Water Intrusion Expert Witnesses

Water intrusion expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on water intrusion. The water intrusion expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Architecture, Building Inspection, Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction Defects, Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Landscape Design, Meteorology, Premises Liability, Real Estate, Slip Trip & Fall, and Structural Engineering.

Richard W Brand, AIA, NCARB, CPM, PMP, DBIA

Santa Monica, California
Architecture, Construction - Project Management, Program Management, Construction Management Standard of Care Failures, Construction Documents, Change Order, Design Coordination, Building Envelope Failure, Construction Defects, Architectural Professional Liability Failures, Water Intrusion, Construction Administration
Licensed Architect in California and Utah with over 40 years of experience in the field of Architecture and Construction Management and was responsible for managing multibillion-dollar, multi-site new construction and renovation projects throughout the United States. As an Expert Witness I have performed Standard of Care analysis of Architects/Engineer and Project Management Performance Reviews in Architect/Engineer negligence claims. Investigated Construction defects, Contractor Non-Compliance, and Owner Payment / Change Order Delay Claims. As the Principal Project Director / Design & Construction Training & Construction Lead for the second largest K-12 school district in the country and their $35 billion construction bond program that included developing new Policies and Procedures RFQs, RFPs, Bid Award, Contract Execution, Construction Management, Constructability Reviews, Owner Move-in and Project Closeout for general construction contracts including Design Bid Build, Design...

James H Cantrell, CPM, CAM

Cantrell Associates

San Francisco, California
Real Estate - Property management, Broker, agent, apartment, commercial, HOA, Condominiums, office, slip/trip/fall, maintenance, water intrusion, mold, personal injury, security, management standard of care, due diligence, real estate property management, real estate disputes
Mr. Cantrell is currently active in day to day property management. He is a California Real Estate Broker, a Certified Property Manager (CPM) and a Condominium Association Manager (CAM) in the state of Florida. He is an expert in all aspects of Real Estate including Property Management of Residential, Commercial, Condominiums and Homeowners Associations, Shopping Centers. Expert in Standards of Care, property damage, personal injury, habitability, landlord/tenant, maintenance, air quality and mold issues, receiverships, lease interpretation, partnership agreements, trust properties, child molestation. An IREM instructor teaching throughout the US , Russia and Poland. Recipient 1987 Frank Lyons award-CPM of the year, CPM Emeritus 2011, President IREM San Francisco, IREM SF instructor of the year 2001, 2007 nd 2013 Lloyd Hanford Jr Distinguished Faculty award IREM. Featured speaker National Facility Management and Technology Conference-Chicago 2007 and Baltimore 2008, 2009. C...

Stephen George

Landscape Construction Defects Expert Witness

Landscapes West

San Diego, California
Construction Defects, Landscape Design - landscape, landscape construction defects, landscape design & construction, irrigation, landscape drainage, water intrusion, landscape personal injury, arboriculture, property line dispute, landscape standard of care & standard for the industry, personal injury
California Landscape Contractor - Lic. #389976 & #961442 Certified Segmented Retaining Wall Installer - CSRW1 Certified Concrete Paver Installer ICPI Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute Specialist Course - Permeable Paver Installation ICPI Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute MWEL Mastering Water Efficient Landscapes CLCA California Landscape Contractors Association & The Metropolitan Water District Belgard Hardscapes Belgard Authorized Contractor Certificate of Authenticity Memberships: CLCA California Landscape Contractors Assoc. IR Irrigation Association ISA International Society of Arboriculture CNHA National Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association PTCA Professional Tree Care Association of San Diego Awards: California Landscape Contractors Association Residential Design & Build Residential Landscape Construction Commercial Design & Build Comme...

Andrew R. Zimbaldi, MBA

Kidder Mathews

Irvine, California
Real Estate, Premises Liability - Property management, brokerage, agent, apartment, commercial, HOA, slip and fall, premises liability, maintenance, standards of care, disclosure, owner and broker disclosure, personal injury, mold, bedbugs, water intrusion, health and safety, fiduciary duty, fraud, receivership
Currently active as the Senior Vice President of Asset Management Services for Kidder Mathews: one of the largest commercial and property management brokerage firms in the western United States. In excess of seventy million square feet of assets under management. Serves as an expert witness in property management, standards of care, brokerage, owner and agent disclosure, premises liability, water intrusion, mold, bedbugs, personal injury, health and safety, fiduciary duty, and most all aspects of the real estate industry.

Amr Helal, Ph.D., P.E., PMP, M.ASCE

Geotechnical & Construction Defect Expert

Bryant Consultants Operating LLC

Centennial, Colorado
Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering - Forensic, geotechnical, numerical modeling, construction defect investigation, soil-structural interaction, Slope failure, foundation movement, water intrusion, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls
Dr. Helal is the Manager of Forensic Engineering for Bryant Consultants Colorado office. He has more than fifteen years of experience in civil and geotechnical engineering between academic and industrial exposure. Dr. Helal expertise includes geotechnical engineering, design and forensics, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Numerical Modeling, construction defect investigation, failure investigation and expert testimony.

Mark "Jake" Jacobson

General Contractor, Inspector, and Expert Witness

The Expert Construction Witness, LLC

Fruita, Colorado
Construction, Construction Defects - Residential, Standards of Care, Building Codes, Workmanship, Plumbing, Commercial, Roofing & Stucco, Plan Reviews, Project Documents & Costs, Electrical, Water Intrusion, Facilities Management, Site Evals, Framing, Litigation Support, Concrete, Site Inspections, Product Evals, Mechanical, Insurance
Mark “Jake” Jacobson Building Inspector Building Official Construction Expert Witness Consultant Facilities Manager General Contractor Pre-Purchase Inspector Project Manager Project Superintendent As a construction expert witness, I am my utilizing my hands-on knowledge, skill, and experience earned from over 30 years of work in the fields of construction, construction management, facilities management, and business management. This experience comes from the 360-degree perspectives of a building inspector, building department official, jobsite superintendent, facilities manager, general contractor and construction consultant/analyst. Managing residential new construction and remodeling, additions and light commercial construction are the cruxes of my building expertise. Expert Services Offered But Not Limited to the Following:  Construction & Construction Defects Analysis: Residential & Light Commercial  Trades Work Product Analysis: Framing, Heating & Ventilation, Plumbin...

Craig L Moskowitz, PE, MBA, MS

CLM Engineering Associates, LLC

Stamford, Connecticut
Premises Liability, Construction Defects - OSHA, construction, slips/trips/falls, storm damage, water intrusion, roofing systems, warranty inspections, civil engineering, structural engineering, building collapse, property condition assessment, building codes, forensic engineering, engineering expert, construction accidents, personal injury
Since 2010, the President and Managing Member of CLM Engineering Associates, LLC, which concentrates its focus on forensic engineering/expert witness work for the insurance industry and legal community. In addition, we offer construction management, civil engineering and building inspection services. Prior experience includes extensive construction management work on both commercial and residential projects. Performed safety inspections on both civilian and military projects through application of OSHA regulations. Designed drainage systems for the government while an officer with the United States military. Cost estimating for various projects exceeding $500 million. Design document creation and management of high-rise construction in Manhattan. marketplace. Management of telecommunications projects for Verizon in Manhattan including CPM schedule creation and updating. Directed and managed all water distribution system and sewer system work while working as a contractor to th...

Alfonso Alzamora, PE, CGC

Construction Defects Expert Witness

A2 Consultants & Engineers LLC

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Construction Defects, Engineering - Building Envelope, Building Enclosure, Exterior Walls, Cladding, Fenestrations, Glass and Glazing, Facades, Coatings, Waterproofing, Roofing, Water Intrusion, Forensic Investigation, Field Testing, Building Inspection, Condition Assessment, Wind Damage Evaluation
I am a licensed Professional Engineer (FL, TX, LA) and Certified General Contractor (FL) with twenty years of consulting and engineering experience, specializing in the design, evaluation, inspection, and testing of building envelope systems such as exterior wall systems, glass and glazing systems, above and below-grade waterproofing systems, and roofing systems for new and existing structures. I am a member of various industry organizations and an accredited LEED professional. I have worked on hundreds of projects throughout North America and the Caribbean. I enjoy providing technical and engineering expertise on all types of building projects to develop and construct high-performance building enclosure systems. I have extensive experience conducting forensic evaluations on buildings with envelope performance problems and leading remedial design and management programs for building envelope replacement or rehabilitation. Additionally, I provide litigation support services and exp...

James H Cantrell, CPM, CAM

Cantrell Associates

Real Estate - Property management, Broker, agent, apartment, commercial, HOA, Condominiums, office, slip/trip/fall, maintenance, water intrusion, mold, personal injury, security, management standard of care, due diligence, real estate property management, real estate disputes
Mr. Cantrell is currently active in day to day property management. He is a California Real Estate Broker, a Certified Property Manager (CPM) and a Condominium Association Manager (CAM) in the state of Florida. He is an expert in all aspects of Real Estate including Property Management of Residential, Commercial, Condominiums and Homeowners Associations, Shopping Centers. Expert in Standards of Care, property damage, personal injury, habitability, landlord/tenant, maintenance, air quality and mold issues, receiverships, lease interpretation, partnership agreements, trust properties, child molestation. An IREM instructor teaching throughout the US , Russia and Poland. Recipient 1987 Frank Lyons award-CPM of the year, CPM Emeritus 2011, President IREM San Francisco, IREM SF instructor of the year 2001, 2007 nd 2013 Lloyd Hanford Jr Distinguished Faculty award IREM. Featured speaker National Facility Management and Technology Conference-Chicago 2007 and Baltimore 2008, 2009. C...

R Jason Keen

Construction Industry Consultant-Expert Witness

Keen Construction and Inspections Inc. Dba Keen Consulting

Tampa , Florida
Construction, Building Inspection - General contractor, Inspector, Commercial and residential shell contracting, Concrete, Product defect, Construction management, Contracts, Quality control, Insurance inspections, Failure analysis, Permit research, Unpermitted construction activity, Water intrusion, Construction defect, Estimation
State-licensed general contractor. CBC-1254501. State-licensed building inspector. HI-9654. Construction company owner since 1997. Project management. Municipal Bridge repair. Municipal fire station construction. Municipal highway contractor. Commercial shell contractor. Residential shell contractor. Residential new construction. Residential remodeling. Historic renovations. Commercial and residential property inspections. Construction consultant. Forensic Investigation. Construction Estimating. Maintenance of traffic (MOT). Concrete contractor. Block contractor. Earthwork contractor.


Structural Construction Defect Solutions For You!

Preeminent Solutions, Inc.

SANFORD, Florida
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Construction Defect Experts, Structural Engineer, Design Defect Experts, Construction expert, Forensic Engineer, Code Review, Drawing Review, Standard of Care Analysis, Insurance Claim Engineer, hurricane damage, flood damage, storm damage, water intrusion, wind damage, foundation defect
Get support from experienced and patient construction-defect structural engineers for your case! At Preeminent Solutions we have over 40 years experience in structural engineering design, forensics, and construction-defect expert consulting. We support clients large and small. Likewise, we break down complicated technical findings to ensure you win your case. At Preeminent Solutions we offer expert witness testimony in the following specialized areas: Building Codes Building Envelope Failure Water Intrusion Concrete Defects Code Review Drawing Review Construction Safety & Related Codes Fall Protection Standard of Care Analysis Structural Steel & Building Failure Studies Concrete Failure Studies Specialty Metal Failure Studies Accident Reconstruction & Investigations At Preeminent Solutions we also support: Concrete Defects Steel Defects Hurricane Damage Storm Damage Wind Damage Flood Damage We also offer forensic and design support including construction drawings and rendering...

H. Michael Mogil, CCM, CBM, NWA Digital Media Seal

How The Weatherworks

Naples, Florida
Meteorology, Slip Trip & Fall - forensic meteorology, weather, weather event reconstruction, property damage, roof damage, water intrusion, personal injury, insurance claims, roof collapse, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, snow, hail, high winds, rain, floods, lightning, highway accidents, weather-related events
H. Michael Mogil (AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist, AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, and NWA Digital Seal) is a seasoned meteorologist with nearly five decades of experience, three of which were within NOAA (NWS and NESDIS). This included severe thunderstorm and winter weather forecasting, warning, and preparedness. He has worked as a forensic meteorologist since the mid-1990's, handling a wide array of civil and criminal cases. Mike has honed his skills in local and regional meteorological data analysis, locating and using numerous weather data sets (both governmental and non-governmental), and crafting easy-to-understand, scientifically accurate, expert reports. Mike has the computer skills to create effective courtroom graphics, the speaking skills to testify clearly and understandably in courtroom and deposition settings, and the ability to determine a meteorologically-appropriate date of loss, when such date is unclear. He has even offered weather demonstration...

Troy Willingham

Willingham Architecture pa: design, consulting, management

St. Petersburg, Florida
Architecture, Construction - Hospital Codes, Surgery Center, Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Errors & Omissions, ADA Accessibility, Standard of Care, Building Code, Building Inspection, Building Materials, Construction Defect, Delays, Water Intrusion, Inspection, Roofing, Skilled Nursing, EIFS, Stucco, Cladding, Breach of Duty
OWNER’S REPRESENTATION, EXPERT OPINION & MEDIATION Represented U.S. Department of Agriculture: Rural Development Multi year Replacement Hospital Buildings in Desoto County Represented HPH Hospice Multi-year program to develop state agency reviewed Inpatient Buildings across 4 country region Represented VenCor Multi-year redevelopment of Skilled Nursing and Hospital buildings across SE USA ADVANCED TRAINING State Agency for HealthCare Administration annual training National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, various in depth trainings TWO masters degrees and TWO graduate certificates in architecture and business. CERTIFICATIONS Board Certified Architect licensed and actively practicing Led regional office of national firm to become ISO 9001 Quality Management System certified President: Willingham Architecture 1999-Present design, consulting and project management for medical professionals

James V Hanna, II, AIA, NCARB

Hanna Design Alliance

DECATUR, Georgia
Construction Defects, Architecture - Envelope, Construction, Commercial, Residential, Stucco, Water Intrusion, Roofing, Accessibility, Windows, Sound, Fire, Balcony, Waterproofing, Brick, Siding, Codes, ADA, Air Barrier, Wood, Zoning
Expert Profile: Jim Hanna has more than 35 years as a practicing architect including interior architecture, corporate leadership, quality assurance, and quality control. Hanna has provided consultation, arbitration, mediation, and expert witness services. Jim is an architect and the founder of Hanna Design Alliance, LLC. hannada.com and his career has spanned building types including multifamily apartment, condominium, resort, hotel, office, medical, and recreational design. With a focus on the technical aspects of architecture and the built environment, he has been responsible for waterproofing detailing, contractual agreements, and design management including specialty consultants. Mr. Hanna is a member of the American Institute of Architecture, NCARB, International Code Council, and the National Fire Protection Association.

Brian Huang, PE, SE, LEED AP

Structural Engineering Expert Witness

H2Y Consulting

Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Building code, Building envelope, Retaining wall, Foundation movement, Water intrusion, Post-tension & Precast Concrete, Roof & Building collapse, Construction delay, ADA trip and fall, Swimming pool safety, Standard of care, Certificate of merit, Wind and hail, Roofing, Stucco, Explosion
Mr. Huang has over 25 years of expertise in research, design, and forensic analysis within the fields of structural engineering and the building envelope industry. His professional background includes the structural design of new buildings, evaluation and design of renovation and repair projects, post-construction forensic assessments of structural and building envelope failures, and analysis of premises liability concerning code compliance. In the realm of structural design, Mr. Huang's experience encompasses high-rise buildings, parking garages, tilt-up concrete, and corporate office campuses. As a forensic engineering expert, he has conducted evaluations to provide professional opinions on the causes and origins of building damage and failures, including structural and retaining wall collapses, roof collapses, differential foundation movement, storm damage to various roofing materials, explosion and construction vibration damage, seismic impacts, and building envelope failures. ...

Ken D Karston, S.E., P.E.

Structural Engineer Expert Witness


Chicago, Illinois
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Building code, Condition assessments, Historic buildings, Residential construction, Bowstring trusses, Stairs and railings, Masonry facade, Earth retention structures, Water intrusion, Building collapse, Foundation structures, Single family homes, Mid-rise buildings, Property assessments
I am an actively practicing structural consultant that works on a wide variety of projects that consist primarily of residential and commercial buildings that are less than ten stories in height down to single family homes. My duties include structural drawing preparation, field observations, condition assessment reports, and creation of structural calculations. My professional experience has made me a well-rounded structural engineer and has also allowed me to develop specialty areas of technical expertise. Please refer to my CV and my website for additional information regarding my specialties and qualifications. Part of my practice includes providing impartial opinions and concise reports concerning structural issues for insurance and litigation cases. My technical knowledge is expressed in an understandable way. I am a registered Structural Engineer in the states of Illinois, Nevada, and Utah and a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Arizona, Colorado, ...

Jacob D Deatherage

The Associated Consultants LLC

Salina, Kansas
Construction, Construction Defects - Pella, Doors, Windows, Siding, Millwork, Carpentry, Cabinetry, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Interior paint, Stain finish, Construction Fraud, Defects, Contractor Fraud, Consulting, General Construction, Water intrusion, Exterior paint, Roofing, Gutters
I am a driven and experienced Construction Business Owner with over 20 plus years' experience operating across the full residential and commercial construction lifecycle including managing and delivering assigned projects. I maintain a proven track record of completing large and complex projects, while managing smaller projects independently. I pride myself as being skilled at Sales and Marketing, Construction Operation & Management with an adept business acumen. Analyzing data, blueprints and identifying solutions, while adapting to shifting priorities and deadlines sets me a part of the rest. Travel available upon request

Brian Huang, PE, SE, LEED AP

Structural Engineering Expert Witness

H2Y Consulting

Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Building code, Building envelope, Retaining wall, Foundation movement, Water intrusion, Post-tension & Precast Concrete, Roof & Building collapse, Construction delay, ADA trip and fall, Swimming pool safety, Standard of care, Certificate of merit, Wind and hail, Roofing, Stucco, Explosion
Mr. Huang has over 25 years of expertise in research, design, and forensic analysis within the fields of structural engineering and the building envelope industry. His professional background includes the structural design of new buildings, evaluation and design of renovation and repair projects, post-construction forensic assessments of structural and building envelope failures, and analysis of premises liability concerning code compliance. In the realm of structural design, Mr. Huang's experience encompasses high-rise buildings, parking garages, tilt-up concrete, and corporate office campuses. As a forensic engineering expert, he has conducted evaluations to provide professional opinions on the causes and origins of building damage and failures, including structural and retaining wall collapses, roof collapses, differential foundation movement, storm damage to various roofing materials, explosion and construction vibration damage, seismic impacts, and building envelope failures. ...


Real estate/property management standard of care

Griswold Real Estate Management, Inc.

Reno, Nevada
Real Estate, Premises Liability - Property management, broker, agent, residential, apartment, commercial, retail, hospitality, HOA, slip/trip/fall, maintenance, inspection, water intrusion, mold, premises liability, personal injury, rent control, habitability, bed bugs, roaches
Robert Griswold specializes in: * Currently active as a day-to-day hands-on practitioner, consultant and expert in all aspects of real estate (except valuation). Serves as a consultant or expert witness in standards of care, standards of practice, best practices, and custom and practice for real estate transactions, property management/ownership and fiduciary duty issues for all types of residential and commercial real estate – management, operations, maintenance, health & safety, habitability, mold, water intrusion, personal injury, trip & fall, premises liability, property inspection, broker or agent failure to disclose; misrepresentation; negligence/fraud & association board duties, & real estate receivership. * Certified Property Manager (CPM(®), Counselor of Real Estate (CRE®), Accredited Commercial Manager (ACoM®), Real Property Administrator (RPA®) * Accredited Residential Manager (ARM®), Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM®) Professional Community Association Man...

Jeffrey A Martin

Fortress BEC

Rougemont, North Carolina
Building Inspection, Construction Defects - Roofing, EIFS, Waterproofing, Flashing, AAMA, Water Testing, Building Envelope, Wall defects, Water Intrusion, RRC, Roofing Defects, Roofing Failures, Infrared Thermography, Tramex, EIFS Inspector, Adhered Stone, Plaza Deck, Balcony, Sheet Metal, Curtain Wall
Registered Roof Consultant (International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants) Registered Roof Observer (International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants) Registered Exterior Wall Observer (International Institute of Building Consultants) Construction Document Technologist (Construction Specification Institute) Level One Infrared Thermographer Certified EIFS Inspector (Association of Walls and Ceilings) Certified EIFS Inspector and Level I and II Inspector (Exterior Design Institute) Adhered Stone Certification (Exterior Design Institute) After growing up in a family run commercial roofing business (3rd generation), I have over 35 years experience in the roofing, sheet metal, and construction industry. My knowledge includes all phases of roofing (Single ply, TPO, EPDM, Modified Bitumen, Built-up Coal Tar, PVC, Shingles, Metal Roofing, Clay Tile, and Slate) as well as related sheet metal work. I also perform wall and waterproofing design, observation, and inspecti...

Tony DiNicola, AIA, RID, APA


Architecture, Slip Trip & Fall - Forensic Architecture, Architectural Design, Construction Defects, Design Defects, Accessibility Design, ADA, Fair Housing, Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), Plan Reviews, Inspections, Fair Housing Design Standards, Cause and Origin, Water Intrusion, Roofing Failures, Building Codes, Zoning
Mr. DiNicola has over 40 years of experience in all phases of Architecture, Construction, Forensic Architecture, Expert Witness and Accessibility (ADA and Fair Housing). Mr. DiNicola has 20 years of teaching experience. Mr. DiNicola offers forensic consulting in the Following areas EXPERT WITNESS: Reports and Presentations, Certificates of Merit, Depositions and Testimony ANALYSIS OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: Architect’s Standard of Care, Architect’s Errors and Omissions, Pre-Construction Services Facility Programing, Design, Bidding Services, Construction Services, Construction Administration and Post-Construction Services AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: ADA Violations, Texas Accessibility Standards (Plan Reviews and Site Inspections), Site and Building Accessibility Compliance FAIR HOUSING: Compliance with Fair Housing design requirements CODES AND ORDINANCES: Compliance with Building Codes, Local Ordinances, Industry Standards, ADA and Fair Housing BUILDING FAILURES: An...

Robert S. Perkins

Construction Defects Expert / Property Claims

Robert S. Perkins Consulting, LLC

Bend, Oregon
Construction Defects, Construction - Insurance Claims, Site Inspections, Building Envelope, lath and plaster Stucco, Water Intrusion, Exterior Cladding fungus/dry-rot/mold, Waterproofing snow/ice damage, Quality Control, Construction Accidents, Personal Injuries, assessment of property damages wind water and fire, Testimony
...I am a Forensic Expert Witness providing litigation support and consulting services. Specializing in property assessment claims, field inspections, loss assessments, documentation with photographs and reports of damages and conditions. * Property Assessments: conduct on-site inspections, evaluation and condition assessments of property damages of single, custom and multi-family residences, commercial and office buildings, for various reasons including fire, water intrusion, wind damage, and impact damage. * Forensic and consulting services: loss assessments, providing litigation support, expert testimony to insurance companies, law firms, manufacturers, risk managers, property managers and owners, and governmental entities. Licensed in: 1. California 2. Idaho 3. Oregon 4. Washington

Tony DiNicola, AIA, RID, APA


Fort Worth, Texas
Architecture, Slip Trip & Fall - Forensic Architecture, Architectural Design, Construction Defects, Design Defects, Accessibility Design, ADA, Fair Housing, Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), Plan Reviews, Inspections, Fair Housing Design Standards, Cause and Origin, Water Intrusion, Roofing Failures, Building Codes, Zoning
Mr. DiNicola has over 40 years of experience in all phases of Architecture, Construction, Forensic Architecture, Expert Witness and Accessibility (ADA and Fair Housing). Mr. DiNicola has 20 years of teaching experience. Mr. DiNicola offers forensic consulting in the Following areas EXPERT WITNESS: Reports and Presentations, Certificates of Merit, Depositions and Testimony ANALYSIS OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: Architect’s Standard of Care, Architect’s Errors and Omissions, Pre-Construction Services Facility Programing, Design, Bidding Services, Construction Services, Construction Administration and Post-Construction Services AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: ADA Violations, Texas Accessibility Standards (Plan Reviews and Site Inspections), Site and Building Accessibility Compliance FAIR HOUSING: Compliance with Fair Housing design requirements CODES AND ORDINANCES: Compliance with Building Codes, Local Ordinances, Industry Standards, ADA and Fair Housing BUILDING FAILURES: An...

Brian Huang, PE, SE, LEED AP

Structural Engineering Expert Witness

H2Y Consulting

Houston, Texas
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Building code, Building envelope, Retaining wall, Foundation movement, Water intrusion, Post-tension & Precast Concrete, Roof & Building collapse, Construction delay, ADA trip and fall, Swimming pool safety, Standard of care, Certificate of merit, Wind and hail, Roofing, Stucco, Explosion
Mr. Huang has over 25 years of expertise in research, design, and forensic analysis within the fields of structural engineering and the building envelope industry. His professional background includes the structural design of new buildings, evaluation and design of renovation and repair projects, post-construction forensic assessments of structural and building envelope failures, and analysis of premises liability concerning code compliance. In the realm of structural design, Mr. Huang's experience encompasses high-rise buildings, parking garages, tilt-up concrete, and corporate office campuses. As a forensic engineering expert, he has conducted evaluations to provide professional opinions on the causes and origins of building damage and failures, including structural and retaining wall collapses, roof collapses, differential foundation movement, storm damage to various roofing materials, explosion and construction vibration damage, seismic impacts, and building envelope failures. ...