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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness
General Specialties:
Forensic Psychiatry and PsychiatryKeywords/Search Terms:
competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, civil commitment, guardianship, malpracticeEducation:
AB, Harvard College; MD, Albany Medical CollegeYears in Practice:
35Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:
25Additional Information
Over 35 years of clinical and forensic practice, I have developed a good sense of the standard of care for psychiatric patients with serious and persistent psychotic and mood disorders as well as familiarity and comfort in dealing with attorneys and legal proceedings. Earlier in my career, I conducted dozens of competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility ("insanity"), aid-in-sentencing and commitment evaluations and testified in subsequent court proceedings at Bridgewater State Hospital, the secure forensic facility for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Since then, I have continuously provided clinical care in both inpatient and outpatient settings--currently as an attending psychiatrist at a Massachusetts Department of Mental Health inpatient unit-- and have had extensive experience testifying on behalf of both petitioners and respondents in civil commitment and capacity to consent to treatment (guardianship) hearings in Massachusetts district and probate courts as well as criminal proceedings in district and superior courts and in federal district court.