Birth Injuries Expert Witnesses

Birth injuries expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on birth injuries. The birth injuries expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Gynecology, Legal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting, Life Care Planning, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical, Pediatrics, and Psychology.

Nancy Nielsen, BSN, RN

Nancy Nielsen RN Consulting

Morgan Hill, California
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting - NICU Nurse Expert, Neonatal Nursing, Premature Baby, Newborn/Infant Nurse, Cerebral Palsy, Birth Injuries, Birth Asphyxia, Medication Errors, High-Risk Deliveries, Ventilators, Inhaled Nitric Oxide, NEC, IV Complications, Sepsis, NRP, Central Lines, Medical Record Review, Standards of Care
Nancy Nielsen has 39+ years of expertise as a neonatal nurse in large, academic Level III and IV Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU), She has decades of experience attending high-risk neonatal deliveries, resuscitation, and post-delivery stabilization. Nancy has thorough knowledge and expertise in caring for various diagnoses including but not limited to abdominal wall defects, prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), tracheoesophageal fistulas (TEF), cardiac defects, metabolic abnormalities, meconium aspiration, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), hydrocephalus, chronic lung disease (CLD), exchange transfusions, genetic abnormalities, hyperbilirubinemia, sepsis, IV complications, electrolyte imbalances, hemolytic abnormalities and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). Nurse Nielsen provides expert care for critically-ill neonates requiring advanced modes of ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide therapy (iNO), arterial blood pressure monitori...

Charles E Stoopack, MD

Carlsbad, California
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Birth injuries, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Monitoring, Labor Management, Shoulder Dystocia, Obstetrical Complications, Vacuum and Forceps Deliveries, VBAC, GYN Surgery Injuries, Operative Laparoscopy, Peer Review, General OB/GYN, Motor Vehicle Accidents during Pregnancy
Assistant Professor/Health Sciences Clinical Instructor UCSD Medical School. Recipient of The Excellence in Teaching Award in 2018. Named as a "Top Doctor" in 2004 San Diego Magazine and 1999 "Guide to Top Doctors," both as selected by physician peers. Board Certified, Fellow ACOG. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society at New York Medical College. Jury friendly, articulate, credible and honest.

James R. Hocker, MD

Fernandina Beach, Florida
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - NICU, Neonatology, prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, birth trauma, birth injuries, birth defects, sepsis, hypoglycemia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, bilirubin encephalopathy, newborn resuscitation
-Board certified neonatologist who has practiced for 29 years in both private and academic practices. -Has worked in all levels of care from normal newborn nurseries to Level IV NICUs -Experience as a Medical Director of a Level IV NICU for 18 years -On faculty at University of Illinois College of Medicine for 28 years -Has worked with Advanced Practice Nurses, Residents and medical students at the bedside and in the classroom -Over 10 years of experience as Medical Expert Witness for both plaintiff and defense -Multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals

Samuel Taylor, MD

Comprehensive Women's Health

Valdosta, Georgia
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Review of birth injuries, cerebral palsy, fetal monitoring, labor management, shoulder dystocia, vacuum and forceps deliveries, VBAS
Dr. Taylor has practiced medicine for over 30 years and provides clinical and surgical care to obstetric and gynecology patients. In addition to delivering babies, Dr. Taylor performs lararoscopic, vaginal and abdominal hysterectomies, surgery for stress and urinary incontinence, surgery for vaginal prolapses, endometrial ablations (for heavy periods), laparoscopic tubal ligations, Essure tubal occlusions, hysteroscopies (for abnormal bleeding), and treatments for ectopic pregnancies. Dr. Taylor has a special interest in high risk obstetrics and infertility.

Bruce G Livingston, D.O., J.D.

Medical case review, no merit no charge-lawyers

MedWitness, Ltd.

Skokie, Illinois
Legal Medicine, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical - Medical Legal Consultant, Medical Case Consultant, Medical Malpractice Consultant, Medical Malpractice Expert, Medical Malpractice Case Review, Personal Injuries, Birth Injuries, Emergency Medical Services, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology & Spine, Family Medicine
NO MERIT - NO CHARGE CASE REVIEWS FOR LAW FIRMS. Bruce Livingston is a physician & surgeon licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches in the State of Illinois and degree in law. He has participated and consulted in a high number of complex medical litigation across the Country in all specialties. He also has experience in medical patents and medical commercial litigation. He owns MedWitness, Ltd. We review any type of medical case in any specialty within 72 hours. If your case does not have merit or if it does but counsel does not wish to proceed there is no charge for the consultation and/or review. We have decades of experience across the nation evaluating medical-legal cases and can tell you very quickly if the case has medical merit and what it might be worth. We are able to assist in the case set up and suggest as well as procure appropriate medical experts who will themselves testify for you. We are also available to serve as on going non-testifying experts to d...

Elizabeth A Lambeth, RN, BSN , MS

Louisiana Care Partners, LLC

Lafayette , Louisiana
Pediatrics, Psychology - Mental Health, Autism, Behavioral Issues, Trauma, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Counseling, Birth Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury


Northeast Life Care Planning, Inc.

Holden, Maine
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Nurse Case Manager, Medical Cost Projections, Nurse Life Care Planning, Nurse Life Care Planner, Life Care Plans, Life Care Planner, Life Care Planning, Medicare Set-Asides, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Pediatrics, Amputations, Birth Injuries
Barbara Bate is Principal of Northeast Life Care Planning, Inc. (NLCP®), a nurse consulting company, providing a variety of services nationwide, including medical case management, medical file reviews/chronologies, medical cost projections, Medicare set-aside allocations/conditional payment review, as well as life care plan development/review. Barbara has over 40 years of experience as a registered nurse and holds certifications in Rehabilitation Nursing (CRRN), Legal Nurse Consulting (LNCC), Case Management (CCM, CMGT-BC), Life Care Planning (CNLCP®, CHLCP™), and Brain Injury (CBIS). She has provided medical case management services for patients with severe injuries such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, and orthopedic injuries since 1994 in addition to clinical work experience in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, Pediatrics and Obstetrics. Her life care planning experience includes working with individuals diagnosed with multiple trauma, chronic pain, ...

Janelle C Cooper, MD

Columbia, Maryland
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Gynecology - OB GYN generalist, Shoulder dystocia, Labor management, Obstetric hemorrhage, VBAC, Office OB/GYN, Cesarean section, Pap smears, Birth injuries, Endometrial ablation, Vacuum delivery, Ovarian cysts, Hysteroscopy, Dilation and curettage (D&C), Laparoscopy, Myomectomy, Fibroids, Contraception
Training: OB-GYN residency program: Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown University 2010-2014 Medical School: University of Maryland 2006-2010 Master of Biological Science: Drexel University 2004-2006 Bachelor of Science: Duke University 2000-2004 Clinical Experience: Private practice as OB-GYN generalist since 2014 (currently active in practice) Attending physician practicing general obstetrics and gynecology including full range obstetrical care, labor and delivery coverage, routine and preventative gynecologic care, contraception management, in office procedures, and gynecologic surgery. Certifications: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Diplomate (active) December 2017-Present National Certification Corporation: External Fetal Monitoring Certification (active) March 2015-Present The Fetal Medicine Foundation (11-13 week ultrasound (nuchal translucency) theoretical course) December 2020 -Certified Supervisory/Interpreting Physician for Ultrasounds American Red Cros...

Christopher S Murphy, MD, JD, FACOG

Ogden Clinic

Ogden, Utah
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Legal Medicine - OB/Gyn Board Certified, Labor and Delivery Specialist, Laborist, Operative Deliveries Forceps/Vacuum, Cesarean Section Complications, Birth Injuries, Shoulder Dystocia, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Fetal Distress, Birth Trauma, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hysterectomy Complications, Gynecology
I am a Board-Certified OB-GYN with 20 years of experience, having received intensive, high-level training at premier military hospitals. I completed my undergraduate studies at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN, and earned my medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD. I then completed my internship and residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Madigan Army Medical Center, Fort Lewis, WA. In addition to my medical training, I earned my law degree in just 2.5 years from Arizona Summit Law School in Phoenix, AZ. I am a licensed attorney and an active member of both the Arizona and Utah State Bars. Currently based in Ogden, Utah, I serve as the OB/GYN Department Chair and Laborist Director at two Level I Trauma Center hospitals. With over 6,000 deliveries, thousands of surgical procedures, and countless patient encounters, I have extensive experience diagnosing, managing, and treating a full spectrum of obstetric and gyn...