Emily Greenwald, MD Expert Witness

Pediatric Emergency Medicine & Medical Director

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  • Phone: (267) 258-5152
  • Cell: (267) 258-5152

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics


Pediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist, ; Pediatric Emergency Department Medical Director ,

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

Medical Director, Pediatric Emergency Department, Duke University Dr. Greenwald is a highly respected physician and Medical Director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at Duke University, where she leads operational initiatives to ensure the highest quality of care. A nationally recognized expert in pediatric airway management and trauma simulation, Dr. Greenwald has extensive clinical expertise across all areas of pediatric emergency medicine, with particular focus on pediatric pre-hospital care, community emergency department settings, pediatric trauma, and pediatric sepsis. In addition to clinical excellence, Dr. Greenwald is a distinguished educator known for translating complex medical concepts into clear, concise explanations that resonate with lay juries. His/her ability to communicate effectively and responsively ensures that deadlines are consistently met, and the case is presented with precision and clarity. With a commitment to excellence in both clinical and procedural aspects of pediatric emergency care, Dr. Greenwald offers unparalleled insight as an expert witness.