Healthcare Malpractice Expert Witnesses

Healthcare malpractice expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on healthcare malpractice. The healthcare malpractice expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Legal Nurse Consulting and Nurse.


Medical Insight, LLC

Windham , Maine
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - infection prevention, healthcare acquired infection, unexpected death, hospital death, healthcare malpractice, surgical site infection, sepsis, nursing negligence, personal injury, toxic torts, COVID, premise liability, chronologies, demonstratives, preparation for/accompany to IMEs
I have over 30 years of RN experience in a variety of settings that include an internal medicine office, camp nursing, long term care, home care, medical-surgical acute care, surgical, cardiac critical care, and infection prevention. I am available for behind-the-scenes review of medical cases to ensure you fully understand your client's medical condition. I am experienced in case investigation, case documentation, and scientific literature review. I have been an adjunct instructor since 2011 for Health Sciences in the area of Pharmacology, Physiology, Clinical Care, Ethics, and Law. I am a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Certified Infection Prevention Professional, Certified in Healthcare Accreditation, and I hold a certificate in Care Coordination.