Actuarial Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of actuarial expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on actuarial and related issues. Actuarial expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these actuarial expert witnesses testify regarding may include: 401k Plans, Actuarial, Actuarial Present Values (Pv), Actuary, Administrative Reinsurance, Annuities, Audits, Auto Insurance, Bad Faith Insurance, Business Pv Contract Calculations, Defined Benefit Retirement Plans, Disability, Divorce Pv Equitable Distributions, Economic Damages, and Economic Loss Valuation.

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Arthur B Kagan, FSA, EA

A | K Actuarial & Pension Services

Woodland Hills, California
Actuarial, Statistics - Actuary, Pension Plans, retirement plans, 401k plans, ERISA, IRS compliance, audits, pension consulting, life expectancy calculations, marital dissolution, employee benefits, personal injury, wrongful death, disability, loss of income, life estate values, insurance, annuities, executive plans
In the past 4 years I have completed about 50 expert witness cases, including personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, economic damages, family law, life estates, ERISA. public pension plan participant values, insurance, annuities, disability, deferred compensation plans, and general litigation. My experience is that by providing attorneys with an expert witness report by a certified actuary, they can win larger claims for their client. I am listed on many of the expert witness directories, as well as on Google. My CV is attached. Professional affiliations include F.S.A, Fellow Society of Actuaries (highest education for an actuary), E. A. Enrolled Actuary, M. A. A. A Member American Academy of Actuaries, ASPPA American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries, NIPA National Institute of Pension Administrators, and past affiliation as F. C. A. Fellow of Conference of Consulting Actuaries. Prior Board Member for Conference of Consulting Actuaries and N...

Hayden Burrus, FCAS, MAAA

Workers' Comp and Liability Actuary - 25 Yr expert

HB Actuarial Services, Inc.

Delray Beach, Florida
Actuarial, Insurance - workers compensation, reserves, rate filing, self insurance, auto insurance, liability insurance, loss reserving
o Financial analysis of an insolvent insurer o Deposition regarding the rates and stacking practices of Uninsured Motorist / Auto Liability coverage for a large multistate auto insurer. o Actuarial valuations of commissions due from an insurance company. o Retained Chief Actuary services for a growing publicly traded workers’ compensation insurer; charged with building actuarial expertise from the ground up. o Expert preparation for appeal of NCCI rulings on experience rating modification factor process. o Opinion Letter to Ohio Department of Insurance on a Regulatory Settlement Agreement. o Actuarial Expert for Insurer in Receivership. o Negotiations and sworn statements with Florida Office of Insurance Regulation over excess profits statutes. o Expert opinion and deposition related to the filed policy forms with a state insurance department. o Workers compensation premium calculations for a premium dispute between insurer and insured. • Preparations of actuarial portion of S...


Joseph Edmonds, FSA

Actuarial, Economics - Actuarial present values (PV), Defined benefit retirement plans, Public employee retirement plans, Divorce PV equitable distributions, Insurance life and annuity contract PV comparisons, Business PV contract calculations, Self-funded medical plan reserves, Pension plan benefit and compliance issues
Fellow Society Actuaries (FSA), Enrolled Actuary (EA), Member American Academy Actuaries (MAAA), Fellow Conference Actuaries (FCA), MS Mathematics, MA Economics. Extensive experience in retirement plan benefit calculations, present value determinations, divorce equitable distribution of pension benefits, Valuation of life and annuity insurance illustrations, self-funded medical plan reserves. Valuation of retirement plan benefits and compliance issues, Actuarial Present Value of contracts, public employee pension plan benefits. Recent assignments included the comparison valuation of two life insurance contracts based on annual gain/loss amounts discounted to the current age of the insured, valuation of a business purchase agreement based on PV of projected annual profits and expenses discounted using select and ultimate interest rates.

John E. Beauzile, MS

Beauzile Forensic Economics LLC

Binghamton, New York
Economics, Actuarial - Economic Damages, Economic Loss Valuation, Life-Care Plans Valuations, Valuation of Wrongful Death, Pension Valuation, Forensic Economics, Forensic Economist, Valuation of Personal Injury
John E. Beauzile is a Columbia University-educated actuarial analyst. He has experience working with businesses, consulting firms, and legal firms. Mr. Beauzile has submitted 800+ expert reports before the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Jeremy Starr, FSA. MAAA

Jeremy Starr Consulting LLC

New York, New York
Actuarial, Insurance - life reinsurance, Yearly Renewable Term rate increases, Recapture disputes, life reinsurance coverage issues, reinsurance manager underwriting authority disputes, life reinsurance regulatory issues, life insurance securitization, financial reinsurance, surplus relief, administrative reinsurance
Over 45 years of experience in life (re)insurance practice. Created and ran a reinsurance acquisition division for Fortune 250 company. Managing Director working on life insurance securitizations for a major investment bank. Company roles have included senior officer in charge of reinsurance pricing and/or valuation. Actively lobbied insurance regulators on life reinsurance issues and was chief life reinsurance industry company lobbyist when chair of the American Council of Life Insurers’ Reinsurance Committee from 1999-2000. Chair of the Reinsurance Section of the Society of Actuaries and Chair of a reinsurance committee at the Academy of Actuaries. Chair of task forces that wrote an actuarial standard on life, annuity, and health reinsurance financial reporting and a second that wrote a practice note on credit for reinsurance. Author of the reinsurance chapter in the Society of Actuaries textbook “International Financial Reporting for Insurers.” Experience includes over a dozen ca...

Robert Hughes Associates, Inc.

Richardson, Texas
Insurance, Actuarial - P&C, L&H, reinsurance, insurance agency standards, insurance underwriting, insurance archaeology, bad faith, actuarial, property & casualty insurance, life & health insurance, risk management, insurance broker standards
Robert Hughes Associates, established 1979, is a group of insurance experts with a wide range of experience and backgrounds -- former insurance company executives, agents, brokers, underwriters, Workers Compensation specialists, D&O and E&O expertise, risk managers, claims managers, adjusters, actuaries and captive management specialists. Degrees include Masters and PhDs. Certifications include CPCU, RPLU, RF, ACE, ACAS, MAAA, CLU, CEBS, FCAS, SCLA, ChFC, RHU, LLIF, CRPS, FLMI, and CSSC. Robert Hughes Associates is an internationally recognized insurance, risk management and actuarial consulting company, with membership in the Academy of Experts (London), Fellow of the Institute of Directors (London), and Tribunalized at Lloyd’s of London.
You can also find Actuarial Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, New York, and Texas