Olivia Brown, LMT, GTS, CA, CBF Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

Massage Therapy Expert Witness

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:


Keywords/Search Terms:

Professional misconduct, Sexual misconduct, Professional ethics, Standard of care, scope of practice, File review, Failure to refer, Insurance fraud, Improper billing, Improper documentation


Professional Massage Therapist, Arizona School of Massage Therapy; Graston Technique Specialist, Graston Technique, LLC; Chiropractic Assistant, Canham College; Conscious Breathwork Facilitator, Amarsi

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

Knowledge of the standard of care for the massage therapy profession, and the legal requirements for massage therapists working as a Chiropractic Assistant underneath the license of a chiropractic physician. Knowledge of the correct techniques for draping and respecting personal boundaries during massage therapy. Over 20 years of experience as a licensed massage therapist (LMT). Experience hiring, training, and managing a staff of up to five licensed massage therapists in a multidisciplinary office working with chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy and naturopathic providers. Knowledge of Graston Technique. One of the first massage therapists in the USA certified in Graston Technique in 2018. Completed training for Graston Technique Specialist in 2021. Experienced in the proper technique for gua sha/scraping, cupping and medical massage therapy procedures.