Physician Credentialing Expert Witnesses

Physician credentialing expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on physician credentialing. The physician credentialing expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospital Administration, Medical Management, and Vascular Surgery.


Mark A. Smith, MD Healthcare Consulting

Palm Springs, California
Medical Management, Vascular Surgery - Physician Credentialing, Physician Peer Review, Negligent Credentialing, Negligent Peer Review, Patient Safety, Healthcare Quality, Performance Improvement, Fair/Judicial hearings, Medical Staff Affairs, Conflicts of Interest, Physician Integration and Alignment, Physician conduct
Dr. Smith is an independent senior healthcare consultant and a practicing vascular surgeon as a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. He has provided expert medical testimony in cases involving medical staff affairs, peer review and credentialing/privileging. He previously served as the Chief Medical Officer with Morrisey Associates Inc/ Morcare LLC for six years and for The Hardenbergh Group0 for 2 years.. He brings 40+ years of clinical practice and hospital management experiences to his work with physicians and hospitals across the United States. He is Board Certified in Vascular Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Healthcare Executives. He is a member of the American College of Physician Executives, the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Southern California Vascular Surgical Society. Dr. Smith has an expertise in system quality and performance improvement, peer review, ongoing and focused pro...

Bruce H. Podrat, MBA, MHA

Hospital administrative litigation expertise

Practical Healthcare Solutions, LLC

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Hospital Administration - Physician credentialing, hospital policies/procedures, hospital standards of care, Joint Comm. Standards, alleged billing disputes, business valuations, negligent hiring, Med. Staff bylaws
Pertaining to litigation support, Mr. Podrat has more than thirty-five years of extensive involvement in complex healthcare-related litigation including, identification of breach of standards of care in the operation of hospitals, nursing homes and ambulatory care environments, physician credentialing in both hospital and managed care organizations, hospital and medical staff bylaws, interpretation of Joint Commission Standards, negligent hiring, managed care contracting, administrative and economic analysis related to enterprise value and third-party billing disputes Mr. Podrat also serves as an advisor and mentor to newly graduated MHA's through the American Collège of HealthCare Executives.

W. Anthony Gerard, MD, FACEP, FAAFP

Highly Experienced Expert in EM, Urgent Care, FM

Palmyra, Pennsylvania
Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine - Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Family Physicians in Emergency Medicine, Rural Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine Workforce, Physician Credentialing, Criminal Defense Cases, Emergency Medicine Malpractice, Insurance Reviews, Peer Review
URGENT CARE, FAMILY MEDICINE, EMERGENCY MEDICINE Full time clinician and assistant clinical professor. Prompt and professional expert on the standard of care for family medicine, urgent care and emergency medicine. Reasonable rates, and expedited reviews when necessary: I'm always willing to discuss a case without obligation. Published author on family physicians in emergency medicine; workforce and credentialing issues in EM. Full-time practice of EM, part time urgent care, Family practice trained emergency physician; broad scope of practice that includes the initial management of most clinical conditions. Some Key terms for searching : sore throat, peritonsilar abscess, mastoiditis, allergic reaction, glacoma, eye injury, loss of vision, double vision, vertigo, cerebellar, anaphylaxis, airway management, failure to intubate, arrythmias, chest injury, trauma, pneumonia, pneumothorax, chest pain, heart disease, other myocardial diseases, pericardial tamponade, pulmonary ...

Bruce H. Podrat, MBA, MHA

Hospital administrative litigation expertise

Practical Healthcare Solutions, LLC

Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Hospital Administration - Physician credentialing, hospital policies/procedures, hospital standards of care, Joint Comm. Standards, alleged billing disputes, business valuations, negligent hiring, Med. Staff bylaws
Pertaining to litigation support, Mr. Podrat has more than thirty-five years of extensive involvement in complex healthcare-related litigation including, identification of breach of standards of care in the operation of hospitals, nursing homes and ambulatory care environments, physician credentialing in both hospital and managed care organizations, hospital and medical staff bylaws, interpretation of Joint Commission Standards, negligent hiring, managed care contracting, administrative and economic analysis related to enterprise value and third-party billing disputes Mr. Podrat also serves as an advisor and mentor to newly graduated MHA's through the American Collège of HealthCare Executives.