Job Placement Expert Witnesses

Job placement expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on job placement. The job placement expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Employment, Legal, Life Care Planning, and Vocational Rehabilitation.

Howard J. Goldfarb, MA, CRC

Goldfarb & Assoc.

S. Pasadena, California
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Forensic Employability Evaluations, Long Term Disability, Long Term Disability Denials, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Termination, Earning Capacity Evaluations, ERISA, FEHA, Divorce, Job Placement, Job Analysis, Human Resources, Marriage Dissolution
Owner of vocational rehabilitation consulting firm. Interviews and evaluates clients to determine feasibility of services. Performs One-on-One Vocational Counseling and Planning utilizing transferable skills. Performs Direct Job Seeking Skills as well as Vocational Placement. Administers and interprets vocational aptitude, interest and achievement testing. Provides Job Analyses, Labor Market Surveys and Job Seeking Skills Training. Independent Vocational Evaluator State of CA Rehab Unit, Division of Industrial Accidents. Provides Testimony as a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employability Consultant in Personal Injury, Third Party Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Abuse, ERISA as well as Federal Railroad matters. Performs Earning Capacity Evaluations. Vocational Consultant involved in Employability Assessments for Marriage Dissolution matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Windsor, Connecticut
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


St. Louis, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

New York
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Gordon A. Kamisar, Esq.

Kamisar Legal Search, Inc.

Seattle, Washington
Legal, Employment - attorney employability, executive employability, attorney compensation, executive and attorney marketability, executive earning capacity, career assessment, job search analysis, job placement, executive recruiter, search consultant, wage loss, mitigation of damages, executive compensation
Mr. Kamisar has been a search consultant for attorneys for over 25 years and has served as an expert witness on the subjects of attorney compensation, attorney marketability, attorney employability, attorney earning capacity, attorney job search analysis, mitigation of damages. He has been deemed qualified as an expert in trial court, and was found in a court opinion to be a “credible and knowledgeable” expert on the subject of attorney compensation and attorney placements. Mr. Kamisar has experience testifying in depositions and at trial. Served as expert witness for plaintiff on the subject of attorney job search analysis and mitigation of damages in the federal district court in San Francisco case of Wadler v. Bio-Rad where plaintiff was awarded approximately $11 million in damages plus attorneys fees when jury found violations of Whistleblower protections in retaliatory firing of company’s General Counsel. In 2022-2023 Kamisar recently served as an expert witness on similar sub...