Endodontics Expert Witnesses in Florida

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of endodontics expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on endodontics and related issues. Endodontics expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these endodontics expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Acute Infection, Apical Surgery, Apicoectomies, Bone Grafting, Chronic Infection, Dental Nerve Damage, Dental Pain, Dental Resorption, Dental Sedation, Dental Trauma, Dentistry, Fractured Teeth, Hemisections, Implants, and Informed Consent.

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Sondra L Avant

Board Certified Endodontist- Clinician and Author

Avant Endo

Endodontics, Oral Surgery - Dentistry, Misdiagnosis, Bone grafting, Dental Trauma, Radiography, Implants, Dental Sedation, Apical Surgery, Chronic Infection, Dental Resorption, Root canal Therapy, Apicoectomies, Dental Pain, Acute Infection, Informed Consent, Dental nerve damage, Hemisections, Standard of Care, Fractured Teeth
Dr Sondra Avant has 28 years of experience as a Board-certified clinical endodontist in a highly-rated private practice in Port Orange, Florida. She has been an associate professor and taught endodontics to dental students at the University of Louisville. Dr Avant has been published in the Journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics. As a recognized expert in root canals and root canal surgery, she is the preferred referral of not just general dentists, but regularly receives patients from other endodontists for more difficult and complex cases. Her skills and experience extend to extractions, grafting and placing implants in non-restorable cases for the last 21 years. She is an expert on diagnosing dental pain and dealing with anxiety. She is certified in, and provides IV sedation to patients who require it to help them get the treatment they need. Dr Avant has previously been an expert witness on several cases involving standard of care,...
You can also find Endodontics Expert Witnesses in:
California, District Of Columbia, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington