Pharmacology- Clinical Expert Witnesses in Arkansas

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of pharmacology- clinical expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on pharmacology- clinical and related issues. Pharmacology- clinical expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these pharmacology- clinical expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Mail Order Pharmacy, Alcohol, Drug Interactions, Drug Levels, Geriatric Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacy, Medication Errors, Nursing Homes, Opioid Pain Management, Oral Cancer Drugs, Pharmacy Law, Pharmacy Operations, Pharmacy Standards Of Care, Prostate Cancer, and Recreational Drugs.

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Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP

Pharmacy - Pharmacology - Drugs of Abuse

The Mackenzie Group, LLC

Searcy, Arkansas
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Nursing homes, geriatric pharmacist, alcohol, recreational drugs, drug interactions, opioid pain management, hospital pharmacy, drug levels, medication errors, pharmacy law, toxicology, pharmacy standards of care
Pharmacy Standards of Care (nursing home/long-term care, acute care, hospice, home health); Pain Management; Geriatric Drug Therapy Management (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, psychoactive medications, psychotropic drug reactions, polypharmacy); Clinical Pharmacy Services (drug information services, patient assessment & counseling); Drug Safety/Misadventure (interactions, adverse reactions, medication errors, death/overdose, product liability); Pharmacology (causal relationship between drug exposure and subsequent effects, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacokinetics); Pharmacy Operations (3rd-party payment, managed care, controlled substance/narcotics, drug distribution systems, pharmacoeconomics). Professor, Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Harding University College of Pharmacy (2011- ) President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2024-25) Vice-President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2023-24) Member, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2020- ) Clinical Consulta...

Jimmy Skaggs, PharmD, MBA

JG Skaggs & Associates

Benton, Arkansas
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Mail-order pharmacy, prostate cancer, oral cancer drugs, urology drugs, Testosterone/Hormone replacement, vaccines, pharmacy operations, specialty pharmacy, mail-order pharmacy
Dr. Skaggs is a pharmacist expert experienced in community retail, specialty retail, and hospital pharmacy. He oversaw the establishment of, and now manages a specialty retail pharmacy pharmacy in a large urology group practice. He serves on the Tumor Board and the Advanced Prostate Cancer Committee for the clinic. He has provided didactic and experiential education to Doctor of Pharmacy students, case-based learning to Physician Assistant students, and education to practicing physicians and nurses. He has served as an expert and consultant since 2015. Memberships/Certifications: -American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) - Member -American Pharmacists Association (APhA) - Member -Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Lab Director -APhA Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery Certificate -National Institutes of Health (NIH): Protecting Human Research Participants Certification
You can also find Pharmacology- Clinical Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon , Pennsylvania, and Texas