Police Practices & Procedures Expert Witnesses

Police practices & procedures expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on police practices & procedures. The police practices & procedures expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures, and Security.


Police Expert - Experienced - Ethical - Successful

The McHard Firm

Police Practices & Procedures, Investigation - Police Misconduct, Use of Force, Interviewing, Interrogation, False Confessions, Police Ethics, Investigative Failure, Human Trafficking, False Arrest, Failure to Train/Supervise, Taser, ECWs, Evidence Handling, Police Oversight, Civil Rights Violations, Police Policy, SOPs, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin
Beth A. Mohr, CFE, FSA, CFCS, CAMS, CCCI, MPA, PI, is a Police Practices expert with over 30 years of sworn and non-sworn investigative experience. Ms. Mohr has testified as an expert in numerous state and federal court proceedings, depositions, and administrative hearings in both federal and state courts, including New Mexico, Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, California, and Washington state. Ms. Mohr has testified on a variety of subjects, including police procedures, police misconduct, white collar crime and fraud examinations. Her expertise has been verified by the courts via a Daubert challenge, in which Ms. Mohr was found to be qualified as an expert in police practices generally, and well as the specific areas of interviewing, interrogation, false and recanted confessions, cognitive bias, investigations and investigative failures, vice, and human trafficking. She is available as a consulting or testifying expert anywhere in North America, as well as other locations worldwide. Ms...

Benjamin O. Warren, Jr.

Hot Pursuit, Inc.

Police Practices & Procedures, Jails & Prisons - Pursuit Policy, Use-of-Force, Crime Foreseeability, Lethal Use-of-Force, Excessive Force, In-Custody Death, Firearms, Less-Than-Lethal, Reasonable Suspicion, Probable Cause, Searches, Internal Affairs, Crime & Arrest, Jail Policy, Jail Custody, Jail Suicide, Bars/Night Clubs, Security
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD): April 21,1980 to November 30, 2013 - Honorably retired at the rank of Sergeant. Peace Officer Standardized Training (P.O.S.T.) certified peace officer with Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Supervisory certifications. Patrol and field functions for a total of 18 years. Responded to tens of thousands of emergency calls for service. Assigned as Delegate and Defense Representative on behalf police officers of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Assigned as a detective trainee, Southeast Division, Major Assault Crimes (MAC). Filed cases with the Los Angeles County District Attorney and Los Angeles City Attorney. Prepared and presented criminal cases for preliminary hearing and trial. Testified approximately 150+ times at preliminary hearings and criminal trials and Municipal Court as an investigator and fact witness. Testified at preliminary hearing under California, Proposition 115, Peace Officer Hearsay Testimony, pursuant to the Cr...

Frank R. Vanecek

Police Practices Expert - Nationwide Practice

Full Spectrum Investigations, Expert Witness and Consulting, LLC

Police Practices & Procedures, Investigation - Fingerprints, Homicide, Gangs, Narcotics, RICO, False arrest, False Conviction, Use of Force, Civil Rights, 42 U.S. Code § 1983, Identification, Crime Scene, Investigation, Policy and Procedure, Incident Management, Firearms, Firearms Instruction, Wrongful Conviction, Monell Claims
Available Nationwide Police Practices Expert specializing in case review, analysis, objective opinion development and delivery through high quality reports (Rule 26) and testimony. Actions in state courts and Federal actions including 42 U.S. Code § 1983; Due Process, False Arrest, False Conviction, False Confinement, Failure to Intervene, Policy and Customs Claims, Motions to Review Capital Convictions, Brady Violations, Malicious Prosecution, Coercive Interrogation, Conspiracy, Monell Claims, and Excessive Use of Force. Most of these have been primarily associated with murder cases, and have often had gang involvement. Over 38 years of law enforcement experience at city, county, state and federal level. Assignments worked included Patrol, K-9, Detectives, Narcotics/Task Force (DEA), Special Investigations and Internal Affairs, Organized Crime, Gaming, Metro Fugitive, Metro Gang, Major Crimes/Homicide, Dignitary Protection, Security Manager, Latent Fingerprint Examiner, Identifi...

Jonathan Cherney

Engaged by Media & Press for Expert Interviews.

Jonathan Cherney Consulting and Investigations LLC

Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Accident Reconstruction, Police Practices & Procedures - Cars, SUV, light trucks, pedestrians, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, Bosch CDR EDR Tool, black box, Tesla, Hyundai, Kia, qualified immunity, Code 3 driving, emergency vehicle operations, police pursuit driving, police practices & procedures, DUI FSTs, DUI arrests, TV and media consulting
Provides forensic analysis and litigation support to attorneys, insurance companies and municipalities in the field of accident reconstruction. Has qualified as a court recognized expert in traffic accident reconstruction for jury trials in Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties. Has performed work in many other jurisdiction including Rimini, Italy. Has been practicing accident reconstruction since 1999 and collision investigation since 1989. Has worked privately for criminal prosecution & defense as well as civil plaintiff & defense. Also teaches intro to criminal law, traffic enforcement, DUI investigations, field sobriety tests & arrests at a Southern California based police academy. Retired after 30 years of service from the Irvine (CA) Police Department in November of 2019 where he was assigned to the Field Operations Division as a Detective responsible for traffic-related cases. Worked as the “Team Leader” for the Irvine Police Department’s M.A.I.T. (Major Accident...


Chief of Police (Ret.)

Miami Police (Retired)

Miami, Florida
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Security - Police Practices & Procedures, use of force, vehicular pursuits, vulnerabilities, business security, personal security, residential security
Richard Blom is law enforcement professional with over 39 years of experience. His last position was as the Chief of Police of the City of Doral, Florida. The policing philosophy and operational strategies that he introduced coupled with the partnerships that he created with the community and media contributed to a significant reduction in crime every single month during his tenure as chief. During his tenure as chief the department received several prestigious awards and recognitions for community policing practices. Prior to his appointment as chief, he was the Assistant Chief of the Miami Police Department where he started his career in 1975. During his career with the Miami Police Department, he held command level positions in all three of the department’s divisions. In addition, he has held a number of high-profile assignments such as Commander of the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Bomb Squad Commander, as well as the Commander of the Crime Prevention an...

George C. Klein, PhD

Oakton Community College

Northbrook, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Behavioral and Social Sciences - Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Mentally Ill, Police, Police Apprehension of the Mentally Ill, Police Policies and Procedures, Crisis Intervention Teams, Jail Suicide
George C. Klein, Ph.D. works as an expert witness on the intersection of mental health and criminal justice. He specializes in the police apprehension of the mentally ill, police policies and procedures, police use of excessive force, and jail suicide. He was a part-time police officer for over eight years. He was a consultant and researcher for the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy for over 13 years. He is a trained hostage negotiator and served with a SWAT team. His book, entitled, Law And The Disordered: An Exploration in Mental Health, Law, and Politics, was published in 2009. The book is an examination of the mental health and criminal justice system in Illinois. It includes fieldwork on police apprehension of the mentally ill, hospital emergency rooms, the homeless mentally ill, and mental health screening in jails. His book, entitled, The Militarization of the Police? Ideology Versus Reality, was published in 2019. The book examines the police use of force, a...