Machinery & Technical Appraiser Expert Witnesses in Utah

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of machinery & technical appraiser expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on machinery & technical appraiser and related issues. Machinery & technical appraiser expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these machinery & technical appraiser expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Acquisitions, Agriculture, Appraisal & Valuation, Business Operations, Construction, Dental, Dispute Resolution, Divorce, Equipment Appraiser, Equipment Rental, Family Law, Marital Dissolution, Party & Event Rental, Personal Property, and Tangible Assets.

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Joseph Phelon, ASA-M&E, CBA, CVA, BCA, MBA

Hyde Valuations, Inc.

Cottonwood Heights, Utah
Business Valuation, Machinery & Technical Appraiser - Appraisal & Valuation, Marital Dissolution, Divorce, Family Law, Business Operations, Personal Property, Tangible Assets, Dental, Agriculture, Construction, Medical, Transportation, Equipment Appraiser, Acquisitions, Dispute Resolution, Party & Event Rental, Equipment Rental, Truck Rental, Reviewer
Joseph has 19 years of experience appraising businesses and professional practices for marital dissolution, shareholder disputes, SBA loans, ownership transfer, merger & acquisition, estate planning, estate tax, and regulatory compliance. He is also an accredited senior appraiser in machinery and technical specialties. He has performed machinery and equipment appraisals for marital dissolution and financing purposes. He owned and operated an equipment rental company with a party and event division and a truck rental company for 22 years. He was the Chairman of the Board for the American Fork, Utah Chamber of Commerce from 2017-2018 and the Chairman of the Accreditation Board for the Institute of Business Appraisers from 2011- 2012.
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Florida and Utah