Social Work Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of social work expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on social work and related issues. Social work expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these social work expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Child Welfare, Foster Care, Child Abuse, Child Death, Child Protective Services, Investigations, PTSD, Standard Of Care, .26 Hearings, Addiction, Adoption, Adult Depression/Anxiety, Anorexia, Anxiety, and Bulimia.

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Nicol Stolar-Peterson, PsyD, LCSW, BCD

Social Work, Child Abuse - Child Protective Services, Department of Children and Family Services, Investigations, Standard of Care, Removal, Exigency, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Child Death, Child Fatality, Child Welfare
Child Abuse/Child Welfare Expert national practice. Completed over 1000 child abuse investigations and interviews, 100’s of removals, 100’s of foster care and adoptive placements. 11 years of field experience working in child protective services as a child abuse investigator, interviewer, trainer, foster care/adoption social worker (2003-2015). Licensed clinical social worker in California since 2009. Trained over 1000 social workers in child abuse investigation and current standards and duties. National trainer on mandated reporting. Focus Areas Include; Child Welfare Expert Child Abuse Investigations Clinical Social Worker Expert Witness Child Fatality Investigations CPS /DCFS Expertise Consultation Psychotherapy Crisis Counseling Forensic Interviewer Case Management Community Outreach Group Therapy Record/Case Review Structured Decision-Making Tools Testimony

Sarah Burney, LCSW, CEDS-S

Burney Therapy Group

Newport Beach, California
Mental Health, Substance Abuse - eating disorder, trauma, PTSD, anorexia, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, substance abuse, substance use, overdose, treatment, social work, cognitive behavioral therapy, family based treatment, addiction, anxiety, depression, suicide, EMDR, psychology
With over a decade of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Supervisor, Sarah Burney is a leading expert in her field. She specializes in treating all types of eating disorders, acute & complex trauma, substance abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depressive / anxiety disorders. Her experience includes providing intensive therapy at inpatient & outpatient treatment centers for eating disorders, mental health, and substance abuse. She is also a former director of one of the nation's largest and leading adult eating disorder treatment center, giving her extensive experience with acute cases and working with a multi-disciplinary team. Sarah has also presented at international conferences and universities, and trained a variety of mental health professionals. Sarah utilizes humanistic and psychoanalytic therapeutic approach, and implements various evidence based therapeutic interventions, including, but not limited to: Cogniti...

Bobby D Cagle

Child Welfare Expert - 36 Years Experience

Cagle Expert Witness Services

Northridge, California
Child Abuse, Social Work - child death, child abuse, child neglect, foster care, child welfare, daycare, investigations, adoption, federal child welfare policy, child welfare standards, daycare stds of operation, child safety, child placement, family functioning, operating child welfare organizations, daycare regulation
Experience Founder/CEO of human services consulting firm serving government and nonprofit organizations across the US for last 3 years 33 years of government service Front-line, supervisory, managerial, administrative, and leadership roles Social Worker (child welfare), Probation/Parole Officer, County Social Serivces Director, State Policy Director, State Legislative Director Twice appointed by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal — Commissioner, Early Care and Learning (2011-2013); Director of Family and Children Services (2013-2017) Four years as Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services (largest local child welfare agency in the United States) Education BA, Political Science/Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1989) MSW, Management, Planning, Community Practice Concentration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1998) Training More than 1,075 hours of professional training in child welfare, community corrections, adult...

Nicole E McCarthy, MSW, LCSW, PMH-C

Woodland Hills, California
Social Work, Mental Health - Mental Health, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Forensic Social Work, Adult Depression/Anxiety, Case Management, Standard of Care, Discharge Planning, Postpartum Depression, PTSD, Perinatal Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Work Place Sexual Harassment, Suicide Prevention, Institutional Abuse
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) expert in mental health, psychiatric issues and women's health. I have a masters degree in social work from the University of Southern California and licensed in the state of California with the Board of Behavioral Sciences. I have experience and expertise with residential treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, domestic violence shelters and outpatient mental health clinics. I was a leader for the Intensive Outpatient Program in an outpatient clinic. Supervised other therapist’s and coordinated treatment teams for patient care. I have collaborated with psychiatrists, primary care physicians, OBGYN's, medical social workers, RN's and nursing teams. I addition, I am a member of Postpartum Support International and helped create the positive motherhood transition program specializing and treating moms who struggle with postpartum depression/ anxiety. I have expertise with pregnancy loss, infertility and perinatal issues. I am also a member ...

Mayola Miranda, DPA, LCSW, MSW

Miranda Counseling & Consulting LCSW, Inc

Newport Beach, California
Social Work, Child Abuse - Child protective services, public child welfare, foster care, child abuse & neglect, nonminor dependents, emergency removals, dependency court, CPS standards of care, CPS policies & practices, civil rights, CPS investigations, mandated reporting, reasonable services, reunification, .26 hearings
Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 25+ years of diverse work experience including in the public sector, private sector, non-profit, academia, and military. A former Child Protective Services (CPS) social worker & supervisor of 15 years with insider knowledge about child welfare. Hands-on experience with hundreds of child welfare-involved families and children in all phases of a child dependency case. Supervised, trained, and taught CPS social workers, interns, and Master of Social Work students. Specialized areas of knowledge include: Certificates of Merits Emergency Child Removals, warrants Warrantless removals, exigent circumstances, imminent risk Child Protective Services policies, practices, and procedures Child abuse and neglect Foster care, out of home care, congregate care Case Plans: Reunification, family maintenance and transitional living plans Standards of care § 1983 Civil rights, Monell Liability AB12/Non-Minor dependents Structured Decision-Making (SDM) Risk asses...

Paula E. Rohde, MA

Mission Viejo, California
Social Work - Social Worker Standard of Care, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Mandated Reporter, Juvenile Dependency, Placement, Warrants & Removals, Case Planning, Family Reunification, Foster Care Licensing, Group Homes, Child Abuse, Foster Homes, Shelter Care
I have extensive experience working in public child welfare and human resources for the County of Orange, Social Services Agency. Child Welfare areas of expertise include dependency intake and investigations, out of home placement including group home, foster home, relative and shelter care placement, foster parenting recruitment, training, licensing and relative family approval. Experience has been in both a Senior Social Worker, Senior Social Services Supervisor and leadership capacity (Program Manager I & II ). I am trained in Trauma Informed Practice & Safety Organized Practice, knowledgeable of and proficient in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System.

Nicol Stolar-Peterson, PsyD, LCSW, BCD

Murrieta, California
Social Work, Child Abuse - Child Protective Services, Department of Children and Family Services, Investigations, Standard of Care, Removal, Exigency, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Child Death, Child Fatality, Child Welfare
Child Abuse/Child Welfare Expert national practice. Completed over 1000 child abuse investigations and interviews, 100’s of removals, 100’s of foster care and adoptive placements. 11 years of field experience working in child protective services as a child abuse investigator, interviewer, trainer, foster care/adoption social worker (2003-2015). Licensed clinical social worker in California since 2009. Trained over 1000 social workers in child abuse investigation and current standards and duties. National trainer on mandated reporting. Focus Areas Include; Child Welfare Expert Child Abuse Investigations Clinical Social Worker Expert Witness Child Fatality Investigations CPS /DCFS Expertise Consultation Psychotherapy Crisis Counseling Forensic Interviewer Case Management Community Outreach Group Therapy Record/Case Review Structured Decision-Making Tools Testimony
You can also find Social Work Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Florida, New York, and North Carolina