Order Total: $635

- $635

Listing Information

Education & Experience

General Area of Expertise/Specialty

If your specialty does not appear below, contact the Directory Manager: (508) 457-5150

Include your specialties not already listed above; subspecialties, niches, and types of cases you are available to work on. Searchable online and in the print directory.

300 Character Max

Appears in your online listing and is searchable on our website. This should be your bio/profile and provides attorneys with additional information about yourself (experience, skills, education, knowledge, training, certifications, licenses, any teaching you may do, etc.).

4000 Character Max

Upgrade Your Listing For More Visibility

Additional State Listings

The default search on our website is national (All States). All experts meeting the search criteria will appear in national searches. Experts appear in the print Directory under their home state. We offer online Additional State listings at a discounted rate. These are normally taken by members who have offices in multiple states, or who are looking to specifically target lawyers looking for experts in particular states. The cost is $350.00 per state/year.

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Terms of Service

I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. In consideration for SEAK,Inc., publishing the above information to persons or entities who may wish to retain my services as an expert, I hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend SEAK, Inc., its agents, employees and attorneys from any and all damages, claims, suits, actions, attorneys fees, costs and or judgments arising from any knowing falsehoods or inaccuracies contained in the above form. SEAK reserves the absolute right to refuse to accept or to remove any existing listings. You hereby agree that your sole remedy in such instances will be the refund of your applicable listing fee(s).