Visibility & Conspicuity Expert Witnesses

Visibility & conspicuity expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on visibility & conspicuity. The visibility & conspicuity expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Human Factors and Trucking.

Nancy Grugle, PhD

Human Factors Expert Witness

Evidence Solutions, Inc.

Durango, Colorado
Human Factors, Trucking - Distracted Driving, Driver Behavior, Fatigue, Sleep Deprivation, Visibility & Conspicuity, Work Zone Safety, Autonomous Vehicles, Driver Assistance Technologies, Product Warnings, Premises Safety, Slip, Trip & Fall, Product User-Interface Design, Perception-Reaction Time, Looming, Drowsy Driving
Dr. Grugle is a human factors expert who specializes in investigating fatigue, sleep deprivation and drowsy driving as well as distracted driving, looming, visibility/conspicuity and driver behavior. Dr. Grugle has conducted hundreds of investigations on cases involving these issues as well as cases involving advanced driver assistance systems (forward collision warning, lane departure warning), roadway design (expectancy and positive guidance), and work zone safety. Dr. Grugle is a Board-Certified Human Factors Professional (CHFP) with over 20 years of academic, research and industry experience in human factors engineering. She was awarded competitive human factors research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Ohio Department of Transportation, and the Cleveland State University Transportation Center and her research has been published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Grugle conducts investigations for both plaintiff and defense counsel and ...