Florida License # PY-5449
Updated 02/16/2024
DOB: 10/11/1950
Family Status: Married, two children
Office 13834 SW 122 Court; Miami, Florida 33186
Tel: (305) 256 4324 Fax: (305) 256 5610
Institution |
Degree |
Major |
Date |
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL |
Ph.D. |
Clinical Psychology |
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL |
M.S. |
Clinical Psychology |
1991 |
Rhode Island College Providence, RI 02908 BA Psychology |
BA (Magna cum Laude) |
Psychology |
1989 |
RI School of Radio and Electronics, Providence RI 02908 |
Diploma |
Electronic Technology |
1971 |
Employer |
Position |
Michael J. DiTomasso, Ph.D., P.A. 12853 SW 150 Terrace Miami Florida, 256-9863
Forensic Psychologist: Forensic, Clinical, and Psychoeducational Evaluations; Expert Witness Services |
08/1996 to present |
University of Miami Coral Gables FL 33124 305-284-5675
Guest Lecturer in Psychology (Two courses per semester. I taught Personality Theory, Tests and Measurements and Forensic Psychology). |
1992 to 2017 |
Florida Atlantic University College of Liberal Arts 2912 College Avenue Davie, FL 33314-7714 |
Teaching PSY-4302/6934F, Personality Testing and Measurement, on the Davie Campus |
8/22/96 to 12/13/96. |
PsychSolutions (formerly Forensic Assessment and Screening Team) 1320 South Dixie Highway Coral Gables, FL 33143 Scott Roseman, Ph.D., Supervisor 662-5088 |
Psychological assessments, primarily involving delinquency and child abuse (Dependency) cases. Many forensic assessments. Limited psychotherapy. (I began by working part time, and later went to full time.) |
6-1992 to 8-1996
CHARLEE Program and Gladstone Center for Girls Miami, Florida 33130 |
Contract provider of Psychological Evaluations and other psychological services |
1996 to 2010 |
Juvenile Court Assessment Center 2700 NW 36 St. Miami, FL 33142 Gregory Lecklitner, Ph.D., Supervisor, 638-6774 |
Psychological Resident, performing court ordered psychological evaluations of children and adults in Juvenile Delinquency and Dependency cases. |
9-1994 to 3‑1995 |
Bayview Center for Mental Health Inc. 12550 Biscayne Blvd. N. Miami, FL 33181 Jose Raffo, Ph.D., Supervisor |
Clinical Psychology Intern, assessment and psychotherapy. Completed 40 assessments in the center’s Baker Act Receiving Unit. |
9-93 to 8‑94 |
Douglas Gardens CMHC 701 Lincoln Rd. Miami Beach, FL 33139 Michelle Fiorot, Ph.D., Supervisor 531‑5341 |
Mental Health Counselor |
5-93 to 8‑93 |
University of Miami Student Counseling Center Coral Gables FL 33124 Malcolm Kahn, Ph.D., Supervisor 284-5511 |
Psychometrist, administering psychological and career‑guidance tests. |
8-1991 to 4-1993 |
Miami Dade Community College 500 College Terrace Homestead, FL 33030
Adjunct Professor, teaching Introductory Psychology and Human Development. |
8-1991 to 4‑1992 |
University of Miami Dept. of Psychology Coral Gables FL 33124 Leonard Jacobson, Ph.D., Supervisor, 284-3371 |
Teaching Assistant: Lab Instructor for Experimental Social Psychology Course. Rewrote the lab manual for same. Also assisted with Drugs and Behavior course and Personality Theory course. |
8-1990 to 5‑1991
University of Miami Teacher Planning Project 308 Merrick Building Coral Gables FL 33142 Sharon Vaughn, Ph.D., Supervisor 284-6611
Research assistant, development of psychometric instruments, data coding and analysis, liaison with personnel in a number of public schools being studied. |
10-1989 to 7-1990 |
Cranston Community Action Inc. 41 Heath Ave. Cranston, RI 02910 Fatima Devine, MSW , Supervisor 401-467-9610 |
Social work and counseling with court involved adolescents and their families. |
3-1989 to 6-1989 |
American Electronics 152 Putnam Ave. Johnson, RI 02919 Mr. David Bartlett 401-231-1218 |
Owner/Operator of a automotive-electric business. Repair of automobiles and sales of automotive accessories. |
7-1977 to 12-1988 |
Dynamic Strategies in Sexual Assault Cases,
November 16 and 17, 2023
Training by National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Live Seminar in Las Vegas
Risk Matrix 2000 Seminar
May 23, 2023 and May 25, 2023
Interactive On-line Presentation (the official training activity for this instrument)
Dr. Maaike Helmus for SAARNA
Static-99R in the Courtroom: Legal Admissibility and Testimony
February 20, 2023
Interactive On-line Presentation
Dr. Sharon Kelly, Psy.D, for SAARNA
Beyond Diagnosis: Using Test Data for Case Conceptualization
Oct. 20, 2022
PAR (a psychological test publisher) training
Static-99R Scoring Training
September 19 and 21, 2022
Interactive On-line Presentation (the official training activity for this instrument)
Dr. Maaike Helmus for SAARNA
Interrogations and Disputed Confessions
March 9, 2022
Professional Resource Exchange Training Activity
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) Spring Regional Conference
Disney Yacht Club Resort March 21 and 22, 2017
Orlando, Florida
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) Convention and Training
Walter Reade Theater April 6 and 7, 2016
165 West 65 Street
New York, New York, 10023
Assessing Psychopathy with the PCL-R
Specialized Training Services Inc., June 14 and 15, 2013
PO Box 28181, San Diego, CA 92198
Dr. Reid Meloy, presenter
New Directions in Forensic and Clinical Assessment
APA Division 42; May 3, 4, 5, 2013
Bruce Frumpkin, Evaluation of intellectual disability
Yossef Ben-Porath, Using MMIP-2 RF in Forensic Evaluation
Richard Rogers, Malingering
David Faust, Best Practice forensically, Malingering
Lenore Walker, Battered Women’s Syndrome
Terrance Campbell, Assessing Risk of Future Violence and Assessing Child Pornography Offenders
Issues in Human Sexuality
Online course, 10 CEU’s 05/20/2012
Topics in Human Sexuality, Sexual Deviation
Online course, 05/07/2012
Forensic Evaluation and Juvenile Justice
University of South Florida, 10/15/2009
Forensic Evaluation of Juveniles, Social Security Disability, Guardianship Evaluations
Handbook of Psychology: Forensic Psychology
(on line CEU program, 36 credit hours) May 2008
Included sections on Evaluation of Sexual Predators by Mary Alice Conroy, Pathologies of attachment, Violence, and Criminality by Reid Meloy; Forensic Psychology, Public Policy, and the Law; Therapeutic Jurisprudence, etc.
HIPAA Compliance
Lorman Education Services, Miami Florida, March 28, 2003
Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Sexual Offenders
Medical Education Services, Professional Development Network January 23, 2003
Preserving the Reliability of Children’s Testimony
University of South Florida, February 28, 2002
Assessing Child Sexual Abuse
Correspondence course, Professional Resource Exchange, Sarasota FL, February 27. 2002.
Contemporary Ethical, Professional, and Legal Issues Facing the Practice of Psychology
Linda Sobell, Ph.D. January 12, 2002
Third Annual Assessment Psychology Conference
Presented by: Nova Southeastern University, Health Professions Division, American Board of Assessment Psychology, and American Academy of Assessment Psychology
Date: November 30 through December 2, 2001
Violence, Aggression and Risk: Clinical and Legal Issues
Presented by: Forensic and Clinical Psychology Associates, University of Florida College of Law, and Devereux Florida Treatment Network
January 21, 22, 23, 2000
Florida Family Law
Elizabeth Baldwin Esq., Kenneth Friedman Esq.
Presented by: Lorman Education Services
Date: December 8, 1999
Annual Institute on Law, Psychiatry, and Psychology
Thomas H. Grisso, Ph.D., et al.
Presented by: University of Miami School of Law
Date: November 12 – 13, 1999
Understanding the Anti-Social Personality
Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D.
Presented by: Institute for Integral Development
Date: March 4 & 5, 1999
Domestic Violence
Presented by: Infusion Inc.
Date: September 30, 1997
Fifth Annual National Symposium: Mental Health and the Law
Ethical, Therapeutic, and Legal Issues in Mental Health
Presented by: University of Miami School of Law; Forensic and Clinical Psychology Associates, P.A.; and Devereux Florida Treatment Network
Date: April 7 through 9, 1995
Florida Forensic Examiner Training
Norman Poythress, Ph.D.; Christopher Slobogin, J.D., LL.M.; and Randy Otto, Ph.D.
Presented by: Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida.
Date: December 9-10, 1994
Mental Health Professionals as Expert Witnesses
Norman Poythress, Ph.D.; Christopher Slobogin, J.D., LL.M.; and Randy Otto, Ph.D.
Presented by: Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida.
Date: December 8, 1994
How Psychotherapy Works
Harold Sampson, Ph.D. & Joseph Weiss, M.D.
Presented by: University of Miami School of Medicine
Date: March 1, 1993
The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorders
Roberta Sachs, Ph.D.
Presented by: The South Florida Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociative Disorders.
Date: Jan 11-12, 1991
Recall of Abuse in Childhood and Three Measures of Dissociation.
American Psychological Association Convention
Washington, DC
August 14, 1992
Bases of Badness: A Theoretical and Practical Discussion of the Causes of Conduct Disorder
Joining Forces Conference
Miami Florida, May 4, 1995.
Understanding Psychological Evaluation Reports. Presentation given to staff of the CHARLEE Program, in Miami, October 23, 2002
Since I began seeing clients in 1992, with the Forensic Assessment and Screening Team at the Juvenile Court. I have specialized in the clinical and forensic evaluation of children and their parents in cases involving sexual and physical abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and systemic family pathology. I have been recognized by various courts as an expert in the areas of Child Abuse and Neglect, Domestic Violence, and Family Functioning on hundreds of occasions.
I also handle many Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Criminal cases. I have worked on a number of murder and attempted murder cases, property crimes, drug crimes, crimes of violence, domestic violence cases and other felony and misdemeanor cases, and on many cases involving sexual offenses. I have evaluated and testified in immigration cases. I have done assessments to be presented in both State and Federal courts.
Over the past several years, I began accepting sexual offender cases and I became a member of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals to facilitate getting training and making contacts with other professionals who specialize in assessing dangerousness and likelihood of future offending.
I was associated with a Baker Act Receiving Facility for almost all of my internship year, and since then I have conducted many competency evaluations and clinical evaluations on the psychiatric unit of the Dade County Pre-Trial Detention Center. I consider myself an expert in recognition, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning for persons suffering major mental diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar spectrum disorders, and on the relationship between major mental disease and criminal conduct.
My Master’s Thesis and my Doctoral Dissertation both had to do Child Abuse and Neglect issues, and this has been an area of specialization for me since I was in graduate school. In my last year on campus at the University of Miami, I served as a trainer for the University’s Sexual Assault Response Team.
Proposal for: A Comprehensive Therapeutic Services Overlay Program to Redirect Youthful Male Offenders
Submitted to: State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.
July/August, 1996
The program was researched and designed by myself and David Bernstein, Psy. D. We wrote the sections of the proposal dealing with needs assessment, goals and objectives, operational plan, treatment model, and program structure. Sections pertaining to operating budget and to the provider corporation (PsychSolutions) were written by others. The proposal was chosen over several others, and funded at $232,000 per year to serve between 30 and 40 juveniles for three years. The program has since been expanded to other sites. The original program and it’s offshoot programs continued to operate as of my last contact with them in March of 2003.
DiTomasso, M.D. & Routh, D.K. (1993) Recall of Abuse in Childhood and Three Measures of Dissociation. Child Abuse and Neglect, 17, 477-485.
Jacobson, L. I. with DiTomasso, M.D. (1991) Laboratory Manual: Experimental Personality and Social Psychology. University of Miami.
Routh, D.K. & DiTomasso, M.D., Letter to the Editor. Child Abuse and Neglect.
I served as Reader on the Dissertation committee of Christina Fadil, at Carlos Albizu University. Dr. Fadil successfully defended her dissertation of 08/30/03
I served as Reader on the Dissertation Committee of Mr. Daniel Patz, at Carlos Albizu University. Dr. Patz successfully defended his dissertation in September of 2002.
I served as Dissertation Committee Chairperson for Eric Frazer, Psy.D. at the Miami Institute of Psychology/Carlos Albizu University, from January 1998 to May 2000 when Dr. Frazer successfully defended his dissertation.
I have taught at the University of Miami for about 20 years on a part time, adjunct level. I usually taught Personality Theory and Test and Measurements (psychological testing). I proposed a new course for the Psychology Department, in Forensic Psychology. The proposal was accepted, I piloted it and it was made part of the Department’s regular course offerings, at the 400 level (highest undergraduate level).
Organization |
Affiliation |
Date |
American Psychological Association, Washington DC |
Past Member |
1-1988 to 2022 |
The South Florida Society for Trauma Based Disorders |
Past Member |
2-1991 to 2-2000
ATAP Association of Threat Assessment Professionals Atlanta Southeast Chapter
Active Member
8- 2014 Ongoing
SAARNA The Society for the Advancement of Actuarial Risk/Need Assessment. The SAARNA mission is to promote research and implementation of tools for risk assessment and intervention, such as the STATIC-99
Active Member |
7-2022 Ongoing |
Miami Children’s Hospital Department of Clinical Psychology 3100 SW 62 Ave. Miami Florida 33155 |
Past Affiliation |
2-1997 to 2-2005 |
REFERENCES: On request