Medical Imaging - Expert Witness - UCLA / UCL

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology

Keywords/Search Terms:

neuroscience, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimers, psychiatry, medical imaging, MRI, X-ray, EEG, brain injury, toxicology, hyoid bone, ultrasound, error analysis, image segmentation, manganese, mining, childhood developmental disorders, Artificial Intelligence (AI), DNA, Statistics


Fellowship, University College London; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; Masters in Biotechnology, University of Pennsylvania; BS, The Johns Hopkins University

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

PK Douglas, PhD Citations: 4000+ Publications: 200+ i10 index: 29 SUMMARY: - Expert witness who has analyzed thousands of MRI and functional MRI images. - Lectured in over 20 countries at some of the most prestigious universities and scientific meetings. - Study section for the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) - Publications on traumatic brain injury (TBI), Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease - Additional methods include: ECG, EKG, fluoroscope, ultrasound, DNA, genetics, and toxicology EDUCATION Johns Hopkins University B.S. Biomedical Engineering University of Pennsylvania Masters Biotechnology, Summa Cum Laude University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. Neuroengineering, ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS University College London (2023-) Hon. Senior Lecturer Queen Square Institute for Neurology UCLA (2015-2022) Assistant Research Professor, Researcher Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine IST SMST (2016-2022) Assistant Professor Modeling and Simulation, Computer Science SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Douglas, DB, Ro, T, Toffoli, T, Krwchuk, B, Muldermans, J, Gullo, J, Dulberger, A, Anderson, AE, Douglas, PK, Wintermark, M. “Neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury” Medical Sciences 7, 12 (2019) Cristov-Moore, L, Reggente, N, Vaccaro, A, Schoeller, F, Pluimer, B, Douglas, PK, Iacoboni, M, Kaplan, J. “Preventing Antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy” Science Robotics 8(80) eabq3658 (2023) Larios-Dutta, C, Cristov-Moore, L, Ombao, H, Douglas, PK “Neuroprotection in Late Life ADHD: A Review of Pharmacotherapy  and Phenotype across the Lifespan” Accepted Pending Minor Edits, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Vo. 16 (2022) Anderson, AE, Diaz-Santos, M, Frei, S, Dang, BH, Kaur, P, Lyden, P, Buxton, R, Douglas, PK, Bilder, R, Esfandiari, M, Friston, KJ, Nookala, U, Bookheimer, SY, “Hemodynamic latency is associated with reduced intelligence across the lifespan: an fMRI DCM study of aging, cerebrovascular integrity, and cognitive ability,” Brain Structure & Function, 225 (6), 1705-1717 (2020) Douglas, DB, Iv, M., Douglas, PK, Anderson, A., Zeineh, M, Wintermark , M. Diffusion tensor imaging of Traumatic Brain Injury – Potentials and challenges. (2015) Top Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Oct;24(5):241-51. PMID: 26502306 Cooray, GK, Sengupta, B, Douglas, PK, Englund, M. Wickstrom, R. Friston, K. “Characterizing Seizures in anti-NMDA- receptor encephalitis with dynamic causal modelling. Neuroimage. 30:118-508 (2015). PMID: 26032883 Kerr, W.T. Cho, A.Y, Anderson, A., Douglas, PK, Lau, E.P., Hwang, E.S. Raman, K.R. Treffler, A. Cohen, M.S., Nguyen,S.T., Reddy, N.M. Silverman, D.H. “Balancing Clinical and Pathologic Relevance in the Machine Learning Diagnosis of Epilepsy.” IEEE Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), 2013 DOI: 10.1109/PRNI.2013.31 Bystritsky, A, Korb, AS, Douglas, PK, Cohen, MS, Melega, WP, Mulgaonkar, AP, Desalles, A, Min BK, Yoo, SS, “A Review of Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Pulsation” Brain Stimulation. 2011 July; 4(3): 125-136. PMID: 21777872 Douglas, PK, Cohen MS, DiStefano JJ, III. “Chronic exposure to aerosolized Manganese (Mn) may have lasting effects: a Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Model” J Toxicology & Environ Chem, 2010; 92(2): 279-299. INVITED LECTURES (Selected) 2024 Keynote, IEEE Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, Korea 2023 Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Multimodal Workshop 2023 IEEE ICASSP: Unraveling the Brain Workshop 2023 Institute of Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) - Explainable AI Workshop 2020 National Institute of Health (NIH - NIMH) TEACHING Brain Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Biological Psychology, Organic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Lab, Inorganic Chemistry, Research Methods, Machine learning algorithms and multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA)