Emergency Medical Services Expert Witnesses in Massachusetts

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of emergency medical services expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on emergency medical services and related issues. Emergency medical services expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these emergency medical services expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Cardiac, Critical Care, Emergency Medical Services, Flight Nursing, Medical/Surgical, Nurse, Pediatrics, Pulmonary, Standards Of Care, Stroke, Telemetry, Transport Medicine, and Trauma.

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Donald J. LeBlanc, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN, NREMT

Delden Nurse Consulting

Paxton, Massachusetts
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine - Critical Care, Emergency Medical Services, Flight Nursing, Transport Medicine, Medical/Surgical, Telemetry, Cardiac, Trauma, Nurse, Stroke, Standards of Care, Pediatrics, Pulmonary
I have 24 years of clinical experience as a Registered Nurse and have worked in a variety of settings. After proudly earning an Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps I attended Fitchburg State College and graduated with my BSN. I started my career as a medical/surgical nurse and gained experience in orthopedics and telemetry. I was then fortunate to participate in a Critical Care Internship at Mount Auburn Hospital and worked in the Medical/Cardiac and Surgical Intensive Care Units as well as the Emergency Department. My career progressed by gaining employment in the Emergency Department at UMass Medical Center, the only Level 1 Emergency/Trauma Center in Central Massachusetts. Working as a Staff Nurse, I cared for a wide variety of conditions in the adult and pediatric emergency/trauma departments. My responsibility increased as I assumed the role of a Resource/Charge Nurse. After 5 years, in 2010, I was honored to accept a position as a Critical Care Flig...

Geo Henderson, BC, CLI, AEMT-P

EMS & Paramedic Standard of Care Expert


Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine - Ambulance Operations, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Standard of Care, Medical Malpractice, Cardiac Arrest, Airway, Intubation, Chemical Restraint, Refusal of Care, Patient drops, Violent Patient Management, Ambulance Response, Trauma Care, Delay of Care, Sedation, Overdose, Wrongful Death, Negligence
I am an actively practicing paramedic, providing direct patient care. For over 35 years my career path has included public and private sector fire and emergency medical services. Extending into leadership, incident management, design and implementation of immersive educational scenarios, physician training, and emergency planning, I have experience in several widely varying aspects of my profession. In addition to management of countless incidents in a broad array of emergency services, I have also mitigated events ranging in complexity from multiple alarm fires to mass casualty incidents. I am a paramedic supervisor for both a municipal, fire-based EMS system, and a county emergency medical services system. I have participated in the design and implementation of educational, operational, safety, quality improvement, standard of care and EMS policies and procedures for EMTs, paramedics and physicians. As an expert witness specializing in pre-hospital emergency medicine, I hav...
You can also find Emergency Medical Services Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Alaska , Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming