Business Damages Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of business damages expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on business damages and related issues. Business damages expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these business damages expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Lost Profits, Damages, Intellectual Property, Breach Of Contract, Business Valuation, Forensic Accounting, Fraud, Wrongful Termination, Personal Injury, Alter Ego, Business Interruption, Class Action, Class Certification, Copyright, and Economic Damages.

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Engel & Engel, LLP

Accounting, Business Damages - Fraud Investigations, Tracing of Funds, Economic Damages, Alter Ego, Fraudulent Transfers, Business Appraisal & Valuation, Economics, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Construction Litigation, Real Estate Litigation, Employment Litigation, Business Interruption
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion. Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Mr. Engel's professional credentials include those of Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV). Mr. Engel has been engaged in the practice of forensic accounting and expert testimony for forty years including forensic experience at two of the Big 4 accounting firms. Mr. Engel has testified in federal courts, bankruptcy courts, state ...

Sidney P Blum, CPA, CFE, CFF, CPEA


Los Angeles and San Francisco , California
Business Damages, Intellectual Property - Damages, Economic Damage, Accounting, Intellectual Property, DMCA, Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Royalty Audit, Fraud, False Advertising, Valuation, Breach of Contract, Wrongful Termination, Employment Law, Brands, Complex Business Litigation, Personal Injury, Lost Profits, Unjust Enrichment
ECONOMIC DAMAGES, IP, ROYALTY AUDIT, BREACH OF CONTRACT EXPERT. "the Expert's Expert". Leading testifying forensic expert on financial damages in litigations for intellectual property, general damages, breach of contract, misappropriation of trade secrets, unfair competition, licensing disputes, reasonable royalty rates, lost profits, fraud, & royalty auditor competence. His 30+ years experiences includes corporate and as an in-charge KPMG Partner. He was the Chief Audit Officer of Beats (now Apple). Author of two books on contract financial language and auditing (Oxford University Press & LexisNexis). His well-written grounded reports are cited as best examples by judges. Economic Damages Mr. Blum has been a damages expert on more than 100 federal and state cases. Cases include complex litigation, intellectual property (patents, copyrights, trademarks, false advertising, royalty auditor competence, fraud, DMCA), wrongful termination, construction defect, internet, marketing, unfa...

James Christopoulos, JD, MA

Christopoulos Economics Consulting Group

Costa Mesa, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Present Value Loss, Lost Profits, Lost Earnings, Lost Income, Lost Wages, Pension Loss, Present Value Medical Care Costs, Lost Earning Capacity
I am well versed in the calculation of past and present value future economic damages for all matters such as employment litigation, business litigation, wrongful death, and personal injury, including the calculation of future medical care costs. I provide credible testimony and produce clear summary reports of relevant conclusions.

Marty Dirks

Investment Mgt - Alternative Investments Expert

Investment Strategy & Analysis

San Francisco, California
Securities & Investments, Business Damages - Materiality of Information, Damages, Fiduciary Duty, Fraud, Hedge Funds, Insider Trading, Stock Options, Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Pension Plans, Ponzi Scheme, Short Selling, Suitability, Business Valuation
Marty Dirks has more than 30 years of institutional investment experience with expertise in hedge fund management, valuation and analysis of securities, analysis of corporate accounting fraud, and other complex investment-related issues. As an analyst and short selling hedge fund manager from 1989 through 2010, he has special expertise in the analysis of fraud and misrepresentation by publicly-traded companies. Mr. Dirks is a Senior Adjunct Professor of Finance at Golden Gate University (2006-present). He was the director of research at McCullough, a value equity manager, from 2010-2012. He was a board member for the San José pension plan from 2011-2019. From his roles as an Adjunct Professor and Investment Consultant he has proven his ability as a confident public speaker with the ability to convey technical concepts to diverse audiences. His corporate industry experience includes working at Cooper Industries (1987-1989), a Fortune 100 manufacturing company, and at Texas Instrume...


Engel & Engel, LLP

Los Angeles, California
Accounting, Business Damages - Fraud Investigations, Tracing of Funds, Economic Damages, Alter Ego, Fraudulent Transfers, Business Appraisal & Valuation, Economics, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Construction Litigation, Real Estate Litigation, Employment Litigation, Business Interruption
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion. Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Mr. Engel's professional credentials include those of Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV). Mr. Engel has been engaged in the practice of forensic accounting and expert testimony for forty years including forensic experience at two of the Big 4 accounting firms. Mr. Engel has testified in federal courts, bankruptcy courts, state ...

Eric Forister, PhD

Econ One Research, Inc.

Los Angeles, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Lost Profit, Reasonable Royalty, False Advertising, Consumer Fraud, Class Certification, Class Action, Market Power, Market Definition, Patent, Survey, Valuation
Dr. Eric Forister is an expert economist with testifying experience on market definition, market power, and damages. His expertise includes applying advanced statistical techniques to datasets, synthesizing information from documents, and designing and evaluating surveys. He focuses on relevant questions to tackle complex issues with an efficient and effective style of communication. Dr. Forister also has extensive experience consulting on issues including royalty rates, irreparable harm, sampling, survey design, common impact, and materiality. He is a Senior Economist at Econ One and can be reached for more information upon request. Learn more at

Alan G Goedde, PhD

Freeman & Mills, Inc

Los Angeles, California
Business Damages, Economics - intellectual property(patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, licensing, royalties), entertainment, music, business valuations, lost profits, statistics, lost earnings, product marketing
A considerable part of Dr. Goedde’s practice involves intellectual property issues including patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret and unfair competition matters as well as business valuations. His background in engineering and economics combined with his work experience in profit planning, budgeting, product marketing and acquisitions analysis has enabled him to assist clients in a wide range of intellectual property litigation. Dr. Goedde can also draw upon his experience as a patent examiner at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. His testimony experience in patent infringement matters includes economic analysis of the Panduit factors, applying Georgia Pacific factors to evaluate reasonable royalty; and, developing RAND royalty rates considering such issues as scope of the royalty base, lump sum and running royalties, royalty stacking, license comparability, university licensing agreements, exclusive licensing, and apportionment of profits to non-infringing components. Dr. ...

David K Golbahar, CPA, CFF, CGMA

High Stakes Disputes and Investigations

Golbahar Consulting Group

Beverly Hills, California
Accounting, Business Damages - Partnership dispute, Economic Damages, Business interruption claim, Employment, wrongful termination, business litigation, lost profits, business valuation, unjust enrichment, fraud, white collar criminal defense, intellectual property, toxic tort, forensic accounting, breach of contract, Disputes
ECONOMIC DAMAGES | FRAUD INVESTIGATIONS | FORENSIC ACCOUNTING David is a skilled forensic accountant, expert witness, and turnaround consultant. Shareholders, creditors, and attorneys rely on David’s focused approach to investigating fraud, determining damages for complex financial disputes, and assisting in bankruptcy matters. Business owners and management teams trust his deep operational experience to guide them through turnarounds and business expansion. David fulfills multiple needs in commercial litigation matters. Mr. Golbahar has been named expert on over 25 cases. The California Superior court appointed him as a monitor in a well-know restaurant group dispute. Testimony Experience - Economic Damages - Lost Profits / Business Interruption - Wrongful Termination (Employment Law) - Business valuation In 2018, Mr. Golbahar received AICPA’s FVS Standing Ovation award for significant contributions in forensic accounting and in the community.



White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna, & Hunt, LLP

Sherman Oaks, California
Business Damages, Accounting - Forensic Accounting, Damages, Lost Profits, Lost Earnings, Lost Value of Businesses and Real Estate, Fraud. Extensive Expert Testimony in breach of contract, business interruption, dissolutions, intellectual property, construction, fraud, securities, personal injury, wrongful termination matters
Barbara Luna is a Senior Partner in the accounting and litigation services firm of White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt. She has served as a forensic accounting, damages and valuation expert witness for over forty years in business and personal injury litigation and bankruptcy matters. She analyzes financial, accounting, economic, business, real estate and valuation issues relating to liability and damages in litigation matters and reorganization of businesses. She has testified on numerous occasions in U.S. District Court, Superior Court, Bankruptcy Court, arbitrations and depositions.

Thomas M. Neches, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF

Thomas Neches & Co., LLP

Los Angeles, California
Business Damages, Accounting - CPA expert witness, forensic accounting, damages, business valuation, lost profits, reasonable royalty, alter ego, intellectual property, wrongful termination, wrongful death, breach of contract, lender liability, banking, entertainment, insurance, manufacturing, retail, securities, wholesale
Thomas Neches, managing partner of Thomas Neches & Company LLP, provides accounting, financial, business valuation and statistical analyses to assist attorneys involved in litigation. Mr. Neches has testified as an expert in state and federal courts in Arizona, California, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New York and Oregon. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, a Certified Valuation Analyst, a Certified Fraud Examiner and is Certified in Financial Forensics. He received his BA in Mathematics and Literature from UC San Diego and his MS in Operations Research from UCLA. Mr. Neches has testified to juries on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in antitrust, breach of contract, fraud, intellectual property, lender liability, personal injury and wrongful termination cases. Examples of the litigation issues he has addressed include lost profits, lost business value, determining a reasonable royalty and piercing the corporate veil. Representativ...

Patrick L Ryan, CPA,CVA,FCPA

The Ryan Group

Huntington Beach, California
Business Valuation, Business Damages - Litigation accounting, Forensic accounting, Partnership disputes, Shareholder disputes, Lost profits
Provide litigation accounting consulting for the legal community in areas that require forensic accountant services or business valuation services. Purposes that arise out of business disruption issues such as partner disputes or partner leaving business. Shareholder dissenting lawsuits because of management issues. Shareholder valuation issues as the result of divorce. Shareholder disputes over values as the result of a shareholders death. Lost profits as the result of business interruption because of outside factors, such as unforeseen construction or embezzlement by an employee.

Michael Trousdale, PhD

Econ One Research

Los Angeles, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Discrimination, Employment, Antitrust, Market Power, Market Definition, Class Action, Class Certification, Economic Analysis, Econometric Analysis, Economic Consulting
Dr. Michael Trousdale is a managing director at Econ One Research with over 15 years of experience conducting and managing complex economic research. As an economic expert, Dr. Trousdale applies economic and statistical analysis to liability and damages estimation for litigation matters. He has consulted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants across a wide array of industries and products, including professional sports, commercial real estate, steel products manufacturing, air & surface transportation, oil & gas, electricity, pharmaceuticals, radio equipment, and a variety of others.
You can also find Business Damages Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington