Intubation Expert Witnesses

Intubation expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on intubation. The intubation expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Anesthesiology, Aquatics Safety, Cardiovascular Disease, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospitalist, Medical Management, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, and Nurse Practitioner.

Adam Canion, MD, FAAEM, FACEP

Emergency Medicine Physician - Full Time Practice

Emergency Medicine - Intubation, Airway Management, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Pediatric Emergency, Head Trauma, Billing, Sepsis, Trauma, Envenomation, Overdose, Malpractice
Full time clinical practitioner of emergency medicine, Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Has significant clinical experience at level 1 trauma centers, level 2 trauma centers, as well as associated critical access hospitals and freestanding emergency rooms. Has treated more than 30,000 patients in the emergency department. Recognized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine as having expertise in pediatric, trauma, neurological, and cardiac resuscitation. Experience in chart review and standard of care evaluations. Undergraduate degree, Summa Cum Laude, in Health and Kinesiology. Expertise in resuscitation as well as life and limb saving emergency procedures. Serves on multiple clinical improvement committees including sepsis taskforce, national workforce committees and government relations committee. Experience in Children's Advocacy Center Medical Directorship and governor appointed Child Fatality Review Teams. Experience as c...

Cidney Scott Hulett, MD, MPH

Critical Care Medicine

Little Rock, Arkansas
Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease - Interventional Pulmonology, mechanical ventilation, sepsis, septic shock, respiratory failure, ECMO, central line, intubation, chest tube, bronchoscopy, EBUS, lung biopsy, echocardiography, neurocritical care, rigid bronchosocpy, airway stent, tracheostomy, thoracentesis, pleural effusion, LTAC

Joseph J Barrows, MD

Joseph J. Barrows, MD Inc.

Newport Beach, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - intubation, hematoma, informed consent, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, VTE, PE, capnography, brain damage, hypoxia, paralysis, narcotics, laryngospasm, ambulatory surgical center, ASC, medication error, propofol, central line, ventilation
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice. 15+ years experience. Over 4,000 spinal surgical procedures performed. Anesthesiologist for U.S. Olympic and Red Bull athletes, the Los Angeles Kings, and U.S. Navy SEALs. Extensive teaching experience. 10+ years experience as Medical Director of an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with duties including peer review and performance enhancement. Experienced expert witness. First person in family to attend college - worked way through college working construction and bartending. Excellent verbal communication skills.

Keith J Chamberlin, MD MBA

40 years of experience in Anesthesiology

Chamberlin Health, Inc.

SAN RAFAEL, California
Anesthesiology - PreOp Preparation, Intubation, Central line placement, Spinal anesthesia, Practice Management, MAC, PACU Post op care
Keith Chamberlin is a senior executive leader in clinical anesthesiology and medical group management. He is board-certified in anesthesiology and has 40 years of clinical experience in the operating room, including teaching and supervising residents, medical students, and nurse anesthetists (CRNA). He is CEO of Chamberlin Health Inc., a medical business firm consulting on patient care, bilateral contract negotiation, health care law, and medical care navigation (3/2010- present). He also serves as Medical Director, Perioperative Services at his local hospital facility (1/2005- present). In these roles, he has expert experience in anesthesiology, medical practice, regulations, patient care, and other healthcare topics. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, a Member of the California Society of Anesthesiologists and the MGMA, and a member of the American College of Physician Executives and the American Association of Physician Leaders. He is a Founding Shareh...

Divya Chander, MD, PhD

D. Chander LLC

San Francisco, California
Anesthesiology - difficult airway, intubation, brain injury / brain damage, hypoxia, hypotension, residual paralysis, narcotics, oversedation, aspiration, PACU, neurosurgical anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, awareness under anesthesia, brain monitoring, ENT anesthesia, Intraoperative visual loss, drug errors
Dr. Chander is a board certified anesthesiologist and neuroscientist (PhD). She served on the Stanford Anesthesiology faculty for 8 years. At Stanford, her areas of expertise and teaching included general surgery, neurosurgical, ENT/head & neck, orthopedic, and obstetric anesthesia. She has extensive experience with propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia, +/- brain monitoring, and difficult airway. She has trained residents in the OR, on labor & delivery, and through didactic teaching. Over the past several years, Dr. Chander continues to practice anesthesia at several Bay Area hospitals (including a level 1 trauma center). Dr. Chander has also co-founded 2 companies in the healthcare space, in neuro-ICU diagnostics, and creating a platform for integration for public health data. She served on a NASA task force for COVID19, and a global pandemic resilience task force, which she co-chaired and directed. In 2020, she was appointed a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council. Dr. Chan...

Akash Desai, MD, FACEP

Desai Medical Inc

San Diego, California
Ultrasound, Emergency Medicine - Trauma, Cardiac Arrest, Myocardial Infarction, Electrocardiography, Diabetic, Torsion, Respiratory Failure, Intubation, Shock, Sepsis, CVC, Biliary, Block, Abscess, EMTALA, Airway, Narcotic Prescription, Seizure, Overdose, Stroke
Board certified emergency medicine physician in active clinical practice in California. The inaugural Director of Emergency Ultrasound at the University of California, San Diego East Campus, performing quality assurance, case review, and teaching for point-of-care ultrasound applications performed hospital-wide. Completed residency training at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, and fellowship training in Advanced Clinical Bedside Ultrasound at Highland Hospital in Oakland, CA. Experience as faculty instructor at national meetings for the American College of Emergency Physicians and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. Published author on topics including health care power of attorney and point-of-care emergency ultrasound. Editor of the 2022 American Board of Emergency Medicine EM Model which outlines the official standards-of-training for emergency medicine residencies across the United States. Former Chair and Vice Chair of the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association...

Robert A Ertner, MD

Chico, California
Anesthesiology - cardiac anesthesia, airway trauma, intubation, operating room fires, positioning, central lines, airway management, regional anesthesia, ambulatory anesthesia, epidurals, spinal anesthesia, ICU sedation, preoperative assessment, general anesthesia, echocardiography
Board-certified, cardiovascular fellowship-trained (Emory University) anesthesiologist in full-time clinical practice. Certified in peri-operative transesophageal echocardiography. Over 17 years of experience in hands-on patient care and direction/supervision of CRNAs and medical students. • General anesthesia including: Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, ventilator management, intra-operative monitoring, management of emergence from anesthesia, and transportation to and from the operating room. • Airway management including endotracheal tubes, single-lung ventilation, and non-invasive techniques. • Epidural and spinal anesthesia. • Regional anesthesia. • Invasive Monitoring including central Lines, arterial Lines, and pulmonary arterial catheters. • Pre-operative assessment and post-operative patient management. • Echocardiography and ultrasound assessment. Areas of practice include: General, cardiovascular, thoracic, bariatric, orthopedic, trauma, obstetric and gynecologic...

John B Everlove, MS, NRP

Acclaim Consulting & Educational Services, Inc.

Westlake Village, California
Emergency Medical Services, Transportation - Paramedic, EMT, Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Medical Services, EMS, Standard of Care, EMT negligence, paramedic negligence, advanced airway, intubation, misplaced airway, CPR, wrongful death, in custody death, medical malpractice, ambulance crash, gurney drop, stretcher drop, patient drop
As an Expert Witness and Consultant, Mr. Everlove has participated in the evaluation of numerous cases throughout the United States, related to Emergency Medical Services standard of care, patient care, clinical management, treatment, transport, and medical/legal issues. Mr. Everlove holds a national certification and several state licenses, including current employment as a Paramedic/Fire Fighter with and has been actively serving in the State of California since 1992. Mr. Everlove holds a Master of Science degree in Emergency Services Administration and Emergency Management, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Mr. Everlove has directed and coordinated Emergency Medical Services in partnership with local, state and federal agencies including the FBI, the United States Secret Service and the White House Medical Unit. As a Paramedic Supervisor and Clinical Manager for an EMS organization of 150 employees, Mr. Everlove conducted numerous investigations related to all aspects of EMT and Pa...

Mike Farag, DO

Mountain Center, California
Emergency Medicine - Aneurysm, Abdominal Pain, Chest Pain, Intubation, Allergic Reaction, Appendicitis, Sedation, DKA, Dissection, Ectopic Pregnancy, Foreign Body, Fracture, Cardiac, Renal Gastrointestinal, Obstetric Emergency, Psychiatric Emergency, Hemorrhage, Sepsis, Torsion, Stroke
Additional search/index terms: Heart Failure, Infection, Intracranial, Ischemia, Myocardial Infarction/Heart Attack, Pulmonary Embolism, COVID 19, Accident and Central Line. Dr. Mike Farag is: - Trained at a Level 1 trauma hospital in Charleston WV. - Board-certified in Emergency Medicine. - Practicing as a Full-Time EM physician in a high volume ER. - Licensed in the state of California. - A teaching Physician who trains ER/IM/FP residents and medical students. - Residency trained in bedside ultrasound. - Director of the scribe program in a community hospital ED training scribes on accurate documentations and appropriate and thorough charting. - Works at a stroke and vascular Medical Center. Dr. Mike Farag has: - Oversight/supervision of Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner mid-level providers. - Provided medical care for numerous VIPs and famous individuals and their family members. - Completed a SEAK expert-witness training course. - Been certified in ACLS, PA...

Jeremy Laney, MD

Playa del Rey, California
Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Disease - Liver transplant, Cardiac Surgery, Pain management, Airway management, Sedation, Awareness under anesthesia, Echocardiography, Epidural, Intubation, ECMO, Heart Transplant, General Surgery, Life Support, Ventilaltion, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Lung Transplant, Surgery, ACLS, Ventilator
Board-certified, fellowship-trained anesthesiologist at Keck Medical Center of University of Southern California (USC). Received my Medical Doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2016. Completed my residency in Anesthesiology at Los Angeles County + USC program. Completed fellowship in Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Keck Medical Center of USC. Currently working full-time at Keck Medical Center of USC as a full time clinician and assistant professor. This is a high-volume surgical center with complex cases and requires teaching fellows, residents and medical students in anesthesiology. Well-educated on current literature in my field. Board certified in perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (heart imaging). Provide anesthesia services for many types of surgical cases but specialize in cardiac and liver transplant. Ample clinical experience in other surgical cases (including outpatient). Expert witness experience since 2021 to clients all ...

Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA

AWS Surgical, Inc.

Rolling Hills Estates, California
Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery - Surgical Critical Care, ICU Medicine, Shock, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Cardiac arrest, Emergency airway, Intubation, Respiratory failure, COVID, Pneumonia, Pulmonary embolism (PE), Central line, Procedural complications, Infections, Tele-ICU, Medical records review
Dual board certified in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care by the American Board of Surgery with additional certification obtained in Bariatrics Surgery. In active clinical practice focusing on Surgical Critical Care and ICU Medicine. Experienced as an ICU Medical Director as well as with quality improvement metrics and clinical optimization. I take care of general Medical and Surgical Critical Care patients in a variety of settings including academic, community, rural and tele-ICU. Able to provide objective expert opinions on medical malpractice cases. CV available upon request.

Andrew Wittenberg, MD, MPH, FACEP

Emergency Medicine Physician Expert

Long Beach, California
Emergency Medicine - Trauma, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Pregnancy/Ectopic, Ectopic Pregnancy, Sepsis, Pulmonary Embolism, PE, Aneurysm, Pneumonia, Appendicitis, Intubation, Ischemia, Testicular Torsion, Ovarian Torsion, Airway Management, Fracture, Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Dr. Wittenberg is the Medical Director of his Emergency Department and a national oral board examiner. He has 14+ years experience as a practicing emergency physician at both a major tertiary care center and a smaller community hospital. Dr. Wittenberg provides consultation for chart reviews, expert witness depositions, and testimony. Dr. Wittenberg is board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) and is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians (FACEP). Dr. Wittenberg graduated from Temple University Medical School and completed his residency at Los Angeles County - USC Hospital. He currently works in Long Beach, CA at a 100,000 visit per year ER and also has experience at a community hospital with an ER census of 30,000 visits per year. Dr. Wittenberg also serves as the Medical Director of the ER, the Chair of the Quality Committee for his health system's physician society, as well as being significantly involved with the health system'...

Susan M. Thibeault, DNAP, CRNA

Branford, Connecticut
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology - CRNA, hospital liability, airway, fire, aspiration, awareness, EMR/EHR Audit trails, capnography, dental, endoscopy, colonoscopy, intubation, non-OR anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), overdose, oversedation, positioning, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line
Yale-trained nurse anesthetist leader in active clinical practice. Clinical experience includes both operating room and non-operating room procedures. Head of CRNA quality and safety for Yale New Haven Hospital – a 1,500+ bed level 1 trauma center. Has reviewed numerous adverse events for deviations from standard of care. Extensive public speaking experience.

Michael C. Eves, DO

Beachland Anesthesia

Vero Beach, Florida
Anesthesiology - Board Certified Anesthesiologist, Medical Director, Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Regional Anesthesia, Nerve Injury, Spinals, Peri-Operative Pain Management, Airway Management, Intubation, Extubation, Hypoxia, Appropriate Patient Selection, Orthopedic Anesthesia, Ambulatory Surgery
Qualifications -Board Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice for the past 16+ years. Specialty areas of focus include ambulatory surgery with extensive experience in orthopedics, outpatient total joint replacements, ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks and managing post-operative pain. -Medical Director, Chairman of Medical Executive Committee and Chairman of the Governing Body of Ambulatory Surgery Center in Vero Beach, FL. 6+ years at a high volume orthopedic and ENT surgery center. Developed and implemented policies and procedures for the assessment of appropriate patient selection for outpatient surgery, pre-admission testing guidelines, safety and quality improvement initiatives, staff education and training as well as patient education programs. -Founding faculty member at the Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine. Former faculty educator at Florida State University and University of Maryland responsible for education and training of medical student...

Curtis J Coley II, MD, MHA, FCCP

Atlanta, Georgia
Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine - Sepsis, Shock, Pulmonary Embolus, Hemorrhage, ARDS, COVID-19, Asthma, COPD, Occupational Exposure, Airway Management, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia, Intubation, EMR, AI, Process Improvement, Healthcare Disparities, RCA, Aspiration, Code Blue
I have maintained Board Certification in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and have been in practice for more than 19 years. I have been involved with Medical Legal Review for over a decade. I have worked in multiple health systems across the country, and understand the impact of subtle regional differences in practice. I have held numerous leadership positions at the local and at the system level. In addition to participation on many Medical Executive Committees, I have served as the Medical Director of Critical Care Medicine at two facilities (Piedmont Atlanta and Piedmont Fayette), served as Chairman of Internal Medicine (Piedmont Atlanta) and I served as the Chairman of the Sepsis Taskforce for Piedmont Healthcare. I have vast experience with Key Performance Indicators/Quality Metrics related to Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. I have a deep understanding of Electronic Medical Records, and how the providers interface with them.

Matthew M Nobari, MD

Associate Professor of Pulmonary/Critical Care Med

Pro PCCM Consulting LLC

Maywood , Illinois
Pulmonary Disease, Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine - Sepsis/infection, ARDS, Respiratory Failure/vent, Intubation, PE/DVT, Asbestos, Asthma/cough, COPD, Emphysema, EBUS, Bronchoscopy, Lung cancer, Hypoxia/mis-intubation/airway, Acute renal failure, Heart Failure, Interstitial Lung Disease, Smoke/mold/COVID, Occupational injury, Causation, Tracheostomy
Matthew Nobari, MD, is a clinician educator, researcher, and triple board-certified in internal medicine, pulmonology and critical care. He provides full-time care to patients with a variety of diseases including, but not limited to, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary hypertension, asthma, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, sepsis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He is committed to providing comprehensive care to all of his patients. Dr. Nobari is actively involved in the teaching and mentorship of medical students, residents and fellows at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and Loyola University Medical Center. Prior to joining Loyola, Dr. Nobari was Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of California San Diego where he was clinical faculty of the year (2021), interim director of Interventional Pulmonary (2018-2020), and received the White Ribbon Award for Lung Cancer Care. While at UCSD, he served as a mentor for...

Dan M. Drzymalski, MD, CHCQM

Anesthesiologist trained at Harvard Med

Tufts Medical Center

Boston, Massachusetts
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology - Quality, Anesthesia, Pregnancy, Cesarean section, Epidural analgesia, Spinal anesthesia, Labor pain, Cerclage, Tubal ligation, Blood patch, Amniotic fluid embolism, Intubation, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Pulmonary embolism, Heparin, obstetric fellowship
Recognized with several awards, nearly 40 peer reviewed publications, graduated M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 2011, now Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Tufts Medical Center, active full time clinical practice. Double Board certified in Anesthesia and Health Care Quality and Management. Several years of experience at Medical Director (Division Chief) of obstetric anesthesia at a large academic medical center. Served on Credentialing Committee, Vice President of Medical Staff, Perinatal Quality Committee, Medical Board Ad Hoc Investigatory Sub-Committee, Task Force for Safety and High Reliability Organization, Transfusion committee, Clinical Competency Committee

Attila Kerner, MD, MS

Saint Louis, Missouri
Anesthesiology, Ambulatory Surgery Centers - Intubation, Positioning, Preoperative Assessment, Airway Trauma, Regional Anesthesia, PACU, General Anesthesia, Operating Room Fire, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Epidural Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia, Operating Room Safety
Board certified anesthesiologist with over 15 years of experience. Trained at Washington University in Saint Louis. Abundant experience in all subspecialty areas. Abundant teaching and working / clinical experience at Saint Louis University Hospital, a large level one trauma center where I oversee the preoperative anesthesia clinic, as well as teach resident physicians, and provide subspecialty anesthetic care in areas including but not limited to: trauma, transplant, cardiac, and neuro anesthesia. I am also well versed with regional ultrasound guided anesthesia, as well as epidural and spinal anesthesia. Abundant experience in multiple clinical settings including private practice, teaching hospitals, and surgery centers. Well versed with supervising and medically directing CRNAs and AAs.

Jonathan Mazer, MD

Montclair, New Jersey
Anesthesiology - General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional Nerve Block, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Airway, Intubation, Interventional Radiology, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology
Harvard-Trained. Board Certified in Anesthesiology. Previous case review experience. Published on neuraxial anesthesia. Presentation at a national conference on ambulatory anesthesia. Multiple poster presentations. Graduated from medical school with a distinction in research. Currently in private practice performing a wide variety of anesthetic cases (General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional/Nerve Blocks, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology, ENT/Otolaryngology, Plastics, Adult, Pediatric, Out of OR). Both efficient and thorough with case review.

Glen T. Granati, MD

Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine - Academic MD

Astoria, New York
Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Hospitalist - COPD, Asthma, Interstitial Lung Disease, Ventilators, Intubation, Respiratory Failure, Pneumonia, Septic Shock, Pleural Effusions, Lung Cancer, Occupational Lung Injury, Tracheostomy, Critical illness, Non-Invasive Ventilation, Pulmonary Hypertension, Acid-Base Disorders, Emphysema, Bronchiectasis
Dr. Glen T. Granati is a highly skilled physician and medicolegal consultant specializing in pulmonary and critical care medicine. He holds a distinguished career in both clinical practice and academia, providing expert insights in medical-legal matters. Dr. Granati completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital, where he honed his foundational clinical expertise. He then pursued advanced training with a fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the prestigious Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center, equipping him with in-depth knowledge in the management of complex pulmonary and critical care conditions. Since becoming an attending physician in 2020, Dr. Granati has played an active role in clinical care and teaching. He has served as a Chief of the Pulmonary Service, where he led his practice in the management of ill patients with pulmonary disease. Currently, he holds an academic appointment as Assistant Pro...

Geo Henderson, BC, CLI, AEMT-P

EMS & Paramedic Standard of Care Expert

Voorheesville, New York
Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine - Ambulance Operations, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Standard of Care, Medical Malpractice, Cardiac Arrest, Airway, Intubation, Chemical Restraint, Refusal of Care, Patient drops, Violent Patient Management, Ambulance Response, Trauma Care, Delay of Care, Sedation, Overdose, Wrongful Death, Negligence
I am an actively practicing paramedic, providing direct patient care. For over 35 years my career path has included public and private sector fire and emergency medical services. Extending into leadership, incident management, design and implementation of immersive educational scenarios, physician training, and emergency planning, I have experience in several widely varying aspects of my profession. In addition to management of countless incidents in a broad array of emergency services, I have also mitigated events ranging in complexity from multiple alarm fires to mass casualty incidents. I am a paramedic supervisor for both a municipal, fire-based EMS system, and a county emergency medical services system. I have participated in the design and implementation of educational, operational, safety, quality improvement, standard of care and EMS policies and procedures for EMTs, paramedics and physicians. As an expert witness specializing in pre-hospital emergency medicine, I hav...


New York, New York
Obstetrical Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology - obstetric anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, nerve block, regional anesthesia, outpatient anesthesiology, preoperative evaluation, postoperative care, general anesthesia, office based anesthesia, peripheral nerve injury, hypoxia, intubation, airway management, critical care, intensive care, monitoring
Dr. John Seitz is a New York City based anesthesiologist with over 16 years of experience as an actively practicing anesthesiologist in Manhattan. Dr Seitz received his bachelors degree at The University of Pennsylvania in Chemical Engineering with a minor in psychology. He did his anesthesiology training at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. He continued his career in New York and has been an attending anesthesiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital for the past 15 years on the upper east side of Manhattan. Dr Seitz is known for his communication skills and ability to quickly develop a rapport with his patients. His background in engineering, physics and psychology allows him to maintain a unique perspective on perioperative anesthesia care. Dr. Seitz while at Lenox Hill was known for his clinical acumen in obstetric anesthesia, anesthesia for ENT surgery, bariatric surgery, gynecologic surgery, endoscopy, plastic surgery, and orthopedic surgery. His ability to make qui...

Rebecca R Topham, FNP-BC, ENP-C, CCRN

Poland, New York
Nurse Practitioner, Family Medicine - Emergency Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Solo coverage, Telemedicine, CCRN, APP supervision, Onboarding, Intubation, Sedation, Central lines
Certified family nurse practitioner and emergency nurse practitioner with over 20 years of healthcare experience. 12+ years of experience as a nurse practitioner in emergency medicine, inpatient medicine and primary care. Mrs Topham practices in a wide range of settings including management of chronic diseases in primary care, acutely decompensated illness in the hospital, acute illness in urgent care and the emergency department. Mrs Topham’s emergency department experience includes Level II trauma center, stroke center, and solo-coverage in critical access facilities. She remains certified in advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support, basic life support, advanced trauma life support and additional education pertaining to difficult airway management. She was responsible for onboarding and training all new nurse practitioners and physician assistants for over 3 years. She assisted with the development and implementation of a rural advanced practice provider resi...

Paul A. Werfel, MS, NRP, CIC

The Werfel Group, LLC

Mt Sinai, New York
Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine - EMS, Emergency Medical Services, paramedics, ambulance, prehospital care, resuscitation, Critical care transport, myocardial infarction, airway management, death in custody, excited delirium, allergic reactions, EMTs, protocols, intubation, cardiac arrhythmia, trauma care
A prolific international speaker and author of over 50 articles, magazine columns, and book sections, as well as seeing patients as an NYS and Nationally registered paramedic since 1983, Paul brings over four decades of EMS experience to his clients. In addition to fourteen years as an NYC Paramedic, Professor Werfel has served as The Program Coordinator for Advanced Cardiac, Trauma, and Pediatric life support at the Emergency Care Institute at Bellevue Hospital-NYU Medical Center in New York City, and as Emergency Care Programs Coordinator at Jamaica Hospital, Queens N.Y. In addition to his years as Director of the Stony Brook University EMT and Paramedic Program, He also serves as Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine and Clinical Assistant Professor of Health Science. As a recipient of the 1998 Faculty Achievement Award, Professor Werfel is also a member of the review boards for Pre-hospital and Disaster Medicine, and Pre-Hospital Immediate Care Magazines. He was an expert ...

Misty Faavesi, RN

Rockwell, North Carolina
Emergency Medical Services, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, helicopter nurse, medevac nurse, transport nurse, air ambulance, trauma, emergency transport, stroke, intubation, cardiac arrest, ventilator, Left Ventricular Assist Device, LVAD, intensive care, ICU, resuscitation, Critical Care Medicine, airway management, heart attack
Emergency Medical Helicopter Nurse in active clinical practice. Former critical care transport nurse. Additional nursing experience to include ICU and emergency room. Certified as both a Flight Registered Nurse and Emergency Nurse.

Zachary Ginsberg, MD, MPP, FACEP

Duke University Hospital

Durham, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Surgery - ICU, Intensive Care, Central Line, Intubation, Airway, Sedation, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Shock, ICU Delirium, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumonia, Aneurysm
Faculty at Duke University Hospital with dual appointment in Trauma and Critical Care and Emergency Medicine. Actively practicing physician who works shifts in both the intensive care unit (ICU) and the emergency department. Able to provide a review of the Emergency Department and ICU components of a case given combination of training, board certification and clinical practice. One of only a small number of physicians who is Board Certified in both Emergency Medicine and Surgical Critical Care Medicine. This provides a review of both components of care in a single expert for a more efficient review of a case. Educated at Brown and Harvard. Completed top Surgical Critical Care Fellowship (University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center). Winner of several awards during training/education and as faculty. Certified Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor. Regularly publishes.

Alan C. Heffner, MD, FCCM

Charlotte, North Carolina
Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Critical care, Infection, Sepsis, Shock, Toxic shock, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), Hemorrhage, Cardiac arrest, Airway, Intubation, Respiratory failure, Pulmonary embolus (PE), Brain injury, Brain death, Stroke, Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), Central line, Procedure complication
Board certified adult critical care and emergency medicine physician with active clinical practice. ICU Medical Director, Co-Director of Adult Critical Care and Medical Director of ECMO Services. Professor and Faculty in the Departments of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, and Fellow in the American Academy of Critical Care Medicine (FCCM). Extensive experience in hospital clinical leadership, quality review and improvement, and clinical care optimization. Authorship in UpToDate and leading emergency medicine and critical care journals and textbooks. Guideline writer and reviewer. Numerous teaching awards as Instructor and Speaker. Healthcare system sepsis leader and awardee of the 2015 Sepsis Heroes Award. Experience as an expert medical reviewer since 2010. Special areas of expertise: severe infection, sepsis, shock, pulmonary embolus (PE), cardiac arrest, cardiovascular emergencies, ECMO, respiratory failure, emergency airway management and intubation, and proced...

Karen L Lefler, MSN/Ed, APRN, NNP-BC, LNC

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner/NICU RN Expert Witness

ACP Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC

Sneads Ferry, North Carolina
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Nurse Practitioner - Newborn, HIE, brain inury, Birth Injury, bowel perforation, central line, Prematurity, low birth weight, umbilical catheter, PICC, sepsis, hypoglycemia, bilirubin, resuscitation, chest tube, intubation, arterial line, body cooling, home birth, respiratory failure
39 years of experience in the field of Neonatology/Newborn Care of which the past 29 years as a Board-Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, primarily functioning in the maximum level of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (Level IV). Actively working in NICU. Areas of expertise include EPI (Extremely Premature Infant), brain injury (therapeutic hypothermia/total body cooling), infants with respiratory failure, ECMO (heart/lung bypass), congenital heart defects, high risk neonatal deliveries, meconium aspiration of the newborn, care of medically complicated infants (infants with tracheostomies and feeding tubes), pediatric cardio-thoracic surgical infants, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN), routine newborn care and neonatal resuscitation. Services provided: *Review medical records and provide expert witness verbal or written report *Identify standards of care and deviations from those standards *Analysis of opposition expert's depositions *Aid in the identificati...

Karen D Serrano

Karen D. Serrano, MD Emergency Medicine Physician

University of North Carolina Department of Emergency Medicine

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine - Sexual assault, Stroke, Necrotizing fasciitis, Angioedema, Orthopedic injuries, Critical care, Sepsis, Pulmonary embolism, Intubation, Head trauma, Trauma, Cardiovascular disease, Aortic dissection, Ectopic pregnancy, Myocardial infarction, Meningitis, Anaphylaxis, Seizures
Dr. Karen Serrano, MD, is a board-certified, actively practicing emergency medicine physician with 15 years clinical experience in a broad range of practice settings. She is a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospital, a Level 1 trauma and tertiary care referral center in Chapel Hill, NC. Her experience spans high-acuity academic centers as well as community and rural hospitals, giving her a broad perspective on emergency care in diverse medical settings. She is an experienced educator, playing a vital role in training emergency medicine residents and medical students. Her areas of expertise include emergency medicine malpractice, failure to diagnose, treatment delays, trauma and critical care, toxicology, cardiovascular disease/myocardial infarction, stroke, and sepsis. She also has specialized knowledge in sexual assault evaluations and forensic medicine. Dr. Serrano is a published author in Tintinalli’s Emergency Medi...

Ernest B Foster, II, MD, PhD

Newcastle, Oklahoma
Emergency Medicine - Stroke, Sepsis, Cardiac arrest, Pulmonary embolism, fracture reduction, fracture, cardiopulmonary arrest, code, coding, neurologic deficits, CPR, ATLS, trauma, MVC, arthrocentesis, chest tube, central venous line, lumbar puncture, central line, intubation
I obtained my PhD in human physiology from Auburn University in 2008. While there I performed and published research regarding control and regulation of growth hormone and IGF-1 as well as regulation of the HPA axis. I obtained my medical degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2012 and subsequently completed Emergency Medicine residency there in 2015. I am Board Certified with the American Board of Emergency Medicine as of 2018. I have been a practicing emergency medicine attending physician since 2012. I am employed by a physician group in Norman, Oklahoma and am a member of the core faculty for the Emergency Medicine residency program affiliated with Oklahoma State University. I serve as the Research Director for the residency program. I opened a private medical spa in 2017 that I own and oversee that performs noninvasive cosmetic procedures, hormone replacement, medical weight loss, etc.

Veena Graff, MD

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Opioid management, Billing, Medical Fraud, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Acute and Chronic Pain Management, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain syndromes, Regional Anesthesiology, Nerve Blocks, Epidurals, Spinals, Ultrasound & Fluoroscopic guided procedures, General Anesthesia, Airway, Intubation
Dr. Graff is board certified in both anesthesiology & pain medicine. She is currently an assistant professor in the department of anesthesiology & critical care and the division chief of regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine at the Ivy League institution, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She is also the fellowship program director for regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine. She supervises and teaches fellow physicians, resident physicians, medical students, and nurse anesthetists on a daily basis. Dr. Graff currently serves as the perioperative pain management lead for the University of Pennsylvania Health System's Opioid Task Force, for all six hospitals under the health system. This task force focuses on reducing opioid-related harm for Penn Medicine's patients, promoting evidence-based opioid prescribing habits, and overseeing quality and safety metrics with opioid prescribing in the perioperative and inpatient sectors. Dr. Graff als...

Taras Grosh, MD

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine - Regional Anesthesiology, Nerve Injury, Pain Management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia, Orthopedic Anesthesia, Ultrasound guided procedures, General Anesthesia, Sedation, Intubation, Extubation, Difficult Airway, Trauma
Dr. Grosh is a board-certified Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia he is fellowship trained in Regional Anesthesiology Acute and Chronic Pain management. Dr. Grosh is the Director of Orthopedic Anesthesiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center overseeing clinical care of orthopedic surgical patients. Additionally, he is Chair of Procedural Sedation Committee and the co-chair of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center's Clinical Effectiveness Committee in which he oversees quality improvement and safety metrics for patients in the perioperative space. Dr. Grosh is an expert in the field of regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, nerve injury, anesthesia for total joint arthroplasty including knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist as well as traumatology and airway management. Dr. Grosh also staffs Penn’s acute/chronic pain consult service creating c...

Zev N Kornfield, MD

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine

Merion Station, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Cardiac Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Cardiac Critical Care, Transesophageal Echo, Critical Care Anesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care, intubation, General Anesthesia, shock, difficult airway, cardiac arrest, Resucitation, heart failure, central line, pulmonary artery catheter
Dr. Kornfield is a board-certified, actively practicing Cardiac Anesthesiologist and Critical Care Physician at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia. In his roles as Medical Director of the Heart and Vascular Intensive Care Unit and Co-lead of the Cardiac Surgery Performance Improvement Initiative at a large quaternary care teaching hospital of the University of Pennsylvania he oversees quality improvement and safety metrics for patients. Dr. Kornfield is Ivy League Educated, completing his B.S. at Columbia University and his M.D. and Anesthesia Residency training at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Kornfield completed double fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Barnes Jewish Hospital and Washington University in St Louis. He is Triple board certified in Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Advanced Perioperative Echocardiography. Dr. Kornfield is an expert...

Jason B Ochroch, MD

Physician Anesthesiologist - UPenn Faculty

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology - Anesthesiology, general anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), intubation, extubation, airway emergencies, acute pain medicine, acute on chronic pain, multimodal analgesia, opioid management, regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, epidural and spinal anesthesia, nerve catheters
Dr. Jason Ochroch is a board-certified anesthesiologist with subspecialty fellowship training in regional and orthopedic anesthesia and acute pain medicine. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Associate Residency Program Director at the University of Pennsylvania. - Maintains full clinical practice as an attending anesthesiologist and on the inpatient Acute Pain Medicine service - Supervises and teaches medical students, resident physicians, and nurse anesthetists at a large tertiary academic medical center on a daily basis - Extensive experience with regional anesthesia and peripheral nerve blocks - Expert in evidence-based best practice medicine, having completed University of Pennsylvania’s Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics program - Active researcher and first author with 10+ peer-reviewed publications, along with numerous national and local presentations - Peer reviewer in several academic journals - Anesth...

Mark Prudente, CRNA

Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology - Anesthesia, Airway management, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Endoscopy anesthesia, Level 1 Trauma, Orthopedic surgery, Spine surgery, General Anesthesia, Urologic anesthesia, Intubation
I am a highly skilled CRNA with over 6 years of clinical experience in anesthesia care across a wide variety of specialties, including trauma, neurosurgery, orthopedics, vascular, cardiac, and more. I have worked in diverse environments, from level 1 trauma centers to outpatient surgical settings, where I have developed expertise in providing general, spinal, and monitored anesthesia care (MAC) to a broad range of patients. In addition to my hands-on clinical expertise, I possess strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, making me well-suited for expert witness work. I can provide testimony on anesthesia-related adverse events, standard of care in anesthesia practice, and clinical best practices. I have worked in high-acuity environments, including trauma centers and academic hospitals, where I have been responsible for formulating and executing anesthesia plans for complex surgical cases. This experience also includes emergency airway management, cent...

Jesse Raiten, MD, FCCM

Critical Care & Anesthesiology- Full Professor

Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Anesthesia and Critical Care

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Critical Care Anesthesiology, Cardiac Critical Care, Surgical Critical Care, Airway Injury, Intubation, Thoracic Anesthesia, Respiratory Failure, Extubation, Medication Errors, Cardiac Arrest, Shock, Heart failure, Delirium, Sedation, ECMO and Impella, Sepsis, DVT, Critical Care Surgery
I have reviewed numerous medical-legal cases from the OR and ICU for approximately a decade, for both the Plaintiff and Defense. I am a Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania. I hold triple board certification (anesthesiology, critical care, echocardiography), I have advanced training in patient safety from Harvard, and I am the Patient Safety and Quality Officer for Anesthesia and Critical Care. I am highly experienced at analyzing patient injuries in the intra-operative and post-operative periods and determining their causes. My clinical work is divided between the OR and Heart Vascular ICU. I have extensive experience with patients undergoing routine outpatient surgery, as well as critically ill patients in the OR and ICU suffering from heart failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure and dialysis, sepsis, and shock. I routinely care for patients on ECMO, impella, and other forms of mechanical circulatory support. I regul...

Andrew Nathanson, MD, FACEP, FAWM

Emergency Medicine & Water Sports Injuries

Bristol, Rhode Island
Emergency Medicine, Aquatics Safety - Intubation, MI, Heart Attack, Stroke, Sepsis, Appendicitis, Epidural abscess, Aortic dissection, DVT, Pulmonary Embolism, Ischemia, Frostbite, Fracture, Ectopic Pregnancy, head trauma, emergency trauma, Intracranial Hemorrhage. Wilderness medicine, Drowning, Sailing injuries, Surfing injury
I am a Board Certified in Emergency Medicine since 1994. I am a Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, working full-time clinically at 2 at hospitals for the last 30 years. One, a busy urban academic trauma center, the other a community hospital. I attended Ivy league College and am professor at an Ivy league medical school. Over my career I have been: Director of Quality Assurance, Chair of Morbidity and Mortality conference, served on the BOD, led a Medical School course, served on Peer-Review committees for insurance companies, taught hundreds of Emergency Medicine Residents, and been recipient of numerous teaching and research awards. I have been a Fellow in the American College of Emergency Medicine since 1997. I lecture nationally on Error Reduction in emergency medicine, and internationally on Wilderness Medicine topics and have been a Fellow in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM) since 2013 . I am the author of over a dozen peer-reviewed publications, a book, and ...

Nicholas Lauerman, MD, FACEP, FAAEM

Duke Trained - Former Duke Faculty

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Emergency Medicine - Cardiac Arrest, Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary Embolism, Aortic Dissection, Aortic Aneurysm, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Stroke, Appendicitis, Testicular Torsion, Ovarian Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Spinal Epidural Abscess, Medication Errors, Failure to diagnosis, Procedural Complications, Intubation
I am a board-certified, residency-trained emergency physician practicing for 15 years. I graduated cum laude from the University of Richmond with a BS in Chemistry and was an Academic All-American while running cross-country and track. I completed residency training at Duke University Hospital, serving as Chief Resident during my third year. I started my career as an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Duke University Hospital, where I was awarded Faculty Clinician of the Year in 2014. In 2016, I transitioned to community practice in the Roper Saint Francis Health System in Charleston, South Carolina, where I continue to work as a full-time emergency physician. Our group staffs four hospital-based ERs and two freestanding ERs for RSFH, caring for diverse urban, suburban, and rural populations. Even though I am no longer in academics, I continue to enjoy teaching by serving as a preceptor for second-year Medical University of South Carolina PA students. I am passionate abou...

Chad Paxson, D.O.

Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine - sleep disorders, sleep apnea, sleepwalking, parasomnia, CPAP, INSPIRE, intubation, central line, tracheostomy, airway management, ventilator management, sepsis, COVID-19, critical care, pulmonary disease, asbestos, asthma, COPD
Board certified in pulmonary medicine, critical care, sleep medicine and internal medicine through the ABIM. Fellowship trained at Louisiana State University and have been in both private and employed practice settings since 2012. Experienced and practiced in multiple states and various practice/hospital sizes from community settings to large tertiary referral centers in large cities. Currently sit on multiple hospital leadership committees including medical executive committee, pharmacy and therapeutics committee as well as take an active role in changes effecting our sleep medicine program to include sleep lab accreditation procedures, participating in the installation of an INSPIRE program and actively teach and hold the role of supervisor for our sleep nurse practitioner for the state medical board. Have been featured in Chattanooga’s Healthscope and interviewed on local area news on topics as they pertain to sleep medicine as well. Incorporating medical expert witnessing i...

Adam Canion, MD, FAAEM, FACEP

Emergency Medicine Physician - Full Time Practice

Tyler, Texas
Emergency Medicine - Intubation, Airway Management, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, Epidural Abscess, Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Embolism, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, Pediatric Emergency, Head Trauma, Billing, Sepsis, Trauma, Envenomation, Overdose, Malpractice
Full time clinical practitioner of emergency medicine, Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Has significant clinical experience at level 1 trauma centers, level 2 trauma centers, as well as associated critical access hospitals and freestanding emergency rooms. Has treated more than 30,000 patients in the emergency department. Recognized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine as having expertise in pediatric, trauma, neurological, and cardiac resuscitation. Experience in chart review and standard of care evaluations. Undergraduate degree, Summa Cum Laude, in Health and Kinesiology. Expertise in resuscitation as well as life and limb saving emergency procedures. Serves on multiple clinical improvement committees including sepsis taskforce, national workforce committees and government relations committee. Experience in Children's Advocacy Center Medical Directorship and governor appointed Child Fatality Review Teams. Experience as c...

Robert Groysman, MD

Southwest Pain Management, PLLC

Irving, Texas
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - epidurals, facet joint blocks, intubation, nerve blocks, fluoroscopy, ultrasound
I am a diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. I do an impartial review of the medical records and imaging for anyone injured after an interventional procedure or anesthesia. I am an expert in standard of care for both interventional pain procedures as well as anesthesia. Prompt delivery of reports.


Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care Expert

My name is Kamna Jaiswal. I am a pediatric critical care physician with over 14 years of experience. I have vast clinical experience with all types of critical and general pediatric conditions. I am board certified in both pediatrics and pediatric critical care. I am currently in clinical practice at Dallas/FortWorth, Tx where we take care of the sickest pediatric patients from newborn to 21 years of age with all forms of critical and non critical illnesses including respiratory failure, difficult airways, cardiac arrest, sepsis, septic shock, multi-organ system failure, congenital heart disease, trauma, renal failure, post operative care of the surgical, neurosurgical, trauma, orthopedic patients, pediatric stroke, oncology and hematology patients. I also have vast experience with ECMO,CRRT, Dialysis, emergency care in pediatrics. I hold unrestricted license in states of Texas and in active practice. Ours is a teaching program and I am actively involved in the teaching of the ...




Casey Lewis is a medical Speech-Language Pathologist, Board Certified Specialist- Swallowing & Swallowing Disorders, Certified Neonatal Therapist, Certified Lactation Counselor, & Endoscopist. She owns and operates TexScope LLC, a Texas based mobile swallowing diagnostic company that specializes in Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. TexScope partners with critical access hospitals, acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities and private practices, serving as their swallowing diagnostic expert. TexScope is the first mobile swallow study company in Texas that is operated by a Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. She is a respected expert in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and specializes in swallowing disorders across the lifespan. She is an active expert witness and is a sought-out speaker and educator both in the US and across the world. She is the creator of NICU Oral Feeding Algorithm, which...

John Caputo, CRNA, MHS, BSN

J & L Anesthesia Services

Bridgeport, West Virginia
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - CRNA, anesthesia, airway management, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line placement, needle placement, tube placement, falls, IV infiltration, awareness, epidurals, sp drug effects, hypoxia, propofol, intubation, extubation, aspiration, airway trauma, surgical positioning
CRNA leader. Clinical experience includes anesthesia techniques consisting of: inhalation, total IV anesthesia and balanced techniques (adult and pediatric), epidural & spinal anesthesia as well as peripheral nerve blocks for acute post-op pain. Proficient in OB, Pediatric, Cardiac, Orthopedic, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Neurosurgery, Dental, Off-site (CT, MRI and Cath Lab) and Office Based Anesthesia. Adept with a wide range of practice settings including rural critical access hospitals, office-based anesthesia, medium sized hospitals, large hospitals, and university practices. Extensive experience with chart review / auditing for quality assurance and adverse outcomes. History of presenting lectures on topics ranging from complications of epidural anesthesia, malignant hyperthermia to quality assurance / quality improvement. Currently a clinical preceptor for Excela Health School of Anesthesia for Nurses and the West Virginia University School of Nursing DNP Nurse Anesthesia ...