Software Engineering Expert Witnesses in Maryland

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of software engineering expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on software engineering and related issues. Software engineering expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these software engineering expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Automotive Electronics, Computer Security, Computer Software, Embedded Systems, Industrial Automation, Medical Devices, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Reverse Engineering, Software Malfunction, Software Quality, and Source Code Review.

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Jason Frankovitz

Quandary Peak Research

Internet, Software Engineering - Metadata, Open Source, Web, Mobile, Social Media, Cloud Computing, Databases, e-Commerce, Smartphones, iPhone, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails
As a programmer, CTO, and inventor, Jason Frankovitz has been in the trenches of technology for more than 25 years. He has worked as a software developer, engineering manager, and system architect in a wide variety of industries including social media, e-commerce, digital entertainment, and mobile computing. He has launched multiple Internet startups using cutting-edge technologies like cloud-based server scaling, machine learning (AI), and personalized ad targeting. Jason's first startup,, was the first online bookmark site on the Web and created significant prior art used in multiple patent cases; he also holds a patent for technologies developed by his second startup, Seethroo. For several years Jason taught at San Francisco State University, and was a mentor for software development interns from ENSEEIHT, a major engineering school in France. He is employed by Quandary Peak Research in Los Angeles. Jason’s background in social media and user-generated content has all...

Dennis E Dombkowski

WTM Solutions LLC

Software Engineering, Computers - Software Misappropriation, Web, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence, Wi-Fi, Smartphone, Database, C#, JavaScript, SQL, Open Source, NDA, HTML, API Security, Software Development, Source Code, Information Technology, Software Security, Python
Dennis has worked in the field of software engineering for nearly 20 years. He has worked in database design, APIs, and frontend frameworks, often focused on one category at a time. However, he has also found himself in positions where he acts as a ‘full stack developer’, or a developer that touches all aspects of a large application, from frontend website work to database design. His experience includes being a heads-down software engineer as well as a leader and mentor. He has vast amounts of experience in explaining highly technical terminology and concepts to non-technical people, such as Product Owners and Project Managers. Dennis has a genuine love for technology. He strives to continually improve himself by learning new skills, technologies, languages, frameworks, and techniques.

David S Howell

Mobile App Development • Software Engineering • IP

Expert Guild

Software Engineering, Intellectual Property - Software, Mobile, Apps, Patent, Trade Secret, Infringement, Source Code, Inspection, Android, Development, macOS, Engineering, iOS, Kotlin, Objective-C, Java, Swift, IP, AI, ML
David Howell is a former Apple software engineer with more than 35 years in the software industry and experience teaching computer science and engineering management at a graduate level. He has founded three startups, including one acquired by Apple, with a focus on mobile, desktop, and web apps, and is currently CEO of Expert Guild, an agency that helps litigation teams find the perfect testifying expert for technology and healthcare-related cases. In the past his roles have included Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), VP of Engineering, Senior Software Engineer, and member of Boards of Advisors. As CEO of Avatron, he led a team of ex-Apple engineers to build world-class productivity apps for mobile devices. At Apple he managed a platform enabling third-party visual-effects plug-ins for film and video. As an expert witness, Mr. Howell has written 19 opinions, testified in Federal court twice and in arbitration court once, and has been deposed four times,...

Michael Barr

Bethesda, Maryland
Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering - embedded systems, operating systems, computer software, automotive electronics, medical devices, industrial automation, computer security, software malfunction, programming languages, reverse engineering, source code review, software quality
Michael Barr is a former adjunct professor of computer engineering with more than twenty-five years of experience in the software industry, including over a decade spent developing software for embedded systems. Software he wrote has powered millions of products. Mr. Barr is the author of three books and more than seventy articles and papers about embedded software design and architecture and is internationally recognized as an expert in the field. He is also a founder of three companies, including Barr Group. In his work as a software expert witness, Mr. Barr has testified more than twenty times before judges and juries in matters ranging from patent infringement and validity to product liability to theft of copyrighted software and trade secrets. He has been qualified in U.S. and Canadian courts as an expert in computer software, electrical engineering, and satellite TV security and piracy.
You can also find Software Engineering Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii , Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Utah, and Washington