Herbicide Expert Witnesses

Herbicide expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on herbicide. The herbicide expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Agriculture, Building Inspection, Chemistry & Chemicals, and Indoor Air Quality.

Steve Rohal, ACE, CPCO,CRT

Reliable Building Inspections

Building Inspection, Indoor Air Quality - Entomology, entomologist, deficient, termite, termite treatment, infrared, Formosan, termite damage, Infestation, pesticide safety, pesticides, herbicide, roundup
I have over 39 years experience with forensic inspections and reporting. Past member of the United States Air Force Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (PrimeBEEF) Experienced under oath expert witness. I am an Associate Certified Entomologist, Council-certified Microbial Consultant (mold), Certified Residential Thermographer (infrared), Certified Pest Operator, Wood destroying organism operator,Licensed Mold Assessor, and a Master Professional Inspector with over 10,000 inspections performed. I have under oath expert witness experience as a disclosed expert for matters such as deficient termite treatment and termite damage complaints, and pest services business practices. For a complete and up-to-date CV see my SEAK listing or email: steve@ReliableBuildingInspection.com OR to speak directly with me please call my cell anytime : 407-837-3892.

Steve Rohal, ACE, CPCO,CRT

Reliable Building Inspections

Kissimmee, Florida
Building Inspection, Indoor Air Quality - Entomology, entomologist, deficient, termite, termite treatment, infrared, Formosan, termite damage, Infestation, pesticide safety, pesticides, herbicide, roundup
I have over 39 years experience with forensic inspections and reporting. Past member of the United States Air Force Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (PrimeBEEF) Experienced under oath expert witness. I am an Associate Certified Entomologist, Council-certified Microbial Consultant (mold), Certified Residential Thermographer (infrared), Certified Pest Operator, Wood destroying organism operator,Licensed Mold Assessor, and a Master Professional Inspector with over 10,000 inspections performed. I have under oath expert witness experience as a disclosed expert for matters such as deficient termite treatment and termite damage complaints, and pest services business practices. For a complete and up-to-date CV see my SEAK listing or email: steve@ReliableBuildingInspection.com OR to speak directly with me please call my cell anytime : 407-837-3892.

Matthew P Shipp, M.S.

Shipp Research, LLC

Montgomery, Texas
Agriculture, Chemistry & Chemicals - Pesticide, Fertilizer, Adjuvant, Surfactant, Turfgrass, Ornamentals, Fungicide, Insecticide, Drift, Crops, Herbicide, Agrochemical, Vegetables, EPA, Organic, Biological, Lawn, Garden, PGR, Biostimulant
Agriculture Forensics Expert - pesticides, fertilizers, adjuvants/surfactants, crop damage, pesticide drift/chemical trespass, agrochemical misapplication, product nonperformance, EPA label violation, attorney advisor and interrogative preparation.