Missed Diagnosis Expert Witnesses

Missed diagnosis expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on missed diagnosis. The missed diagnosis expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Addiction Medicine, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Life Care Planning, Medical Management, Neuroradiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Radiology, and Urgent Care Medicine.


Expert Empathetic Medical Clinician

Heal one Services

Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine - Opiod Overdose and Abuse, Hospitalist, Opiates, Independent Medical Exam, Medication Errors, Nursing home failure, Cancer Screening, Missed Diagnosis, Internal Medicine, Heart Disease, Chronic Lung Disease, Drug Detoxification, Preventive Medicine, Elder Abuse, Wrongful Death
He is board certified in the two specialties of Internal Medicine and General Preventive Medicine/Public Health . He has owned a private practice and is currently active as a Hospitalist. Dr. Dennis is licensed and treating patients in Georgia, Texas and Indiana. He has also received special training and waiver from Dept. of Health and Human Services for Opiod addiction treatment. Dr. Dennis received medical education through Harvard medical school and the Mayo Clinic. He adheres to high ethical standards and will render objective and evidence based opinions. Dr. Dennis is easily accessible with great bedside manners and communication abilities. His legal training makes him uniquely qualified to understand legalese and medical terminology. His exceptional teaching and communication skills enable him to translate both into lay terms easily understood by most. Dr. Dennis has performed chart and utilization reviews for large organizations.

Jean-Paul (J.P.) Dym, MD

Irvine, California
Neuroradiology, Radiology - standard of care, missed diagnosis, neuroimaging, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), CT scan, MRI, CT perfusion, MR perfusion, spectroscopy, CT angiography, MR angiography, diagnostic radiology, teleradiology, work flow
Dr. Dym is in practice as a board and neuroradiology CAQ-certified neuroradiologist who did his fellowship training at Yale New Haven University Hospital and radiology residency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Until 2020, Dr. Dym was Medical Director and member of the quality assurance team for one of the largest radiology practices in the country. Through this he has reviewed hundreds of misinterpreted neuroradiology studies over the years. This exposure has led him, as an expert in misdiagnosed studies, to lecture extensively regarding medical missed findings and errors. He was recently an advisor for both Nines Radiology and Essential Radiology and is currently a staff Neuroradiologist and Chief of Radiology Quality at Overlook Hospital, helping manage the Neuroradiology section associated with the largest Neuroscience center in New Jersey.

Jessica Anchor-Samuels, MD

Internal Medicine Expert- 2 Ivy League degrees

West Hartford, Connecticut
Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - primary care, standard of care, delayed diagnosis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, Internist, missed diagnosis, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, inappropriate care, cancer screening, anemia, telemedicine, risk factors, preventative care, hypertension
Dr. Anchor-Samuels is a Brown University trained Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine with board certifications in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She has significant experience in clinical medicine, as well as medical legal consulting. She has consulted, both for medical record review and as an expert witness, on numerous cases for both plaintiff and defense. She has also worked directly with insurance companies to review cases in anticipation of potential litigation. She has extensive experience with cases of delayed/missed diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others. She also has significant experience with supervising physician assistants/associates and nurse practitioners.

Phyliss H. Shapiro, MD, CLCP

MD Life Care Plan Consulting, LLC

Milford, Connecticut
Life Care Planning, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Physician Life Care Plan, Spinal Cord Injury Life Care Plan, Birth Injury Life Care Plan, Amputation Life Care Plan, Catastrophic Injury Life Care Plan, Injury Life Care Plan, Medical Cost Projection, Medical Records Review, GYN Life Care Plan, Workers' Compensation Life Care Plan, Missed Diagnosis
Certified Life Care Planner by International Commission on Health Care Certification Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Member, International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals(IARP) Immediate Past President, Northeast Chapter of IARP Board of Directors Member, American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners(IALCP) Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners, 4th Edition, Advisory Group Lecturer on generating life care planning costs Member and lecturer for the National Association of Forensic Economics (NAFE)

Jessica Anchor-Samuels, MD

Internal Medicine Expert- 2 Ivy League degrees

Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - primary care, standard of care, delayed diagnosis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, Internist, missed diagnosis, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, inappropriate care, cancer screening, anemia, telemedicine, risk factors, preventative care, hypertension
Dr. Anchor-Samuels is a Brown University trained Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine with board certifications in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She has significant experience in clinical medicine, as well as medical legal consulting. She has consulted, both for medical record review and as an expert witness, on numerous cases for both plaintiff and defense. She has also worked directly with insurance companies to review cases in anticipation of potential litigation. She has extensive experience with cases of delayed/missed diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others. She also has significant experience with supervising physician assistants/associates and nurse practitioners.

Michael K. Davis, MD, MBA

Gainesville, Florida
Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology - child abuse, malpractice, neglect, child sexual abuse, gastroenterology, hepatology, liver, infants, newborns, missed diagnosis, respiratory, disease, infection, weight loss, malnutrition
I am a board-certified general pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, and pediatric hepatologist (liver disease) at a large state university in excellent standing. I am willing to serve as an expert witness to advocate for high-quality and safe medical care for children and their families. Most of my reviews have focused on protecting the rights of patients and families but I will consider all types of reviews. I have been in active practice for over 20 years and have never been the subject of any legal action. I have expertise in outpatient and inpatient pediatrics, missed diagnoses, child abuse, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, respiratory disease, and infant care. With my MBA training I am also familiar with hospital and clinic processes. Rapid turn-around on case reviews and medical research. Call, text, or email for free 15-minute screening phone/Zoom consultation.

Ajay Wadgaonkar, MD

Lake Mary, Florida
Neuroradiology, Radiology - Diagnostic radiology, Missed diagnosis, Brain imaging, Spine imaging, Stroke, Traumatic brain injury TBI, DTI, Hemorrhage, Slip and fall, MVA, Fractures, Cancer, Aneurym, Dissection, Disc herniation, Spinal cord injury, MRI, CT, CTA, Medical malpractice
I am a board-certified diagnostic radiologist that completed both residency and neuroradiology fellowship training at Johns Hopkins (one of the most renowned medical institutions in the world). I currently serve as Associate Director of Neuroradiology for one of the largest multi-state radiology practices in the country. In that role, I head the peer review and QA activities for all practice neuroradiologists. A former medical school salutatorian, collegiate presidential scholar, and high school valedictorian, I've demonstrated a history of excellence throughout my life. I am a true expert in neuroimaging, as the entirety of my clinical practice is devoted to neuroradiology. My world class, modern, and cutting-edge education has allowed me to keep pace with the rapidly evolving and highly technological field of radiology. In my current and prior clinical roles, I have functioned as the “go-to” neuroradiologist that other radiologists consult for assistance with challenging cases. ...


Expert Empathetic Medical Clinician

Heal one Services

Austell , Georgia
Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine - Opiod Overdose and Abuse, Hospitalist, Opiates, Independent Medical Exam, Medication Errors, Nursing home failure, Cancer Screening, Missed Diagnosis, Internal Medicine, Heart Disease, Chronic Lung Disease, Drug Detoxification, Preventive Medicine, Elder Abuse, Wrongful Death
He is board certified in the two specialties of Internal Medicine and General Preventive Medicine/Public Health . He has owned a private practice and is currently active as a Hospitalist. Dr. Dennis is licensed and treating patients in Georgia, Texas and Indiana. He has also received special training and waiver from Dept. of Health and Human Services for Opiod addiction treatment. Dr. Dennis received medical education through Harvard medical school and the Mayo Clinic. He adheres to high ethical standards and will render objective and evidence based opinions. Dr. Dennis is easily accessible with great bedside manners and communication abilities. His legal training makes him uniquely qualified to understand legalese and medical terminology. His exceptional teaching and communication skills enable him to translate both into lay terms easily understood by most. Dr. Dennis has performed chart and utilization reviews for large organizations.

Oguchi Andrew Nwosu, MD, FAAFP

Family Medicine with Obstetrics, stellar reviews

Emory University School of Medicine

Marietta, Georgia
Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - primary care, family medicine, obstetrics, inpatient, outpatient, medical malpractice, failure to diagnose, heart attack, stroke, myocardial infarction, cancer, medication error, decubitus ulcer, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, missed diagnosis, hospitalist, negligence, chest pain, APPs, neonate
Dr. Nwosu is an associate professor of family medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. He currently serves as chief of service for family medicine at Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta. He does full spectrum inpatient and outpatient family medicine including obstetrics and also serves as a collaborating physician and was the former lead physician for Georgia for CVS Minute Clinics. In that position, he supervises nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the urgent care setting. He has lectured locally, nationally and internationally on his areas of interest and been reviewing medical malpractice cases since 2014 During that time he has been involved in about ninety cases, been deposed 12 times and partaken in trial testimony. He has received numerous awards (see CV) and in his expert witness work consistently receives rave reviews and deep appreciation from attorneys he has worked with.


Expert Empathetic Medical Clinician

Heal one Services

Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine - Opiod Overdose and Abuse, Hospitalist, Opiates, Independent Medical Exam, Medication Errors, Nursing home failure, Cancer Screening, Missed Diagnosis, Internal Medicine, Heart Disease, Chronic Lung Disease, Drug Detoxification, Preventive Medicine, Elder Abuse, Wrongful Death
He is board certified in the two specialties of Internal Medicine and General Preventive Medicine/Public Health . He has owned a private practice and is currently active as a Hospitalist. Dr. Dennis is licensed and treating patients in Georgia, Texas and Indiana. He has also received special training and waiver from Dept. of Health and Human Services for Opiod addiction treatment. Dr. Dennis received medical education through Harvard medical school and the Mayo Clinic. He adheres to high ethical standards and will render objective and evidence based opinions. Dr. Dennis is easily accessible with great bedside manners and communication abilities. His legal training makes him uniquely qualified to understand legalese and medical terminology. His exceptional teaching and communication skills enable him to translate both into lay terms easily understood by most. Dr. Dennis has performed chart and utilization reviews for large organizations.

Alexander R Green, MD, MPH

Harvard Med professor - internal med/urgent care

Oak Park, Illinois
Internal Medicine, Urgent Care Medicine - Telemedicine, Primary care, Ambulatory medicine, Missed diagnosis, Delayed diagnosis, Metastatic cancer, Opiate overdose, Anticoagulation hemorrhage, Screening and prevention, Medication errors
I am a Harvard and Cornell trained internal medicine physician with over 30 years of clinical experience mainly in ambulatory primary care and urgent care, and more recently in telemedicine. I was Associate Professor of Medicine and Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital until 2022 and currently actively practicing primary care and urgent care at a Federally Qualified Community Health Center. I have held various leadership positions, investigator roles, and clinician-educator positions over my years at Harvard/Mass General and at Cornell. My research and teaching seek to improve clinical quality by improving doctor-patient communication and relationships especially in culturally and linguistically diverse settings. I have extensive experience in teaching, publishing, grant writing, and working with industry to improve patient experience and outcomes. I developed an internet-based education program that improves medical care by teaching clinicians and other health ...

Susan A Abookire, BSEE, MD, MPH

Boston, Massachusetts
Medical Management, Internal Medicine - Hospital Liability, Hospital Negligence, Hospital Administration, Peer Review, Delayed Diagnosis, Missed Diagnosis, EMTALA, Sepsis, Falls, Sexual Assault, Infection Prevention, Credentialing, Privileging, Anticoagulation, Wrong Site Surgery, Medication Error, Safe Discharge
Award winning and highly experienced patient safety physician executive. 20+ years of Hospital and Health System Administration Experience including Chief Quality Officer for 1,900 bed and 4,000 physician healthcare system. Founder and Former President of Society of Physician Quality Officers. Co-Founder and Senior Advisor: Harvard Medical School Quality and Patient Safety Fellowship. 20+ Years’ experience overseeing quality, patient safety, and developing procedures, policies, clinical guidelines and protocols. National and international teaching experience. Harvard educate and trained. Harvard Faculty. Past Vice-President, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Error. Extensive experience in developing programs for hospital quality, patient safety, and peer review and addressing issues such as Joint Commission Standards, Regulatory Quality Requirements, DNV Standards, Credentialing and Privileging, Medical Ethics, Infection Prevent...

Jessica Anchor-Samuels, MD

Internal Medicine Expert- 2 Ivy League degrees

Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - primary care, standard of care, delayed diagnosis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, Internist, missed diagnosis, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, inappropriate care, cancer screening, anemia, telemedicine, risk factors, preventative care, hypertension
Dr. Anchor-Samuels is a Brown University trained Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine with board certifications in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She has significant experience in clinical medicine, as well as medical legal consulting. She has consulted, both for medical record review and as an expert witness, on numerous cases for both plaintiff and defense. She has also worked directly with insurance companies to review cases in anticipation of potential litigation. She has extensive experience with cases of delayed/missed diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others. She also has significant experience with supervising physician assistants/associates and nurse practitioners.

Jeffrey M Rothschild, MD, MPH

Hospitalist / Inpatient Internal Medicine, Harvard

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Newton, Massachusetts
Hospitalist - Hospital Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Patient Safety, Medical Errors, Inpatient Internal Medicine, Thromboemboli / PE, Perioperative Consultation, Sepsis, Shock, Stroke, Hemorrhage, Cardiovascular Disease, Procedural Complications, Quality of Care, Falls, Missed Diagnosis, Delays
Jeffrey Rothschild MD, MPH is board certified in internal medicine and formerly in critical care medicine. Following fellowship training, he spent 15 years in critical care medicine (intensivist). This was followed by 25 years of experience in inpatient internal medicine (hospitalist), in both academic medical centers and community hospitals, until 2024. Dr. Rothschild is currently a faculty member of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School where he currently teaches Harvard medical students. Dr. Rothschild has a deep background in health services research with a focus on patient safety, medical errors and information technology and is widely published (kindly see CV for details). Dr. Rothschild has led a broad range of quality improvement projects including the introduction of a new and expansive rapid response team system (over 900 beds), new technology adoption and innovative monitoring devices to detect early inpatient det...

Phyliss H. Shapiro, MD, CLCP

MD Life Care Plan Consulting, LLC

Life Care Planning, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Physician Life Care Plan, Spinal Cord Injury Life Care Plan, Birth Injury Life Care Plan, Amputation Life Care Plan, Catastrophic Injury Life Care Plan, Injury Life Care Plan, Medical Cost Projection, Medical Records Review, GYN Life Care Plan, Workers' Compensation Life Care Plan, Missed Diagnosis
Certified Life Care Planner by International Commission on Health Care Certification Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Member, International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals(IARP) Immediate Past President, Northeast Chapter of IARP Board of Directors Member, American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners(IALCP) Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners, 4th Edition, Advisory Group Lecturer on generating life care planning costs Member and lecturer for the National Association of Forensic Economics (NAFE)

Jeffrey Alan Balke, MD

Academic hospitalist with decades of experience.

University of Minnesota Department of Medicine, Division of Hospital Medicine

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine - anticoagulation, respiratory failure, acute kidney injury, postoperative complications, aspiration pneumonia, missed diagnosis, delay in diagnosis, bleeding while on anticoagulation
Professional Background and Expert Witness Services Dr. Jeff Balke, MD I am board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and practice full time as a teaching physician and staff hospitalist at the University of Minnesota Medical Center and have an academic appointment at the University of Minnesota Medical School. My curriculum vitae is available upon request and provides information regarding my education, training and experience. I trained at the University of Minnesota (1989-1993), where I served as Chief Resident. My career spans 32 years since completion of my residency training in Internal Medicine including an appointed Chief Residency. I have had full and unrestricted admitting and attending privileges and employment in small community critical access and regional medical centers in addition to large tertiary and teaching hospitals. I have worked in many different hospitals and systems and skilled nursing facilities of all types since I began my career as...

Jessica Anchor-Samuels, MD

Internal Medicine Expert- 2 Ivy League degrees

New York
Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - primary care, standard of care, delayed diagnosis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, Internist, missed diagnosis, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, inappropriate care, cancer screening, anemia, telemedicine, risk factors, preventative care, hypertension
Dr. Anchor-Samuels is a Brown University trained Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine with board certifications in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She has significant experience in clinical medicine, as well as medical legal consulting. She has consulted, both for medical record review and as an expert witness, on numerous cases for both plaintiff and defense. She has also worked directly with insurance companies to review cases in anticipation of potential litigation. She has extensive experience with cases of delayed/missed diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others. She also has significant experience with supervising physician assistants/associates and nurse practitioners.

Ellen Bondar, MD

Art of medicine

Brooklyn, New York
Emergency Medical Services, Internal Medicine - Emergency Care Services, Hospital medicine, Transitional Care Unit, accurate diagnosis, prognostic implications. Missed diagnosis affecting patient's prognosis, postoperative complications, wound management, gastrointestinal bleeding, end stage renal disease, cancer diagnosis, management and treatme
Fifteen years ago, I began my career as a medical expert witness, driven by a passion to thoroughly scrutinize medical malpractice cases and learn from them to enhance my own clinical practice. Key accomplishments include: Successfully settling cases involving missed diagnoses that significantly impacted patients' prognoses. Effectively resolving cases concerning delays in postoperative complication management. Skillfully addressing cases related to improper wound care and decubitus ulcer mismanagement. Successfully defending hospitalist management practices for severe gastrointestinal bleeding. Successfully defending cases involving the diagnosis and management of end-stage renal disease. Over more than a decade, my diverse medical career has provided deep insights into healthcare complexities, balancing direct patient care and administrative responsibilities. In my current role at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, I've managed a range of cancer-related issues, providing c...

Phyliss H. Shapiro, MD, CLCP

MD Life Care Plan Consulting, LLC

New York
Life Care Planning, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Physician Life Care Plan, Spinal Cord Injury Life Care Plan, Birth Injury Life Care Plan, Amputation Life Care Plan, Catastrophic Injury Life Care Plan, Injury Life Care Plan, Medical Cost Projection, Medical Records Review, GYN Life Care Plan, Workers' Compensation Life Care Plan, Missed Diagnosis
Certified Life Care Planner by International Commission on Health Care Certification Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Member, International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals(IARP) Immediate Past President, Northeast Chapter of IARP Board of Directors Member, American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners(IALCP) Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners, 4th Edition, Advisory Group Lecturer on generating life care planning costs Member and lecturer for the National Association of Forensic Economics (NAFE)

Jessica Anchor-Samuels, MD

Internal Medicine Expert- 2 Ivy League degrees

Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - primary care, standard of care, delayed diagnosis, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, Internist, missed diagnosis, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, inappropriate care, cancer screening, anemia, telemedicine, risk factors, preventative care, hypertension
Dr. Anchor-Samuels is a Brown University trained Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine with board certifications in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She has significant experience in clinical medicine, as well as medical legal consulting. She has consulted, both for medical record review and as an expert witness, on numerous cases for both plaintiff and defense. She has also worked directly with insurance companies to review cases in anticipation of potential litigation. She has extensive experience with cases of delayed/missed diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes, among others. She also has significant experience with supervising physician assistants/associates and nurse practitioners.

Phyliss H. Shapiro, MD, CLCP

MD Life Care Plan Consulting, LLC

Rhode Island
Life Care Planning, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Physician Life Care Plan, Spinal Cord Injury Life Care Plan, Birth Injury Life Care Plan, Amputation Life Care Plan, Catastrophic Injury Life Care Plan, Injury Life Care Plan, Medical Cost Projection, Medical Records Review, GYN Life Care Plan, Workers' Compensation Life Care Plan, Missed Diagnosis
Certified Life Care Planner by International Commission on Health Care Certification Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Member, International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals(IARP) Immediate Past President, Northeast Chapter of IARP Board of Directors Member, American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners(IALCP) Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners, 4th Edition, Advisory Group Lecturer on generating life care planning costs Member and lecturer for the National Association of Forensic Economics (NAFE)


Expert Empathetic Medical Clinician

Heal one Services

Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine - Opiod Overdose and Abuse, Hospitalist, Opiates, Independent Medical Exam, Medication Errors, Nursing home failure, Cancer Screening, Missed Diagnosis, Internal Medicine, Heart Disease, Chronic Lung Disease, Drug Detoxification, Preventive Medicine, Elder Abuse, Wrongful Death
He is board certified in the two specialties of Internal Medicine and General Preventive Medicine/Public Health . He has owned a private practice and is currently active as a Hospitalist. Dr. Dennis is licensed and treating patients in Georgia, Texas and Indiana. He has also received special training and waiver from Dept. of Health and Human Services for Opiod addiction treatment. Dr. Dennis received medical education through Harvard medical school and the Mayo Clinic. He adheres to high ethical standards and will render objective and evidence based opinions. Dr. Dennis is easily accessible with great bedside manners and communication abilities. His legal training makes him uniquely qualified to understand legalese and medical terminology. His exceptional teaching and communication skills enable him to translate both into lay terms easily understood by most. Dr. Dennis has performed chart and utilization reviews for large organizations.

Andrew Sumarsono, MD, MPH

Richardson, Texas
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine - Transition of Care, Discharge Planning, Hospitalization, Readmission, Medication Errors, Missed Diagnosis, Skilled Nursing Facility, Nursing Home, Congestive Heart Failure, Cirrhosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Acute Kidney Injury, Falls, Sepsis, Pneumonia, Standard of Care, Wrongful Death
Dr. Andrew Sumarsono is am award-winning board-certified internal medicine physician who currently serves as Medical Director of Devoted Medical’s Transitions of Care Program, which is responsible for ensuring the safe transition home for thousands of patients discharged from the hospital each year. He is clinically active and continues to care for patients discharged from the hospital or skilled nursing facility setting. He also provides clinical supervision and education for nurse practitioners during daily patient rounds. Prior to his role at Devoted, Dr. Sumarsono was an academic hospitalist at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Memorial Health from 2020 - 2023. During his time at UT Southwestern, he published dozens of peer-reviewed articles in top journals such as the British Medical Journal, JAMA Cardiology, Journal of General Internal Medicine, and Journal of Hospital Medicine. Dr. Sumarsono received his bachelor’s from the University of California – Los Angeles...

Stephen C Morris, MD, MPH

Mercer Island, Washington
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services - Emergency medicine, EMS, medical device, medical education, critical care, surgical complication, acute coronary syndrome, motor vehicle accident, stroke, missed diagnosis, informed consent, disabilty, airway, hypoxia, trauma, workers compensation, treatment of minors, involuntary detainment, ACLS
I am board certified in Emergency Medicine by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Having completed my medical degree at University of Washington I completed my residency at Yale and my first job was as a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School (Brigham and Women’s Hospital) during which time I earned a Masters in Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. Currently I am an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Public Health at the University of Washington and practice clinically at three hospitals, including our level 1 trauma hospital and our cancer and transplant hospital I have nearly two decades of experience practicing clinical emergency medicine in community, government and academic settings. Within these settings, I have cared for high volumes of trauma, pediatrics, geriatrics, oncology, psychiatry, substance abuse disorder, complicated cardiac patients including those with assist devices, and surgically complex patients. In addition...