Electrical Expert Witnesses

Electrical expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on electrical. The electrical expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Automotive, Building Inspection, Construction, Construction Defects, Electrical Engineering, Electricity, Energy, Engineering, Forensic Science, HVAC, Oil and Gas, OSHA, Plumbing, Premises Liability, and Products Liability.

Joseph A LaRovere, C.E.M.

HVAC, Plumbing, Engineering Expert - 35 Years

LaRovere Consulting, LLC

Cave Creek, Arizona
HVAC, Plumbing - HVAC, Plumbing, Mechanical, Chiller, Boiler, Air Handler, Heat Pump, Delay Claim, damage, leak, failure, water heater, flood, electrical, injury, engineer, heat exchanger, piping modification, litigation, explosion
35+ years of experience as a contractor, owner/operator, technician, and consultant to the construction industry with specialties in HVAC, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Energy Management and Control Systems. Licensed PE, Project Manager, Design Professional, Construction Manager on staff. Specialties HVAC Systems, air conditioning, heat pumps, chiller plants, heating hot water, boilers, air handlers, water source heat pumps, cooling towers, dedicated outside air, ventilation, and exhaust systems, Energy management and control system, sequence of operation, energy management and building efficiency, Domestic hot water systems, electric and gas boilers and water heaters, mixing valves and hot water recirculation systems, System failures, equipment failures, maintenance issues, preventative maintenance, water treatment, forensic investigation, and remediation, Project Management, Program Management, Project Accounting, and Scheduling consulting and analysis Contractor Evaluation, ...

Mark Clinton, MBA, ARM

Insurance Safety - 40 years in practice - 80P/20D

Decisive MGMT

Premises Liability, Risk Management - Slips trips & falls, Fairs & theme parks, Roofing, Electrical, OSHA, Risk Management, Amusement / zip lines, Premises Liability, Life Safety, NFPA, ASSP, Worker's Compensation, Construction, Scaffolding, Lockout tagout, Arc flash, Retail, Excavation, Fall protection, Environmental
Mark Clinton, MBA, ARM. Workplace accidents, Premises, General Liability. Qualitative Risk Management (1985-date), P & C Insurance loss control (1989-date), Arkansas Insurance Department, Risk Management Division, 1985-1989. In active expert practice since January 2017 with 32 retentions & 10 depositions (FEB 2025), work ratio is roughly 80/20, plaintiff to defendant. All reports are written to Federal guidelines using conclusion, basis and reason and are painstakingly researched, when needed. No work is done by others. Zipline Safety - Association of Challenge Course Technology (member) & Professional Ropes Course Association (member), familiar with ANSI & ASTM application and changes on waiver language using Kuchta v. Opco. OSHA authorized outreach trainer for construction & general industry since 2000. General contractor safety director, 2014-2016 & OSHA compliance for boat manufacturer; experience in construction from general contractors to all subs. ASSE 25-year mem...

Kier G Cotton

Construction Defect Expert Witness

Livermore, California
Construction, Construction Defects - General Construction, Framing, Building Envelope, Waterproofing, Electrical, HVAC, Concrete, Residential Construction, Multi Family Dwelling, Single Family Dwelling, Commercial Construction, Finish, Contract Scope, Cost to Repair, Site development, Architectural Design, Utility, Gas, Solar, Fire
Mr. Cotton possesses a diverse, in-depth, and hands-on knowledge of construction methodologies, complemented by substantial experience in project management. His theoretical understanding is augmented by years of direct application. In California, Mr. Cotton maintains active licenses in plumbing, electrical work, and carpentry. He gained the necessary experience for these certifications under the mentorship of licensed professionals in each field and successfully passed all requisite examinations. His construction career began in the early 2000s, establishing a solid foundation for his extensive expertise. As a Testifying Expert Witness, Mr. Cotton has been involved in numerous construction-related cases. Serving as Senior Consultant at KORE Consulting Group LLC, in the San Francisco Bay area CA, he is a highly skilled expert in providing construction defect and litigation services, which include: - Testing and analysis of construction defects. - Destructive testing following ASTM...

Joe F Scerbo

Construction Defects Expert Witness

Danliv, Inc.

Danville, California
Construction Defects, Energy - General Construction, Framing, Building Envelope, Mechanical, Electrical, Commercial, Residential, HVAC, Fire Sprinkler, Generators, MEP, Solar, Fire, Gas, Hybrid Water Heaters, Contract Scope, Cost to Repair, Industrial Controls, Electrocutions, Plumbing
Joe Scerbo is a distinguished construction consultant, expert witness, and construction management advisor with over 36 years of experience in the construction industry. As a licensed General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor in California for 25 years, Mr. Scerbo has cultivated specialized expertise in Building Envelope, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) systems. His extensive background includes significant experience in solar energy systems, battery energy storage systems (BESS), microgrid controllers, generators, design-build projects, as well as coordination with local utility jurisdictions such as PG&E. As a Testifying Expert Witness, Mr. Scerbo has been involved in numerous construction-related cases. Serving as Senior Consultant at Danliv, Inc., in the San Francisco Bay area CA, he is a highly skilled expert in providing construction defect and litigation services, which include: - Testing and analysis of construction defects. - Destructive testing following ASTM s...

Robert A. Tucknott, MCFLC, CPE,C10 272838, ,A, B-1 , HAZ, ASB.

Robert A. Tucknott & Associates, Inc.

Livermore, California
Electricity, Construction Defects - Electrical, Electrical Engineering, Construction Defect, shocks, electrocutions, electrical fires
Electrical expert with over 60 years of experience in the electrical construction and maintenance industry. I have extensive experience in fire and impact damage repairs and have worked cases involving shocks with both claimed permanent damages as well as electrocutions. I have been called in by multiple insurance companies to evaluate claims and elimination of electrical as a fire starting heat source. I have extensive deposition experience as well as trial experience.

Mark "Jake" Jacobson

General Contractor, Inspector, and Expert Witness

The Expert Construction Witness, LLC

Fruita, Colorado
Construction, Construction Defects - Residential, Standards of Care, Building Codes, Workmanship, Plumbing, Commercial, Roofing & Stucco, Plan Reviews, Project Documents & Costs, Electrical, Water Intrusion, Facilities Management, Site Evals, Framing, Litigation Support, Concrete, Site Inspections, Product Evals, Mechanical, Insurance
Mark “Jake” Jacobson Building Inspector Building Official Construction Expert Witness Consultant Facilities Manager General Contractor Pre-Purchase Inspector Project Manager Project Superintendent As a construction expert witness, I am my utilizing my hands-on knowledge, skill, and experience earned from over 30 years of work in the fields of construction, construction management, facilities management, and business management. This experience comes from the 360-degree perspectives of a building inspector, building department official, jobsite superintendent, facilities manager, general contractor and construction consultant/analyst. Managing residential new construction and remodeling, additions and light commercial construction are the cruxes of my building expertise. Expert Services Offered But Not Limited to the Following:  Construction & Construction Defects Analysis: Residential & Light Commercial  Trades Work Product Analysis: Framing, Heating & Ventilation, Plumbin...

Janine McCartney, Ph.D, MBA, CSP, CHST

Oil & Gas, Manufac., & Construction Safety Expert

HHC Safety Engineering Services, Inc.//HHC Safety Consulting Services, Corp.

Wilmington, Delaware
Safety, Oil and Gas - Oil & Gas, Pipeline, Electrical, Safety Engineering, Arc Flash/NFPA 70E, OSHA, Accident Investigation, Falls, Equipment, Machinery, Accident Reconstruction, Construction, Industrial Plants, Refinery, Worker's Compensation, Safety Inspection, Safety Management, Training, Employee, Workplace Safety
Dr. Janine McCartney is a Safety Engineer with designation as a Certified Safety Professional, Construction Safety and Health Technician. Dr. McCartney has held Management safety positions and a Safety Officer II position with OSHA Consultation. She worked for 11 years in the oil & gas industry and pipeline industry on large multi-state pipeline construction projects and as an exploration geologist (onshore and offshore). Dr. McCartney has taught for Texas A&M-Texas Engineering Extension as Adjunct Faculty and teaches the OSHA 10 and 30 hour General Industry and Construction courses for OTI. Her career spans 40 years. Please see her four AM Best podcasts and August 2024 AM Best Magazine article How Litigation Funders are Affecting Settlements. Awards: 2024-2017 AM Best Service Provider, Editorial Staff of Science of the Total Environment, Helyion, and Data in Brief. 2024-2017 Safety Engineer Expert of the Year-Lawyer Monthly. 2018 Keynote Speech World Safety Organization. Dr. ...

Lester Weitman

Lester Weitman Consulting, LLC

Coral Springs, Florida
Automotive, Products Liability - wiring, electrical, fire, defect, design, failure, electronics, battery, motor, module, engineering, connector, instrument, cluster, speedometer, HVAC, charging, alternator, starter, validation
Providing Expert Witness and Failure Analysis services for design, manufacturing or assembly defects and preventable errors. Will uncover root cause(s) of product defects to identify culpable party. My credible and clear Expert Reports and depositions have been key in achieving successful out-of-court settlements for my fire subrogation clients. Expert in Failure Analysis and Forensic Engineering of automotive electrical fires and accidents caused by electrical, wiring or electronics due to defects, design flaws or assembly errors. M.I.T. BSEE (ME minor), UD Mercy (MIT curriculum) MS in Product Development and Systems Engineering, and UD Mercy EngD Doctoral coursework completed. Over forty years of automotive electronic and mechanical product design, development, manufacturing and field failure analysis experiences. A Six-Sigma Black belt trained strategic and systems thinker, achieved millions of dollars in cost and quality improvements by designing and launching various elect...

Andy Nieto, CSP, CHST

Safety Litigation Services LLC

Saint Charles, Illinois
Safety, OSHA - Safety Liability Expert, Construction Safety, Industrial Safety, Multi-Employer work site, OSHA regulations, Accident investigation, Cranes and Rigging, Electrical, Lock out/Tag out, Trenching and Excavation, Ladders/Stairs, Slips, Trips, Falls, Confined Space, Fall Protection, Welding, Demolition
Mr. Nieto is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST). His work is performed in support of safety liability matters pertaining to both the construction and industrial sectors. He has investigated, analyzed, and prepared professional opinions in over 350 safety matters, and has offered testimony on over 70 occasions in jurisdictions nationwide.

Jeffrey E Bartrem, C.B.I.

Professional Inspection Consultants, Inc.

Williamston, Michigan
Building Inspection, Construction - Premises Liability, Property Litigation, Negligence Actions, Building Code, Wrongful Death, Residential & Commercial Structures, Fire, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Zoning, Slip & Fall, Workmanship, Water Testing, Building Inspection, Maintenance, Safety, Code Research, Cost Estimating
Tens of Thousands of Building Inspections performed. Certified Building Inspector, I.C.B.O - International Code Council Registered Building Inspector, State of MI Registered Building Official, State of Michigan Registered Plan Reviewer, State of MI 2009 International Accreditation Service, International Code Council, Lead Evaluator Training 1998 Professional Development Committee, International Conference of Building Officials 1987 Rehabilitation Construction Specialist, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials 1983 Licensed Residential Builder, State of MI 2010 International Accreditation Service, International Code Council, Building Department Evaluator, Construction Practices Assessment Team, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2009 Faculty, Michigan State Univ., School of Planning, Design and Construction, Construction Management Program, Adjunct Instructor, Commercial, Fire and Residential Building Codes 1984 President, Professional Inspection Consultant...

Don L Gifford

Electrical & General Construction Expert Witness

Gifford Consulting Group (A Division of Pete Fowler Construction)

Henderson, Nevada
Construction Defects, Electrical Engineering - Architecture, Building Codes, Construction, Construction Damages, Corrosion, Electrical, Fire & Life Safety, Construction Accidents, Forensic Engineering, Lighting & Illumination, Plumbing & HVAC, Pools & Spas, Scheduling, Roofs, Awnings, Construction Delays, Slip Trip & Fall, Construction Damages
Don L Gifford, B.S., MBA, has served as a forensics expert for 30 years, specializing in electrical, lighting, general construction, fire and explosion analysis, mechanical, product and system failure, surety/bonding matters, economic impact analysis, and contract disputes. Mr. Gifford is licensed in Nevada, California, and Arizona. Disciplines represented by internal staff and associate staff include: electrical, fire, mechanical & plumbing, civil, and economic impact. Mr. Gifford, founder and CEO of Gifford Consulting Group, LLC was first retained in the mid 1990s. His personal background includes forensics, construction contracting, design, fires/explosions, and management. As an outgrowth of this experience, requests for his service has resulted in his having been designated as an expert in more than 1,400 cases. He has testified more than 25 times in trial and arbitration and has been deposed well over 200 times. Learn more at https://www.petefowler.com/don-gifford (Gifford...

Paul J. Angelides, PE

Paul J. Angelides, P.E., P.C.

Melville, New York
Engineering, Forensic Science - Forensic Engineering, Building Structures and Systems, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Foundations, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Construction, Construction Defects, Investigations, Fires, Floods, Insurance, Property Casualty, Disaster Recovery, Premises Liability
Expert Engineering Staff with Interdisciplinary Experience Client base consists of Insurance Professionals, Building Owners, and Attorneys representing Plaintiff's and Defendants. Retained as Experts in Over 10,000 cases. National Academy of Forensic Engineers Certified Safety Professional Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator National Society of Professional Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers OSHA and Suspended Scaffold Certifications New York City Special Inspection Agency Licensed in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, US Virgin Islands Qualified as Experts in State Supreme and Federal Courts FAA Certified Drone Pilot

Erik Roeder

Auto, RV, Boat, Mechanical and Elecrical Expert

EJR Consulting

Seattle, Washington
Transportation, Automotive - Automotive, Truck, RV, Motorhome, Mechanic, Electrical, Engine, Chassis, Boat, Marine, Diminished value, Loss of use, Inspection, Transmission, Trailer, Mechanical, Water damage
Erik has over 30-years of troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining cars, light trucks, marine craft and all types of recreational vehicles. His broad education and hands-on experience make him an outstanding expert with the ability to provide reasonable, fact based and pertinent opinions. In addition to having repaired or serviced every component and system on cars, light trucks, RVs, and boats; Erik has a thorough knowledge of how and why this equipment works. Automotive and construction experience make Erik uniquely qualified for many RV cases. Recent case subject matters include RV flood damage, high performance engine failure, repair shop negligence, RV recall, mechanical negligence on a fishing boat, traffic accident caused by mechanical failure, and a car fire. These have been in state and federal court in various states. Erik has provides research, inspections, opinions and testimony (deposition and arbitration) to plaintiff and defense attorneys with valuable resul...