Hydrology Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of hydrology expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on hydrology and related issues. Hydrology expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these hydrology expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Hydrology, Drainage, Flooding, Construction, Groundwater, Hydrogeology, Stormwater, Erosion, Hydraulics, Runoff, Water Resources, Fema, Floodplain, Geology, and Water.

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Brian LaCas, P.Eng., FEC, Intl PE


LCI Engineering Group

Vancouver, British Columbia
Hydrology, Meteorology - Flooding, Road Motor Vehicle Accidents, Ocean Flooding, Bridge/Pipe Hydraulics, Forensic Flood Damage Assessment, Agricultural Drainage, Mine Tailings Pond Failures, Dam Failure, Land Drainage, Drowning Assessment, Stormwater Modelling, Flood Risk Assessment, Dams and Reservoirs, Levee Failure
I am an expert witness with experience in cases across Canada and in the United States. I have over three decades of hydrotechnical engineering experience specializing in the modeling of surface water resource systems, forensic hydrology and hydraulics, and alternative flood control mitigation. He has been qualified as an expert witness and has experience testifying as an expert witness. In 2019, I received the Certificate of Fellowship (FEC) from Engineers Canada in honour of exceptional contributions to the engineering profession in Canada. I am enlisted as a Water Resources Engineer on Engineers Canada’s Mobility Register in accordance with the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA) and the APEC Engineering Agreement. Since 2002, I have been a technical reviewer for the Engineers & Geoscientists, of British Columbia carrying out confidential reviews of Professional Engineers for standard practice review and for technical support for potential disciplinary actio...

Yasser M. Abdelhamid, PhD

Construction Defect/Geotechnical Expert Witness

Bryant Consultants

Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Defects - Civil Engineering, Expansive Soil, Foundation Analysis and Design, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls, Slope Stability, Numerical Modeling, Seepage, Drainage, Erosion, Hydrology, Seismic, Earthquake Engineering, Laboratory Testing, Structural Engineering, Construction Defects
Dr. Abdelhamid has been designated as an expert witness for many litigated cases. Dr. Abdelhamid is heavily involved in performing forensic geotechnical and geophysical investigations for several problematic foundations, pavements, retaining walls and slopes. He devises protocols for geotechnical and geophysical testing, in-situ long-term monitoring, lab testing and analysis. He is also heavily involved in preparing and reviewing proposals and expert reports for geotechnical exploration and litigated and non-litigated forensic projects. Dr. Abdelhamid is responsible for meeting clients during the proposal phase, the investigation phase and after releasing the final report to ensure client satisfaction. Dr. Abdelhamid has performed work at wide variety of forensic projects. He evaluated numerous residential buildings from single family house to a whole subdivision. Dr. Abdelhamid also evaluated many commercial, school, hospital, garage buildings. He performed stability analysis for v...

Chad Ballard

Surface Water, Hydrology and Flood Expert

High Water Mark

Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Floodplain, Flooding, Hydrology, River Hydrualics, Levee Breach, Dam Break/Failure, Stormwater, FEMA, Advanced Modeling, Storm Recreation, Erosion, Rainfall, Flood Forensics, Bridge Hydraulics, Water Resources
Mr. Chad Ballard is a licensed civil engineer (CA, TX, CO, WA) working in the water resources field, more specifically hydrology and hydraulics specializing in advanced hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, stormwater, and flood mitigation. In addition to a broad range of engineering skills, Mr. Ballard has helped hundreds of engineering firms all around the world apply hydraulic models to their projects. Mr. Ballard has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in hydraulics and hydrology as an adjunct faculty member, as well as currently teaching professional continuing education courses for the new 2D numerical modeling tools such as HEC-RAS and SRH-2D. Mr. Ballard is active in professional organizations including ASCE, EWRI and TFMA where he has served and is serving in various leadership positions at the state and national level. Chad is also a current volunteer member of the Region 3 State Flood Planning Group overseeing the Regional State Flood Plan development effort i...

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Gerald Blackler, Ph.D, P.E., D.WRE

Denver, Colorado
Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Water Resources, Hydraulics, Floodplain, Flood Forensics, Hydrologist, Hydraulic Modeling, Transportation Drainage, Roadway Drainage, Rainfall, Runoff, Design Storms, Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Stormwater, Culvert, Stormsewer, Urban Hydrology, Urban Flooding, Construction
Water flows downhill, sometimes water is a resource, sometimes it is an enemy, sometimes it is both. If your case involves the impact of water, my expertise is available for your case. I am an expert in hydrology, hydraulics, the engineering of drainage systems, including culverts, transportation drainage, bridge scour, bridge hydraulics, floodplain management, transportation hydraulics, water resources, and accidental death or drowning near hydraulic structures. My work routinely produces technical evidence that is hard to dispute and easy to understand. My background and experience in consulting and teaching allows me to produce complicated information in a format that is easy to digest, such as video files, and images that explain the complicated physical interactions of hydrology and hydraulics. Some of my past litigation work produced evidence that was not disputed by opposing experts. My approach is to first understand the case, then to discuss one on one what technica...

Hayden Fischer, M.S., P.E., P.G.

Bryant Consultants

Englewood, Colorado
Geotechnical Engineering, Hydrology - Construction Defects, Engineering - Civil, Environmental Engineering, Geology
Mr. Fischer’s areas of expertise include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following areas: - Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, including watershed delineation, flood event simulation, and drainage design review. - Drainage and flatwork analysis, such as sloping, clearance, drainage configuration, and code compliance. - Expansive and collapsible soils analysis and mitigation, including foundation performance. - Geophysical modeling and analysis, including electrical resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic methods, and seismic reflection/refraction. - Groundwater monitoring, sampling, and modeling. - Geospatial analysis and remote sensing. - Slope stability monitoring and modeling. - Automated remote monitoring, including vibration, tilt, settlement, and groundwater. - Mining material volume and quantity estimation and visualization.

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Commerce City, Colorado
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Robert C Eitel, PE

Landesign, Inc.

District Of Columbia
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Flooding, Engineering Standard of Care, Land Development Engineering
Board Certified Diplomate of Forensic Engineering through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers

Christopher R Hanstad, P.E., CFM

Flood and Drainage Expert Witness

Hanstad Engineering Services

Champaign, Illinois
Civil Engineering - Floodway Violations, Floodplain Modeling, Flood Damage and Loss Assessment, Hydrology, Hydraulics, FEMA Floodplain Revisions, Drainage
Chris Hanstad is a Licensed Professional Engineer (IL, IN, KY, WI) and Certified Floodplain Manager with over 15 years of expertise in floodplain analysis and regulatory compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Since 2018, he has served as an expert witness in flooding and drainage-related litigation, providing written reports, discovery deposition, and trial testimony. As the lead of Illinois’ Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) program since its inception, Mr. Hanstad has overseen the evaluation and determination of hundreds of LOMR applications, ensuring compliance with rigorous floodplain modeling standards and NFIP regulations. His work directly informs revisions to FEMA floodplain maps. Mr. Hanstad specializes in assessing the flood risk impact of projects within floodplains, particularly their effects on adjacent properties. He has identified and reported seven floodway violations to FEMA and has provided litigation support in cases involving such violations. ...

John Hlinka, PE, M. ASCE

Benton, Kentucky
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - civil, railroad, accident, cranes, failures, foundations, structures, drainage, culverts, washouts, hydrology, concrete pump trucks, corrosion, chemical, industrial, building codes, inspections, construction, OSHA Compliance, swimming pools
Mr. Hlinka has worked over 40 years in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management market with experience in numerous industries: Chemical, Oil Refinery, Pulp & Paper, Adhesives, Nuclear Power Generation, Nuclear Feed Stock, and Steel. His work has overlapped with residential and commercial industries. Throughout his career he has engineered and managed a myriad of projects in these industries and has provided leadership to the various companies in the capacities of: Site Manager, Design Manager, Project Manager, Construction Supervisor, and currently as President. Design engineering, analysis, and inspection experience includes structural steel, reinforced concrete, stone, masonry, wood, and stormwater drainage.

Robert C Eitel, PE

Landesign, Inc.

Bowie, Maryland
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Flooding, Engineering Standard of Care, Land Development Engineering
Board Certified Diplomate of Forensic Engineering through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers

Timothy J. Mayotte, Ph.D., CPG, P.E.

Mayotte Design & Engineering

East Lansing, Michigan
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering - Groundwater, Wastewater, Remediation, Bioremediation, Modeling, Stormwater, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Geotechnical, Microbiology, Contamination, Geochemistry, Construction, Demolition, Home Inspection
Dr. TImothy Mayotte is President and CEO of Mayotte Design & Engineering, PC, a civil and environmental engineering design firm based in East Lansing, Michigan. Since 2003, MD&E has proved itself a highly responsive design, advocate and risk management partner for clients in the energy, automotive, commercial printing, textile, pharmaceutical, chemical, real estate, and legal industries. MD&E offers a variety of services, specializing in the design and engineering of treatment solutions for wastewater, groundwater, stormwater and contaminated soil, sediment and air. Dr. Mayotte has assisted clientele across globe, having completed projects in: Alabama; Arizona; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas, Massachusetts; Michigan; Missouri, Mississippi; Nevada; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Oregon; Tennessee; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; Washington, Wisconsin; Wyoming; British Columbia; Ontario; Quebec; Brazil; China; Czech Republic; Italy; and Mex...

Douglas B Blatchford, PE, PH, CEM, CFM

Southwest Hydrology & Hydraulics, LLC

Boulder City, Nevada
Hydrology, Engineering - Water Resources focused on: Flooding, Floodplain Management, Drainage, Surface Water Hydrology, Hydraulic Structures, Grading, Erosion, Permitting, water resource issues, Flooding
Mr. Douglas B. Blatchford, PE (AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, TX, UT) has over 40 years of experience as a water resource professional. His experience includes dam safety, design and construction, energy, geographic information systems, groundwater hydrology, remote sensing, river systems, and surface water hydrology, in support of his expert witness practice focus area in water resources (flooding, floodplain management, drainage, hydrology, hydraulic structures, grading, erosion, and permitting). Mr. Blatchford served the United States Government (Interior, Reclamation) as the River Operations Manager on the Lower Colorado River, involved with water deliveries to Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles, San Diego, and irrigators in southern California, southern Arizona, and Mexico. He actively served west wide in Reclamation’s dam safety program, and interfaced extensively with the USGS, the USACE, NOAA, the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (CBRFC), Mexico, and many irrigators, local and state agen...

Michael Mobile, Ph.D., CGWP

Groundwater Hydrologist - MODFLOW, PFAS, etc.

McDonald Morrissey Associates

Concord, New Hampshire
Hydrology, Environmental - MODFLOW, Groundwater, Groundwater Modeling, Numerical Modeling, Contaminant Transport, Hydrogeology, Geology, PFAS, PFOA, PFOS, Groundwater Mounding, Water Rights, Mounding Analysis, Riparian Rights, Stream Depletion, Conjunctive Use, PCE, TCE, NAPL, MT3D
Mike is the president of McDonald Morrissey Associates and has nearly 20 years of experience in the areas of quantitative hydrogeology and hydrology, contaminant fate-and-transport assessment, and water resources management. His professional experience has included numerical model development (e.g., MODFLOW) in support of several large-scale, high-profile construction activities, natural resource management projects, and litigation/conflict resolution assignments. The sensitive nature of much of this work has allowed Mike to explore a wide variety of innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to meeting client needs and addressing site-specific challenges. Prior to joining MMA, Mike worked for GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., where he acted as an in-house expert on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and the evolving regulatory environment surrounding these compounds. Between 2014 and 2018, he served as project manager of two New Hampshire site investigations primarily focused ...

Mark J. Vanarelli, PhD, PE, IntPE, PG, BCEE, F.ASCE

Geomechanics & Groundwater Expert

Carlsbad, New Mexico
Mining, Geotechnical Engineering - Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Geological Engineering, Groundwater, Geology, Water Resources Engineering, Remediation Design, Hazardous Waste Management, Site Investigations, Mining Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
I am a licensed Professional Engineer in mining, civil and geological engineering. I have over 35 years of experience in subsurface and surface analyses. I am an independent practitioner and Senior Subject Matter Expert for the US Department of Energy at the Carlsbad Field Office's (CBFO) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico. I provide senior technical advice and recommendations to the CBFO Manager, Assistant Manager and Director, Facility Engineering Division, on matters pertaining to mining engineering, ground control, mine safety, geology/groundwater engineering, underground mine construction and drift, back and ribs maintenance, mine shaft and hoist construction and maintenance, surface mining facilities, and systems construction and maintenance, and input and coordinates with other CBFO staff. I graduated with degrees in mining and geological engineering from the Colorado School of Mines which is ranked #1 in the world in mining and mineral engineering...

Timothy D Bechtel, PhD, PG

Franklin and Marshall College

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Environmental, Hydrology - sinkhole, groundwater, landslide, drilling, hydrogeology, rockfall, karst, vibration, blast, earthquake, contamination, pipeline, fracking, water, erosion, construction, stormwater, physics, leak, cave
Dr. Bechtel is geophysicist/geologist, and a world-renowned expert on sinkholes. But not just sinkholes; bedrock conditions, caves, water pollution, and all issues related to karst terranes. Dr. Bechtel has 25+ years of experience in the engineering/environmental industry, as well as faculty positions at Franklin & Marshall College, the University of Memphis and the University of Pennsylvania, and is an appointed member of the International Karst Commission. Dr. Bechtel has been an expert in dozens of sinkole or karst-related cases - often related to causes of sinkholes and/or water problems. Dr. Bechtel also has expertise and courtroom experience in Unconventional Oil & Gas, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and fracking-industry-related earthquakes, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), as well as all fields of seismology, seismic hazards, vibration monitoring and analysis, subsidence, soil creep, landslides, rockfalls, non-destructive evaluation of earthen dams and levees, subsu...

Chuck Dutill, PE, DFE

Hydrology and Environmental Engineering Expertise

Heritage Technical Services, Inc.

West Chester, Pennsylvania
Environmental, Engineering - Hydrology, Stormwater Management, Sewers, Sewer Systems, Wastewater, Sanitary Sewage, Water, Septic Systems, Flooding, Groundwater, Hydrogeology, Drainage, Mold, Wells, Runoff, Backups, Wastewater Treatment, Utility, Construction, Maintenance
Nationwide experience as hydrologist, environmental engineer, and civil engineer, including for FOG/grease trap, design, contamination, pollution, sinkhole, grading, hydraulics, pumping, water quality, storm sewer, drinking water, water distribution, water treatment, dam, regulations, Standard of Care, waste management, erosion, soil, air quality, water main, detention, hazardous waste, spill, sedimentation, wetland, floodplain, toxicity, remediation, health and safety, modeling, odor, combined sewer, overflow, aquifer, hydraulic fracturing, hydroplaning, and metering. Forensic cases for Mr. Dutill have comprised federal and state courts. As indicated in feedback from attorneys on expert witness cases, some of the strengths of Mr. Dutill include understandable guidance, responsiveness, timeliness, communication, effective report writing, strong testimony (including on cross), efficiency, organization, and assistance with framing case issues. Approximately 45% of his cases have be...

Michael Sheleheda, P.E.

Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering - Stormwater, Erosion and Sediment Control, Hydrology, Landslides and Slope Stability, Foundations, Settlement, Retaining Walls, Geohazards, Pavement Evaluation and Remediation, Earthwork, Construction and Materials Testing, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility
Mr. Sheleheda specializes in geotechnical and civil engineering. His experience includes providing geotechnical engineering design/expertise for all aspects of land development and construction. Projects have included establishing procedures for subsurface explorations, boring layout, soil sampling, and laboratory testing programs. Michael has authored geotechnical reports regarding deep, shallow, and specialty foundation construction for projects in the real estate, natural gas, manufacturing, mining and public client sectors. Also, he has investigated and provided remedial recommendations for landslides, carbonaceous (expansive) shale, retaining walls, karst, geohazards, and mine grouting/subsidence. His responsibilities have included preparing bid packages, authoring specifications, and construction level drawings, as well as preparing expert reports for the legal and insurance industries. In addition, Michael has experience in the preparation of erosion and sediment control pla...

Matthew J. Bunkers, Ph.D., CCM

Certified Consulting Meteorologist/Weather Expert

Northern Plains Weather Services, LLC

Rapid City, South Dakota
Meteorology, Hydrology - forensic meteorology, heavy rain and flooding, high winds, fog, severe storms, hail, tornadoes, winter weather, heavy snow, slip and falls, icing, fire weather, weather-related accidents, agriculture weather, lightning verification, radar, satellite, and applied climate and meteorology
I believe that my clients deserve to have accurate and reliable weather information. My clients include lawyers and industries of construction, insurance, mining, and power generation. I have worked on cases involving: • analyses of tornado/hail/wind (including derecho) damage to businesses, crops, people, farm property (e.g., barns, grain bins, and irrigation systems), and housing units for insurance-related claims/lawsuits, • slip and falls related to snowfall, icing, refreezing, and freezing drizzle, • climate-, severe-, and winter-weather analyses for a mining operation, preventative planting insurance claim, crop spraying, livestock operations, and construction delays due to adverse weather days, • rainfall recurrence interval analyses for flooding of homes and flash-flood related damages to businesses and trains/railroad tracks, • snowfall and rainfall analyses for insurance protection claims for recreational events, • cloud cover, moonlight, rainfall, fog, icing, snow, and w...

Yasser M. Abdelhamid, PhD

Construction Defect/Geotechnical Expert Witness

Bryant Consultants

Carrollton, Texas
Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Defects - Civil Engineering, Expansive Soil, Foundation Analysis and Design, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls, Slope Stability, Numerical Modeling, Seepage, Drainage, Erosion, Hydrology, Seismic, Earthquake Engineering, Laboratory Testing, Structural Engineering, Construction Defects
Dr. Abdelhamid has been designated as an expert witness for many litigated cases. Dr. Abdelhamid is heavily involved in performing forensic geotechnical and geophysical investigations for several problematic foundations, pavements, retaining walls and slopes. He devises protocols for geotechnical and geophysical testing, in-situ long-term monitoring, lab testing and analysis. He is also heavily involved in preparing and reviewing proposals and expert reports for geotechnical exploration and litigated and non-litigated forensic projects. Dr. Abdelhamid is responsible for meeting clients during the proposal phase, the investigation phase and after releasing the final report to ensure client satisfaction. Dr. Abdelhamid has performed work at wide variety of forensic projects. He evaluated numerous residential buildings from single family house to a whole subdivision. Dr. Abdelhamid also evaluated many commercial, school, hospital, garage buildings. He performed stability analysis for v...

Chad Ballard

Surface Water, Hydrology and Flood Expert

High Water Mark

Dallas, Texas
Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Floodplain, Flooding, Hydrology, River Hydrualics, Levee Breach, Dam Break/Failure, Stormwater, FEMA, Advanced Modeling, Storm Recreation, Erosion, Rainfall, Flood Forensics, Bridge Hydraulics, Water Resources
Mr. Chad Ballard is a licensed civil engineer (CA, TX, CO, WA) working in the water resources field, more specifically hydrology and hydraulics specializing in advanced hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, stormwater, and flood mitigation. In addition to a broad range of engineering skills, Mr. Ballard has helped hundreds of engineering firms all around the world apply hydraulic models to their projects. Mr. Ballard has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in hydraulics and hydrology as an adjunct faculty member, as well as currently teaching professional continuing education courses for the new 2D numerical modeling tools such as HEC-RAS and SRH-2D. Mr. Ballard is active in professional organizations including ASCE, EWRI and TFMA where he has served and is serving in various leadership positions at the state and national level. Chad is also a current volunteer member of the Region 3 State Flood Planning Group overseeing the Regional State Flood Plan development effort i...

Gerald Blackler, Ph.D, P.E., D.WRE

Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Water Resources, Hydraulics, Floodplain, Flood Forensics, Hydrologist, Hydraulic Modeling, Transportation Drainage, Roadway Drainage, Rainfall, Runoff, Design Storms, Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Stormwater, Culvert, Stormsewer, Urban Hydrology, Urban Flooding, Construction
Water flows downhill, sometimes water is a resource, sometimes it is an enemy, sometimes it is both. If your case involves the impact of water, my expertise is available for your case. I am an expert in hydrology, hydraulics, the engineering of drainage systems, including culverts, transportation drainage, bridge scour, bridge hydraulics, floodplain management, transportation hydraulics, water resources, and accidental death or drowning near hydraulic structures. My work routinely produces technical evidence that is hard to dispute and easy to understand. My background and experience in consulting and teaching allows me to produce complicated information in a format that is easy to digest, such as video files, and images that explain the complicated physical interactions of hydrology and hydraulics. Some of my past litigation work produced evidence that was not disputed by opposing experts. My approach is to first understand the case, then to discuss one on one what technica...

Jens Figlus, PhD

Bryant Consultants

Carrollton, Texas
Civil Engineering, Engineering - Wave modeling, subsidence, scour, vessel wakes and propeller wash, Environmental fluid mechanics, Fluid-sediment-structure interactions, Coastal processes, Field measurements, Hydraulic engineering, Coastal protection, Hydrology, Sedimentation, Coastal Erosion
Jens Figlus is a coastal engineering expert with 12 years of experience. He works with Bryant on expert witness cases and projects related to sediment erosion, coastal flooding, water waves, fluid-soil-structure interactions, and issues related to ship-induced hydrodynamics, such as vessel wakes and propeller wash. His background is in applied coastal research and engineering, hydraulic engineering, and environmental fluid mechanics. Dr. Figlus is an Associate Professor in the Ocean Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. He heads the Coastal Engineering Laboratory (CEL) on A&M’s Galveston Campus and is a distinguished partner with the A&M Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas (IDRT). His expertise includes field and laboratory measurements (piezo-electric, acoustic Doppler, sediment tracer, optical backscatter, laser anemometry, remote sensing) as well as process-based numerical modeling (CShore, XBeach, Delft3D, Funwave) related to nearshore and estuarine hydrodynamic...

L. David Givler, MSCE, PE

Givler Engineering, Inc.

San Antonio, Texas
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - flood, drainage, storm, water, floodplain, dam, hydraulics, FEMA, municipal, stormwater regulation, flood plain analysis, dam construction and maintenance, road construction and repair, water resources, runoff, flow, pipe, street, utility
Registration Professional Engineer, 1990 (PA No. PE 040565 E), 1993 (TX No. 73842), 2023 (OH No. PE.88791), 2023 (KY No. 38514), 2023 (OK No. 34041), 2023 (FL No. PE95991), 2023 (NM No. 28602), 2023 (MI No. 6201312442) Experience Experienced in hydrology and hydraulics. Performed numerous flood studies for rivers and creeks, bridge hydraulic studies, reservoir analyses, drainage designs and storm water pollution prevention plan designs. Experienced with dams. Designed new dams, performed inspections, analyzed seepage conditions, developed rehabilitation programs, developed Emergency Action Plans, developed foundation-grouting programs and constructed and operated physical models. Experienced city engineer, having served in multiple cities. Designed public street, drainage, and utility improvements. Reviewed subdivision plats, proposed utility modifications and ordinances. Experienced in site development and subdivisions. Designed roads, utilities, lot layouts, grading pla...

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Michael F Myers, PE, CFM

30 Scale, LLC

Palmyra, Virginia
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Drainage, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Floodplain Mapping, Storm Sewer, Stormwater Management, Flooding, Storm Drainage, FEMA, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control, Runoff
Mr. Myers has over 25 years of experience as a civil engineer in Virginia as the engineer-of-record on projects involving hydrologic/hydraulic analysis for land development projects. A Professional Engineer in Virginia since 1999 and a Certified Floodplain Manager since 2012, Mr. Myers is experienced in commercial and residential stormwater management design, floodplain management, erosion and sediment control design, and assessing drainage issues through field investigation and written report.
You can also find Hydrology Expert Witnesses in:
British Columbia, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia