Sadie Elisseou, MD Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae


Primary Care - Physical Exams - Trauma Cases

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Internal Medicine and Behavioral and Social Sciences

Keywords/Search Terms:

Internal medicine, primary care, malpractice, medical errors, delayed diagnosis, screening, trauma-informed, trauma, assault, abuse, neglect, maltreatment, violence, victim, survivor, physical exam


BA, Brown University; MD, Brown University; Residency, Yale School of Medicine; Chief Residency, Yale School of Medicine

Additional Information

Board-certified Internal Medicine physician, practicing primary care in the VA Healthcare System. Earned B.A. and M.D. at Brown University. Completed residency and chief residency at Yale School of Medicine. Teaches at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. Highly qualified expert witness for malpractice cases. Work with attorneys to interview clients who report mistreatment by their doctor, understand scope of injuries, and help build a trauma-informed legal practice. Subject matter expert in trauma-informed care, an evidence-based framework for supporting trauma survivors that has been adopted by the legal field (see Law360 publications). Dr. Elisseou's curriculum on trauma-informed physical examination--a framework for how clinicians should conduct exams to enhance patient safety--is now being taught at medical schools and healthcare institutions across the country.