Jay Raisen, MD Expert Witness

Otolaryngology Expert Witness

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Phone: (463) 227-7999
  • Cell: (463) 227-7999

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Otolaryngology and Otology

Keywords/Search Terms:

Hearing Loss, Rhinology, Sinus Surgery, Sinusitis, Tinnitus, Ringing, Dizziness, Balloon Sinuplasty, Tonsillectomy, Vertigo, Anosmia, Loss of Smell, Ear Tubes, Ear Infection, Otolaryngic Allergy, Otology, OTO, ENT


MD, University of Toronto; BSc, University of Manitoba

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Dr. Jay Raisen is a Board-Certified, double fellowship trained surgical Otolaryngologist in active clinical practice with more than 27 years experience. Accessible and available to connect 24/7 most days, Dr. Raisen is an experienced expert witness. His medical practice currently concentrates in RHINOLOGY, OTOLOGY, OTOLARYNGIC ALLERGY and GENERAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY. Diagnosis, medical treatment, and surgery for problems in the nose, sinus, and ear, and throat as well as with hearing , ringing, allergy, and immunotherapy, are areas of interest which derive from over 27 years of comprehensive ENT practice. Dr. Raisen has both private practice and health system perspective with significant involvements in complex medical case management. Other areas of specialized knowledge in healthcare include administrative, electronic health record / IT, project coordination, and management. Personal strengths include a calm demeanor, resilient work ethic, while demonstrating excellent interpersonal, writing, editing, and presentation skills. Dr. Raisen uses a reasoned methodologic approach to clinical diagnosis, medical care, surgical treatment, and finding fact. Diplomate, American Board Otolaryngology (ABO) Fellow, American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA); Fellow, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS); Otology Fellowship, Minnesota Ear Head and Neck Clinic, Riverside University Medical Center; Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; Medical Degree, University of Toronto, Canada (MD) : Bachelor of Science, University of Manitoba CV available upon request.