Herbicide Expert Witnesses
Herbicide expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on herbicide. The herbicide expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Agriculture, Building Inspection, Chemistry & Chemicals, and Indoor Air Quality.
Steve Rohal, ACE, CPCO,CRT
Reliable Building Inspections
Building Inspection, Indoor Air Quality
Entomology, entomologist, deficient, termite, termite treatment, infrared, Formosan, termite damage, Infestation, pesticide safety, pesticides, herbicide, roundup
I have over 39 years experience with forensic inspections and reporting. Past member of the United States Air Force Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (PrimeBEEF)
Experienced under oath expert witness.
I am an Associate Certified Entomologist, Council-certified Microbial Consultant (mold), Certified Residential Thermographer (infrared), Certified Pest Operator, Wood destroying organism operator,Licensed Mold Assessor, and a Master Professional Inspector with over 10,000 inspections performed.
I have under oath expert witness experience as a disclosed expert for matters such as deficient termite treatment and termite damage complaints, and pest services business practices.
For a complete and up-to-date CV see my SEAK listing or email: steve@ReliableBuildingInspection.com OR to speak directly with me please call my cell anytime : 407-837-3892.
Steve Rohal, ACE, CPCO,CRT
Reliable Building Inspections
Kissimmee, Florida
Building Inspection, Indoor Air Quality
Entomology, entomologist, deficient, termite, termite treatment, infrared, Formosan, termite damage, Infestation, pesticide safety, pesticides, herbicide, roundup
I have over 39 years experience with forensic inspections and reporting. Past member of the United States Air Force Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force (PrimeBEEF)
Experienced under oath expert witness.
I am an Associate Certified Entomologist, Council-certified Microbial Consultant (mold), Certified Residential Thermographer (infrared), Certified Pest Operator, Wood destroying organism operator,Licensed Mold Assessor, and a Master Professional Inspector with over 10,000 inspections performed.
I have under oath expert witness experience as a disclosed expert for matters such as deficient termite treatment and termite damage complaints, and pest services business practices.
For a complete and up-to-date CV see my SEAK listing or email: steve@ReliableBuildingInspection.com OR to speak directly with me please call my cell anytime : 407-837-3892.
Matthew P Shipp, M.S.
Shipp Research, LLC
Montgomery, Texas
Agriculture, Chemistry & Chemicals
Pesticide, Fertilizer, Adjuvant, Surfactant, Turfgrass, Ornamentals, Fungicide, Insecticide, Drift, Crops, Herbicide, Agrochemical, Vegetables, EPA, Organic, Biological, Lawn, Garden, PGR, Biostimulant
Agriculture Forensics Expert - pesticides, fertilizers, adjuvants/surfactants, crop damage, pesticide drift/chemical trespass, agrochemical misapplication, product nonperformance, EPA label violation, attorney advisor and interrogative preparation.