Credit Risk Expert Witnesses

Credit risk expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on credit risk. The credit risk expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Banking.

Dante Tosetti

Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

Danville, California
Banking - Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management, PPP, Paycheck Protection Program, Elder Financial Exploitation, EFE, Credit Risk, Fraud, BSA, AML, Underwriting, Policy, Procedures, Best Practices
Call for CV.

Gary Stoley

Credit Risk and Lending

Gary Stoley Credit Risk Advisory Services

Trafford, Pennsylvania
Banking - Credit Risk, underwriting, forensic loan fraud, lending policy/procedures, commercial real estate, working capital line of credit, asset based and secured financing, indirect auto, home equity, mortgage, agriculture, farm, foreclosure, collections, regulator enforcement actions, board governance
My background includes 33 years as a federal regulator, five additional years as a contractor with that regulator,eight years of consulting with banks and credit unions and six years as an expert witness. I specialize in evaluation of credit risk and credit related functions. I have extensive experience in community banks and credit unions, mid size banks, and considerable experience in the largest banks in the country. I am available for credit/lending related expert witness work in the menu of items listed above. This includes the cradle to grave life cycle of credit: Policy, procedures, staffing/expertise, underwriting, credit administration, risk management, reporting/MIS, problem loan management/collections, foreclosure/repossession, mortgage assistance programs and collateral/appraisal management. I am experienced in forensic credit related fraud identification, investigation/documentation, referrals to FBI/DOJ/OCC authorities and depositions. I have extensively evaluated int...