Bicycle Expert Witnesses

Bicycle expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on bicycle. The bicycle expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Athletics & Recreation, Bicycles, Biomechanics, Construction Defects, Failure Analysis, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Motorcycle, Products Liability, Safety, Slip Trip & Fall, and Traffic Engineering.

Timothy C Behrens, PE, DFE, CFI, CFEI, CVFI

Highly Experienced Forensic Mechanical Engineer

Behrens Engineering Investigations, LLC

Phoenix, Arizona
Mechanical Engineering, Failure Analysis - Accident Reconstruction, Automotive Engineering, Fire, Explosions, Plumbing, Premises Liability, Slip-Trip & Fall, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Products Liability, Transportation, Recreational Vehicles, Heavy Equipment, Industrial Equipment & Machinery, HVAC
Mr. Behrens has 40 years of experience in mechanical engineering, with the last 36 years primarily devoted to failure analysis and forensic engineering. His forensic engineering practice is diverse and has included conducting over a thousand engineering investigations involving a wide range of fires, explosions, accidents, and product failures. Mr. Behrens has conducted hundreds of full-scale vehicle crash, fire and component-level tests, which has provided a practical basis for his extensive knowledge and expertise in the analysis of automotive fires, failures and accidents. Mr. Behrens also has expertise in fire and failure analysis involving appliances, plumbing systems, fire sprinkler systems, HVAC, and commercial/industrial equipment. Mr. Behrens is a Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) and Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI) by the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) by the National Associat...

David Brinton, OLY

Bicycle Expert - Olympian, Cycling Coach, Stuntman

Skilled Cyclist / Skilled Experts Inc.

North Hollywood, California
Bicycles - Bicycle Expert, Accidents, Road, Gravel, Mountain Bike, e-bike, Electric Bicycle, Cyclist, Bicyclist, Events, Races, Fondo, Group Rides, Cycling Coach, Bike Fitting, Bike Maintenance, Equipment Failures, Bicycle Standard of Care, Bicycle Safety
Providing expert testimony in litigation matters since 2018. Expertise related to on-road, off-road, and e-bike accidents involving vehicles, pedestrians, other bicyclists, unsafe event routes, roadway defects, and other dangerous conditions. Experienced with bicycle safety, bicycle standard of care, safe/unsafe solo and group riding, how roadway defects and other dangerous conditions affect bicyclists, rider skill assessments, fault contributions, bike maintenance, bike fitting, coaching practices, and in-depth Strava analysis. Bicycling experience includes 4x Masters World Champion, U.S. Olympic Cycling Team Member, 300,000+ miles ridden, pro mountain bike racer, bicycle skills coach since 1984, and Hollywood Stuntman for 17 years as a crash/jump specialist. Coaching experience includes conducting 6,000+ private and grouped skills sessions for novice-pro riders and racers ages 2 to 85 years since 1984, organized and guided 100+ multi-rider “Epic Rides” with skills coaching a...

Shakir R Shatnawi, PhD, PE

Shatec Engineering Consultants

El Dorado Hills, California
Traffic Engineering, Construction Defects - Highway design, hydroplaning, walkways, parking, pavement design, traffic safety, asphalt, concrete, soil, maintenance, roadway defects, traffic control, pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle, vehicle accidents, ADA, work zone safety, trip&fall accidents, MUTCD
Dr. Shakir Shatnawi is a licensed professional engineer with over 30 years of professional engineering experience as follow: 2010-Present: President /Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC, El Dorado Hills, CA, California 1991-2010: From Transportation Engineer to Division Chief (progressive promotions)/California Department of Transportation (Caltrans): D-10 (Stockton), District 4 (Oakland), and Headquarters (Sacramento), California. 1993-1999: Adjunct Professor/California State University, Sacramento, California. 1997-1999: Adjunct Professor/National University, Sacramento, California 1989-1990: Research Fellow/Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), McLean, Virginia. Dr. Shakir Shatnawi is an expert witness related to the following : • Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking design • Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs • Construction defects, failures, specifications, & disputes • Traffic Enginee...

Joseph R Travers

Newport Beach, California
Products Liability, Manufacturing - Fitness, Fitness Equipment, Gym, Treadmill, Bicycle, Group Cycle, Spinning, Strength Training, Weight Training, Product Quality, Asia Manufacturing, Human Factors, FMEA, DFMA, Design for Serviceability
Over 20 years in the fitness equipment and bicycle industries bringing to the table a well-rounded professional perspective. From Mechanical Engineer designing products to head of Product Development & Quality ensuring manufacturing process and sourcing excellence, my expertise covers a wide spectrum of technical disciplines. With experience in technical field service training and being an avid user of fitness and bicycle equipment, I can also relate well with the plaintiff’s side of a product liabilities claim. I have provided testimony and sat as the most knowledgeable defense party on over 45 depositions and mediations in 6 litigations in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, and New York, as well as well as internationally in Canada and Hong Kong. During college and after graduation, I was employed as a Mechanical Designer then Mechanical Engineer in the bike industry for Profile Design & Primo Products. I later transitioned into the fitness indu...

John Tyson, BS, MS, JD, P.E.


Encino, California
Accident Reconstruction, Slip Trip & Fall - Vehicle Accident Reconstruction, Car, Bus, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Computer modeling, 3D, Accident Animation 3D Simulation, laser scan, Matterport, Faro, SAFETY, Stairways, ramps, ADA, Building Code Analysis, Coefficient of Friction Testing Products, Lighting, Guards, Industrial
Mr. Tyson has over thirty four years full time experience in Accident Reconstruction, Safety and Forensic Engineering. He has investigated, analyzed and reconstructed more than fifteen thousand accidents during this period. Consultant to many Governmental and Municipal agencies including United States Attorney, Federal Government, Department of Justice, State Attorney General California, Cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, Ontario, Santa Monica ,San Gabriel, Ventura , Fountain Valley, Santa Barbara, Calexico, County of Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura County. Goleta CALTRANS, State of California. He has supervised and trained many Engineers and Physicists in the field of Forensic Engineering. He has testified on several hundred occasions on a variety of aspects of accident reconstruction for both plaintiff and defense in depositions, arbitrations, civil and criminal, trials in Municipal and Superior Courts He has been a court appointed expert in nu...

Douglas B. Baumgarten, MS

Fitness and sports Expert Witness - Harvard grad

Sportfit Consulting

Leesburg, Florida
Athletics & Recreation, Biomechanics - Health club, Gym, Fitness, Personal training, Exercise, Gym equipment, Fitness equipment, Exercise equipment, Treadmill, Weightlifting, Bicycle, Cycling, Baseball, Softball
Mr. Baumgarten has 40+ years of experience in the fitness and sports industry, including working as a personal trainer, program manager, business owner, facility designer, equipment salesperson, etc. He is a Harvard graduate with a Masters degree in Exercise Science as well as certification from the American College of Sports Medicine (Health-Fitness Director), National Academy of Sports Medicine, and as a Medical Exercise Specialist. He has been an adjunct professor at Marymount University; editorial Board member and columnist for Fitness Onsite magazine; and a columnist for Boardroom magazine. His management experience includes hiring, training, and supervision of fitness personnel; management of multiple fitness clubs; and equipment maintenance and safety issues. Mr. Baumgarten has decades of experience in competitive and recreational sports -- as a competitor, coach, and official. In baseball, he has competed for over 40 years, earning multiple all-star accolades in Men's ...

Charles W Huffine, PE, PTOE, AICP

CLH Associates LLC

Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Traffic Engineering, Safety - Sight distance, traffic signs, traffic congestion, traffic signals, traffic control devices, construction zones, traffic safety, ADA, bicycle, pedestrian, traffic calming, neighborhood traffic management
• 36 years of experience in traffic/transportation engineering and safety • Vice Chair of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) International Traffic Engineering Council (determines standards, practices and handbooks for the industry) • Experience as a City and County Traffic Engineer, including review, design and construction management of pavement, sidewalk, ADA ramps, traffic signal, bike lane, striping and marking, sign, construction zone, neighborhood traffic management, traffic signal timing, and traffic calming projects • Speaker at international, national, regional and local conferences and seminars • Instructor for four Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) webinars and several in-person courses on traffic and safety engineering • Graduate of Leadership ITE / ITE Fellow • Excellent writer in both technical and laymen terms • Experience in providing testimony for Town Councils and Planning Boards • Licensed Professional Engineer in several states and a Certif...

John D Lloyd, PhD, CPE, ACTAR

San Antonio, Florida
Motorcycle, Accident Reconstruction - human factors, biomechanics, accident reconstruction, motorcycle accident, motorcycle crash, motorcycle riding, motorcycle handling, motorcycle inspection, motorcycle testing, bicycle, e-bike, scooter, car crash auto accident, brain injury, head injury, TBI, helmet, helmet testing, motorcycle helmet
John Lloyd, PhD, CPE, ACTAR is a distinguished authority in motorcycle accident reconstruction, injury biomechanics and human factors, with 30+ of testifying experience. As a motorcyclist with more than 40 years of riding and advanced training, his understanding of the dynamics involved in motorcycle crashes sets him apart as a true specialist in the field. Dr. Lloyd has been qualified to provide biomechanical analyses of various incidents, including: . Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction - Motorcycle riding . Injury Biomechanics . Human Factors . Motorcycle handling and operation . Motorcycle inspection and testing . Motorcycle helmets . Biomechanics of Head and Brain Injury . Football and sports helmets . Automobile accidents . Truck accidents Dr. Lloyd earned a Ph.D. in Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering) with a specialization in biomechanics from Loughborough University in England. He has been board certified through the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics sinc...

Daniel S Holmes

Eagle Lake, Minnesota
Accident Reconstruction - Accident investigation, accident reconstruction, air bag, CDR, EDR, time distance, speed, vehicle inspection, bicycle, commercial vehicle, motorcycle crash, pedestrian, scene photography, aerial photography, drone, occupant kinematics, human factors, sight lines, vehicle equipment, tire failure
My name is Daniel Holmes and I am retired from the Minnesota State Patrol with nearly 27 years of experience. While working for the Minnesota State Patrol I reconstructed over 170 serious or fatal crashes. I have also investigated over 1,500 motor vehicle crashes that did not rise to the level of requiring a crash reconstruction. In 2015, I was awarded the Minnesota State Patrol Award of Excellence in Crash Reconstruction for my work. I am A.C.T.A.R. ( National Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction) certified. I am trained as a C.D.R. ( Crash Data Recorder) analyst-technician and have the ability to image and analyze the airbag data from supported vehicles. I am a Forensic Mappist and have the ability to generate scaled diagrams from a scene or use mapping data obtained from Law Enforcement. I am also trained in Occupant Kinematics, and have reconstructed several pedestrian/bicycle accidents along with commercial vehicle crashes. I have a drone license...

John Tyson, BS, MS, JD, P.E.


Accident Reconstruction, Slip Trip & Fall - Vehicle Accident Reconstruction, Car, Bus, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Computer modeling, 3D, Accident Animation 3D Simulation, laser scan, Matterport, Faro, SAFETY, Stairways, ramps, ADA, Building Code Analysis, Coefficient of Friction Testing Products, Lighting, Guards, Industrial
Mr. Tyson has over thirty four years full time experience in Accident Reconstruction, Safety and Forensic Engineering. He has investigated, analyzed and reconstructed more than fifteen thousand accidents during this period. Consultant to many Governmental and Municipal agencies including United States Attorney, Federal Government, Department of Justice, State Attorney General California, Cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, Ontario, Santa Monica ,San Gabriel, Ventura , Fountain Valley, Santa Barbara, Calexico, County of Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura County. Goleta CALTRANS, State of California. He has supervised and trained many Engineers and Physicists in the field of Forensic Engineering. He has testified on several hundred occasions on a variety of aspects of accident reconstruction for both plaintiff and defense in depositions, arbitrations, civil and criminal, trials in Municipal and Superior Courts He has been a court appointed expert in nu...

Larry W. Busby, ACTAR #2885

Primary Investigations

Austin, Texas
Accident Reconstruction - ACTAR, Automotive, Pedestrian, Commercial Vehicle, Motorcycle, Event Data Recorder Retrieval/Analysis, 3D Animation, Bicycle, Crush Analysis, Speed Determination, Time/Distance Analysis, Accident Site Mapping
Larry W. Busby is the owner and manager of Primary Investigations, a private investigation firm (TX #A17699), established in 2012. Larry was certified by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction in 2015 and has extensive training, from the Northwestern Center for Public Safety, the Institute of Police Technology and Management, the University of Tulsa in the reconstruction of automobile, pedestrian, bicycle and commercial vehicle accidents. Larry is a member of several professional organizations including TAARS, IATAI, NAPARS, TALI, CALI, and FALI and is certified in Bosch event data recorder retrieval and analysis. Primary Investigations can produce high quality 3D animations based on laser scan data from the accident scene depicting the accident, sight obstructions and other features unique to the accident. Additionally, as the owner of Delta Land Surveying and as a Registered Professional Land Surveyor licensed in NM, TX, CO and OK Larry is uniquely qu...

Curtis M Beloy, PE DFE

Forensic Engineer- Vehicle Accidents & Defects

4Moto | Forensic Vehicle Engineers

Cottage Grove, Wisconsin
Accident Reconstruction, Products Liability - motorcycle, ATV, UTV, failure analysis, video analysis, snowmobile, watercraft, scooter, motorcycle dynamics, electric mobility, motocross track, motorcycle safety, bicycle, electric motorcycle, Off-road, surveillance video, dashcam, mechanical defect, vehicle design defect, EDR
Curtis Beloy, MS PE is a full-time forensic engineering consultant specializing in accident analysis and vehicle defects. With more than 20 years of professional experience, he skillfully identifies evidence and solves forensic problems involving cars, motorcycles, trucks, powersports equipment, off-highway vehicles, bicycles, and other mobility products. His professional experience includes product R&D in the automotive industry, accident analysis at multidisciplinary forensic engineering firms, and full vehicle design evaluations for major motorcycle/ATV manufacturers. A native of northern Minnesota, he has extensive life experience with operation and mechanics of all types of powersport vehicles. He is a former expert-level motorcycle racer, experienced mechanic, and has consulted the US Border Patrol on ATV/ UTV safety. Mr. Beloy graduated with honors from Minnesota State University with a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer and a...