medication management tools (e.g., formularies, pharmacy, therapeutics committees and medication therapy management), quality metrics, research methodologies, and health information technology. Currently, I am a Medical Director for Optum Serve and a Professor at Texas Tech University and Arizona College of Nursing, having co-authored numerous papers in the areas of infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacogenomics, geriatrics, and therapies in the lung transplant population. I started and operationalized system-level programs at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and am also the founder of MedOp Advisors, a concierge medication, nutrition, and wellness advisory company. Numerous hospitals have used my skillset and expertise in medical chart reviews to identify errors in medication preparation and prescribing, drug side effect management, ...

Jeff Temple, PhD

Licensed Psychologist - IPV/DV Expert

Galveston, Texas
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health, Sleep, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Violence Prevention, Memory, Risky Sexual Behavior, Sexual Assault, Sexual Coercion, Substance Use, Alcohol, Online Sexual Communication
Dr. Jeff Temple (Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, University of North Texas, Postdoctoral Internship, Brown University) is a Professor, Licensed Psychologist, and Founding Director of the Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He is a leading expert in intimate partner violence, risky sexual behavior, substance use, and mental health, and his work has been funded through the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to numerous book chapters, he has co-edited two and authored one book on preventing, treating, and screening for partner violence. Dr. Temple recently co-chaired a Texas Task Force on Domestic Violence, served on the Board of Directors of the Texas Psychological Association, was an advisor to Governor Abbott on mass shootings, and, for seven years, was the Vice President of the Galveston Independent School District Board of Trustees. Dr. Temple’s areas of profes...

Linda L Miller, DO

Linda L Miller DO

University Place, Washington
Psychiatry, Mental Health - IME, deposition, mental health, mental conditions, workers compensation, disability, record review
I have a current certification with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, INC I have a private practice of psychiatry for 28 years and have been providing IMEs and expert opinion for the same amount of time. I have performed more than a thousand IMEs for company's and attorneys. Many of these have been with panels of IME experts including orthopedists, chiropractors and neurologists. Because of my additional education, training and experience in primary care medicine, I have good understanding of the impact of medical issues and medical conditions on the mental health of clients. My reports are detailed and opinions are well defended using the DSM V book of mental conditions and scholarly articles if necessary References are available upon request.