Health Insurance Expert Witnesses
Health insurance expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on health insurance . The health insurance expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Economics, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Financial, Geriatrics, Health Informatics, HIPAA, HMO, Insurance, Internal Medicine, Legal, Medical Management, Nurse Practitioner, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health.
Neal Bordenave, JD, CPCU, RPLU, ARM, AIC
RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.
Insurance, Insurance
Broker/Agent Standard of Care, Bad Faith, Insurance Industry Customs and Practices, Property & Casualty, Life, Annuities, Excess & Surplus, Managing General Agent, Health, Surety, Professional Liability, Underwriting, Claims Practices
More than 35 years experience in the insurance industry. President/CEO of RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.,
Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at California State University Chico (Retired 2022)
Established Expert Witness Practice in 2009. As of January 2023, more than 400 retentions and testifying in Deposition, Trial and Arbitration more than 100 times.
Education includes Juris Doctor (JD), BS Business Administration/Finance.
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)
Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
Associate in Claims (ARM)
Primary States for expert work include, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Texas
Daniel G Fink, CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, AAI
Insurance Expert Witness
Phoenix, Arizona
Insurance Producer Standard of Care, Insurance Bad Faith, Agents E&O, Insurance Coverages and Claims, Insurance Claim handling standards, Workers Comp, Auto Insurance, UM & UIM Insurance, Home Insurance, Insurance Disputes, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, P&C, Umbrellas, etc
Daniel Fink,, is an active insurance producer and instructor, as well as an Insurance expert witness, with over 40 years of insurance industry experience. He has earned the CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, & AAI insurance certifications. As an insurance instructor, he teaches continuing education & certification classes for the CIC, CISR, and CRIS programs and speaks on many insurance topics to insurance and industry groups. Daniel is a national faculty member and education writer for The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research. Daniel is a good communicator (BA in Journalism and English) combined with an extensive background in insurance. He served as President of the IIABAZ (Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Arizona) as well as head of its education committee. Daniel teaches insurance associations (Big I and PIA) in many states. Daniel serves as a member of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America’s (IIABA) “Ask an Expert” Pane...
Neal Bordenave, JD, CPCU, RPLU, ARM, AIC
RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.
Insurance, Insurance
Broker/Agent Standard of Care, Bad Faith, Insurance Industry Customs and Practices, Property & Casualty, Life, Annuities, Excess & Surplus, Managing General Agent, Health, Surety, Professional Liability, Underwriting, Claims Practices
More than 35 years experience in the insurance industry. President/CEO of RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.,
Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at California State University Chico (Retired 2022)
Established Expert Witness Practice in 2009. As of January 2023, more than 400 retentions and testifying in Deposition, Trial and Arbitration more than 100 times.
Education includes Juris Doctor (JD), BS Business Administration/Finance.
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)
Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
Associate in Claims (ARM)
Primary States for expert work include, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Texas
David G. Campbell, PhD
Wicomico Analytics Group LLC
Economics, Statistics
Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine.
David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar.
David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters.
In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.
David G. Campbell, PhD
Wicomico Analytics Group LLC
Washington, District Of Columbia
Economics, Statistics
Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine.
David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar.
David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters.
In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.
Maria T. Santi
Health Insurance Expert
Health and Medicine Law Firm
Miami, Florida
Legal, HMO
Health Insurance, Health Maintenance Organization, Affordable Care Act, Preferred Provider Network, Medical Insurance, ERISA
Maria T. Santi, Esq, is a Legal advocate for Patients and Physician Directed Healthcare in Florida. She is a native Miamian and the founder of the Health and Medicine Law Firm. She obtained her JD with a certification in Health Law from Nova Southeastern University—Shepard Broad College of Law. Maria is actively involved with the Florida Bar serving on the Government Advocacy Committee, and as a member of the Health Law section. She is admitted to practice in Florida, Washington DC and the US Supreme Court. Her legal practice is focused on healthcare law, including legal disputes against Health Insurance Companies, Health Insurance Litigation for denied treatment and prescriptions, Medicaid and Medicare representation for appeals and administrative hearings for medical treatment denials, medical bill disputes and negotiations, and health insurance appeals. She also handles legal action under the Employment Retirement and Security Act ("ERISA"). She is also a Certified Human Rights C...
KBS Consulting & Expert Witness Services
Lake Forest, Illinois
Health Informatics, HIPAA
Electronic Health Information Systems, (CPHIMS) Medical Records, Healthcare EDiscovery, (CEDS) Information Governance, Electronic Health Records, Health Insurance, Healthcare Compliance, Clinical Documentation, CEDS, RHIA, Quality Improvement (CPHQ)
Kimberly is a credentialed (MBA, MJ, PBCI, RHIA, CPHIMS, CEDS CPHQ, FAHIMA) healthcare ediscovery, HIPAA, information governance, quality management, and compliance professional with over 30 years of experience in a variety of healthcare settings. She is a national speaker and author on the topics of health information operations, including HIPAA, e-discovery, information governance and healthcare compliance. Kim has been an active member of the Health Level Seven (HL-7) Working Group responsible for review and development of the Records Management and Evidentiary Support (RM-ES) profile for the design and development of the functional profile for Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems since 2006. She has also been an active member and contributor in AHIMA task forces and working groups related to electronic discovery. Kim holds a Master’s of Business (MBA) from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, a Master’s of Jurisprudence (MJ) in Health Law and Policy from the Loyola S...
Jennifer LeBlanc, MSN, ANP-BC
Laplace, Louisiana
Nurse Practitioner, Geriatrics
Clinic Management, Wellness Visits, Health Insurance, Diversity Inclusion, Telemedicine, Standards of Care, HR Needs, Preventative Medicine, Health Policy, Training, Nursing Home, CMS Guidelines, Hospice, N95 Fit Tester, HCC/HEDIS, ICD 10 Coding, Medical Documentation, Medicare Fraud
I am a 2001 graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University where I received my MSN to become an Adult Nurse Practitioner. Accomplished, Award-winning Nurse Practitioner with a combined 30 years of experience in —Nursing Home — Hospice Care —Renal Disease — OB/GYN — OR/PACU. I am presently in a —Market Management role with a health insurance company overseeing a staff of Nurse Practitioners working with Medical Assistants conducting comprehensive wellness assessments. Highly skilled and knowledgeable in proper standards of care, policy and procedure, team management and training. Proven ability to support success in a results-oriented profession. Experience in leading a multi-disciplinary team with expected high-quality productivity. Recipient of the 2023 SAGES Award for Clinical Excellence.
Thomas J. Dawson, III
TD&P Consulting Inc.
Silver Spring, Maryland
Medical Management, Public Health
Health Insurance, Health Policy, Healthcare Pricing, Healthcare Delivery & Financing, Reasonable Value Analysis, Medicaid & Medicare, Affordable Care Act
Thomas (Tom) J. Dawson III, ESQ., MPH, MA is the founder and CEO of TD&P Consulting, Inc., a health policy firm focused on health reform and its impact on private and public health insurance markets. With over 23 years in healthcare policy, Mr. Dawson has served on Capitol Hill, at the Department of Labor, and with for-profits and non-profits in the private sector.
Before entering the private sector, Mr. Dawson served as the Health Care Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business. In this role, he provided guidance on healthcare reform, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement policy and commercial health insurance markets. Mr. Dawson also provided policy guidance to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Health Care Task Force and drafted legislation relevant to the health science industry and small businesses.
From 2001 to 2007, Mr. Dawson served as a pension law specialist with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EB...
HT2 MedSolutions, LLC
Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine
Emergency, Maritime Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, management, medical director, health insurance
39 years in emergency medicine- 17 part time, 22 full time
25 years cruise ship physician, part time
10 years private practice, primary care
3 years medical group management
5 years health insurance management
Board certified in Emergency medicine, Internal medicine, previously in Pediatrics
Level I and II trauma center experience
Urban, Suburban and small town ED experience
ATLS instructor
Certified mediator training and experience
James B Robertson, MD, FACS, CPE, AME
Montana Medical Solutions, PLLC dba Gallatin Urology & Aviation Medicine
Bozeman, Montana
Urology & Urological Surgery, Medical Management
Diagnosis and treatment of kidney/bladder/prostate/ureteral cancer, sarcoma, complications of surgery, stones, bladder injury, trauma, general urology, general pediatric urology, health insurance, health policy, guidelines, credentialing & privileging, regulatory & legislative affairs
Dr. Robertson is a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology, and a licensed urologist with 30 years of clinical and surgical experience in a community setting. He is well-versed in all aspects, surgical and non-surgical, of general urology and brings the unique perspective of the community surgeon to the medical-legal arena. Dr. Robertson received a BA degree from the University of Houston and an MD degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He completed urology training at Vanderbilt University Hospitals and has practiced in Bozeman, MT and central Virginia since. He is a published author and has written booklets for the layman on prostate cancer and prostate brachytherapy. Dr. Robertson is a clinical instructor in the WWAMI program of the University of Washington Medical School. He is a Certified Physician Executive with the American Association for Physician Leadership and an aviation medical examiner for the FAA. He has held numerous positions in leaders...
Charles W. Bowden, CLU, ChFC
Smithville, New Jersey
Insurance, Financial
Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Financial Planning, Life Insurance Funding, Policy Valuation
Following graduation from Lehigh University, Charlie entered the insurance industry as an Employee Benefit Specialist. In addition to his thirty plus years of experience, he has achieved both industry recognized designations of Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC). As a Qualified Continuing Education Instructor, he teaches other licensed insurance professionals about the changing structure of the income and estate tax code, and planning strategies. Additionally, Charlie uses his experience to provide expert testimony in State and Federal Court. Charlie is a member of the Society for Financial Service Professionals, as well as a past member of their Board Authority of Directors. He maintains registration with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). He is an investment Advisor Representative (IAR). As of August 2022 Retired as a Register Representative but am maintaining all insurance licensing.
Frank Seigel, CPCU
Insurance Agent/Broker Expert Witness
Ringwood Consulting Group, Inc.
Allamuchy, New Jersey
Insurance, Risk Management
Agent/Broker, Broker Duties, Agent/Broker Duties & Responsibilities, Agent/Company Relations, Bad Faith, Coverage, Errors & Omissions, E&O, Coverage Disputes, Excess/Surplus, Surplus Lines, Casualty, Property, Life, Health, Disability, Contractual Disputes, Arbitration, Mediation, Standards of Care
• Past President, New Jersey Chapter Society of CPCU
• Current and Past President, Independent Insurance Agents of Essex County, Inc.
• Past President, Surplus Lines Association of New Jersey, Inc. (NJSLA)
• Former Member, New Jersey Department of Insurance Committee Education
• Former Member, Grading Panel for the Insurance Institute of America
• Former Arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association.
• Panelist, ABA Conference on Banking and Insurance
• Attendee, New Jersey Conference on ECRA
• Guest Speaker and Presenter for various professional, academic, and civic groups including New Jersey Chapter CPCU, Independent Insurance Agents, Seton Hall University Continuing Education Department, National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW), Local Rotaries, and Insurance Service Office (ISO)
• NJ State Approved Volunteer Mediator for Municipal Court Matters
• Member, Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS)
• Member, National Association of Prof...
Neal Bordenave, JD, CPCU, RPLU, ARM, AIC
RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.
Bend, Oregon
Insurance, Insurance
Broker/Agent Standard of Care, Bad Faith, Insurance Industry Customs and Practices, Property & Casualty, Life, Annuities, Excess & Surplus, Managing General Agent, Health, Surety, Professional Liability, Underwriting, Claims Practices
More than 35 years experience in the insurance industry. President/CEO of RiskPro Insurance Services, Inc.,
Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at California State University Chico (Retired 2022)
Established Expert Witness Practice in 2009. As of January 2023, more than 400 retentions and testifying in Deposition, Trial and Arbitration more than 100 times.
Education includes Juris Doctor (JD), BS Business Administration/Finance.
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)
Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
Associate in Claims (ARM)
Primary States for expert work include, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Texas
Frank Seigel, CPCU
Insurance Agent/Broker Expert Witness
Ringwood Consulting Group, Inc.
Insurance, Risk Management
Agent/Broker, Broker Duties, Agent/Broker Duties & Responsibilities, Agent/Company Relations, Bad Faith, Coverage, Errors & Omissions, E&O, Coverage Disputes, Excess/Surplus, Surplus Lines, Casualty, Property, Life, Health, Disability, Contractual Disputes, Arbitration, Mediation, Standards of Care
• Past President, New Jersey Chapter Society of CPCU
• Current and Past President, Independent Insurance Agents of Essex County, Inc.
• Past President, Surplus Lines Association of New Jersey, Inc. (NJSLA)
• Former Member, New Jersey Department of Insurance Committee Education
• Former Member, Grading Panel for the Insurance Institute of America
• Former Arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association.
• Panelist, ABA Conference on Banking and Insurance
• Attendee, New Jersey Conference on ECRA
• Guest Speaker and Presenter for various professional, academic, and civic groups including New Jersey Chapter CPCU, Independent Insurance Agents, Seton Hall University Continuing Education Department, National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW), Local Rotaries, and Insurance Service Office (ISO)
• NJ State Approved Volunteer Mediator for Municipal Court Matters
• Member, Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS)
• Member, National Association of Prof...
Sandra Guerra, MD, MPH
Exec Physician-Public Health/Insurance/Immigration
San Antonio, Texas
Preventive Medicine, Family Medicine
Health Insurance, Utilization Management, Government Contracts, Quality, Outbreak, Communicable Diseases, TRICARE, Medicare, Medicaid, HIV, LGBT care, Migrant Care, Non-profit or indigent care, Correctional facility care, Denial/Appeals, Academic health , Population health, Tuberculosis, Non-Profit
Senior C-Suite Executive Physician• Clinical expert in population health management and disease prevention.• Health Plan/Complex Health System• Corporate/Government/Academic• Non-profit Leadership/Boards• Government Relations• Outbreak/Contamination Expert• Procurement/Business Development• Community Advocacy/Engagement• Clinical Quality Process Improvement• Public Health Consulting• Disease Prevention/ HEDIS Attainment• Utilization/Case/Disease Management• Clinical Network Credentialing/Safety• Mentor Inclusion and Diversity• Accreditation, Certification• Public Spokesperson/ Media Trained• Social Determinants of Health• Analytics/Metrics/Deliverables• World Class Employee Satisfaction• Expert Testimony in Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Population Health, Health Insurance and Healthcare.
BC Preventive Medicine/BE Family Medicine Physician• Clinical expertise and leadership in public health, population health management and clinical quality.• Experience in large multidisciplin...