Dvt Expert Witnesses
Dvt expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on dvt. The dvt expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Aquatics Safety, Correctional Healthcare, Critical Care Medicine, Diagnostic Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Medical Management, Nursing Homes, Obesity, Orthopedic Surgery, and Sports Medicine.
John O'Shea
Physician Associate Orthopedic Surgery Expert
OrthoHealth PLLC
Flagstaff, Arizona
Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine
Shoulder elbow hand, Shoulder replacement, knee replacement, rotator cuff tear, impingment, fracture, dislocations, sports medicine, osteoarthritis, ORIF, preoperative, Postoperative care, nerve injury, workers compensation, frozen shoulder, meniscus tear, trigger finger, DVT, physician associate
John O’Shea is a highly skilled Physician Associate with a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Orthopedic Surgery. With extensive expertise in sports medicine, upper extremity orthopedic conditions, joint replacements, fracture care and general orthopedics, he has first-assisted in over 1,000 surgical procedures. His surgical first assist experience spans a wide range of cases, including carpal and trigger finger releases, complex fracture fixations, tendon transfers, shoulder/knee scopes, and both partial and total joint arthroplasties.
As a trusted provider, John manages his own clinic schedule, overseeing patient care from initial evaluations and orthopedic urgent care to pre-operative planning, post-operative management, and workers’ compensation cases. With six years of hands-on experience and countless hours collaborating with top orthopedic surgeons, he has developed the ability to assess and predict patient conditions, long-term disabilities, and appropriate treatm...
Joseph J Barrows, MD
Joseph J. Barrows, MD Inc.
Newport Beach, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management
intubation, hematoma, informed consent, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, VTE, PE, capnography, brain damage, hypoxia, paralysis, narcotics, laryngospasm, ambulatory surgical center, ASC, medication error, propofol, central line, ventilation
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice. 15+ years experience. Over 4,000 spinal surgical procedures performed. Anesthesiologist for U.S. Olympic and Red Bull athletes, the Los Angeles Kings, and U.S. Navy SEALs. Extensive teaching experience. 10+ years experience as Medical Director of an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with duties including peer review and performance enhancement. Experienced expert witness. First person in family to attend college - worked way through college working construction and bartending. Excellent verbal communication skills.
Grace Lozinski, MD
Newport Beach, California
Internal Medicine, Hospitalist
Pulmonary Diseases, asthma, inhalational disorders, DVT, lung infections, COPD, COVID, Aspiration Pneumonia Disability, Cardiovascular Disease, Chest Pain, Ischemic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest, Pacemaker, Sepsis, Stroke, Anticoagulation, Blood Thinner, GI Bleed
Dr. Grace Lozinski, MD is an internist in Newport Beach, CA specializing in internal medicine (adult medicine) and hospital medicine (hospitalist). In her 24 years of experience, Dr. Lozinski has specialized in treating patients with Chronic Kidney disease, high cholesterol, Ischemic Heart disease, and hypertension. Dr. Lozinski served as Chief Quality Officer for a nationally ranked health care system in Southern California for five years. She provided clinical leadership over quality and optimization of clinical services. She has expertise in hospital operations and key initiatives such as patient safety, transitions of care, mortality reduction, readmission reduction and organizational process improvement.
Education &Training
Medical School
New York Medical College class of 2000
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine/UCLA Medical Center
Internal Medicine 2000-2003
Certification & Licensure
CA State Medical License 2002-2025
American Board of Internal Medicine
Mark Lazarus, MD
Superior, Colorado
Hospitalist, Nursing Homes
Board Certified Internal Medicine, Clinical Instructor, Hospital Medicine, SNFs, Nursing Homes, Long-term Care, Hospitalist, Internist, Inpatient Medicine, Primary Care, PCP, DVT, PE, Decubitus Ulcers
Expert in peer review—Assistant Medical Director, Morbidity/Mortality Chair, Professional Performance Review, IM Peer Review, Utilization Review, and Medicine Supervisory Committee. Involved in 100+ malpractice cases, 60% plaintiff and 40% defense.
Experienced Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician with 10 years of clinical and teaching experience. Graduated from Rush University Medical School in the top 50% of his graduating class with board scores in the top national quartile. Hospitalist clinical instructor at Scripps for 10 years and staff physician with San Diego SNF Hospitalists (servicing various local nursing homes) for 6 years.
Available for internal medicine, nursing home, and hospitalist case reviews. Quick responses—texts, calls, and emails returned within 1 hour. CV, fee schedule, attorney references, and redacted medical reports available on request.
Brenda Jacobsen, DO, FACOI, FACEP
Jacobsen Medical PA
Pensacola, Florida
Hospitalist, Emergency Medicine
Rural Medicine, Underserved, ACLS, ATLS, PALS, Residents, RN Supervision, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, Asthma, Airway Management, Heart Failure/CHF, Hospital Medicine, Standard of Care, Sepsis/Septic Shock, ED to Inpatient transition
I am a former RN who wanted to learn more and be able to do more for her patients. I subsequently went back to college for my medical education.
I did my residency through the Cleveland Clinic Healthcare System. I am dually board certified in Osteopathic Internal Medicine (AOBIM) and Osteopathic Emergency Medicine (AOBEM). I am a Fellow in the American College of Osteopathic Internists (FACOI) and a Fellow in the American College of Emergency Physicians (FACEP).
I have extensive experience traveling and I have worked in a variety of locations including many rural and underserved areas as well as in community hospitals and tertiary centers. I have extensive experience with the healthcare system as it relates to doctors, PAs, NPs and nurses - across a wide variety of levels of care in the ED and in the hospital.
Licensed in Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, New York, Ohio and Virginia (Guam would need to be reactivated).
Gregory L Nedurian, MD
Senior Vascular Surgeon at Busiest ED in US
Nedurian Consulting
Vascular Surgery, Wound Care
Limb salvage, DVT, TCAR, Amputation, Endovascular Intervention, Office Based Lab, AAA Repair, Varicose Veins, Bypass Grafts, Vascular Trauma, Intravascular Ultrasound, Pedal Access, Wound Care, Gangrene, Atherectomy, Carotid artery Stenosis, RF Ablations, Venous Stenting, Vascular Duplex Lab
I am currently a practicing vascular surgeon with more than 45 years of experience in private practice. I am a fellow of the American College of surgeons and have completed a cardiovascular fellowship, with an additional fellowship year of oncological surgery, at the College of medicine and dentistry in New Jersey. This was followed by the wound care fellowship at Ohio State University. My initial 22 years of private practice was at Williamsport and Lock Haven Hospitals where I was the director of the vascular laboratory. Currently I am in private practice at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, FL, with 6 hybrid rooms, and state of the art OR facility for vascular and endovascular procedures. I developed one of the areas, first outpatient office-based Cath Lab, designated for limb salvage. I have extensive trauma experience with multiple cases of limb reimplantation. I embraced the changes brought by technology, with implantation over 500 stent grafts for AAA repair. In additi...
Geoffrey L. Risley, MD, FACS, RPVI
Coastal Vascular & Interventional, PLLC
Crestview, Florida
Vascular Surgery, Wound Care
Endovascular Surgery, Amputation, Peripheral angioplasty/stent, Aortic aneurysm repair, carotid angioplasty/stent, carotid surgery, pressure sore, chronic wound, AAA, AV Access, Fistula, Central Line, Limb loss, Abdominal aneurysm, Thoracic aneurysm, DVT, Varicose veins, RF ablations, EVLT
I am a board-certified, fellowship -trained vascular surgeon with an active practice in both traditional vascular surgery and endovascular surgery.I can offer expertise in the management of arterial and venous conditions as well as questions regarding chronic wound care and amputation.
Gregory L Nedurian, MD
Senior Vascular Surgeon at Busiest ED in US
Nedurian Consulting
Vascular Surgery, Wound Care
Limb salvage, DVT, TCAR, Amputation, Endovascular Intervention, Office Based Lab, AAA Repair, Varicose Veins, Bypass Grafts, Vascular Trauma, Intravascular Ultrasound, Pedal Access, Wound Care, Gangrene, Atherectomy, Carotid artery Stenosis, RF Ablations, Venous Stenting, Vascular Duplex Lab
I am currently a practicing vascular surgeon with more than 45 years of experience in private practice. I am a fellow of the American College of surgeons and have completed a cardiovascular fellowship, with an additional fellowship year of oncological surgery, at the College of medicine and dentistry in New Jersey. This was followed by the wound care fellowship at Ohio State University. My initial 22 years of private practice was at Williamsport and Lock Haven Hospitals where I was the director of the vascular laboratory. Currently I am in private practice at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, FL, with 6 hybrid rooms, and state of the art OR facility for vascular and endovascular procedures. I developed one of the areas, first outpatient office-based Cath Lab, designated for limb salvage. I have extensive trauma experience with multiple cases of limb reimplantation. I embraced the changes brought by technology, with implantation over 500 stent grafts for AAA repair. In additi...
Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD
Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert
Orthopedic Surgery
Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS)
-Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association
-Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS
- Licensed in 14 states
- Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- practice experience in a variety of hospital types
- Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care
I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...
Ankur Dhawan, DO
Delnor Hospital
geneva, Illinois
Emergency Medicine, Obesity
Emergency, rmtala, adults, Cardiac, obesity, geriatric, dvt, pe, ER, neurological, pediatrics, accident, AAA
I am a practicing ER physician for almost 15 years in the same hospital, in Chicago suburbs. I am loyal, honest and believe in clarity in one's work. I am the assistant director of our Emergency room for last years. I have been involved in various quality care projects and am highly regarded at my place of work, recently receiving physician of the year award.
Saumil M Shah, M.D.
Highly Experienced Vascular Interventionalist
Chicago Vascular ASC
Elmhurst, Illinois
Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional & Diagnostic Radiology, Peripheral vascular disease, Ablation procedures, EVLT, RFA, Varicose veins, Urologic interventions, DVT, IVC filters, Dialysis fistula/graft procedures, Central venous catheters, Embolization, Venous Insufficiency, PAD, CTA, CT, Biopsy, Uterine Fibroids
CAQ in Vascular & Interventional Radiology
VIR Fellowship - Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
Radiology Residency - Northwestern Memorial Hospital
I am a Vascular & Interventional Radiologist with over 14 years of experience in a very busy practices, including multiple community hospitals, vein clinics, and outpatient/ambulatory surgical centers. I am personable and flexible with my time and I work quickly and efficiently. In my clinical practice I am safe while pushing the boundaries of our expertise all while maintaining a high level of care my patients have come to expect. I treat a variety of diseases and see nearly all of my patients in a clinic setting for consultation, diagnosis, pre-intervention, and post-intervention follow-up. My patients view me as a thorough but practical physician who has excellent bedside manner and the ability to explain complex situations in an easy to understand way to themselves and their family members. As a medical legal consultant I can exp...
Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD
Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert
Indianapolis, Indiana
Orthopedic Surgery
Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS)
-Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association
-Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS
- Licensed in 14 states
- Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- practice experience in a variety of hospital types
- Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care
I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...
Rishi Ramkissoon, MD
Augusta, Maine
Hospitalist, Family Medicine
Rural, Geriatric, Inpatient, Emergency Medicine, Intensive care unit, Anatomy, Injury, Hospice, Critical Access Hospital, Critical Care, Sepsis, Stroke, Infection, DVT, Falls, Shock, Congestive heart failure, Heart disease, Diabetes, Decubitus Ulcers / Wound
Dr. Ramkissoon is Board Certified in Family Medicine, clinically practicing as a Hospitalist, with an open ICU and Emergency Department privileges at a Critical Access Hospital in Coastal Maine. He received his residency training at Maine Dartmouth Family Medicine. Prior to that he had completed fields of study in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Sports Injury Management and Osteopathy, served as Faculty at Centennial College in Toronto and maintained an outpatient clinical practice. He currently serves on various inpatient committees, including Peer Review and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees. Dr. Ramkissoon is available for consultation to both Plaintiff and Defence attorneys.
Eric J Beauvois, MD
Five Eagles Consulting, LLC
Owings Mills, Maryland
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management
Failure to diagnose, Failure to treat, Cancer, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary embolism, Aortic dissection, Appendicitis, Ectopic pregnancy, Trauma, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Ischemia, Diabetes, Shock, DVT, Acute coronary syndrome, Testicular torsion, Airway management, Intracranial hemorrhage
I am residency trained and board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. I am a full-time practitioner licensed in Maryland. With 17 years of clinical practice, I am an experienced clinician and medical group president and serve as the peer review coordinator for my group.
I am experienced in litigation and provide credible, understandable testimony that educates the judge and jury about the facts in a case with relation to negligence, causation, and damages. I diligently review the medical records, identify relevant issues, and provide clear, consistent, and honest analysis of the matter including angles of rebuttal of opposing expert witnesses. I have a sincere and professional demeanor, keen attention to detail, and excellent verbal and written communication skills.
I am prompt and professional, understand the importance of making deadlines, and am easily accessible via cell phone. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
Steven G. Crespo, MD, FACEP
Steward Health Care
Topsfield, Massachusetts
Emergency Medicine
Appendicitis, Airway Management, Aneurysm, Aortic dissection, Arrhythmia, DVT, Ectopic Pregnancy, Heart Attack, Infection, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Ischemic Bowel, Failure to Diagnosis, Overdose, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism, Seizure, Sepsis, Stroke, Testicular torsion, Trauma
Steven Crespo is a full time, practicing emergency physician, board certified and Emergency Medicine Residency trained. He has over 30 years of experience in Emergency Medicine, spending over 15 years of clinical practice in both large urban academic medical centers and level one trauma centers as well as in suburban community hospitals. For over 25 years he has been in leadership roles including quality director, clinical director and chief of the department which has involved regular and current ongoing case reviews.
Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD
Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert
Orthopedic Surgery
Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS)
-Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association
-Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS
- Licensed in 14 states
- Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- practice experience in a variety of hospital types
- Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care
I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...
Kenneth "Kenny" Stein, MD
Clearly Explains Complex Medical Issues
St. Louis, Missouri
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine
Personal Injury, Internal Medicine, Sepsis/Septic Shock, MI, Heart Attack, PE, DVT, Epidural Abscess, Infection, Medical Malpractice, Intensive Care, ICU, Trauma, Stroke, ER, Delayed diagnosis, Pressure wound, Causation, Nursing Home, Falls
Dr. Stein excels in providing testimony that is credible, clearly understandable and serves to educate the Judge & Jury about the science, the medicine and the facts as they relate to negligence, causation and damages.
Dr. Stein has extensive experience in providing medical-legal expert services, having reviewed over 700 cases (both plaintiff and defense) in over 40 US States & Territories. Dr. Stein Has provided testimony at deposition over 200 times and trial testimony over 40 times.
Dr. Stein furnishes an unbiased opinion on medical malpractice and negligence cases, as well as personal injury and wrongful death cases not guaranteeing a favorable outcome but providing an honest assessment.
Services Dr. Stein provides include:
Survey of case for merit,
Medical chart review and analysis,
Preparation for opposing expert deposition and cross-examination,
Medical literature search,
Expert witness testimony.
Dr. Stein is Assistant Professor in the Division of Emergency Medicin...
Ashvin Tadakamalla, MD, MBA
Award Winning Hospitalist, Physician Advisor, ACMO
Buffalo, New York
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine
Perioperative Medicine, Stroke, Seizure, Sepsis, COVID, Pneumonia, COPD, Asthma, Shock, Respiratory Failure, Renal Failure, Congestive Heart Failure, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Atrial fibrillation, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, Hepatic Failure, Electrolyte-Acid-Base abnormality, GI Bleed, Cauda Equina
Award winning Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist Physician, Associate Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Administration) at a Level 1 Trauma Academic Medical Center. Extensive leadership experience as the Director of 45 FTE Hospitalist Group and the Associate Chief of Internal Medicine.
Director of Physician Advisor program, perform utilization review, medical necessity determination, denial appeals, well versed with MCG and Interqual criteria.
Hospital Administration pertaining to quality reviews, mortality reviews, policy reviews, credentialing and performance review of medical dental staff. President Elect of Medical Dental Staff.
Committee Involvement: Medical Executive Committee, Credentialing Committee, P&T (Pharmacy & Therapeutics) Committee, Utilization Review Committee, Patient Safety Indicator (PSI QAPI) Committee, Quality Steering Committee, Leadership Council, Chiefs of Service.
Graduated with Prelim General Surgery Residency at Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Ho...
Brian K Brodwater, MD
Delaney Radiology
Wilmington, North Carolina
Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
Radiology, ultrasound, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, mammography, image-guided surgery, image-guided cancer treatments, minimally invasive surgery, tumor cryoablation, radio frequency ablation, biopsy, patent, DVT, pulmonary embolism, cancer, TIPS, embolization, IVC filter, UFE
I am board certified by the American Board of Radiology in both Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology and hold licenses in North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia. I majored in biomedical engineering with a minor in electrical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Dartmouth Medical School. I completed my internship in internal medicine at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, which was followed by my diagnostic radiology residency at Duke University Medical Center, where I also served as chief resident. I completed my vascular-interventional radiology fellowship at Duke in 1999.
I have published multiple articles in my specialty along with published articles in the field of neurosurgery and I am currently a senior partner with Delaney Radiology in Wilmington, North Carolina after joining the practice in 1999 after my fellowship at Duke. I have been appointed Clinical Instructor of Radiology at the University of North Caro...
Edna McKinstry, MD
Cary, North Carolina
Internal Medicine, Correctional Healthcare
Pulmonary Diseases, asthma, inhalational disorders, DVT, pulmonary embolism, lung infections. Disability, Cardiovascular Disease, Chest Pain, Ischemic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest, Congestive Heart Failure, Arrhythmia, Defibrillator, ICD, Valvular Heart Disease
Dr. Edna S. Wong McKinstry is an internist in Asheville, North Carolina and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Mission Hospital-Asheville and Moberly Regional Medical Center. She received her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years. Dr. Edna S. Wong McKinstry has expertise in treating chronic diabetes, heart failure, and obesity.
Medical School
Ross University School of Medicine Class of 2007
University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson
Internal Medicine 2008-2012
Certifications & Professional Memberships
American Board of Internal Medicine
Fellow of American College of Physicians (FACP)
Jesse Raiten, MD, FCCM
Critical Care & Anesthesiology- Full Professor
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Anesthesia and Critical Care
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine
Critical Care Anesthesiology, Cardiac Critical Care, Surgical Critical Care, Airway Injury, Intubation, Thoracic Anesthesia, Respiratory Failure, Extubation, Medication Errors, Cardiac Arrest, Shock, Heart failure, Delirium, Sedation, ECMO and Impella, Sepsis, DVT, Critical Care Surgery
I have reviewed numerous medical-legal cases from the OR and ICU for approximately a decade, for both the Plaintiff and Defense. I am a Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania. I hold triple board certification (anesthesiology, critical care, echocardiography), I have advanced training in patient safety from Harvard, and I am the Patient Safety and Quality Officer for Anesthesia and Critical Care. I am highly experienced at analyzing patient injuries in the intra-operative and post-operative periods and determining their causes. My clinical work is divided between the OR and Heart Vascular ICU. I have extensive experience with patients undergoing routine outpatient surgery, as well as critically ill patients in the OR and ICU suffering from heart failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure and dialysis, sepsis, and shock. I routinely care for patients on ECMO, impella, and other forms of mechanical circulatory support. I regul...
Doron Schneider, MD, MBA
Chief Safety/Quality Officer
Dresher, Pennsylvania
Internal Medicine, Hospitalist
Primary Care, Transitions of Care, Hospital Care, Medication Errors, Readmissions, Causality, Missed / Delayed Diagnosis, Standards of Care, Heart Attack, Falls, Pressure Ulcers, Cancer, Sepsis, Pulmonary Embolism, Acute Kidney Injury, Hypertension, Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, DVT
Dr. Schneider is a board certified practicing internist with over 25 years experience as a hospitalist and a primary care physician. He has served as a health system Chief Safety and Quality Officer, VP for Population Health for a population health company, Deputy Program Director for an internal medicine residency and Deputy Editor of a major clinical journal focusing on diabetes. Dr. Schneider has been recognized as being a Philadelphia Top Doc each year from 2018-2024. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Schneider has extensive experience in medico-legal defense work and has opined on dozens of cases ranging from falls, pressure ulcers, delayed diagnosis of cancer, sepsis, DVTs and beyond.
Andrew Nathanson, MD, FACEP, FAWM
Emergency Medicine & Water Sports Injuries
Bristol, Rhode Island
Emergency Medicine, Aquatics Safety
Intubation, MI, Heart Attack, Stroke, Sepsis, Appendicitis, Epidural abscess, Aortic dissection, DVT, Pulmonary Embolism, Ischemia, Frostbite, Fracture, Ectopic Pregnancy, head trauma, emergency trauma, Intracranial Hemorrhage. Wilderness medicine, Drowning, Sailing injuries, Surfing injury
I am a Board Certified in Emergency Medicine since 1994. I am a Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, working full-time clinically at 2 at hospitals for the last 30 years. One, a busy urban academic trauma center, the other a community hospital. I attended Ivy league College and am professor at an Ivy league medical school. Over my career I have been: Director of Quality Assurance, Chair of Morbidity and Mortality conference, served on the BOD, led a Medical School course, served on Peer-Review committees for insurance companies, taught hundreds of Emergency Medicine Residents, and been recipient of numerous teaching and research awards. I have been a Fellow in the American College of Emergency Medicine since 1997.
I lecture nationally on Error Reduction in emergency medicine, and internationally on Wilderness Medicine topics and have been a Fellow in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM) since 2013 . I am the author of over a dozen peer-reviewed publications, a book, and ...
Courtney Brady, M.D.
Experienced Internal Medicine - Hospitalist
Brady Medical Consulting, LLC
Charleston, South Carolina
Internal Medicine, Hospitalist
hospital medicine, hospice/palliative care, DVT, pulmonary embolism, afib, acute medical conditions, chronic medical conditions, sepsis, geriatric care, causation, standard of care, medical complications
Originally from New York City, Dr. Brady spent her undergraduate years in the Northeast, attended Temple University Medical School in Philadelphia, and then made her way to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston to complete her residency in Internal Medicine. She has been board-certified in Internal Medicine since 2003 (with recertifications in 2013 and 2023) and has practiced clinical medicine since that time.
Dr. Brady spent several years in the outpatient general internal medicine setting before transitioning to become an inpatient academic hospitalist in 2007. She had also concomitantly worked as a hospice medical director from 2019 to 2021. Dr. Brady has in-depth knowledge of chronic medical conditions, acute illness requiring intensive inpatient hospitalization, palliation, and management of terminal medical diseases and general geriatric care.
Dr Brady's niche as it pertains to being a medical expert will be focused on hospital medicine. She has particular ...
Micha Joffee, MD, Board Certified in Family Medicine
Primary Care Expert Witness
Joffee Consulting, LLC
Vienna, Virginia
Family Medicine, Internal Medicine
Standard of Care, kidney disease, heart attack, sleep apnea, abnormal labs, failure to diagnose, Lyme disease delayed diagnosis, pulmonary embolism, DVT, abnormal imaging, infection, allergic reactions, medication allergy, Cancer Diagnosis, headache, subdural hematoma, drug toxicity
Dr. Joffee is a seasoned primary care physician and practice owner located in Northern Virginia near Washington, DC. He earned his medical degree from Emory University and then continued with his residency training at the Medical College of Virginia (now Virginia Commonwealth University). Dr. Joffee is Board Certified in Family Medicine.
As a clinician and practice owner Dr Joffee has developed successful office systems designed to deliver excellent evidence based care to his patients. As such he is an expert on typical primary care subject matter in addition to systems based errors that can occur in an outpatient medical office. Dr. Joffee is well regarded by his peers and has been selected by them as a Washingtonian magazine Top Doctor and Northern Virginia Living magazine Top Doctor in almost every year since 2015. He supervises and teaches medical students and is an Assistant Professor of Medical Education at University of Virginia and a Clinical Instructor for Georgetown U...