Mental Health Expert Witnesses in Georgia

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of mental health expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on mental health and related issues. Mental health expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these mental health expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Police, Administrative, Autism, Behavioral Health, Business Development, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Cmo, Correctional Psychiatry, Corrections, Disability, Disability Services & Evaluation, Fitness For Duty, Forensic Psychiatry, and Hospital.

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Elizabeth Ferguson, MD

Hogan and Associates Licensed in CA,CO,FL,GA,AL

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - hospital, malpractice, will contest, corrections, psychiatry, psychology, suicide, mental health, behavioral health, CMO, administrative, correctional psychiatry, litigation, JCAHO, law enforcement, telepsychiatry, business development, forensic psychiatry, fitness for duty, police
Dr. Ferguson, a board-certified Harvard trained forensic psychiatrist, is a respected active leader and experienced expert in the field of mental health litigation consultation. She is recognized by her peers for her administrative expertise in behavioral health organizations and has held many senior positions in national professional organizations for two decades. She has led or served on numerous community and national committees at the interface of law and psychiatry. At the earliest stage possible in her career, she was recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. As a forensic psychiatrist, chief medical officer, director of telepsychiatry behavioral health business development, and forensic psychiatry fellowship director she has a record of proven leadership in the clinical, educational, research, and public policy forums of psychiatric and telepsychiatric services. She greatly enjoys teaching psychiatrists how to testify and was the foundin...


Police & Autism Clinical Practices Expert

Triad Psych, pc

Atlanta, Georgia
Mental Health, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Autism, Disability, Police, Workplace Violence, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Special Education, Police Practices Expert-Former DEA Clinician, Police Practices Expert-Former Faculty Police Academy, Police Practices Expert-Current On Call Clinician FBI, Disability Services & Evaluation
Triad Psych is an independent group clinical, counseling and consulting practice since 2003. Feedback about our work emphasizes the ability to take complex abstractions and break it down into simpler, concrete, jargon free and understandable terms enabling juries and judges to fully grasp the concept at hand and make a clear decision. Triad's unique approach to complexity enables it's clients to be able to impose a context on and over almost any situation, provide guidance and be able to make tangible progress; the Triad system makes the invisible visible, clearing a viable and concrete path forward to achieve goals. Dave Glick and Elizabeth Snelgrove-Arauz, have been providing litigation and expert support since 1999. Dave has specializations in mental health, police psychology, special education, disability services(ADA & Section 504). Both have expertise in Autism Spectrum Disorders and all areas of neurodiversity. Elizabeth has specialization in the intersectionality of Neurodi...
You can also find Mental Health Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington