Wrongful Conviction Expert Witnesses
Wrongful conviction expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on wrongful conviction. The wrongful conviction expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Forensic Psychology, Investigation, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures, Premises Liability, and Security.
Jennifer Steel, Ph.D.
Interviewing/LE practice Expert-Agent/Psychologist
San Tan Valley, Arizona
Forensic Psychology, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
investigative interviewing, false confessions, memory, biases, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, police procedures, power dynamics, abuse, trauma, wrongful conviction
As a 24-year federal agent (still active) and licensed clinical psychologist, my areas of expertise include science-based investigative interviewing, coerced or false confessions, the dynamics of interpersonal crimes and police/investigative practices. As 1 of 7 worldwide forensic science consultants, having completed a fellowship in forensic medicine, I consulted on cases of child abuse, equivocal death, sexual and aggravated assault and arson. My combined experience as a special agent and licensed clinical psychologist provides a unique perspective and I am available to serve as an expert witness in cases involving potentially coerced or false confessions, sufficiency of the investigative interview, establishing consent (or lack thereof), understanding power dynamics in sexual assault and/or intimate partner violence investigations, memory, cognitive biases, and best practices for investigations. I have been teaching science-based investigative interviewing for the past 5 years ...
Tony Turnbull
Police & Investigative Practices Expert-Nationwide
Turnbull Consulting
Cameron Park, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Civil Rights, Interrogations, Police Practices, Search & Seizure, Laws of Arrest, Wrongful Conviction, Wrongful Arrest, Officer Involved Shootings, Homicide, Crime Scenes, In-Custody Deaths, Criminal Investigations, Jails & Prisons, Admin Investigations, Cell Phone Analysis, RICO, Violent Crimes
I am a retired Sergeant with the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office. I have over 30 years of law enforcement experience. I am a Police Practices Expert with a wide range of expertise, including but not limited to, Major Crime Scene Management, Homicide Investigations, Criminal Investigative Practices, Cellular Phone Forensic Analysis, Officer Involved Shooting Investigations, In-Custody Deaths, Interview & Interrogation Techniques (both Reid and Science Based), and other in-depth investigations, including Conspiracy, Robbery, Missing Persons, Kidnapping, Murder for Hire, Gang Related Crimes, and Narcotics.
I provide consulting and expert witness services specializing in extensive and in-depth case reviews, analysis, and independent and objective opinion development for thorough Rule 26 reports and testimony. I am an instructor with California POST Robert Presley's Institute of Criminal Investigations including Investigators Core, Homicide Investigations, Officer Involved Shooting ...
Chief Chet Epperson (Ret.), M.B.A.
Police/Jail Practices Expert - Former Police Chief
AGR Police Practice Group, LLC
Rockford, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Use of Force, Police Shootings, Officer-Involved Shooting, Excessive Force, Wrongful Conviction, Risk Management, Police Complaint Investigation, Deadly Force, Internal Investigation, Police Policy Practices, Police Tactics, Arrest, Police Pursuits, Brady Issues, Mentoring, Author, Mental Health, T
Experienced 44-year police professional in areas of use of force, internal affairs, officer-involved shootings, supervision, wrongful convictions, practice, policy, discipline, mental health, auditing, staffing analysis, organizational assessments, investigations, and training. 34 years as an active law enforcement officer and ten of those years as chief of police of a 340 sworn/ non-sworn municipal police department.
On-going experience for the past 9-years as a police practice consultant providing Federal Court-Appointed expertise in police Consent Decrees and a United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Police Consultant regarding police use of force. Expert in applying constitutional standards, state law, policy, practice, and training to police incidents. Retained in plaintiff and defense litigation incidents. Court approved expert in state and federal civil/ criminal trials. Court approved in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, and...
Kevin F. Gotham, Ph.D., CPP
Investigative Criminology Security Consulting (ICSC), LLC
New Orleans, Louisiana
Premises Liability, Security
Crime Foreseeability, Standards of Care, Proximate Causation Analysis, Negligent Hiring and Retention and Training, Police and Corrections Practices, Workplace Violence, Wrongful Conviction, CPTED, Environmental Criminology, Security - Apartments, Parking, Hotels, Shopping Malls, Bars/Taverns
Security, Premises Liability - Knowledge, Skill, Experience, Training, Education:
• Ph.D. in Sociology (1997, University of Kansas)
• Board Certified in Security Management (Certified Protection Professional (CPP) by American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) International
• Over 20 years of university teaching experience
• Over 10 years of experience in information security/asset protection via member of Tulane University Social-Behavioral Institutional Review Board (IRB)
• Author of over 100 peer-reviewed academic publications and book chapters
• Author of five books including Practicing Forensic Criminology (Academic Press, 2019)
• Former National Science Foundation (NSF) Program Officer (2006-2008)
• Recipient of $2 million in NSF funding to support research activities
Russell E Lockard, JD
Police Training and Procedure Expert
Gulfport, Mississippi
Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Training, False arrest, Best Practices Law Enforcement, False imprisonment, Use of force, Wrongful conviction, Driving, SWAT, Deadly force, Illegal search, Interview and interrogation, In custody death, Corrections, Security
Sgt. Russell Lockard has over thirty years of law enforcement experience and is a twenty-five-year veteran of the Franklin, Tennessee Police Department. He has been assigned as a Tennessee Certified Instructor in vehicle operations, use of force, firearms, defensive tactics and served as a General Departmental Instructor for the City of Franklin Police Department Sgt. Lockard has extensive expertise in the management of police training and documentation. Sgt Lockard has been called an expert in court as per rule 702FRE in police emergency vehicle operations. Sgt. Lockard has received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management (Williamson College). Sgt. Lockard obtained his Juris Doctorate from Nashville School of Law in 2018. Sgt. Lockard continues his career in law enforcement in southern Mississippi.
Frank R. Vanecek
Police Practices Expert - Nationwide Practice
Full Spectrum Investigations, Expert Witness and Consulting, LLC
Oak Harbor, Washington
Police Practices & Procedures, Investigation
Fingerprints, Homicide, Gangs, Narcotics, RICO, False arrest, False Conviction, Use of Force, Civil Rights, 42 U.S. Code § 1983, Identification, Crime Scene, Investigation, Policy and Procedure, Incident Management, Firearms, Firearms Instruction, Wrongful Conviction, Monell Claims
Available Nationwide
Police Practices Expert specializing in case review, analysis, objective opinion development and delivery through high quality reports (Rule 26) and testimony. Actions in state courts and Federal actions including 42 U.S. Code § 1983; Due Process, False Arrest, False Conviction, False Confinement, Failure to Intervene, Policy and Customs Claims, Motions to Review Capital Convictions, Brady Violations, Malicious Prosecution, Coercive Interrogation, Conspiracy, Monell Claims, and Excessive Use of Force. Most of these have been primarily associated with murder cases, and have often had gang involvement.
Over 38 years of law enforcement experience at city, county, state and federal level. Assignments worked included Patrol, K-9, Detectives, Narcotics/Task Force (DEA), Special Investigations and Internal Affairs, Organized Crime, Gaming, Metro Fugitive, Metro Gang, Major Crimes/Homicide, Dignitary Protection, Security Manager, Latent Fingerprint Examiner, Identifi...